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1.4k · Apr 2014
Yasmin Arnavout Apr 2014
I lay here, gazing at nothing but darkness,
Yet it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
And I wonder,
How can darkness be so pretty?
So full of life,
When all it is, is nothing.
And I realise.
We do not see darkness,
We are darkness.
623 · Jun 2017
Yasmin Arnavout Jun 2017
I see her.
Faceless, beautiful, warm.
On this dark winters day,
As the wind screeches and the
Leaves run,
She is there.
My ears drawn to her.
Such a comfort that I can
See her ever so rapidly.
Though, is it her or my surroundings
that are the enemy?
I approach her,
The notes exhaled from her
breath that cannot even be
breathed still
hypnotise my ears.
She feels neither warm nor cold-
Yet this still sends shivers down
the hairs under my baggy shirt.
And the notes, oh the notes again
cause me to feel.
I can taste her-
As though she is the overload of
metallic blood being pumped around me.
621 · Feb 2015
Yasmin Arnavout Feb 2015
Leave me to rot-my darling.
Roots beneath,
You can see me now- my darling.
Let my presence reincarnate,
And seeds bloom into
The flower that you wanted me to be.
flower empty tired dark beauty
580 · Jun 2014
A burning fire
Yasmin Arnavout Jun 2014
As I sit here, on the desolate hillside, I gaze. The smoke beyond the perks of the limitless sky is a blanket, an invisible presence marked upon our lungs. Yet the fresh, indecent, oblivious morning air echoes our infinite liveliness. Death will slowly **** us, he will poison our flesh. And only the sweet, soft bones will live on.
500 · Mar 2016
Yasmin Arnavout Mar 2016
I've lost for my passions,
the hunger once felt,
I'm no longer hungry
for i'm overeating
at an attempt to fill the parts
of my soul that i've had to ration,
for i'm tired.
499 · Mar 2016
Spells of freedom
Yasmin Arnavout Mar 2016
I wish for my mind to be a Temple,
Though my body is the world,
and the world cannot be one Temple.

All of those from which I need to be freed.

The sound of the music frees my mind,
But it seems that my body and my soul cannot be
freed at the same time.
454 · May 2014
Yasmin Arnavout May 2014
Home may be a house,
But home is just a foreign land,
Without an owner.
#home #lost
409 · Feb 2016
The Empty Socket.
Yasmin Arnavout Feb 2016
Tell me;
Why do you give her the worth of your eye?
Shall she not admire it, but abuse it!
Maybe it is that which appeals to you-
Does it fulfil your emptiness to be used?
'It is better than none',
But what a false entity, that is.
393 · Aug 2015
Yasmin Arnavout Aug 2015
she waltzed to the sound of
her sadness-oblivious.
Distorted by piano keys, major
melancholy Madness.
Feather tears picked on harps- flowing
as though the rain began to fall.
391 · Feb 2016
Yasmin Arnavout Feb 2016
My home is the earth,
It should be the sky,
I've dug myself down,
Instead of up high.
Becoming what shouldn't,
My soul is a mess,
I'm writing more poems,
Not getting dressed.
Hiding away in the place I call home,
It's not within bricks,
It's when I'm alone.  
But what do I do,
When I want to talk?
I listen to music,
Or go for a walk.
But all of these things,
They're all distractions,
I want to feel whole,
Not just as a fraction.
I want to get high,
And paint all the pictures,
Write all the words,
Not simply read fiction.
I want to live.
385 · Jun 2017
Bert's Cottage
Yasmin Arnavout Jun 2017
All sight in diamonds
as I sit at the bay
window in which I see-
my eyes, they cannot help
but see in segments.
Maybe it was my childhood that was broken.
Though, this bitter breeze bites at me,
I am whole in this place.
Overcrowded by ceilings that were too low,
Even for my little legs that held me.
A book-Holes.
A book engraved in my mind,
Though maybe it’s the holes
that were made in my soul
As a child.
But there is green,
Everywhere there is green.
Though, Nature picks me like a flower
‘She loves me, she loves me not’-
Tormenting me as the rain makes me grow.
384 · Jul 2015
The Curse.
Yasmin Arnavout Jul 2015
How does one cope with love?
As love be a shadow in the dark, an
Eyeless being.
You ignite my dormant flesh! Your eyes a drug that inflame my
Desire to be thine own.
Love be a curse, and to be
In love, is to be
In hell.
But the dateless sorrow will **** me, yet my love towards thee may
Never be buried. And soon, my bleak soul will
Rest upon the land that took me- Isolated.
373 · Feb 2016
Yasmin Arnavout Feb 2016
I am a flower overgrowing,
Beautiful for a while, my petals
delicate and a treat to the eye,
but my body is blowing
towards the sky,
and my roots overflowing,
with water and feed that
is too much for me.
Say goodbye my loves,
my skin is leaves, as though it is winter
and I am dying.
358 · Jan 2016
Yasmin Arnavout Jan 2016
Despite the pain-
I thank you.
We ignited the world,
But what we held oblivious was that
Fire kills.
352 · Feb 2016
The Big Bang.
Yasmin Arnavout Feb 2016
What have our lives become?
Where we focus time on learning
things that seem to only cause
what started our lives in the first place-
A bang, collision, whatever you want to call it
A burning sensation we all wish to discover, by means
of conflict between each other.
Why are we not all one?
331 · Jul 2016
The Sun
Yasmin Arnavout Jul 2016
The Sun and her beauty-
Reflection and aid,
In providing for plants
As though she's the maid.
Though don't take advantage,
For she'll take a turn,
She'll peel at your soul,
Left with nothing but burns.
330 · Feb 2015
Yasmin Arnavout Feb 2015
Show me who I am,
Embrace my lone tears, flooding from
The numbness of my eyes.

I am she who desires to feel.

Pierce me with shards of your tame skin!
Shine upon the scarlet-beauty,
Show me who I am.
311 · Dec 2014
Yasmin Arnavout Dec 2014
Dead as the plants,
Green may I seem-
Yet Dying within my days.
Yearning life, a life within the darkness? Or a darkness beyond life.
309 · Jun 2017
A Sonnet
Yasmin Arnavout Jun 2017
The eyes of he could I lose myself in-
***** of fire though Hell not to be seen.
For thine are full of passion and of sin,
Though sin be just an excuse to be clean.
Are either of us pure as untouched snow?
Until my life is over I will wait.
Of course the answer to it be a no,
Impossible on earth full of such hate.
And here you hear I’ve lost myself again,
In eyes full of such power that they speak.
They tell me that for certain I am sane,
And with them I see nothing that is bleak.
Though blinded am I by the honest truth,
Of how you took away my only youth
300 · Feb 2016
Yasmin Arnavout Feb 2016
The wind is blowing in my eyes,
Are they her tears,
Or are they mine?
292 · Aug 2014
Yasmin Arnavout Aug 2014
I am the only body upon the world.
Facing reality,
To find I am only facing myself.
And when my limp body lay beneath that warm, blanket water,
I listen deeply to the silence.
The silence is my home.
silence bath numb
284 · Sep 2015
Yasmin Arnavout Sep 2015
And as you kiss my neck-
Filled with a lump of bitter,
Raw emotion,
I know you are the one.
The one for me now.
Unpredicted futures hold us oblivious,
Life in the present is much worth living.
270 · Sep 2015
Yasmin Arnavout Sep 2015
Listen to her silly soul, for she means well,
Though do excuse anxiety,
And do not choose to dwell.
Deep, below the solemn cage-
Incarnating heart, she loves you
Truly dearly, and does not wish
To part.
Though she be aware, of her
Pitiful mistakes. She only dreams to be with you,
To lay beside and wake.
269 · Feb 2016
Yasmin Arnavout Feb 2016
And as I lay here,
I think of only you-
But what a dilemma
When the only thing that touches 'here', is
Not just one, but two.
188 · Aug 2020
Flowing waters
Yasmin Arnavout Aug 2020
I lay here
The music flowing through the waters of my body
And i watch it
Where will it go next? Where will it take me? Where will I let it?
I am not truly afraid
I close my eyes and envision its journey
Sometimes stormy others still
Each leading into the next
A wholeness that cannot be dissected
Trying to trust as I lay here
I watch as my belly rises, knowing that it’ll fall when it is supposed to
Trusting in my ability to live for I am alive in this moment
We ask too many questions sometimes
163 · Aug 2020
Yasmin Arnavout Aug 2020
That’s how I’d describe this feeling of living.
A permanent state of embrace,
A relaxing of being into what just is.
It is self explanatory,
No question or spectrum of its nature.
It surrounds you,
It is infectious,  
It is pure love.
At moments I can feel it surround my being,
Radiating from my physical body-
Like the place from which I was birthed,
My mother and the Mother Earth.
I return home to her embrace,
Comforting my child self with her entirety
She washes over me like the wave of an ocean flooding my veins with love
She pumps into my heart and around my body
I feel you Mother.
I have returned to you even if just for a moment
I know you are within me I just have to open my eyes
And as I close them I see you.
I thank you for every moment even though I feel like I forget,
I know that I am.

— The End —