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 Sep 2014 wulfhug27
Life is
 Sep 2014 wulfhug27
Life is beautiful.
Butterflies were obviously crafted
By the hand of God
Meant to put a smile upon our faces.

Life is mysterious.
We don't quite understand
Why things happen when they do
So we're always left wondering.

Life is a gift.
I feel so lucky to have the people
In my life that I do now
And I am so thankful

Life is hard.
Sometimes I really want
To disappear, but it's not wise
To close a book in the middle of a sentence.

Life gets better.*
Though there is sometimes darkness,
There will always be light
You just wait for the sun during the night.
Not sure where I was going with this
 Sep 2014 wulfhug27
Brad Antonio
This is to the girl
Whose voice shook me
When I heard you sing Somewhere Beyond the Sea
As if you literally took my breath away
As if I was drowning
This is to the girl
Whose laugh was contagious
And It lifted my spirit
I was desperate to find a good joke
Because I craved the sounds of your chuckles

The way you spoke
When you advised me to do the right thing
It was the combination of your words
Mixed with your confidence
And how you believed in me that convinced me

This is to the girl
Whose voice I've heard
But face I've never looked at
As if you were a stranger
But I've known you longer than I realized

When you whispered, "Goodbye,"
My heart shattered
And the damage was irreparable
I had no choice
But to clean up the pieces and throw them away
Touch me,
it doesn't matter where
and it doesnt matter how
I need to know I'm still alive
so someone touch me now
Shake my hand and say hello
or pat me on the back
kiss me on the cheek
that I may feel this sense I lack
slap my face and pull my hair
make me bleed I just don't care
dig your nails into my skin
so I can feed this need within
I've been numb for such a time
that even pain would be sublime
so touch me, touch me now
I don't care where, I don't care how
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Jul 2014 wulfhug27
Sometimes it just rains all day.
the sun and the moon and the stars
all take the day off,
Get all gloomy and introspective and ****.
drop deep thoughts
and fill up puddles
and bring meaning to things like
windshield wipers,
and lackluster poetry.

I'm still sixteen,
out much too late,
perched up on the steps of the old bank.
searching for reason
in the glare of small town streetlight.
I'm still seven
when it would just pour down,
I mean literally pour down,
in buckets and all that.
it doesn't rain like that anymore.
Not here. Not anymore.

A storm-front has been working it's way
up out of the southwest
since i have existed.
certainly much longer than that.
it's carved a path from caveman to Kentucky.
and here we are
continuously inspired
by water from the sky.

I'm going to sleep.
it just feels right.
I hope that it will rain all night.
I sleep well.
November 29th, 2011.. For a collection of Status Updates.
 Jul 2014 wulfhug27
Jimmy Desire
I wonder whats so appealing about demons and their temptations
Or about characters who don't quite have their stories straight
Claiming the day is to come but never actually sets a date
Lost in a trail of their own confusion
In the hopes they might sedate it
But with the path of destruction left in their wake
They couldn't help but feel ashamed, right?
I mean, don't you?
You couldn't be so foolish
Or be so heartless
To realize this isn’t right
You only surpass me in age by a year and yet
You’ve become quite bitter
I try to understand but to be this lost
Is simply lost to me
I'm told to just try to understand that we all have demons
But must they manifest in this nature?
Then demand the respect of your allies with disrespect
It makes no sense
Do you see how vulnerable a piece is when the pawns are gone
Don't you hate feeling like you're all alone?
I truly wonder if you get it though,
Because its truly sad to see
Especially that day you spoke to me
I saw someone who wanted to become accepted
You just went about it the wrong way
and I can’t help but wonder what lead you so astray?
Whether it be a troubled past or you just like to be a pain in the ***
I hope you find some peace
In this chaotic battlefield you call life.
Thanks for reading!
 Jul 2014 wulfhug27
i ask you to be patient

there are still cracks between my ribcage
i am trying to fix
and i am still searching for ways to mend
my broken, tattered wings

there are parts of me like missing puzzle pieces
i'm still trying to find
and i own many things, yet if there's one thing
i do not own, that would be time

again, i must ask you to be patient

at times my head is a storm of emotions;
thunder and lightning are all i hear
at times i will play a game of hide and seek
yet it's not you i hide from but my fears

i'm the girl who wears her heart on her sleeves
yet i hide behind closed doors
the kind who smiles bright like fire
though she crumbles in ashes to the floor

once more, please be patient

wait; i promise you'll see the masterpiece i am
for i am of many dimensions
and through my eyes, you will see
my thoughts as the stars made into constellations

i am the galaxy, and i am infinite
a firework, a work of art
all i ask is for you to be patient and stay
to see past the pain darkening my heart
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