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The Terry Tree Nov 2014
My miracle
The spherical
Beauty of blue skies
Swirling in your eyes
My pleasant surprise
A dream come true
A remarkable view
Courage drips
All over you

You make me want to
Drop my armor
Let it fall
Open the well
Undo the spell
Of insecurity
I have spun
A self imposed
Judas come undone
There could be
A miracle
For me
In us

You are the last unicorn
You found me hiding
From myself
For better or for worse
You lifted the curse
White light
Ripping at my seams
How long have I been here?
A year or two my dear?
Perhaps longer...
It seems
I can feel myself

I remember the days
I sat in a maze
A fog, a haze
Of my own disappointments
And all my own rage
Hate and anger
Had constructed
A cage
No one could get to
No, not even you
But you waited
You stayed
You listened
You prayed

No one knows exactly
How we feel
It's hard to believe
What someone says
The vulnerable and real
Oh how I could steal
Steal away into the night
Back into a corner
Of my own fright
A beautiful
A tragic
"Of nobody loves me!"
"Nobody's home!"
The lights are on
But where have I gone?

No pill could fulfill
What you give to me
The infinite promise
To believe in every
Attempt that I make
To get back up again

Beating ourselves up
Is a waste of time
If only to learn
How we can fly
And say goodbye
To behaviors
That will break
The spirit you have made
The soul that you created
My all, my everything
The thing I wake up for
To sing
You bring me joy
When all I have is pain
You taught me how
To dance in the rain
You taught me how
To climb a tree
To get away from
To fall in love
With nature
Like painted lightening
You truly are my savior
Always fighting
For my love

My miracle
The spherical
Beauty of blue skies
Swirling in your eyes
My pleasant surprise
A dream come true
A remarkable view
Courage drips
All over you

Watch how you inspire
Watch me leap
Watch me rocket
A blast of fire
Across the horizon
Write your name in the sky
He's Alive
Divine Mother
Grandfather Fire
Hold me while I cry
I cannot deny

Calling all angels
Saints of all religions
Gurus, Yogis
Masters of
The spiritual truth
Allah, Yahweh
Maker you soothe

Heal in us the
Mental abuse
The hurt of other people's views
The judgements that we did not choose
We'll call a truce

I believe in my heart
There is a place
Where God
Has filled
An empty
I do not need
To see your face

I cannot explain
The feeling it gives
Your spirit IS

OUR miracle
The spherical
Beauty of blue skies
Swirling in your eyes
OUR pleasant surprise
A dream come true
A remarkable view
Your courage drips
All over you

Teacher, mentor, sage and chief
You empty out the hollow grief
Burglarize our desolation
In the night you are the thief
While we sleep
The Santa Clause
Of chimney sweeps
A vacuum for our agony
In everything that we believe
I feel your peace
Wash over me
Thank you
For keeping the faith
When I could not
Thank you for
Forgiving me

My rock
Our foundation
The touchstone
Of relation

What marvelous miracles
You do weave
I am the miracle
You are to me

onaono Nov 2013
This things are made for idling
transparent in their quotidian splendor:

A Buddha statue at the receptionist desk
golden skin, red robes
welcoming all yogis with its gaze
eyelids closed

The candle, a guardian of an aim
an intention that moves within a flame
over the palms of the wooden hands

Incense smoke dance softly around the entrance
like a dream seen from wakefulness
immersive enhancer of the humor
filling the place with soft calmness
Nag champa smell
and serious air

The bamboo doors
from Monday to Sunday
open the way to Indian sounds
and the voices of blooming teachers
guide the way
until shavasana
when practitioners become gently moving statues
and glowing air goes
breathing in and breathing out
daily efforts and daily hopes.
a poem inspired in Amma Yoga Center (Mx)
nimbus clouds

of evolved

yogis sitting

deep in

of solitary

rules of

tales of

no longer

pristine portraits

crumpled into

compose today's

of fables

critical mass

nimbus clouds

pcbzzzt Sep 2009
There's water above and water below
as it was in the beginning
while I recharge, prismatic eyes still
in their microcosmic universe
Silent, while songbirds give thanks
and playful energy teases, seeking

so I focus on amber surface reflections
from under, they fizz tiny bubbles
an effervescent Spirit-level

Yogis know it as bliss
risen crown kundalini
Their vessel sadly lacks
living water from Yeshua
our rising Messiah, eternal wellspring

I open my eyes
find other eyes
Deep calls unto deep
as sounds of waterfalls

A daily feast of at-onement
LD Goodwin Mar 2013
India women dip white
linen cloths into vats of
the most beautiful colors,
Yogis meditate.

*Dodoitsu 7,7,7,5  Japanese style of poetry. Circa 1600s. Often concerning love or work, and usually comical.  In my case I was trying to show an analogy between dipping into meditation and the dipping of cloth in a vat of dye. But I also found it humorous that the men meditated, while the women worked.
Harrogate, TN March 2013
mannley collins Jul 2014
I am individual Isness incarnated in this body which is the latest of the many bodies of either female or male of all five skin colours and all ****** orientation that I have inhabited throughout all time.

Each individual Isness is a small but equal,individual,independent, nameless,formless,genderless,non physical,unconditionally loving entity formed from the Isness of the Universe and incarnated in a human body lifetime after lifetime.

The individual Isness is not Atman or Soul or Spirit--these are mind created identities and will only take you as far as groupmind allows.
As Janice sang"freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose".

I am the individual Isness.
I am that! --I am!.

The Isness of the Universe is responsible for the manifestation,from its own nature,of the entire universe and all in it,physical or metaphysical, including so-called "gods" and "goddesses".
Each body alive contains an individual Isness here for the purpose of realising its true nature as an individual Isness--ruled in its actions by Karma and evolution.
Only the individuals efforts at self realisation count here on Earth.
No one gets a free pass!
Mind and Conditioned Identity must be dissolved totally and permanently consciously in order to become Isness realised.
I am an individual Isness.
I am that! --I am!.
I am the only permanently mindless/conditioned identityless male person  in existence--by my conscious choice and effort.
My partner is the only mindless/conditioned identityless  female person  in existence by her choice and conscious effort.
ALL others claiming to be Yogis or Yogins are prisoners of mind created dualistic delusions and can speak only truth but cannot speak truthfully.
Yogi is not a title or rank or buisness status but merely an acknowledgement of the state of permanent Mindlessness and Conditioned Identitylessness that any person,equally female or male,can attain through their own conscious efforts.
We are individual Isness united.
We are that!-- we are!.
There is no luck or short cuts involved.
No one can be born in this state either.
Any person that says they can "grace" you is a liar and a criminal.
There is no grace option as all religions would have you believe with their lies.
It is NOT possible to buy your way in either.
We are not and would never ever want be "enlightened".
We are not nor would ever be Bhuddas.
We are not and would not ever be  Avatars.
Very low states of existence these all are.

We are not and would not ever be celibate.
Love a good ****,
We are that!-- We are!.
We celebrate life only and do not celebrate death as religions do with their phoney "heavens and hells"--and their vain bloodthirsty "gods"..
For us and our future there is NO heaven or hell--- just endless existence elsewhere to this planet--for this planet is truly the hell of existence and made that way by the groupminds of petty religions and politics with their petty violent  followers.
Only a personal conscious effort to dissolve mind/conditioned identity can lead to the state of Separate and Merged
or Isness realised.
Isness realisation is NOT a group activity.
The path of Yoga we follow is called the
Yoga of Dissolution of Mind and Conditioned Identity.
I am that!--I am!.
I am incarnated in a male body in this lifetime.
Grene,my partner,is incarnated in a female body in this lifetime.
We have been incarnated in both male and female bodies many times.
We carried the accumulation of Karma,both good and bad, with us through these past  lives--as do all alive...
Karma is the undeniable and unquestionable moral energy stockpile earned by every action every one commits,both good and bad,and is a reflection of their acquired morality and determines the next incarnation type that they have..
Karma,both "good" and bad" ties each Isness to the ever revolving Wheel  of Birth Life Death and rebirth--from which the only escape is through Isness-realisation.
No "god" or "prophet" or "holy man or woman"can make it happen for you--only concentrated personal effort.
Before Isness realisation can happen ALL Karma ,good or bad,must be dissolved completely.
Enlightenment or gnosis or being a Bhudda are nothing but worthless mind generated states that have seduced and betrayed humanity endlessly resulting in a planet at war with itself and heading for all out nuclear war rapidly..
for instance---
Buddhism,the so-called philosophy of peace with its monarchs and differing interpretations according to nation states--has utterly failed after 2500 years to bring peace to the world--buddhist terrorists killing in S China or Sri Lanka anyone?..
Islam-Christianity--Vedism--Hinduism--Judaism and all their various subgroups have only brought wars and division, with their ensuing trail of death and destruction, throughout the millennia--drenching the planet in the blood of innocents in the names of  their "gods" and "holy" monarchs and nations.
I am 75 years so far in this body but I have no age--only the body has age.
I followed the true inner path of Yoga assiduously through many lifetimes.
I am not a physical contortionist--a "hatha Yogi"--a contradiction in terms if there ever was one..
To be a follower of any "religion" that boasts a "god"or "goddess" or saving philosophy" is to be mired in bad Karma--as all "religions" are immoral and can only bring war/death and destruction in their wake
then ones action in supporting can only be bad Karma.
No religious follower of either *** has ever gone beyond  ignorance and self deception.
My partner and I are united in the ultimate state of existential beingness
that is called Separate and Merged.
As neither of us have a mind we are able to communicate closer than mere words and voices.
We share mutual ******.
We "live inside" each body--separated by flesh ---merged by mindlessness.
We are two id-entities playing the game of life as one.
We are Separate and Merged with the Isness of the Universe.
We are that!--we are!.
LJW Sep 2013
Our front porch is covered in chairs
waiting for visitors
We offer you hot tea or cold
Yoga at ten
and prayer flags if you need.

Far Away there are Yogis standing in
Mountain Pose...
Where is my peace guru?

My path is riddled without a person
holding my hand or
offering me an invitation
to pray the way I want to pray.

I can only imagine the room
hot and charged with mantras
and faith where followers
devote their hours to adherence.  

There lives are busy
moments of honesty,
fervent compassion,
sweat, and balance.

Here we sit drinking,
waiting in our chairs,
while our posture
is a hope rather than
a deed.
copywrite lisajeaninewinett
Uma natarajan Nov 2023
Stupendous scenic beauty, celestial bliss of Kailash
Clouds floating over, as if embedded in the sky
White swans briskly moving higher and higher
Mansarovar, echoing chants in the air  'shivoham'
Resounding loudly, Crystal clear stream flowing
Yogis, sadhus, travelers engrossed in the lovely topography
There is a sacred path
that winds through
my heart

It sings God's Name
as I dance ecstatically
along enchanted gopi banks
and over
whirling, warbling brooks

I marvel as a black and
white checkered,
red tufted woodpecker
carves God's Name on
a thankful tree trunk

Mirabai, Kabir and Rumi
wave their colorful prayer flags
verses of pure love
and devotion cling to the
very air we breathe

The Bhakti path forges
unafraid through
the bleak, brooding
forest of desires

Husky winds blow around
ghostly, skeleton branches
that claw helplessly
at the night skies
whispering valiant stories of
Rama's exile and
Krishna's triumph

Another tree it's hoary arms
resembling a cross
bleeds, remembering the sacrifices
and love of Jesus, The Lamb of God

Trekking further into the dense
unforgiving jungle
seated in Lotus pose
a Golden Buddha
immersed in
rapturous meditation
opens His eyes for an instant

The sun rises in the east
I kneel and kiss His
glorious feet

Leaving the tangled woods
suffering, godforsaken
figures of homeless people
sleeping alongside
this good samaritan road

Embodiments of God
spirits marred by defeat
and agony
stare listlessly, flies circling
oblivious to the
blistering desert heat

I stop to share a prayer,
cup of water, some fresh
baked bread from my knapsack
and a ray of hope

The path abruptly ascends
purple mountain mists
crown the summit
holy footprints of saints,
yogis, fellow pilgrims
indelibly christen
and guide my steps

Angels sweep the road
ahead tossing rose petals
and victory blossoms

Om peals
across the enlightened
Bhakti path

...and an ancient God awakens....
Arlene Corwin Aug 2016
Yoga, James Bond & The Bad Guys

Sitting on the floor
Watching James bond overpower foes.
A complicated character with
A subtle ethic, ice-chilled wrath –
Most of all, a yogic path
Of duty and detachment;
Yogic while the villain,
Mega-bombs his own routinely -
Ligaments and muscles blown,
Royal houses overthrown!
And yet we have so much in common.

Villain cool, detached but mean,
Followers his **** machine.
Bond the Lancelot,
Jaw-dropping stunts his lot,
Fencing, boxing, crashing cars;
Fights and scars his calling cards –
And when in need of surgery
He heals quickly.

Evil lurks, Bond never shirks, and still
His life is filled with perks:
Hotel suites, girls en suite,
Dry martinis, Aston Martins (note the plural)
Sure of all
And unequivocal
Bond’s megastar, ideal and idol.

This poet rather fond of Bond,
Both yogis of a different kind:
He the running, driving soldier,
I, the yogi on the floor,
Each connected to a power.
Grinding skills the Bond-dynamic,
Mine the tranquil skill-iambic.

I give in to un-excitement’s
Ordinary daily yoga;
Bond the knight with right to ****
(Nice guy James with license, aimed at
Ordinary evil ogres -
There you see the box of riddles:
Bond the paradox in middle
Fighting off the oh, so evil bad guys!

Yoga, James Bond & The Bad Guys 2.10.2015/revised 8.28.2016
Circling Round Yoga II; A Sense Of The Ridiculous II;
Arlene Corwin
BB Tyler Dec 2011
Walking tops of mountains seems simple

when all rests in relativity

The realization that


is only the relationship between


no shadows without sun.

stars shine the same sting.

Ink without paper.

.and therein lies the answer.

Your heart is beating.

Your heart is not beating.

On top of the mountain the yogis slur is trance Sanskrit.

Like oceans they reside

sunken in temples

the waves of their drone pulsating.

the incense is strong

and still it is floating away.

Their words for today and tomorrow are the same.

Hands touching hands now,

do you feel that?

Something MORE!


folding over and then


color and light leap from shadows!

Your heart is beating.

Now the pulling apart.




An enigma froze in a shocking static.

Your heart is not beating.




There is only one.
LJW Feb 2023
February 23, 2023

Story idea:

Two sadhakas are walking on the road, looking down, walking quietly in peace, until they bump into each other.

They are startled out of their meditation, look at one another in the eyes, and instantly fall in love. They are wrapped up and swirled in a whirlwind of love, affectionate words, feelings, making love.

And then when it all stops, they realize they are walking in opposite directions. One turns white, the other black, or silver and gold, or some other colors. They shed tears, spend a few days and nights saying their goodbyes.

And then ultimately continue on their ways.

The sun sets, the moon rises and sets, and the sun rises, and butterflies flutter.
Onoma Sep 2019
in Benares

the bells ring

in a way bells

can't contain

themselves while


flowers heaped

beyond color but

never more bright.

as pyres forgive

the host with flames,

and yogis bathe in ash

along the Ganga.
Onoma Jun 2019
the energy surged,



weighed down,


stone unto


where i had a vision

of yogis grounding,

and transmitting Shiva.

death ****** in

my head with

gurgling force.

just then my eyes

slowly saw the

light of morning,

~Aum Tat Sat~
ConnectHook Jan 2019
1) groovy dancing hippie shepherd of love

2)  intrepid communist/anarchist revolutionary

3) wandering shaman/healer

4) african anointed of black liberation

5) messianic community-organizer

6) spokesmouth for free-market capitalism

7) stalwart working-class carpenter

8) cynic hellenistic philosopher

9) ascended master who studied with himalayan yogis

10) witty rabbi who sold out to rome

11) ****** rastaman babbling about ethiopia

12) refined orthodox prince on background of gold
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.   (Matthew 24:24)

If you can think of any other false Christs, let me know.
Zane Safrit Mar 2019
I wanna live
With the asana girl
We could be happy
Drinking our ghee
With my asana girl

She speaks in their slogans
I nod and say yes
We roll on our mats and
Breathe through our noses
My asana girl

Twelve yogis humming
A sitar for show
The raja relaxes
And waits between chants
For his asana girl

I don’t need no money
I’m happy as hell somehow
Karma’s a ***** y’know
You see it’s all a big show
Om... om... om

Copyright © 2019 by Zane Safrit. All rights reserved.
This is a new-age take on Neil Young's 'Cinnamon Girl.'
Matt Mar 2016
I stopped trying
To make sense of life
A long time ago

One time
Followed by
The next time

Oh so strange
Do you know?

And in this body
I feel akward

My existence is absurd

It was nice to see
A friend
At the gym

We talked about
Our families
And how they have been

I don't feel that comfortable
In my own skin

Watched a video
About Tibetan Yogis

They are at peace
They let things be

And the therapist
Provided no answers

But it was fun
To visit with her

Pet the kitty cat
And listen to it pur

Now the previous
Four lines
Are not connected

In any logical way

And I am not connected
As I die another day
Payton Hayes Feb 2021
I am calmed by the soft petals of the lotus
flower, the same petals of the same lotus flower that
rests upon the shoulder of my yoga teacher, whom I
see every Monday and Wednesday afternoon.

I am calmed by starting out in child’s pose, hips back,
arms out front, stretching shoulders wide.

I am calmed by the cool water that runs like a river down my
parched throat during our first break in the practice.

I am calmed by the soft sounds of the music that plays in
the background and the tiny thuds from the basketballs
hitting the backboard, in the court on the other side of the wall.

I am calmed by the turquoise blue of my yoga mat and the
matching towel beside it, which I never get sweaty enough to use.

I am calmed by all the warriors teaching us strength, endurance, and balance.
Warrior one: arms up to the sky, Warrior two: arms out to the side,
Warrior three: one leg held up high, and Warrior four: arms are spread out wide.

I am calmed by all of the cats and cows and tabletops and chairs
that we become, and all of the forward folds.

I am calmed by savasana, or corpse pose, at which we arrive in the end.
we lay on our backs, legs out wide, arms flat, facing up, and eyes close.
there we stay for what seems like an eternity.
Then, when we’re ready, we roll over onto our side-body, into a fetal position.
Then, we slowly rise up into a seated position with our eyes still closed
and our hands folded softly at heart’s center.
Finally, we stretch our arms out as if it was the first grand stretch of the
morning, and it’s usually followed with yawning yogis.

I am calmed by shavasana, the death and rebirth between classes.

I am calmed by the blank space my mind becomes when I close my eyes and just exist without a worry in the world.

I am calmed when we bow and say, “Namaste.”
This poem was written in 2017.
Onoma Sep 2019
a bore

hole in

a mountain's

a cave.

where yogis

forever dwell.
Traci Sims Jul 2020
( Devoted to "Naked Athena", the brave young woman who faced down, stark naked, unmarked federal agents during a Portland, Oregon protest rally, July 22, 2020)

Born from the mind of resistance
Willow-built, her body arrow-straight and proud
She gazed at the arrogant wall before her.
Life and Death coalesced to a single fiery point of exquisite vulnerability and
the universe held its breath and gaped.
They shot her for her presumption anyway and
she raised her bleeding foot, unconsciously imitating
scores of yogis, saints, and freedom fighters,
Their love supporting her through thought alone.
And then she sat before her enemy
opening her body, inviting their hate...
And they ran.
Like rats.
Cara wanted to marry me, badly. I had sensed her growing anger for months. In attempts to make me jealous, she had begun to leave the top button of blouse unbuttoned and began to mention other men. Saturday night as we sat in my car, I told her a couldn't see her any more. I had a premonition that something awful was about to happen and intuitively I knew I had to get away from Ground Zero. But she reached over, put her hand on mine, and said, "I need you." We had agreed neither of us would have ******* with anyone else while we tried to work things out. I capitulated. I stayed at Ground Zero.
Sunday, Cara came over for a swim before we were to go to a company picnic in the evening. As she dried off after the swim, she lifted her leg and i saw her bruised *****, the most painful sight of my life. I knew I had not bruised it. It was such a painful sight, I unconsciously instantly repressed it. We went to the pinic, but after about 20 minutes, she said she wanted to leave and go to her own apartment. We drove back to my complex and gave her a kiss before she got out of my car to get into hers. I suppose I had kiised her a thousand times or more (we had been great lovers until she began to get angry about my reluctance to marry her), but that last kiss was the most awkward kiss of my life. She left and I got out of my car and began walking toward my studio apartment. Then I began to start weaving as I walked. I made it to my apartment, opened the door, and immediately sat down on this little sofa. It was then I remembered seeing her bruised *****. Instantly, as I looked up in the left-hand corner of my little living room, I saw a dark rectangle form with rounded corners. It had rows of small spirals in it. Slowly, the dark rectangle descended from the ceiling and enveloped me. It was the worst feeling I think I ever had had. I remember touching the palm of my right hand with my left hand. My palm was clammy.  I picked up the phone and called her. She answered. I said to her I had seen her bruised her bruised ***** and I asked, "Did you go to bed Saturday night with that guy?' That "guy" had just moved into her apartment complex. Cara said, "I don't want to talk about it" and hung up. I called her right back, and as I screamed "Cara, tell me! I have to know!" I could feel something--I'll call it energy--welling up my spine into my head and coming out of both eye sockets an arching core of pure white light. I could see them. They were about 4-to-4 1/2 inches long. Then I went into shock.  She hung up again. I slammed the receiver down so hard, I broke the phone. But I was able to call her a third time and said, "Cara, tell me. I have to know." "I've already told you," she said. I said, "Cara, Cara, Cara" then hung up. Within a week, I flew back to Topeka from Phoenix. It took me six years to recover from this extraordinary trauma. Dr. Twemlow, a Menninger pschiatrist, who had spent time in Tibet, said I had experienced an involuntary Kundalini arising. Many yogis spend their entire lives trying to induce a voluntary Kundalini, which they believe will bring them enlightenment. An involumtary Kundalini arising result in polar opposites of a voluntary one. I experienced many of these aberrational symptoms.  Excruciating pain that traveled to all parts of my body was the worst. Some die from having an involuntary Kundalini arising. I obviously didn't. It was the toughest journey I have ever taken. I don't know if I gained even a scintilla of enlightenment. But you never know....

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard hawks has been a poet, an essayist, a novel, and a human-rights advocate his entire adult life.
kfaye May 2023
Learn fitness
From the cyber goth cam girl yogis
With big dreams
William Bratton Jun 2020
There is much to be said about words
They can be duplicitous
They are indeed ubiquitous
They can sublimate
They can denigrate
Some are meaningless and bare
Others purposeful and rare
But otherwise
They just always seem to be there
Sounded off like steam from a spout
Or uttered gently with no need to shout
They can be sincere or disingenuous
They can be heartening or acrimonious
They can be deep
They can be cheap
Without them babies seem to fare quite well
And in silence yogis inner chaos quell
For the ultimate truth is beyond speech
Of course we all need words to learn and teach
To convey thoughts and emotions, big or small
But That which IS doesn’t need them at all

— The End —