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William Bratton Mar 2021
She hates hospitals
They’re so sanitized
The floors, the walls, the smells, the talk
She’s driven by this one so many times
and always looks the other way
They reassured people about covid19
«All those people are isolated »
« Those people », really?
Her husband’s undergoing tests
and she has to wait it out
The guy coughing in the corridor
is making her think twice about
« those people »
The doctor looked a little too young
but he had a nice smile under his mask
She noticed his empathetic eyes
But how will she manage
if he can’t work any more?
The insurance company will say
it’s a pre-existing condition
She’ll have to go back to work
Maybe her brother-in-law can find something
at the supermarket he manages
But how will she cope with those
incessant checkout beeps all day long?
Her daughter will have to quit college
How will she even begin to tell her?
She’s doing so well and is so close to graduating
The white walls are staring at her reproachfully
and the woman across the room
has a contemptuous look on her face
Could this be her doing?
Has she been pushing him too far about overtime?
She told him they couldn’t afford that car
but she finally gave in cause his heart was set on it
She seldom gives in when it comes to money
It’s going to be hell and she just doesn’t know
How long is this going to take?
Oh there’s the young doctor with the gentle gaze
He’s slowly walking towards her
She just doesn’t know!
He’s keeping his social distance
but his eyes are smiling
Mrs. Collins the tests came out fine
Your husband’s just overtired
With some rest at home
he’ll be back on his feet in no time…
William Bratton Mar 2021
I’m going in and out of thoughts and emotions
Some linger, others vanish
But you stay
You’re permanent
You’re engraved in my mind, my heart and my soul
You never waver
You just belong
I wish I could belong too
I need to be that enduring, immutable thought in your mind
I need to find that place in your heart
that has no boundaries, no limits, no obstacles
I know it’s there
But it’s clouded by fear, doubts and uncertainties
Once the clouds disperse and pure light abounds
I’ll be waiting to abide
in the only place where I really want to be
William Bratton Mar 2021
There is a star above you
Enter its light and see yourself
as you are
and have always been
A joy to behold
and cherished
Don’t mind the surroundings
Just penetrate the light
and rejoice in its splendour
For it is you
You are the light
and you have come home
to yourself
William Bratton Mar 2021
On the road to Bimington there’s a sign
I don’t know why it was put there
It just says « stay strong »
I suppose it’s meant for everyone
But it seems to resonate so personally
It just lingers there
With nowhere else to go
but into people’s minds
so they can cope with life and carry on

On the road to Bimington there’s a lake
that glistens in the morning sun
and never fails to catch the eye
of anyone who passes by
whether by chance or by design
in whatever mood or state of mind
All are attracted to the glittering light
that adorns the pristine water
and reveals the secrets within

On the road to Bimington there’s a cottage
where an old woman sits in her garden at dawn
praying it may seem, but without words
She’s there but very much elsewhere
There are flowers and birds all around her
that appear to be imparadised by her presence
Their colours and forms are exalted
Their fragrance and song are sublime
and their graceful chorus never seems to end

On the road to Bimington there are woods
Where a heedful doe peeps out from behind trees
and caresses your heart with her large, soft eyes
She never ventures to emerge until you’re gone
but at a distance you can contemplate her beauty
and the peace that she procures
The woods are graced by her presence
The air is blessed by her bleating
and souls are warmed by her gentleness

I haven’t been to Bimington of late
but I remember lots of furrowed brows and clenched jaws
People there just seem to plod through life
Perhaps that’s why someone put the sign on the road
If only they would venture out of their confinement
and journey on the road that leads to their abode
They could experience the universe as it truly is
and be replenished with all they will ever need
to « stay strong »
William Bratton Jul 2020
I’ve had it with love
Days of expectation
Nights of rumination
Battered with emotions
Sinking into the ground
I came to your door
and gently knocked
You sent me away
saying I was drunk
Perhaps I am
drunk with longing
drunk with pain
drunk with despair
But how could you know
if you won’t even open the door?
William Bratton Jul 2020
The road to love is narrow
It winds around hidden feelings
and into tunnels of emotions
There are signs everywhere
warning you to slow down
or yield the right of way
There are potholes
that jolt and revolt you
You try to steer clear
but they re-emerge
even bigger and deeper
The adjacent countryside
has its sweet sensations
but it’s so transient
so elsewhere
not on the asphalt
not within the lines
you have no choice
but to stay the course
or lose control
and weave off the highway
back to dim reality
The road to love is illusive
but so enticing,
so unearthly
William Bratton Jul 2020
In my mind, I’ve scaled Mount Everest
and conquered ancient Rome
I’ve solo sailed the seven seas
without ever leaving home

In my mind, I’ve been a sultan
an emperor, prince or czar,
waged cosmic wars in spacecraft
without venturing very far

In my mind, I’ve built a mansion
with gardens prim and neat
entertaining famous people
never moving from my seat

In my mind, illusory thoughts abound
to delight my worldly sphere
but I ponder how my life can change
when it’s focused, calm and clear
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