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Sydney Victoria Mar 2015
The River Ice Has Begun To Vanish,
Famished, It Yeilds To The Sun,
Piece By Piece Its Body
Succumbs To Ripened
Heat; Slowly It
Is Devoured By
The Current
Until It Is
Eats Away
At The Winter's
Impending Hold
On The River's Bubbling
Laughter; Sought After Due
To Its Delightful Chattering
Which Gurgles Peacefully Within The
Tender Summer Nights Beneath The Stars
Time.. What Are Your Thoughts On The Process?
Lendon Partain Mar 2013
His soul has not ascended to heaven,
Hes just gone,
Nothing better.

His body will decay like a snail,
And all like that slime,
He'll leave a trail.

Its not even that sad, when you do it yourself.
Punk thrives off that idea, like Buddhist immolation.
Death ends wars.
And if they could they’d war in hell.
If they could.
If something was left.
They'd battle past death.

Luckily we are just animals and no eternal energy exist beyond our breath leaking to the atmosphere.

Thank nothing that the carbon wont carry our spirit.
If it did.
It would **** all hope and I would be forced to be a scar on the earth.

For I am made of Ghandi, ******, Churchill, and Stalin.

We are all part of an earth we revolve on,
Yet some refuse to take action on truth or refuse to learn it in the first place.

In most cases.
We should all end it.
And destroy the deadlights this inanimate "soul" creates.
An acquaintance of mine killed himself in his girlfriends apartment so that she would find him dead and I think he is an ******* for it.
Obadiah Grey Nov 2013
In that moment, of slender breath,
death grants purchase
to relinquished dreams,
and whimseys t
                                                  - free.
Said darling daughter unto me:
"oh Dad, how funny it would be
If you had gone to Mexico
A score or so of years ago.
Had not some whimsey changed your plan
I might have been a Mexican.
With lissome form and raven hair,
Instead of being fat and fair.

"Or if you'd sailed the Southern Seas
And mated with a Japanese
I might have been a squatty girl
With never golden locks to curl,
Who flirted with a painted fan,
And tinkled on a samisan,
And maybe slept upon a mat -
I'm very glad I don't do that.

"When I consider the romance
Of all your youth of change and chance
I might, I fancy, just as well
Have bloomed a bold Tahitian belle,
Or have been born . . . but there - ah no!
I draw the line - and Esquimeaux.
It scares me stiff to think of what
I might have been - thank God! I'm not."

Said I: "my dear, don't be absurd,
Since everything that has occurred,
Through seeming fickle in your eyes,
Could not a jot be otherwise.
For in this casual cosmic biz
The world can be but what it is;
And nobody can dare deny
Part of this world is you and I.

Or call it fate or destiny
No other issue could there be.
Though half the world I've wandered through
Cause and effect have linked us two.
Aye, all the aeons of the past
Conspired to bring us here at last,
And all I ever chanced to do
Inevitably led to you.

To you, to make you what you are,
A maiden in a Morris car,
IN Harris tweeds, an airedale too,
But Anglo-Saxon through and through.
And all the good and ill I've done
In every land beneath the sun
Magnificently led to this -
A country cottage and - your kiss."
i want to write you
                                        the stars in my eyes

send you swooning

     with awe

                                        from the breath of my sighs

follow me ever so secretly
     as i float on your gaze

                                          the tendrils of your worship
                                                                ­ to
                                                                ­        trip
                                                    ­                            me up

follow me ever so desperately
     you'll never know

                                                i know you're there
Neon Robinson Apr 2016
An iridescent celestial being
Anarchic yet effervescent adolescent
Frolicking freely in the omnipresent forest,
Like a breeze through the leaves.
Barefoot & star gazing — native & trail blazing.
Like a clever, fearless fairy exploring the faraway night sky,
I am the fantastic bit of magic on an otherwise static planet.
Bewitched by wild wonderment;
Coloring my life with the chaos of pathos.
I am the captain of passion, & best little hippie
On the mountain — formed by a volcanic fountain
That caused a panic on our little oceanic planet.

Dancing in multidimensional secrecy,
Past an unattainable horizon
Is where you'll find me — on the Big Island in the sea.
It is a true treasures
With impeccable weather & such mystic characteristic,
It's almost unrealistic.

So forget your whimsey Hawaii five-O fantasy
Tear a hole right through the sky
Arise, & fly with me on a real odyssey
Across the mesmerizing island
Teeming with undreamed of creatures
& seemingly endless saffron sand beaches
few have ever been
up to the
Vermilion rainbow plateaus
& sacred volcano summits  
Amidst cascading honey suckled waterfalls
& streams of splendiferous wildflower meadows.

We can indulge in thousands of hues of bloom
Or retreat, once more to the oasis at the shore,
To stand hand in hand before the prevailing trends
Of a turning world; scattering brightness in the dark
Fledge millennium into an unadulterated oblivion.
Enveloping what is suspend in time
with a colour compass configurations
The universe, nearly legible expresses herself
Writing constellational scribe
elucidating galaxy.
mercurial,  venereal, martial, jovial,  saturnine, lunatic
Bo Tansky Jan 8
Sometimes you need
a touch of whimsey
to ward off the
demons of depression
of which
there are many
like an overgrown garden
growing wild and free
filled with daffodils
and peonies
any which way
they will
a whipperwill.

-nature orders
structure and desire
desire the unfulfilled womb
for whom-

where are you
and lightness
to guide me
through the darkness
so repugnant
to me.

I turn to you whimsey
to your unchartered fancy
where angels dance
on marshmallow clouds
out of harm's way
so shall I
Angge Dec 2015
Wrath of War
Wish of Wealth
Wings of Whimsey
Words of Wisdom
World of Wonder
Day 6 - Write a poem of any length incorporating every word from your latest Facebook status.
David Hilburn Dec 2018
Notion to exceed the divine
Ask us when the miracle of courageous
Welfare, has seen the kinder kind

Tastes of overt yesterdays
Tender to aversion, and the image we will
To assurances form, the candor of a little more may

Slower by the composure we derive
From the subtlety of eventual
Lucre, and the sour dream of purposed new lives

The tows of responsibility
All to for, forth else in behavior
Will we sit for a new condition, of precept?

In motion for a nuance to decide
Is the clash of wisdom with the wishes of when and idiom
The patience of collapse of intuition into the name of a vice

Light to a realm of future possibility
Simple advances on the needs of time, and its lover
Caring for the nots that make us a requited whimsey

Add the bless, the basis of cope and assist
Taken to world's bared for a living other
Merely the best of us, to keep the entourage of is, this the kiss?
David Hilburn Dec 2018
Lushly, the gift
Of simplicity in a guarded eye
Today is our welfare, an eye to lift
And say, "Love is a reach for us, and knowing why?"

Wiser for the words, a host of contemplation
And future sincerity, enough of a lasting coil
The first's of demeanor in let, is our faith in kindred...
Keeping but the irony of a lingering kiss, never to foil?

Wiser for the resolve in each, tows of wishes
We demand are ours, for a serendipity's dream
And the stir of liberty, in a whole feat, for which is
A space of complexity, to ask in a weary voice, to seem:

"Love is a reason to us, and now why?"
Wiser for the decency we have shown for another
Timidly, the words of avarice, to exact poise for life
Keeping any lip of resolve, we are the kindred to bother...

Wiser like a bird of conscience, that has seen the deed
Of virtue in slowing motion and character, adroitly
See the us of callous voices, we know for a souls to lead
"Spirit's without a kinder glance, and its possible loyalty..."

Wiser for knowing a wiser form, we have committed
To decision's of reality, we know can few the least
Life far away, seeing the drive of purpose under it's nose, whitted
With the claim of all, is more than enough of a care, love eaches
David Hilburn Feb 2019
Yet in the grasp
Of music I release
From its earthly prison, in case
A little star on the horizon, has me for cease

Pence in the fun, wouldn't a life
With a curious silence made true
The better side of courage, a whimsey and a strife
Mighty as I am, being a risk in the foolery…

Is like a dance with dread, and the ancient misery's
We dote among, the music comes
Like a reason in the mix, we serve to each other for history
And the doles we found, in the years, what some's!

Playing the fool, just once
Mind owed mystique, and a wholly made needs
Reason with me, the skill of bared conscience
To look among the stillness of many, and see the deed

Urge, are we the tows of a renamed irony?
Once the backward stare of portent, needing a gift
Of reach and remorse, powers of unique harmony
Have been the suddenness, of me, time with eyes to lift

Voices to assure...
The taste of requirement, that has a vice we adore
Rancor and peace in the miracle we name, a cooler purity
Of ourselves in truth and dismays mirror, where even us, is more

Liberty, and the image of unity we verify as life
Taken to dry minds and heavy hearts
Live for now, and the best we have to offer, a rainbows right
Luck and synergy to attest, loved, is where it all starts...
NeverAgain Jan 2018
warm whisky warns of wows
whimsey witness truth and frow
but, hole i sit around i fell
truths of others, whisky tells
though thoughts of her in which i dwell
peering down my wishing well

pondered sights of empty glass
what changed to make it gone so fast
close friend to me i always thought
a lesson learned is lesson taught
and who's sat inside it's crystal throne
left me dizzy and alone

she left me comfort for the night
she told me things and showed me sights
showed me things objectively
like harmony and simiatry
She tried to help forget the past
but friends like whiskey never last
David Hilburn Jun 2019
Wishes, worth, whence
Patience we fate, and allow
A hard sport of commitment, a pace again
The day with a spoil of voice, we how...

Decency in a handshake?
The role of passion for a nearing so...
To deliberate a silent measure, of past's mistake's
Candor to else, we find ourselves, a quaint no...

Typical, a friend of mind's to each a moment
Will simple ease, and cares, add to same?
We seem to be, a choice affluence...
True to inspired hap, where a guidance of names...

Stares of energy, we find show air's and void's of many
Shall and the season of youth worth kindness, keep act's?
We deem a relative resolve, to tact and fancy?
A reach for adrenaline and its shadow, the communion of pact's?

Will we see amicability and a brand new heart to tell the tale?
The difference between whole and whimsey, natures
Of compromise and significance, to a hopeful resort, for hell...?
That comes and goes, like this, is a shadow made for curiosity...

God and befriending the able minded forces we call a family
Can a happier share of charisma seen, begin here?
And a swallow of bared vicinity in love, be, the courage of finality
Willing to say in heed, a presence for another's fear?
Pity the Easter Bunny
Vice President of Whimsey Land
Hero of Farmer’s gardens
Mentored by Santa Clause

Guardian of the fairies
That trade coins for teeth
And Proctor for the hoards of elves
That keep the world exciting.

Still owning all his lucky feet
Through cleverness and speed.
Nephew to Uncle Whitey
The Star of Underland

Pity the Easter Bunny
His ears are drooping down
His cotton tail has lost its fluff
And he’s too sad to hop.

Pass the pity towel around
To mop up all the tears.
His labor will go unrewarded
On a scale that’s not been seen before.

All those eggs to boil and dye
Chocolate selves to pose for
All those candy eggs to hide
Baskets to be woven.

All those chores have been checked off
All the preparations made
Everything is set to go
When a germ calls off the holIday

What do you do with Jelly Beans
Stacked up to the ceiling
How much sugar can a bunny eat
Before he’s diabetic.

Pity the Easter bunny
But stand six feet away
We all feel cheated for
The loss of Easter day.
A bit of wistful silliness.

— The End —