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Ma Cherie Sep 2016
Well, I'd woke up early
**** rooster
just about  the crack of dawn
last crickets chirping loudly
heavy dew carpetin' the lawn
cold air, ya know
can see my breath that time of mornin'
as the tired furnace is  a kickin' in


Emmmm hmmm, well dat'
woodstove she's a squirmin' with anticipation!
Yes sir,
smell of the incomin' weather
fresh cut and stacked Maple, except them box elder type you know gettin'
Oak too, yut
some Birch ...burns real pretty

I hear them pumpkin patches callin'
eager to win those hearts
and the children
funny duffers in costumes

Ya, beckonin' a reckonin' they are
to become silky pies in their namesake
a big ol' mess left in that wake
from jack-o-lanterns,
& roasted an toasted
seeds of joy we use all win'ter 'round here

Kinda like the sound of them tires on the pavement ya know?
Warm hummin',
they're rustlin' down asphalt
with the leaves
visitors headed home again
will give way to the sloshin' of sleet, freezin' rain
whata' pain

Well here comes the ol' horses
and a wooden cart
to collect the trash
17 years
Percheron prizes them beauties
I really like that sound too
hoves clunkin' in perfect harmony

Yut, agreed,
love this place indeed
clip clopin' along with jinglin' bells soon
straight outta' Robert Frost he is

A symphony of smells
the ringin' of the church bells
time to eat

"Well...take a seat
Mornin' boys"

Oh Momma's up
Fill up her cup!

Oh thank you kindly
Well, we got some perfectly cooked hickr'y smoked local bacon
Scrambled eggs so beautiful and fluffy they look like clouds of clear yellow sunshine on that plate
those girls did well this year
Maple yogurt I insist on
with that crunchy homemade
sweet n' salty nut Granola
Don't forget some fresh fruit salad
stuff goin' on now
rest been reserved for winter days
Can't say that I'm not lookin' forward
to some wild blueberry pancakes
and that beautiful amber
Vermont maple syrup"

was a lotta' work drainin' those sleepin' veins of golden sugar
Is a great mornin'

"Good to savor the wonderful gifts the seasons bring, share and enjoy "

We certainly are grateful ma'am.

Take Your Hat Off What's The Hurry?
Just because...some people say "Yut" silencing the T here not everyone of course, I love old time Vermonter's they know everyone and everything!
Ma Cherie Jul 2016
Went for a ride
and out
down to St. Ambrose Church
For free community dinner
and make your own sundaes
Little girls
with pigtails eating watermelon
was the after-dinner entertainment
Made some extra *****
appear in your hands
read from the Flaming book
Have the Steel Police
check rings
Made me laugh
from my belly
Nobody had eyes on us

Just good times
I don't think I've ever seen
a child laugh so hard or look so amazed
Thank you
Was a delicious evening
with friends
on a ride
through South Lincoln
Little Woods
Where the critters are
Moose, bear, squirrels and otters
swim and
eating berries
with Woodland Fairies
holding flowers I've never seen
except in dreams
Or movie pictures
Lichen glowing on the trees
and the Mist over the mountains
smiling down windy roads
Where Ex CIA
Artificial intelligence resides
and Randy Quaid and conspiracy theories

Back through Bristol Gap
back home again
to do it all over tomorrow

Cherie Nolan © 2016
What a day..... :) true story
Mitchell Mar 2011
I still got my heart in my pocket
And that same old locket
Yeah the one with the scratch on the back
Now I know that's a ******* fact

The skies are burning red tonight
And I can't seem to see right
Where you are I can only guess to God
Now I'm feeling heartbroken and oh' so small

There's that guy with the fat left eye
The one I punched last night for stealing my pie
Oh there's that guy with the fat left eye
I see him staring at your locket, whata' guy

The curbs are burning red with hate on every corner
The morgues are getting full with weary coroners
Were left here on this place without a clue where to go
Buy your ticket, rip your stub, enjoy the ride

And hell lingers round' me as I walk along alone
A sin in every mailbox, a catch in every mitt
Sailing in my car with the windows down just a crack
A lady last night she wished to give me a smack

Heave away those lofty regrets that you never met
Their weights in pasts that can be lost quite fast
Look ahead to the greater beyond
The last mountain to be seen will hold your song
My heart says I can't deny
soft hearted, bluish eyed mortal,
this thine - kind -character-animal
where he got rescued wandering-
Inside a filthy cartoon box
meowing off the ground-
'twas thoroughbred teases me
solely to take care of him,
must we all -shout for joy
- for crying out loud!
Canst that sweet kitten-do
so thence catches my eye.
Surely reinvigorates..
Ah, with much ado-
Let alone my two kids loves it too,
I gotta take this opportunity
and start a tireless hobby,
having said it, amazingly
A pet at home-to enjoy-
sure isn't easy
to put in amity!

Anybody just can't help,  
or couldn't care less but
Nonetheless, to avail and
adore this cute..cougar.
Oh sweet mercy,whata gleamer
bestowing shyness and sweet ember!
Tameness and with gentle stare.
so that we are mesmerized
real quietness subsist
and looks at us-
even more,
So he talks
he tells me,
'hang in there'
sort of entices me..
and nods at me - reassuringly.
Sayeth- everything's be okay
even at night sits besides at bay.

I'm in immediate euphoria at boom
whilst writing poems for him
it just makes me wanna cuddle him
as he climbs high to my bed
and caresses my body and feet,
clings lots to my pillows and sheets
until I sneezed
and a look and no voice
he then glares
to get near me,
and be comforted.
(like I do)!

Having fondness
really makes sense
sweetly contemplates
me for thy cat's sake,
comely thoughts to take
alike oomph I breath,
Metaphorically speaking, life's
perpetual cause and effect
resonates and defines all the day's
stuffs, work and worries,
all's benighted - cooled-down..
from weaknesses that ease
as dreams farther off in distance
who we are- whom brings smile
of which I know is best
which rebounds-
such a true pleasure
that made us glad from heart-
be not to rescue-
Or feed an astray cat-
how much gratification can kindness-
-ones gives?
kills me inside out - if one cat is hungry-
----I feel guilty;
suffer the consequences that might
cause---if I violate it
nor ignore it
thence it begets
To be the greatest friend
if we try to understand it
yet it's foreboding effect -
It's the sublimest of all!

Alas he's smart and
I know it too
Did I do good work?
with all thine heart
So akin to Rearing
And Nurturing children
of my own when a call of duty
Like this measures, desperately.

So we all get excited
and gets along good,
mimes, mimics and
cleverness, o' course
and chuckles
he makes.
by far
these astray wild kitten's actions...
performs many daily bounce and animation,
muses sudden cure-to all stressful episodes.
Living life from thy cute creatures - magnifies
So we became in state of elation that heals!
I must re-learn not to be alone, again..
whereforth I discover creative solitude
borne in deep silence amid loneliness
soforth my life still counts
a noblest way to sacrifice.
So can we afford to keep him?
Aye, wonders of mother nature
what Divinity provides-venture
everly longing for love,
belonging to our home
saught not for nothing-
and of separateness-
but of acceptance!
Much more to my double-surprises-
my children named him-'Simba'
and the other cat-'Lucky'
I Thanked Thee God they came into our lives--
-Beholding Delight of laying eyes onto!
My kitty - Simba
john p green Jan 2016
When I don't feel Magic
All my senses be lashing
Grasping air even tragic
Well-oh-well whata spell
Ken Pepiton Aug 2021
Some stories come with songs,
some waltz in a lone, strange peace,
with surface tension

something jes'wentwright, mmhmm
wrought by god,
twang taut copper wire whisting
twing crash
shards of ceramic insulation, change
of situation
- we were running stone to stone
the girl, it was a girl, kicked a stone
she oughta stepped on and moved on,
she stepped out of line, so now,
she limps,
no need for me to tell her, once more,
there is always a place to put your foot,
- too long the blame, how long the shame?

a messenger on the barefoot road knows,
some songs are for the journey joy,
some are for home come joy,
some are for always joy.
some are for once.
For me.
It ain't easy. But there's plants. Listen.
as a mortal message, Hear this,
does not remove the power
in the word, read.

gulpunctuated inequilibrium'n al alaq
don't choke
this is no joke…
Had the most famous hearer of that message,
obeyed, what a wonderfilled world might this be,
eh, Satchmo?
watchawatcha wa wah
shooobeepshaboom shake it all shake it all

whata wonder full world we see….

see the shelter fade… words as ash remain,
to remind me of the wrightminder
just burned on this point.

For a story that wished to be poetry, just once
Freedom of the press belongs to the press owner, according to B. Franklin and W. Blake... an adage easier to prove these days. No lie.
Ken Pepiton Jun 19

Take a minute,
think this is me, five years
senior on Seinfeld, your felt
there it is, hier es kommt
lang syne
emotion, whata mensch, turns out he is
one of those
in the business
of exchange and wealth accumulation resulting
in absolute freedom
from any but the deepest rooted cultural veins,

Kosher Money caters to the crowd,
the joke was, at least, she did not marry a goy,
Jerry never said that, but
you'll never know
if those legal pads all burned

said the old man to the traditional up and comer,
still quick to mention awareness of the markup,
I could get that for you wholesaled, but
keep it between us,
lemme know, any time,
idle minds worked by devils,
we see it all the time,
before our very human eyes,
the bad guys ever corrupting absolute power,
intended to purify,
zero sum a we
you all must die,
let fly the strategy of peace past
one mind united under one
ambitious will
look up and wonder,
thinking, you know, this is easy enough
to imagine being encorporated into,
swallowed up
by a self image, autosprachen
will zur Machts mehr als nichts
taking the Sysiphus helper role,
to make ends meet the first
mobius twist in real time awe
as sum'n granted mine to project
as well, we tried, and found umph worked
with persistent phi ties to intial spin on truth
as that which makes free, and freedom becomes
pi spherical only under artificial symmetries,
a mortal fiction, save in the proper mind,
mind your manners, find doors open.

take the money, honey, and live
like a refugee, high
in the hills
with all the others

all simple kinds
of men, being bound
on momma's wishes,
and grandpa's example, come to hear
this one old boy pitch the services
of an old converted Pentecostal Jew,

whose hair whitened early granting authority,
at the boy level most men use to worship with,

when I was a child, eh, you familiar with the verse,
I thought as a child, yes, we are similar -save
in this,
when I became an old man,
I was advised to examine my life, for worth,
when judgement comes to take account, each word
idle or abused, each lie believed let go be told true,

what we see is what we get,
what we think is what we see, and we all

work, on different frequencies to ensure novel lives,
no twice in the same instant aha,
I got this… since I was seven,

EUREKA, peace displaces gaseous forms of war.
and nonsense doesn't seem so different,

you never feel the nonsensed effect.
Pinker, McGilchrist, Malcolm and Mandela, all gotta part o'm'plan
Make a peace don't fade away, leave it loose and free per use.

— The End —