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Ugo Victor Jan 2017
I wonder who made you
The sun of my world
If not why does my world
Revolve around your light
And like the sun
Nothing comes close

I wonder who made you
The center of my gravity
If not why do I
And everyone around you
Get so dizzy
Around your laughter And of cos
The only one unflustered
Is you

Cos everytime you look
Or smile at me
I feel lightweight and high
And from up there
I can clearly see forever

I hope I'm at least a star
In your universe
Or maybe I'm one of your moons
Cos now i see my light
On everyone around me

Anthony Carrasco Feb 2016
I've been in some pretty big fights with the people I love the most in my life, yet time after time we find ourselves unscathed, undamaged, and unflustered. Patching the pain I fortuitously cause others isn't some errand I bitterly await, it seems like more of a human duty.

I never have a hard time fixing things that are broken in my life. A glass shattered on the floor this morning, & now it sits stitched flawlessly on the shelf.

It just feels right to leave something the way I found it, or at least try my damnest to get it near perfect. It really is the try that matters.

And I just don't understand how it can be... so easy for me to say I'm sorry, while it's somehow so easy for you to unapologetically lacerate every inch of my sympathetic soul.
Fixed a friendship today, even though it felt pretty broken. Just made me think of how much I deserve an attempt at an apology from the subject of all my poems. The structure may not be poetic, but the thought is.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
my cat is a huntress
buoyant and free

the outdoors beckons
she follows

sometimes she roams
exploring the yard and the woods

other times she sits
in wait of something

anything that moves

a gray-brown field mouse
a lime-green grasshopper

it might be a moth
powdery winged and light
or it might only be a leaf
caressed by the breeze

it doesn't matter
she's just as intense

her sleek and slender body
consumes the sun's glow
her dappled fur shimmers
tail moving ever so slightly

she crouches
then arches
goes in for the ****

it's only a shadow beneath
eager paws

she returns to her post

you know
it's not the capture
that matters
it's the quest
that's important
and keeps her
Tye-Dye (named because of her tortoise-shell fur that looked almost tye-dyed) lived to be almost 20! I had wanted to have her be an indoor cat and bought a leash and harness to take her for walks. Ha! The picture of my attempt at that is as clear in my mind as if it was yesterday. That little kitten instantly became a complete whirling dervish, spinning and jerking, letting me know she did not intend to be thus fettered. Of the several cats we've had she was one of the most cuddly and loving, but she proudly retained her independent side. She spent a fair amount of time inside but her huntress persona needed the freedom to be.
Mary Pear Jul 2016
My road runs parallel
To the main roadand the sea,
The railway line and the canal.
I am becalmed within the flow
In a four layered sandwich seasoned
By the sound of distant traffic and the train's roar.

The birdsong in my garden is the clearest note;
Unflustered by the further sounds.
The birds take centre stage and make their exits and entrances from the wings
Of my neighbours' gardens.

The drone of a holiday flight
The muted murmurings of pedestrian chat retreating,
The click of an iron gate
Complete the orchestra
And all is harmony.
Madara H Sep 2017
Was it wrong?
What he said to me
I think about it now
But it hurt then at least
He made a poker faced jibe,
Concealed his malice with a wry smile,
As he glossed over the comment,
not a quiver in his vibe

But should I be upset?
Words hurt but his were fine,
It's the way he said them that irked me so,
And they were never really out of line

Im confused and rightly so,
Is it better or is it worse,
When someone attacks you and you barely know,
Because they hide the hate behind an unflustered face,
So you hate me? well just let me know
I am exhausted
I just want some sleep
But all I could do
Is stay up writing
I've my computer
Equipt with music
And this website
I have nothing to fear
Other than the night
I just want to get some rest
Lay my weary head abreast
To whatever it is
I am attempting to achieve
I'm so tired,
Please let me get some sleep
Nothing has upset me more
When I am feeling stuff
That I can't ignore
But if I cannot identify these overwhelming feeling
That have all become one
Does that mean that they are really feelings
Or just exhaustion?
Please let me sleep
I'm so ******* tired
My eyes remain open,
Mind unflustered
I am feeling too much at the moment
Things that I cannot comprehend.
I should put down my computer
And just go to bed
But I can't
Because I am feeling something I cannot name
And the tears that I long for
Never came
I just want to know
What it is I'm feeling
And why it is I feel this way
I want to know
If this stupid feeling
I have had so many times before
Is here to stay
Please let me sleep
Mind, let me go
Brain, will me to be free
I just want to get some sleep

— The End —