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Mohamed Nasir Feb 2018
There's a flower in between the rocks
Undesireable unless one seek the flower
In cravices in the shadows of ***** towers
Procure trade on whims of nameless men
Openly or in disguise she thrives due to
Demands, in decadence of her world
The underworld enslave her soul
Like the geisha in *******
Decries a social stigma
Imposing upon her
Remove her off
The streets if
you will
Back sprouting
Amongst people and rocks
Enticing yet perceived as weeds still.
SomeOneElse Jul 2023
I've thought about it.
we all have in different ways
some of us wonder why
some of us wonder if we should
some of us attempt and some of us do
am I really the selfish one?
I just want this ******* pain and loneliness to end?
maybe you're selfish because you want me to go on so YOU don't have to feel the pain
how often do you call your friends and loved ones? do they call you?
you can have friends and feel alone if you're the one who's always reaching out. maybe they'd call if they really knew. maybe they'd ignore you cause your sadness makes them uncomfortable.
it sure can look tempting when you feel all alone,
like you don't belong and never will
maybe if we reached out more, tried to understand instead of shaming, ignoring or invalidating pain and struggles
maybe we could prevent
written after a friend of a friend committed suicide and my friend was asking why. I don't know his reason but I DO why why do many do and I don't want people to ask why after the fact. I want them to understand before it gets there
Raegan Marie May 2012
I used to eat ice cream on a pretty strict and regular schedule.
The anticipation for those designated nights consumed my naive mind.

on the nights that used to mean sweet, supple mounds of delicious bliss,
however brief,
I drink Missouri water from a thick, old, dusty glass.
As I tip the last drops into my mouth,
I see a mysterious stain (or is it a clump?) on the bottom.

Fortunately, I think to myself,
whatever that was didn't get into me.

Water runs through.
It cleans out.
It leaves nothing behind but undesireable water spots
in sinks and on windshields
mascara lines tracking down cheeks to squeeze between pushed up *****
and dead worms on the sidewalk,
evicted by the flood of this

that drink when your lips are cracking and you feel as if your mouth is filled with cotton,
when you look at a ***** puddle and think,
my GOD am I thirsty.

Ice cream melts in the mouth.
It refreshes in the heat of summer,
it teases the tongue with sugar and milk and so many seductive flavors.
It's best on special occasions,
even though it's desired all the time.
Sometimes it can be bought with the change found on a scavenger hunt in a car,
and other times,

it can't.
But even as the frozen delight slides off your tongue and into your stomach,
your tastebuds tremble at the lack of sweet.
They spite you with a bitterness and a dry, sticky feeling,
and your teeth feel coated with a grime you can't seem to lick off.
You keep wiping at your lips,
for you can't shake off the notion that you got some of the experience on your face.
I'm not even going to mention the calorie content of what you just downed.

And sometimes,
if you're like me,
too much can make you choke.
Your throat and lungs seem to be tucked within a terrifyingly tight Chinese finger,
and each spoonful is a desperate attempt to escape
only to fall farther into a trap I like to call

jeffrey robin Oct 2014
/    \

Oh yes !
                                           ( we are here )

                               the          Rabble





Nothing less
Nothing more


Sing your love

( pathetic love ! )

Sing your truth

( weak and feeble )


Strut and prance
Then sit YE down

In war torn streets
amid the         Rubble


We are here


Nothing more
Nothing less


We are here

So ?

Shanijua Feb 2015
Hey dude, you are so undesireable yet you sit here as to say, "Hey, I know you want to **** me, I would too!" But sweetie, we don't. We could not care any less.
Yes, I want you as much as a tuba likes a pp. And you are as useful to me as mezzo forte is to the color guard.
Take a breath, sweet thang, and swallow that love in your heart which happens to be only filled with you, yourself, and hey what do ya know, more YOU.
Megan Yocom Feb 2018
There's an ache it's hard to explain.
I hate the silence it seems to taunt me.
Remind me how alone I really am.
Ache for people to understand my desperate plea.
Yet no one listens.
No one wants to.
I ache for a little heartbeat that once was intertwined with mine.
I choose his happiness over mine.
But he doesn't need me.
No reason to want me.
My skin shivers with the desire to be wanted.
I feel utter hopeless invelope every bit of optimistic foolishness.
I sink.
It's not painful it doesn't hurt. I am not sad or tearful.
It's like a whiteboard filled with marks of emotion all of a sudden is wiped clean.
A hole... something should be there.
A puzzle...
Knowing that something just isn't right. That hopeless desperate feeling...the hole is there filling up but with all negative emotions..
Self doubt, low self esteem, I'm useless, who really wants me anyways, rejection, undesireable, ugly, alone, wanting to bleed(fighting the desire to rip into my own flesh just to help me feel), just not good enough, naive, stupid, worthless, unattractive, ****** up, deserves to be alone, all these thoughts fill that hole.
Then I am nothing and everything all the same time.
But that everything is nothing all the same.
Viscous cycle of absolute and utter missery and torturous absence of exuberant life force
But it goes on and on
And tomorrow will be the same and the day after that and that and that.
And suffer for all eternity because my mind tell me I am destined for this fate.

— The End —