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Edward Coles Feb 2013
A thin white dust of snow littered the concrete path like an overspill of Styrofoam *****. Summer had her hands buried deep into the lining of her coat pockets and her chin pressed tightly within her pashmina scarf. It was the first bite of wind she’d felt in a while. She had been holed up with her friends for several days and the concept of loneliness was already foreign to her, much in the same way as privacy. She could feel the cheap red wine rust in her veins as her body told her “too much” and in truth she was ready for the crackle of vinyl and the promise of fresh sheets and a shower. The week had been fun, she guessed, she’d certainly felt closer to her friends than ever before, even though they all went back for as far as it was worth remembering.  ‘She guessed’. She’d been guessing for a while now, living in absences with everything held at an emotionless distance – whether or not this was deliberate she could not decide.
It wasn’t a particularly long walk back to her house, enough to take the bus - but she guessed she wanted the walk. The cold air made her eyes glassy and occasionally she had to blink furiously to catch the water forming along her lids. The din of distant inner city traffic consumed the airwaves around her but the path that lay ahead of her was surrounded by parkland, and within eyeshot there was a lazy brook where children would often be seen playing, though they’d be at school at this time of day. She guessed. She wasn’t quite sure of the time, but she knew it was the 15th of February. She couldn’t always be sure of what year it was though, her head was often stuck back in the 1960’s, before she was even born.
Summer could feel the claustrophobia of youthfulness shedding from her every angle and with every insipid step she took, the world took on a more familiar feeling and she took her first real breath of air for days. From out of nowhere she felt overwhelmed at the breathless ease of the faint snowfall and the slate grey of the sky. The clench in her stomach – Summer often found herself weeping for no real reason, and she could never quite work out whether she would be weeping for beauty, or for sorrow…she guessed that there was some compromise between the two. All she knew is that she was very sorry when she reached her front door that her walk was over and that she must again disappear into the walls.
The heating had been off for almost an entire week now and Summer could hear the house groan into action as the radiators cracked back into life, and she felt much the same. The kettle jittered on the spot as the water steamed and bubbled welcomingly and soon the kitchen was greeted with the smell of tea. Summer retreated to her room upstairs. A wide room with white walls meant that it was often brighter than the world outside and it often appeared to unadjusted eyes to have a ghostly glow about it. Summer thumbed through her proud collection of second-hand LP records until she settled on listening through Pink Moon for what was now an uncountable time. “Saw it written and I saw it say, pink moon is on its way”. She let out an exhausted but contented smile and fell onto her bed. The sheets were cold from privation of use but the coolness on her cheek was welcome and she closed her eyes and imagined she was still outside on an effortless walk, with the sounds of Nick Drake overpowering that of the exhausts of one thousand cars.
After several moments of another world, she reluctantly sat back up and began to take off her clothes to get a little bit more comfortable. It felt good to get out of her clothes, she’d only meant to stay for one night so she had not been able to change her clothes for days and she’d appreciated the idea of clean underwear in a way she never considered worth noticing before. She unclasped her bra and felt it fall clumsily to the floor and just sat there for a moment, bare-breasted in the pearl white of the chilly room. She couldn’t help but feel like an illustration, of pastels or watercolours. Her mind was still a convoluted collage of the past few day’s events – the haze of alcohol and **** still occupied a small corner of her being, despite the cleansing walk and the wonderful clunk of a familiar guitar bouncing across her walls. Her ******* were hard from the cold so she threw on an extra large male t-shirt that fell to just below her upper thigh.
She slid off her skirt and underwear, which fell limp at her pale thin ankles. Looking at her thighs, she could still make out the small thumb-sized bruises scattered across them from the distant and removed *** she’d had at some point last week. At least she guessed, it could have happened back in the 60’s for all she knew. It felt as if the past week was not real, a familiar feeling. She was almost certain that man who had shared her bed did not really exist and her bruises contested her own existence. At least that’s how it felt.
She turned over the vinyl and remembering her tea, slid between the covers and warmed her hands against the steaming ceramic. The tea was perhaps the most wonderful and delicious thing she had ever tasted and she felt it nourish her metaphysically. In a way beyond words, she felt herself heal with the rush of warm past her lips and the sweetness on her tongue. The room was slowly warming as she skimmed her legs back and forth against the mattress in complete comfort. Once the last of her tea had been drunk, she let the empty mug rest on the bedside counter and almost immediately fell into a dreamless sleep.
nick drake
Tina RSH Jul 2018
Once a stubborn streamline
through solid eyes of a stone heart
now beaming to the cracked heart of glittering glit
broken china
torrents pump out of unadjusted dreams
once clear and aglow
once for a reason battling
now battered war veterans, each
oh my shattered existence!
oh my evaporated blood!
Those lips of sincerity
which blessed soul is to kiss
and rob the truth away from?
O my wretched flesh! Speak
And tell of the fractured bones
countless nights of moon watching
and sun hugging awaiting his scent
that never arrived.
Burnt burnt throat of mine
and rapturous moments of his.
Aye God! Send justice.
CommonStory Dec 2016
Chances are you've met your soul mate already
But if your soul's corrupted
Your unproductive
And you have to wait your turn
When your new soul is ready
You be met your soul's mate again
But maybe they've corrupted
But corruptives soul like the one that you used to be
So usually
That soul corrupts you
And unadjusted you
Until you see met your soul's mate again
3 times its been
4 times it will be
How many times until
The souls are in harmony

The law of attraction
Past lovers
Future friends
Wether it be mental
Or physical
This attraction exist
And persist
In spite of loyalty

Face the fact that I could attract and be attract while keeping intact that if rather know you
Then not
Care for you
Then hate you
Or think indifferent
But this meaning is different if its differently expressed I digress

Can men and women be friends?
Copyright Matthew Marquis Xavier Donald 12/23/2016
OnlyEggy Mar 2011
Brightly it burns
Removing the darkness
From unadjusted eyes who fear
Preying on the weak and powerless
Those who find solace in the shadows
Exposing the faults of the expressionless
Shining light on the secrets of the guilt ridden
Sorrowful souls harshly ****** into view
Forcing the pain to be relived, renewed
Displayed for the cruel world to see
Self proclaimed justice paraded
Timid stillness abused
Self-righteous bliss
Ignorant muse
Camilla Peeters Aug 2018
longing for pink

My mind is a bathtub
Quickly fill up
Momentarily do not look
then clean up the Chaos
she has spilled herself Again
a pity that her surroundings
were Completely unadjusted and
She does not think anymore before doing
she Surrenders

your thought

Now the sea is deepening
so Are my thoughts
i was hoping for a quick recovery but
have to accept
i cannot cope with this

some wound

Please let the neighbourhood know
Again what kind of child
lives among Shells and skeletons
near an imaginary Beach
where another sea waves to itself
and calls For her mother
Vernon Waring Jul 2015
with two gin & tonics
mary jo
moves behind the wheel
on this lonely

she squirms
in the unadjusted seat
at the insects zooming
in the headlights' glare

putting the car
in drive
her twenty-second ride
begins in panic
hurtling down a
dirt road
littered with ruts
her right foot straining
to reach the gas pedal

she approaches the
rickety bridge
but its flat
makes no impression
as she proceeds
forward and
into the swift current
the tidal splash of
two tons of metal

the nervous senator
walks toward the cottage
wondering if mary jo
will find her way back

he suddenly remembers that
a man will soon step
on the moon
but his thoughts
are diverted
by the fragile sound
of girlish chatter
rising from the clammy darkness
like an aria
or an omen
Simon Fletcher Jan 2011
They dance around the old wooden barn
While they chase the cats with a spool of white yarn
They ask me to read them this children's novel
About a young male, about your age, who was just like you
He tied his shoes like you
You probably never had clue
The fact is, you never thought of this
It was just a skeleton in your old dusty closet
Which you kept behind with the unbreakable locket
For whatever reason, you have never given me none
So you preach your words of sadism as if it is for fun
But you avoid the illusion that he was just like you
He had eyes like you
He even spoke in a clear and loud voice...just like you.
Like you...
But the children want another story and they are tired of my *******
They'd rather **** and do drugs and simply deny it
I cry sometimes for them, those poor *******
So why can't I ask her?
Because she's just like you...
Needs that are unadjusted, like you
Because I like you...
you, you, you.
onlylovepoetry Mar 2020
the crying want of you (first of the everlasting)

so many ways this loving emotion manifests,
for each, a salutation, unique, some sleek,
some solutions jagged, but when I cry out for the
inexplicable but perfectly understood want of you

an all encompassing recipe,
a gasp, a shriek, a celebration, a loss illimitable deepening,
a need perceived with a crucial cruelty, inexhaustible
noise barely human, but quintessentially exactly that

you who have needy for fearsomely loved, and been
fearsomely loved with equal measuring cups which
have no delimiting notion of linear boundaries of cup and quart,
only precise calculations of defined unlimited overflowing

even silence totality of crying out loudly screams of desperation,
noiseless, crept for the unadulterated, unadjusted purity of want,
a state well dreamt, but so rarely hail fellow well met, the
startling exertion of meeting yourself in another over the borderline

forgive the paucity of my word~children in expressing what
was designed and created to be inexhaustibly rare,
the crying want of you, the missing final jigsaw puzzle piece
of want and being wanted, to touch the immortal soul, the first of the

everlasting, united, unending and unendurable undefined want

8:10am 2-20-2020

from within the confessional
Keyana Brown Feb 8
Everyday I feel...
and unadjusted

One moment
I'm drowning in the ocean
next I'm tangled in the jungle
My mind is drifting in motion
thinking of work, life, and death
all in a bundle.

I have to go work
I have to pay rent thats due
then do college assignments
Today my nana was gone too soon
I began to wept and forgot I havent eaten
I left, then my friend called and said
"Can you come through?"
I wanted no excuse
and said that its cool
I remembered
I needed to complete a painting
not just one but so many
also my poems still in the making.

Its fine...
because it keeps
my mind pondering
than constantly

I'm not going to lie,
I'm not puzzled
Thank God
that I'm grateful
I kept myself busy
when life has its trial.
Rest in power and in peace nana 🙏🏽 ❤💐
ADHD helps me carry on with life.
Robert Oliva Aug 26
The Windmill ruled with motion but today it was just still
An unadjusted stance and ungathered blades askance
A Frozen Titan statued from breezes nil

A wish for wind desired, needed, unconsidered by half its kinetic pair, this a breach that can’t be reached or achieved or earned or fair

The Titan’s magic coarsely halted , a status bent with all recourse bare
A sentence ****** by Nature”s fuss a captive ‘til
Nature deems to submit its share

The day she said she no longer loved me
She denied the one more chance I yearned
She held nature’s power over my destiny
Now she can’t be reached with no change achieved or earned
Like that windmill stilled , stripped of choice and will,
A captive’s fate
A bitter pill
Bobby O

— The End —