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Muyiwa Williams Aug 2016
the sound from the 00s in my mind

the dream I had when I left my past behind

and used my hands to write those lines

you see the frown on my face wrinkle to great rhymes

kinda what dr dre did on the chronic

i did mine in these days you see i am iconic





Now I am only making the highlights

shining with the stars ULTRALIGHT

I am in the sun watch out for my BEAM

ONCE I WAS 17 years Old

But Now I am in the Limelight cos I rhyme Tight.
do you see me
from the trees the grow above me
that grow out to the vineyards
across the dirt-risen floor
yearning for the sunlight
to love once again
as I dwell on thoughts
coasting along the river
confessing out loud
to the dried sunflowers
and the ultralight beams
walking on water with
the thorns on my feet
calling out to heavens above.
© rainbows and sunshine 2018
A de Carvalho May 2012
I open the blinds and see the world - in return, what
does the world see? It sees me, and all my splendid, split
personalities, living these amazing times, of amazing
pleasures, in which we tweet tweets, and post posts re
ego-trips and copyrighted links, videos and things; and,
as stray dogs, we ramble randomly, and all the time,  
living in our infinite worlds, of infinite lanes, till infinity;
yet we suffer so much pain.

Our Shih Tzus take us on extended walks, firmly leashed
to our Koss plugs, as we drone cool tunes on multihued
iPods, iPhones buzzing ringtones of tittering babies,
stolid kings and hyperactive frogs, which would all make
my eighty-six year old dad want to gag; we fly
ultralight megaplanes at the sonic sound of speed,
through virtual and real space, connecting dots at low-
cost prices, while we belt-up, gear-up, gulp Gaga and
gorge heat-inducted meals of deer, horse and over-
promoted crap; and then, wow surprisingly, we are all
so unsatisfied.

We consciously all move-in together, and **** on end,
like statistical sheep, pre-married, unloving, and broken
up, and justify it all, to ourselves, with our fully
stretched spandex morality, over low-carb brunches
@Starbucks, two 14” screens of separation; we paint
pornographic images of virgins, all called Mary, in the
name of art, and, white-clad, **** babes and alter-boys,
and penetrate each other, first with our fingers, deeply,
then superficially, without even wondering, for a
zeptosecond, why we can’t stand one another any

We crank-up dependencies, like high street mainliners,
shamming and slaughtering for neurotoxic fixes of
smileys and Crystal on billion-dollar Kogo yachts, while
we all just pedal on, dispassionately, down and over
interior canals, to the core of our hocked, abbrev lives,
chronically connected and severely distracted, in
aromatic polymer bubbles, heedlessly cruising through
comic-strip farms of mock vegetables, surely to nowhere
and towards no one; and quite frankly, the world laughs
at all this, and sobs, and so do I.
Butch Decatoria Nov 2016
The morning ***
Before head
back to work
This Jay Oh Bee
B is for Business / Bull Dooky

"It's just Bid ness"

No Justice
The menial  
Minimum wage / Slave to NEED
Gotta have purchase
Gotta buy to eat
Nothing comes for free

Except / accept

That moment
The whole world fears...
We sware to
A Slave  - yes Sam, I am
I tell you this,
what I saw, we done-did seen...

White Grey hound buses
Parking in our Plaza
Spilling out the Orient,
          Snapping pictures with Samsungs
While I did smoke
An Ultralight One-Hundred
          I got the sense,
That they were surveying the area
Pointing forefingers painting
GPS  e s p
Architects of
Pleased with themselves
The language of enigma
To their chatter
Foreigners they used to be

Historical predictions now

What landscapes will look like
When remodeled
(...misguided projectiles....)

A bigger Little Korea Town

Over run...

It's the feeling
That must be panic
It's the feeling
Of being surrounded
By enemy foe
By animal control
Their tranqs. Nets & leashes,
Stunners at the ready...

Pzzt and sshhzzz....
Static mind games
Phones smarter than us,
Of course

We all FaceTime with touch screens
I'm no different,
Press Menu, the date and time
                       It's only 5 minutes 'til...
Light another ***
Before I get started ...

Here, my J.o.b. Is being...
The only employee "who a-speak a-only
"Only a-one language"
Hehehe *** emoji!

Less than zilch.
Like a spy spying secretly
Inside his own
Country / nation / tribe
Of the people, all
men are creating
Our own inequalities...

Done-did see, oh say so

We'll get - done got toked
Peace pipes, petrol
and the joke goes
"There's this bus, and them opportunists...
Blueprints, dispensaries,
The Imminent war..."

(Even the church has history
With puffs
            Of black and white
             Smoke / gag reflexes /
The Coughing it up)

Chang Cha-Ching!

Smoke brakes over
Gets back
To the factory
Chain Gang am/way

Cracking whips on backs of us
Of those who still worship
The lamb...  Yes I am
To Uncle Sam :
In the way, another obstacle

In the way of progress
Prehistoric pedestrian painted in the landscape
Sooner pushing
Out of the way

For supermarket boulevard malls
Catering from cowering from defeat
Mean streaks
Bomb shells
Mad money and a piece
       "Glocks, 45colts, semi automatics
        *******' Guns
For the **** storm hustle...!"

Every conversation started
Shaft all up in your grill
Every question an appeal
For information is power
Axing who you be?

I works at the grocers
In the ****** area part of town
Across the ways from the dispensary
(**** Chung winks at chuck wagons)

Says I gets discounts
With my marijuana card,
Prescription coupon

A regular

Yelp! Hollah!

we Gots what you really need
       It's only business
Don't take it personal
Minions of E.T

But Still... there is no justice....

We Prey on the Lambs
And tell ourselves to
Doubt slowly
             "Just you wait / they'll see...
Dawn will break"
Clear of smoke, no doubt

The open minds, eyes,
Done did and able to see...
The invasion
Intellectual property

Karma will be a *****
On dinosaur bones
In the crude that burns the sky
And the smoke
Our bad /

u got me waiting
blue eyed dreamer girl

eating dreams
we on an ultralight beam
and evenings are gold

you got to know i haven't
always felt like this
heaven's got dawn streets
laced with honey-faith
and sunlight texture

grace my feet
and i **** with that
just with your friends
and your blue eyes

so smitten.
Michael Opoku Nov 2018
i touch my soul and release the ON switch.

The darkness beckons like an aborted child full of possibilities never explored.
Potential never reached.
Heights never teached.
Things never speeched.
But life goes on thrashing like a rude animal, desperately devouring all in its path with no end in sight, and no table manners.
Trembling slowly, my hand reaches into the abyss for a drop of light to comfort my flickering life force. The only channel of hope that now rushes with the ferocity of a dying turtle, with no home to speak of.

TICK TOCK, click clack, the only sounds that remind me that reality never shuts off.
Where’s the remote?

It was never invented.

My shadows play dead to my consciousness, never there to teach me my concrete lessons.

So I scratch my bed stings, reminders of my past, itches of my present, and marks  in my future.

The fade to black is my only resolution.

The gavel sounds and I pinch myself, hoping it’s a dream, no it’s just a scheme, ultralight beam?

The ticks turn into Morse code. Translation?

Start over.
blue mercury Oct 2016
you say you never gave me aught. i find this funny, because you gave me confidence before you gave me heartache, but both of them you gave to me. i try not to sit and wonder what if? what if i was there for you when you were at your worst? would you really have loved me?

nothing but late night whispers as misterwives covers that song about wendy.
wendy grows old, her window will close, and peter will still never grow up.

ready, set, stop. we don't go anywhere, although i'd love to go everywhere there is with you. i'll be a mermaid- my hair will be wet, my soul soaked in misadventure. i'll let you duck my head under for as long as you want, and if it kills me in the process, you can swallow these jelly beans whole.

my jelly bean soul will be with your gummy bear heart, and it will be pretty.
your smile is so bright it glows in the dark- i wonder where it's gone?

this ultralight beam is carrying me home. home away from home. home away from the heartache, and away from all of the things i lost when i thought i was in love with you. i lost a part of myself. it's still over where you are. singing songs i want to forget.

i've been spinning like a record, seeing you in the city, in the red of stoplights.
i once said i'd wait for you there but i'd rather float face down in the water.
i found this psychic ills album at a record store for a dollar. electriclife is a **** good song.
cxbra Mar 2017
On the way home, there are paths disguised as mountains
Arches of light to climb
Fragments of color, scattered bread crumbs, to lead the way
This is your journey home
Embrace Divine light, the pieces of your soul

Illuminated by the joyful tears of your guardian angels and ultralight beams, you are on the right path when you see me
Your journey home is not as hard as it may seem, the end isn't clear to you just as the gold's sheen comes second to your soul
the only illusion are the mountains in the distance whom are few and far apart
So with every milestone of your life, be sure to look into the skies and see which color of your next chapter shines
Tom Webster Jul 2019
I'm a perfectly consistent contradiction.
I'm oiled by tons of lightweight friction.I'm
spending my time with no time to spare;
while suffocatin' on all the fresh air.
I'm slurrin' my speech with perfect diction,
while truthfully expressing science fiction.
There's not a lot more that I can say,
so I won't take long;
just forever and a day.
My past draws ever closer as my future fades away.
I'll see you in Hell but have a nice day.
I have ultralight opinions that hold lots of weight;
can't draw worth a **** as I'll illustrate.
You may think I'm on your doorstep, but I'm a hundred miles  away.
See you in Hell but have a nice day. I don't know why you're so
insistent that I have to be perfectly consistent.
Can't you see that I'm doin' OK?
See you in Hell but have a nice day.
I gotta  comatose brain that won't slow down;
a friendly warm smile that's sprinkled with a frown.
My mind is racin' 'bout a mile a minute.
Get out of my life cause I need you in it.
I'll take Mastercard or Visa but you don't gotta pay.
See you in Hell
but have a nice day.
Consistency  is overrated,
and lunacy is unappreciated.
Every corner of my coaster has got one roller.
I've gone clinically sane,
while being bipolar.
I'm as short as Paul Bunyan and tall as Tom Thumb;a cross between Einstein and Dumber and Dumb.
I'll wish you a Merry New Year in the middle of May ,and I'll see  you     in Hell but have a nice day!
The Fire Burns Aug 2017
Cypress branches hang solemnly
in the early morning stillness,
I feel the polar opposite,
I know the knees of the trees
hold bass and crappie
which I am here to catch.

With Texas rigged worms
and with feather-tipped jigs,
I grin with glee at the still water
and make my first cast,
waiting and salivating
with excited anticipation.

The boat glides silently,
trolling motor directed,
ultralight rod, orange and white bobber,
red and chartreuse jig ready,
wrist flick sends a ballistic arcing bait.

Landing 4 inches from the cypress knee
the bobber never stops at the surface,
sinking quickly, I lift the rod, and line runs,
reeling quickly, to prevent tangling,
I boat a sixteen-inch white crappie,
hopefully one of many.
Taru M Nov 2023
Is it selfish to be your best self?


are you answering from
center stage under consecrated light
  or from a mosh of ears

voyeurism is a bigger fetish than we admit
more people passively perceiving than receiving
we are all transmitters:  two-way
What frequency are you on?
  when still unmoved by those most direct of messages
steady skirting around the fringe of your essence

What scares you so much?
Is it selfish to be unafraid?
to stave off sleep for waking dreams
to approach stages lucid and ever-aware
Are you a conduit yet?
a right of passage
a walk around before any rest
rest stations are just another phase
before you find your soapbox

Did you catch that last PSA?

your greatness found you over a decade ago
and is still waiting for your response
clean yourself up
the ultralight beams have been patient enough
Aaron Feb 2021
my friends turned cold
estranged from their souls
with me is home
and ultralight running
with gas masks flood lights
blood and meadow
the suspect is zoned out
too much work
to be annoyed

— The End —