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Brianne Rose Nov 2015
"Hey Arya, want to go see that new movie that JUST came out? Ya know the one about the *******?"
"Maybe tomorrow Melodric. I'm kinda tired right now, kay?", Arya replies
"oh...okay, Tomorrow then, i'll hold you to that you know!", Melodric replies teasingly
Arya laughs, "Yeah, Yeah, anyway, I'm headed home, night Mel"
"Night Arya, uh, hey, want me to walk you home? i heard that the crime rate has gone up in town recently, Ya never know their next target."
"I'll be fine Mel, go home dufus!"
"ok,ok...See ya Tomorrow"
"yeah, tomorrow"
"That the girl we after?"
"Sure is"
"like the rest?"
"hehehehe...Lets get'r"

"Rain, Rain, go away, plaese don't come back another day!", Arya giggles then freezes as a black van suddnely pulls up beside her and she watches two men quickly hop out and start towards her.
Arya ran
She didn't get far...
The two men grab her as she tries to scream, but one places their hand over her mouth.
She feels the ***** of a needle in her neck.
Her last thought was, 'Mel..Help...Me.'

Melodric checked his watch, "it's 7:00, where is she?"
He had been waiting at the school courtyard for half an hour now for her.
"It's not like her to be late...maybe her alarm never went off?"
A fellow student noticed him sitting on the school steps and says, "Hey Melodric, class is about to start, why aren't you heading in?"
Melodric replies, " I'm waiting for Arya, she hasn't showed up yet...though that's the odd thing, she's never late, ya know anything about that?"
"you mean no one has told you yet?"
"told me what?"
"Arya was found dead laying in a pool of her own blood at 1:00 this morning."
"A...Arya's dead?"
" never knew?"
"n-no...i...we where supposed to watch a movie today. The Newest release. he told me yesterday that Tomorrow was when she'd go with me...and i said...i said that i'd hold her to that."
"She always used to say, 'There's always Tomorrow'...but now...there wont BE a tomorrow..not for her...not anymore..."
"Melodric, hey...i'm...I'm sorry man. Sorry you found out like this, and about Arya, i knew you where close with her."
" 'There's always Tomorrow' I can go mourn tomorrow..right?"
"yeah, tomorrow."

"There's always Tomorrow Melodric!", Arya laughingly said in Melodrics mind
'But sometimes...There's not always a Tomorrow', Melodric replied, 'There'll never be a Tomorrow...Not anymore'
"Dude did you hear the news last night? that kid, uh, melo...dic? no Melodric! He apparently shot himself after leaving a note saying, 'I don't want to spend another Tomorrow without Arya.' how Pathetic is that?"
"C'mon man, chill out. Those two where always hanging around one another, doesn't surprise me he wanted ta be with her. who wouldn't?"
"ya, you're right, hey wanna go see that new movie that came out?"
"Maybe Tomorrow. I'm kinda tired."
"Ok, Tomorrow then. Don't forget!"
Comments are Appreciated
Angela May 2011
Wise and wistful Njal    perched pleasantly in the heart of Iceland
Vengeance victory and voluptuous vial veined through Flosi    Njal as innocent as an infant
His demeanor held neither mediocrity nor morals    but rather an emotion enthralled ego
Cooled cinders clog Flosi's heart to a stone    To unfurl the expression in an utmost barbaric action
He recollects ways to reclaim rotten ridden revenge   pondering upon which way will win
In one breath of fiery hell Flosi embarked his plan    a sheepish grin gambled graciously on his hard face
The house engulfed in silk flames of scarlet    the blood curdling cries of children never ceased
Onyx hazes of smoke of smoke danced on the top of the roof    taunting the flames to devour more
Flosi's eyes excitedly enlightened in excitement    his perilous plan appeared promising
He laughed lively at the feat   the hysterical hollers of children was suddnely muted
Several silent minutes passed    spirits of ashes resurrected from the charred house
The air was stale    sparse dull life clinged to hold its existence
Bleached black bones held close to each other in a cluster   combusted cloth clothed the cluster
Two tiny tinged skeletons lay in heavy heaps    almost as if they were holding hands
But no longer did the embrace last  no longer did the home host habitability
This sadistic outcome shed no tears for Flosi   he enjoyed the revolting wrath of revenge ever so
He shadowed over the remains of bones and timber   boastfully bubbling blissfully in excitement
kicking the bones like dry dirt   Flosi continued to walk around the ash ridden land
His leather boots crisping in the hot coals   his callused hands thrusting in the air expressing victory
He beaconed a shrill of success   tears trembling down his face
Flosi has won   revenge has ridden him once more
This was an assignment for a World Lit elective class in school. The poem is subjected towards the The Story of Burn Njal. This poem is in inspired Anglo Saxon format. Enjoy.
V Sep 2017
The man behind the window,
Watches the religious preachers pass,
"Oh no, not again..." he worries,
"Now what will they ask?"

He hides as if they do not know,
He ignores the world outside,
He stays silent and distant,
No, he isn't home, he denies.

The sound of his door-bell can be heard throughout his whole house,
This time it's louder than usual, like a cat yeowl to a mouse.

He stays put for one moment, then two, then three,
What he least expected was a knock now,
"Oh, please just let me be".
He was a good man, but his mind was his own,
But ****** would he be, to ignore another mans right to a speech.

Religious or solicitor, neighbor, family or friend,
He just couldn't help it, a voice was a voice to appreciate in the end.

Carefully he opened, the great, white door,
And there stood a couple, with a smile so genuine, not fake for sure.
"Hello! We are preachers of God's great word,
Would you care to listen please, Sir?"

Minutes was passed and the man listened closely,
He wasn't much of a religious follower,
He didn't understand what those words or verses mean.
Still he listened, to much of his own surprise,
He felt a sense of happiness, and no, he didn't have to lie.

He lived in great misery, alone, angry and afraid of the world,
He had grown irritable and distrusting,
His mind a constant bustling.

But to have a company, despite what he had been told,
Such religous faces, were not evil or cold.
They made him feel comforted, and to his surprise a sense of hope,
For a moment he felt his hands hold on tighter, to the end of his own rope.

When finally they finished they spoke softly,
"Sir would you be intersted, in perhaps a bible study?"
For a moment he considered it, but suddnely his thoughts came back,
They came upon him so quickly, like a startled heart-attack.

"You will have to excuse me, I must be going now..."
With that he closed the door, without another sound.
The couple confused, only turned silently and left,
While the man had slumped down against the door, a sad, tragic mess.

For you see he had felt hope, happiness, and a sense of great peace,
Whether that was from two people alone or spirtuality.
But somewhere inside him, the voices screamed out loud:
"You don't deserve God or anyone..."
He was hurt and blinded in a dark black cloud.

He sat and sobbed, for he felt it was unsafe to take anything or care,
"Who am I to anything in this world?
I don't deserve anything, not even God should want me here.
I am not worth that salvation, or a knock from anyone,
Not even Christ himself should love me or my "blood".
I have no family, friends or job of any kind,
Please, just let me be preached by the only church that is my mind."
Based on a True Story~

As someone who grew up in a religious family, I soon went my own ways when I got older, I lost and to admit, abandoned my faith and found it quiet dark on my own.

I have had a lot happen, and with mental illnesses that scream at you constantly about how unworthy you are of anything, even good hearted preachers, or loved ones seem like a threat.
Many times I have closed my own doors on people, acting as if I had it all together and I didn't need anything, more so God...
Only to find myself behind that door later, praying for a sign, a voice, something at all.

Depression has killed me and made me a very isolated and cold person at times...
And like this character in the poem, he is stuck to the only thing he knows, his mind, his "church of thoughts."

I don't know where I was going with this at first, and I am not exactly sure it even came out correctly...
But it found me now, in the middle of the night, wanting to be manifested.
Interpet it as you wish. :)
And no, this is nothing against religious ones or anything negative,
In my opinion and eyes, I hold a very deep respect and appreciation for those still in touch with a belief so strongly they want to share.
And many times, these people were the only ones who have helped me when I didn't even have to ask. :)

I love you all,
Religious or not. ❤

Audrey Maday Feb 2015
I still do not understand,
How someone who once loved you,
More than life itself,
Can suddnely be so unendlingly,
To suddenly be old
It came so suddenly one day I woke and was old
I thought it was never going to happen.
To be old is ok up to a point, but the body is falling apart
I walk with a cane now, constant pain when walking unaided.
I have lost my sense of humour nothing is funny,
What made me laugh has turned into shrug about the idiocy
Of humans. We see this clearly when a British troops board
An Iranian vessel, after request, by the USA it is laughable
How they want a war that has no reason other
Then revenge when Iranian students took over the American
Embassy in 1976, it is sniggering funny, I am not laughing as
the world faces another calamity, a war that will hit us all.
Brexit is a hoot the British elite at its worst; it lacks dignity
When incompetent politicians fight for power, do anything
To avoid Corburn getting to control and destroy
The elite’s little earners, I shrug we have been here before
And it is not funny.

— The End —