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Sofia Von Sep 2012
You’re lost
I can’t find you anywhere
I listen for the sound of your foot steps
Your breath


Its getting late
I'm perspiring
I'm hoping you’ll be strong

Strong like how I am
Or maybe how I want to be

But you’re not
You know you’re not
You probably wouldn’t stand a chance

I run

Hiding in the bushes as the bright lights shine

I’m a crminal, I’m a criminal, I’m a criminal

I hear a rustle
I hear a squeel
Frozen muscles
Is it you?
Im sprinting now
Home, home were you’ll be I know it
It has to be
I’m not worried everything’s fine

I don’t care who sees me now

I'll **** them up

I'm on a mission
I've gotta save her
I've gotta prove I'm fretting over nothing
Which is worse than fretting over something

Stomp stomp creek
Warm air
Familiar smell
No sound

I walk to the bathroom
It's nothing

To her
O Prince, O chief of many throned pow’rs!
        That led th’ embattled seraphim to war!
                      (Milton, Paradise Lost)

O thou! whatever title suit thee,—
Auld Hornie, Satan, Nick, or Clootie!
Wha in yon cavern, grim an’ sootie,
     Clos’d under hatches,
Spairges about the brunstane cootie
     To scaud poor wretches!

Hear me, Auld Hangie, for a wee,
An’ let poor ****** bodies be;
I’m sure sma’ pleasure it can gie,
     E’en to a deil,
To skelp an’ scaud poor dogs like me,
     An’ hear us squeel!

Great is thy pow’r, an’ great thy fame;
Far ken’d an’ noted is thy name;
An’ tho’ yon lowin heugh’s thy hame,
     Thou travels far;
An’ faith! thou’s neither lag nor lame,
     Nor blate nor scaur.

Whyles, ranging like a roarin lion,
For prey a’ holes an’ corners tryin;
Whyles, on the strong-wing’d tempest flyin,
     Tirlin’ the kirks;
Whyles, in the human ***** pryin,
     Unseen thou lurks.

I’ve heard my rev’rend graunie say,
In lanely glens ye like to stray;
Or whare auld ruin’d castles gray
     Nod to the moon,
Ye fright the nightly wand’rer’s way
     Wi’ eldritch croon.

When twilight did my graunie summon
To say her pray’rs, douce honest woman!
Aft yont the **** she’s heard you bummin,
     Wi’ eerie drone;
Or, rustlin thro’ the boortrees comin,
     Wi’ heavy groan.

Ae dreary, windy, winter night,
The stars shot down wi’ sklentin light,
Wi’ you mysel I gat a fright,
     Ayont the lough;
Ye like a rash-buss stood in sight,
     Wi’ waving sugh.

The cudgel in my nieve did shake,
Each bristl’d hair stood like a stake,
When wi’ an eldritch, stoor “Quaick, quaick,”
     Amang the springs,
Awa ye squatter’d like a drake,
     On whistling wings.

Let warlocks grim an’ wither’d hags
Tell how wi’ you on ragweed nags
They skim the muirs an’ dizzy crags
     Wi’ wicked speed;
And in kirk-yards renew their leagues,
     Owre howket dead.

Thence, countra wives wi’ toil an’ pain
May plunge an’ plunge the kirn in vain;
For oh! the yellow treasure’s taen
     By witchin skill;
An’ dawtet, twal-pint hawkie’s gaen
     As yell’s the bill.

Thence, mystic knots mak great abuse,
On young guidmen, fond, keen, an’ croose;
When the best wark-lume i’ the house,
     By cantraip wit,
Is instant made no worth a louse,
     Just at the bit.

When thowes dissolve the snawy hoord,
An’ float the jinglin icy-boord,
Then water-kelpies haunt the foord
     By your direction,
An’ nighted trav’lers are allur’d
     To their destruction.

And aft your moss-traversing spunkies
Decoy the wight that late an drunk is:
The bleezin, curst, mischievous monkeys
     Delude his eyes,
Till in some miry slough he sunk is,
     Ne’er mair to rise.

When Masons’ mystic word an grip
In storms an’ tempests raise you up,
Some **** or cat your rage maun stop,
     Or, strange to tell!
The youngest brither ye *** whip
     Aff straught to hell!

Lang syne, in Eden’d bonie yard,
When youthfu’ lovers first were pair’d,
An all the soul of love they shar’d,
     The raptur’d hour,
Sweet on the fragrant flow’ry swaird,
     In shady bow’r;

Then you, ye auld snick-drawin dog!
Ye cam to Paradise incog,
And play’d on man a cursed brogue,
     (Black be your fa’!)
An gied the infant warld a shog,
     Maist ruin’d a’.

D’ye mind that day, when in a bizz,
Wi’ reeket duds an reestet gizz,
Ye did present your smoutie phiz
     Mang better folk,
An’ sklented on the man of Uz
     Your spitefu’ joke?

An’ how ye gat him i’ your thrall,
An’ brak him out o’ house and hal’,
While scabs and blotches did him gall,
     Wi’ bitter claw,
An’ lows’d his ill-tongued, wicked scaul,
     Was warst ava?

But a’ your doings to rehearse,
Your wily snares an’ fechtin fierce,
Sin’ that day Michael did you pierce,
     Down to this time,
*** ding a Lallan tongue, or Erse,
     In prose or rhyme.

An’ now, Auld Cloots, I ken ye’re thinkin,
A certain Bardie’s rantin, drinkin,
Some luckless hour will send him linkin,
     To your black pit;
But faith! he’ll turn a corner jinkin,
     An’ cheat you yet.

But fare you weel, Auld Nickie-ben!
O *** ye tak a thought an’ men’!
Ye aiblins might—I dinna ken—
     Still hae a stake:
I’m wae to think upo’ yon den,
     Ev’n for your sake!
epedeped Feb 2010
my life is a series of
ups and downs
an elevator run by
circus clowns
a little to the left
a little to the right
the more you try
the harder the fight
if i could only remember
that lesson from the elder
where she held me captive
like a flame to an ember
and in the glow
her knowledge let go
to me,  that wisdom
like water flows
the way you lose
is in the way you choose
to be the knee or the ****
a sneer or a smirk
accept or refuse
its all in your muse
to give or to take
are you solid or a flake
the pin or the wheel
to oil or let squeel
a penny or a dime
its all in your mind
as is time as is time....
Sarah Gammon Apr 2015
Unlike E.T, I don't need a phone
I am already home;
I am in my comfort zone.
Babe, you'll never be alone
and I will make it known
by writing it in stone
and in our souls, its sewn.
For, you are where my heart is,
full of joy and bliss;
nothing can beat this
or the taste of your sweet kiss.
Before, there was nothingness,
and now I have a purpose,
and this, is, bliss.

Patience is a virtue,
one I attribute to you
because baby, its true,
that everything you do
shows your value
and you always come through.

Got me screaming

No I am not dreaming

Chocolate is my favourite meal
so I got myself a good deal,
I got chocolate I can feel
come to life, its unreal,
there's no wrapper to peel.
So delicious it makes me squeel,
cmon baby take the wheel,
It's my heart you always heal
with your beautiful dark skin,
warm hands, and body thin,
the greatest being your soul within.
Away from you, I am aching,
with you, I always win.

I haven't found the words to say,
what I try to tell you every day;
that I love you, in every way,
so much now that it is cray.
Promise me you'll always stay.

Got me screaming

No I am not dreaming

No one's ever loved me like you do,
so honestly, through and through,
a love that's pure, strong, and true.
I could never properly thank you,
but I can promise to never leave you
'cause I can see just how big we grew,
and its beautiful, like a sunset's hue.
I won't stop thanking my lucky star
for our incredibly journey, so far,
and for how amazing you really are.

Let's make the world green with envy,
make them wish that they could be,
even just half as awesome as you and me.
If they get mad, let them be,
because **** their jealousy.
Let's rub it in, my baby;
I love you and you love me,
and that's what it means to be happy.

Got me screaming

No I am not dreaming

This is ******' awesome.
Copyright Sarah Gammon 2015, for my love, Ernest. Thank you for loving me better than anyone ever before. xox
Chenoa Jul 2010
A laugh, a smile,
a teasing glance.
A joke, a look,
a funny stance.
Make me grin,
fall in the bin--
then lift me out again!
I squeel! I roar!
oh no! I'm on the floor!
Be quick! Be still...
oh great, I need a pill...
What's that? You go?
Why, it cannot be so!
Well, cheers! Farewell!
I'll ring the parting bell.
Goodbye! Sweet sorrow...
oh well!
We'll laugh some more tomorrow!
I wrote this after having dinner with the missionaries. When we came back to the house, we had some pretty good laughs. I felt like I had quite an exercise by the time they left and I was in the mood to write something wacky.
I really think they're going to harm me
I think i really Am onto something
From going deep inside myself
Where i've never been before

Even as i write i can feel them trying to stop me

I'm getting closer

But they're trying to stifle my thoughts
And there's that buzzing again

This time it's different

A high pitched squeel accompanies the buzzz
Faint but audible
Same constant pitch

It doesn't matter now though
I'm channeling
And i'm getting better at it

The slight numbness in my arm
might be cause for concern
But it's probably just from typing for so long
It's nothing
I'm sure

The journey continues inward
and they start to lose their control

I must be getting close
I'm on the cusp

And then
And it's gone
I got nothing

Except cold breath on my shoulders
and a shiney new fear implant
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I just need this and nothing more
Call me shallow or a *****

But I'm a man who's neglected desire
And you turned me on and started a fire

I want to breathe into your neck
And swim in all of you that's wet

I want to see you squirm and squeel
Oh how good I'll make you feel
SoupHands Mar 2016
The Immortal Melting Man no. 2
I was witness to a birth
To the child of my last living relative
One final, feeble attempt to keep our withering family tree alive
A birth without marriage
A manic, desperate cling to legacy
So much hope, manifested in brand new life
Although the child itself was beautiful, birth and death have blurred in grandeur to me
All beings return to dust, with or without blessings from their intangible father figure
And this child would be no exception, i thought to myself
Seasons would pass, however many, and the child would grow, and then the man would die
Life and living to me, are as rocks are to the ocean.
Both just words, unyielding just as they are present and unchangeable
And i find it very odd, as the child breathes his first gulp of air and returns it as a squeel of primitive affirmation saying
i am alive; i find it very odd how no one person seems to truly appreciate their life until they are reminded of it
Even as i degrade, i know merciful death will not come for me
I envy the child
Life is a currency, meaningless and monetary
It is a liquor meant only for the mortal and flawed
Life is but one single dollar. Spend it wisely child.
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM
Spear Mar 2021
If words could tell you how I feel
Maybe they'd make your heart squeel
But for now I take all the sticks and stones
Just so they won't break your bones

Maybe if I held your hand
The world would feel like distant Lands
But instead you play away with her hair
And take away all her air

Sometimes I wonder if you whisper in her ear
And the thought of it make my heart tear
dennis drain Oct 2016
Yea.... Look.....
              Every lesson i learned burned me till it stuck in an hurt
Started out as a kid searchin for the place i fit in
Saw broken souls young and old   healed what i could, learned how it worked livin in sin
started playin games as a  way to train for a life in the game
Till one day an O.G showed me a mans brain splatered like rain on a dark night one may.

Keep it real..
dont just act like steal...
If you sayin that you down,
Better be ready for the **** that comes around.
Bluffin gets real thugs stuffin trunks with punks an fools that squeel
So you better know how down you is for real

Beatin ******* *** in class for trash talkin my broke *******
White trash on welfare and food stamps
Only ever held stolen cash, only ever busted stolen gats
But i seen a mansion and now i got all that.
**** lessons and tests, group discussions and packets
Im brillintly crimanaly insane and intend to be a **** so i stay  underground straight
Ima live till i wanna die, words only boss ****** get to live by
One shot 2 shot, im hit, your fine, ima live, you gon die.
Cant **** what you cant match in pride
Watch what you fly round me i roll unstraped Take no crap and **** all you mother ****** scraps.
Hope you like my rap dont talk crap.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2020
like it were a letter extracted from another:
an iota from a psi (Ψ) -
or   "     from either theta (Θ) or phi (Φ)

ᛉ is not exactly an upside down
but all things run on
clockwork - here: around here...

but isn't the driving force:
this peter defying gravity
more than... what the "lord" and "savior"
managed with parched lips
upon golgotha:
i seek tel megiddo -
              i seek and i seek
and i'm nowhere to be found:
bound to a blindness that reads:
and this book will be required
reading for years to come!
and we will strive to
keep illiteracy paramount...
come the sudden switch-over...
we'll replace standard
literacy with: attempting
3D experiments on 2D canvas...
with coding the monster project
of a.i. -
    if i were a man that worked
for the n.h.s. and drew blood
for comforts of detail and
the necessity for still-life...

whatever the noun-denotation
of the hippy symbol: ☮...
                i have extracted the rune
from the omicron...

it's not heart-surgery -
                      old father Yr standing:
an elk beside a birch tree...
suppose there might be
some dog-esque antics of
******* against it...
lifting the impossibly invisible
lineage of linen to extract
that: suppose i were attempting
to sit in a saddle and ride a horse:
a dog that i am, *******...

i "suffer" for what zenodotus noted...
✝ 180°...
             i have before me a contest
from last night...
i wasn't even trying
to counter the original...
i started thinking:
how indistinguishable hope
is from doubt...

   clearly: the sensible chargehands
of philosophy in france
came with their existentialism:
in systems in clear-cut-packaging...
there was no room for
a plethora of emotions
associated with doubt...
there was an evolution of
the original statement -
but doubt was never to be invoked...
outright negation
as a pursuit: modus operandi of

the original:
   - doubt (dubium) - it's still used...
something is dubious...
   - i doubt (dubio) -
god... so much of ******...
grammar-wise is akin to ancient
latin... pronouns are hidden /
incorporated into words...
          i arrived at no clear antithesis (
           i didn't pry open
this stale bread with
sartre's outright negation policy
as moveable pieces...
that subjectivity is scarred...
that objectivity is nothing really
but watching shifting goalposts...
or a snooker match
or... a meditation on
     the original: dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum...
                            doubt, thought, being...
                dubitum, cogitatio, esse...
     can it... translate like such...
whether antoine thomas aptly capture
the truest of all intents:
so much of thinking goes to waste:
daydreaming - which never manifests
itself in being: anything but...

         i just wanted to come to the synonymous
project origin...
doubt is most certainly a plethora of
emotions: i never doubt by objective
standards: by doubting i am forever
subjected: subjective - etc.
objectivity is a certainty -
doubt doesn't allow me to be objective...
so the origins of a canvas...

but if in the public sphere people
are seriously debating 2 + 2 = 5...
via 2.4 + 2.4 = 4.8 = 5...
and they are... collage educated and...
there's no nuance of custard... leftover?
a butterfly effect...
over "there" there's a hurricane...
i am the anemic butterfly...

i will not come proving that
modern ****** is very similar to ancient
latin... it's painfully obvious to me...
życie: life
  żyje - i live
          życiem: with life...
życiorys - an accenting of life: nuanced -
perhaps even borrowing
from physiognomy...

dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum...
  here's my alt. "interpretation":
hope is as uncertain as doubt is...
it's almost foolish to tinge hope with
certainty and doubt with uncertainty...
there's no real hindsight...
to bother with...
my hope is both an uncertainty and
a certainty: a doubled-edging at
the itch... an itch that would require
two hands to scratch it...

how does it sound, therefore?
   spero, ergo cogito, ergo sum...
i hope, therefore i think, therefore i am...
the original proof is undisturbed...
   pronoun that becomes a verb-complex
for an otherwise inactive noun
  spero becomes spe(s)...
                         cogito becomes cogitatio...
sum becomes esse...
it's not very much different...
the original is intact...
all i'm attempting to deduce is that:
hope is very much a doubt...
that hope is doubt...
that both hope and doubt fathom
the same replica of emotions
in their bouquet of: deadening actions...
it's an impossible standard
for moving: the impossible
object: perhaps it was a pseudo-Sisyphus
tasked with inventing
telekinesis and moving
a mountain instead of a stone...
after all: it's not like someone
was tasking him with the deed
for eternity:
  a midnight cleaner in an office
the tormented could have
simply sat and befriended
the stone with thought...
          without having to move it...
a stone a nuance of mirror...
a test to agonise the olympians
for having otherthrown
their predecessors...
time wasted... time earned...
    give me limbs of gravity...
give me: soul...
and i will outlast the gods lost
to their... belligerence...
no war against things inanimate!
always the war of tricks and ploys
to masquerade their own
inhibitions: taming that ol' sod
from the exploits of the harem etc.:
don juan-esque exploits conquering
a nun...
  it's such a boredom to:
not turn into an oak... wake in the night...
to settle for the polyphony of
falling rain... an imitation
of a time-dial where otherwise...
creep: sand is otherwise invoked...

the dictum commonly referred to as?
the cogito? shouldn't it be commonly
referred to as: the cogitans -
i.e. from res cogitans (thinking thing)
doubly i.e. the thinking
rather than: the i think?
a definite article invoked as precursor
to an escaped pronoun from
the clutches of latin wording?
the i? an i?
                ah...          "self"... / selb...
a norwegian pyre...
          joan of d'arc...
         it has to become an absolute indistinctness:
indistinguishable: ability:
            indistinguishability -
a lack of an ability: spell that in math:
a nuance of quadratics?
am i to exhaust my memory
bank of: what's phonetically simplest
and what has to become
this monstrosity of encoding?
parle parle parle...

i have to arrive at:
dubito & spero to be: indistinguishable:
before the sobering blow of:
cogito... that also requires an
outlet into being: of sorts...
i cannot distinguish between
hope and doubt...

      both are plethoras riddled
with mine of exploding salt...
i'm wounding myself on a crease...
it's hardly a thirsty dagger -
how would poetry of puritanical narration
freed from a theatre and a supposed
audience... entertain
a seance with bilingual schizoid
the hyper-inflated status of
native speakers...
the denigration of bilingualism as:  
oh: this little "thing" acquired...
nothing more: since not born

it's blatantly apparent:
i couldn't possibly teach...
push a buggy through a muddied trench
i just might...
howl to satiate the moon
with a tinge of blue
and watch as blood turns to ink
on this illuminating scythe of
forwarded futures:
we must acknowledge a past
as a guilt and never a nostalgia...

Hecate: hecat(e) contra: hey-cat-e!
it's not impossible in how
the syllables cascade / are juggled...
god bless the sober judges
of the last remaining shadow:
as standard: before the execution
come noon...

                i am yet to read any phonetic
encoding from africa:
except for the hieroglyphics:
which have become a emoji standard
for: limp owl ghost limb etc.
why is it odd that
asiatic people, notably the chinese:
cannot write narrative:
and their poetry is only haiku?

spaghetti: even though they have
ownership of noodles...
it's not like these people have
words: they wish they could sing...

but if if you have such
syllable complexity as
𡔈 (chu) - not chew: choo-choo...
and that's already so complex...
but arrives back at
Marco Polo's altar that sacrifice
of c + h + u...
what's stopping you
from... exfoliating in:
an art designed for either
sanskrit spreschen or the arab jolly
bunch of camel jockeys?

well... it's not like 0 was ever
to be derived from a squashed
doughnut of oMICRON...
   beta 8...
                  god! n'eh-ver!
if you were burdened with beijing...
syllables: no words...
no ******* words!
you wouldn't... somehow...
exfoliate in numbers?!
shrimp **** applause?
i stopped minding
the pride of africa a long time ago:
let's 'ave 'em those long
trunks of elephant
and blonde ***** attache:
trunks of: ***** ***** wooly woo...

but if you have complex
syllables: like the chinese have...
hell... the fugazi shoguns attempted
a dial-back...
simplified their efforts...
there's still that persistence for
       counts! the sticks! ths stones!
arrives back with tonnes
of matchsticks and no clarity
of: how a wild fire does so:
pre-emptive automaton d'uh:
'cos' no: that fog in the rational mind
of man has to persist...

                like a borrrowing from
but you can imagine...
letters "magically" turned into
numerical grievances
and a system of germartia was spawned...
for the office of the grand rabbi
of kiev...
A would have to equal 1...
B subsequently 2...
but the ol' hebrews decided
to keep their vowels niqab to begin with...
so that became a lost cause...

officially the hebrew have an alphabet
with not vowels...
with exception the gay Adams
of Ayin and Aleph...
        i will not hand-over
this hangover for much longer...
by designation of the tribe and for the tribes'
allowance sake...
i curse the moon: i howl after it:
to free my neighbours from
the reality i have to digest...
call it metaphorical howling if you must...
i have, to, heave... this...
junction of "coincidences"!
i am mad for the purpose of taming
a tongue: arrogance need master(ing)...

tired wheels: the same old burnt rubber
as made synonym with muscular
the same wheel of crushing heel!
i am my own less arrogant
finnish quake dressed in mystery
of a bothersome dwarf and troll...
learn beijing secrecy they say...
escape the mundane emoji heiroglyphs...
what word in any of these african
tongues was ever inscribed
in a system of phonetic encoding?
it took me years to unearth...
yes: a GALOGOLITIC system
was there...
i was looking for the antithesis
of runes...
before the greeks and tha latin brats
the adventure...

i'm asking without judging concerning:
how you can simply come:
come this anti-thetical mathemtical
brain-drain: slave-whipping
and tell not grieving authority:
this is, how... you will... GRIEVE!

in england: for a people that have
never been licked: teased by a mongolian
horde: only extracting -
"*******" sold by their own
aristocracy - coming to h'america...
i am! offended!
samuel l. jackson plays a common
robber armed with a 12" *****'s
worth of a shotgun!
i am! most! offended!
here's to the goon sq.!

           after all... linch me with
the sauerkraut: too many vowels...
too many vowels...
always with these ******* vowels!
like they simply forgot to
castrate the choir! ****'s sake!
if there's a bounty for an ottoman
castrato! i'll willingly pay for one!
i don't exactly feed a need
to **** one... as long as ******
hits the highest pitch notes of
              to have exported africans:
olympic sized...
they didn't solve the "problem"
of intellectual jews without a sense
of irony: arbeit macht frei is...
well... a maxim for...
the germans having to glorify
the physical splendour of african
bodies... notably...
intellectual glorifications
remain in the gutters and the concentration
in the dust and grievances...
the mind is not allowed

    i stand before a mirror and pretend to
its not exactly known as to what...
but i mimic -

九       which is 'nine': 9...
         denotes: jiu: a french concept of sauce...
that it's not "really" is another
poker hand refraining
from: the ol' 19th century wild card
romance of: we comes
as prior to the comes
of the conquistador comes...
having ****** the mayans
and the aztecs into...
the pyramids of giza?
no apple & pears?

the altar? elevated?!
             i come cannibal...
for the glory of the one true god:
yes... he has found new flesh...
bound to the scrutiny of africa
and the dull shamanism of mammon...
kneeling bloods of african-can-cannah...
moi?! truant jew?!
when this adventure took off...
my little people of north eastern
europe: concept...
where not invited into the history
of the roman empire...
don't ask me why they had
to focus on whittle ol' precursor
imitation afghanistan that's
now hang-man's-land
of -ing...
                          borrow me some sorrow
from can-can-attache?
or... haughty-stray-layla?!
                 to live among the scots...
is to best forget one's attempt
to live among:
white-flight Loondon...
         honest as might: becomest a
birth of a kippah donning god...

you want... a translation?
         łąnt... i can that i can...
translate phonetically...
it's to no one's aid:
unless i'd be scribbling with
choice of either braille or morse...
i WANT... look at that...
rigidness of letters...
then let it come alive!
add some diacritical scrutiny...
let european breathe into it!

crab bucket list: listing the near impossible:
deimension of: to do...
like my first and last litany of
best kept secrets...
this wettening of an oink:
strapped to an over-gresed...

to tell a solemnly swear:
this grit of supposed demoracy -
one lie is ahead:
thirty more to somehow make
it to: a coming...
i die a ******: not being one...
there's this lost ambition and there's
this ambition and karma
and a plot narration apiece
with: all the sensible saints
and hardly: any of them:
arrive at an angelic status...

what i once imagined:
as a freedom to think:
to narrate without a need to pursue
mute onto paper...
i once imagined thinking
to be aa freedom above speaking...
little did i want...
that it had to become
this itch for trigger happy...
and the octopus of hands
that learned a new lesion...
a tightening of tendons...
an overworked scrutiny of muscular
fibre... fat for brains...
to have to congregate upon
this same altar...
this same:

   given an... wait for it...
french is "bad": english is just
as bad..
i see a tree: there's a forest...
scholarship: a word i want to be
left with...

that's obviously a wrong
spelling... must be drunk irish...
must be...
          pre-               neurotic?
god give the next
beijing latex queen tiger:
the power to spell...
    or rewrite a 9... into a new...
or neu...
                      wery much like
a sam weller to question my
because the opera is a forever:
forever always sing-along...

it's almost a necessary joke...
what's the differene
between an anglo-saxon workaholic
and a west-slavic... alcoholic...
the latter doesn't call
you 10 minutes to 9pm
come a friday
with... neurotic demands
for a frivolous scrutiny of:
monday's are ripe...

the bad taste in my mouth:
i'm missing both a tooth
and a moth...
that anglo-saxons pair up
with the japanese:
it's not infamous: it's true:
arbeit macht frei...
it's a solid mantra for:
peoples lost to the cogs
and machinery:
as i demand to watch:
humanity... suffer...

            it's almost very much so:
humanity requires this pseudo-deity
this demigod:
this shame-riddled observer:
third party "spokesman"...

i want to hear...:
the creasing of the cushion...
the arithmetic closure for...
bones that might have
concerned themselves
the completed "architecture" of:
sitting in a chair...
as one Iowan might translate to...
the hybrid promises of: a lot of Maine...
give me a losing promise:
this last craze!
i heave to have to dabble:
this old soviet curse!

this is not my tongue!
'ere! hear how i drop:
zeppelin conjunctions!

dies ist nicht mein zunge...
hier: hören ich wie fallen:
  ladybirds auf: Livonian...
cruss... little be of V...
gott, mit, unß!

get african multi-african: proper
come prokofiev's battle
of the ice...
******* mongrel shelter
smacker erst piece...
you who do not own
a history of my my, own...
who are the arabs
concerning the quest
for explaining the niorthern
barbarossa was pickled!
tired arabs?!
here: now!
hier: jetzt!
                teutonic branding
of colours:
schwarzkreuz: auf..

and i am... somehow... expected:
to tire of the forthcomings of
a "delicate" past?
this english ignoble... precursor...
**** the hellish all that
might require: needs to Elgar!
who is Elgar?!
who the **** is Elgar?!

i tire of a people that are yet to know
the experiece
being involved in a mongolian: tirade...
or... a post-scriptum of... ha!
sever... this grandiosity:
this teutonic plague!
Jay earnest May 2017
standing over a bridge

as the change
plops into the water

and the hobo

makes his wish.

the little girl

is chatting

whilst her icecream
drips to the cement.


for crumbs
that the beach people leave behind.

spills into the vicinity.

blue skies
are magnified

by cloud mirrors.

a forearm is tensed

and a grip squeezed

and everything
is put into is proper


and everyone
smiles heartily

and everyone takes
in 3 breaths


and goes for a quick swim
Stevie Ray Oct 2019
Pain brings forth a storm,
fear forms clouds in sheltered hearts,
smiles bloom from silence.

So I sit and read.
Pages are made from cold leafs.
Absent is my touch.

Bitter winter bites
with an ear deafening bark.
I squeel and shiver.

The candle flickers,
a fleeting friend in dire times.
Don't rely on it.

I will not waver
when silence comes crashing down
I embrace my smile.
KG Dec 2020
My brains mushy turkey leggings in the freezer out the box and waiting 3 months rotting in the summer suns running lean from the gnawing marks that carve the brittle bones into witches hex crowns
Now we create the sated space for cattle-brain pacers following infinite prompts paved pavements ending in a death that's somehow sooner than intended
Wretched runes of wretched wretches'
Held higher than I've flown remember
Glow down softer touch the ground
In slender light it feeds the being the beacon is centered on seeing receives relieving reloquaries of recollections recieved frequently tieing up the process of feeding.
What now do I need
Asked heathen skull seething from hulk to steeple creep peekin' I scream at these demons with treats and some healing I'm dressed in vermillion not sequence barely a squeel to my zealous request now a feeling.
I'm not that excitable.
I usually dress in work clothes
And wear the next days pair to bed
I just got excused, from life for two weeks in quarantine. Even my probation officer won't
See me now. So this drunken poetry fumble tumble quickly to it's end in 10 minutes since we've met my bedroom surroundings -Atchoo-  nice this time of year I treat the -Atchoo- season with a-h-h-h sense of -Atchoo- respect, mainly because of the perfect -Atchoo- weather. I Hines. .. Honeszszs....
A-Atchkooo. .
Honestly can say that I love this cold weather with my warm heart. I don't get paid leave either. Yay chrismas.
Send me chritmas present money to make it through the season.
Ken Pepiton Dec 2024
Your time's worth, valued
at the end, when the hour's used
and next is asking our attentions

might we redeem an hour slept
dreamlessly lost completely

for what it's worth, price of freedom

paying to pay attention, loose disbelief…


poet's persistance
perceived posed

punctual precise

This being where we become persons
known to have left thoughts
erected by others of our kind
stood saying see,
never forget what we can be
we builders with stone,
we tellers of enculturating stories

that stand still, holy ordained order
persistant towers
let this mind be

"the perceptive
and intelligent faculty."

"I leave Sisyphus

at the foot of the mountain! "

he say okeh, take it easy.

You can always ease his toil,
but you need not think him unhappy.
Camus… at my finger tips
fact check m'self
"One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods
and raises rocks.
He too concludes that all is well.

This universe henceforth
without a master seems
to him neither sterile nor futile.
Each atom
of that stone,
each mineral flake
of that night filled mountain,
in itself forms a world.
The struggle itself
toward the heights is enough
to fill a man's heart.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy."

Context and loci, this enclosed space
mind's time accumulate within,

cool, agreeing we lack the same tastes,
some smells are too knotted in old
first psyche professional gnoshit wows…
cheese, I was thinking how anyone can eat…

I suspect this happens to any person,
individuated, culturally, thinking
curds in whey,
butter and honey,
take and chew and swallow.

Think how energy is life, sugars
sweeten equally,
were you born into Sugar Pops,
and Nickle candy bars,
and Talkie Radio Shows,
intimating to little pitchers with big ears,
we are learning things grown ups can't believe.

Oh, radio days, as seen
on TV
in 256 shades
of gray.

Hey, NDA, disbelieve you were ever briefed,
there is no debrief, your time is yours,
carry your own weight, or lighten up.

any attention paid is purely accidental//

Sorry, sort, indexed not good enough,
for prime time, well, then, let's say

we became free f
rom the pressure
to pay,
to learn each lesson life exams passed call for,

all ye,
each time, you heard, call
all ye,
outs in free, means somebody got caught,

and you are not it,
and your personal hiding place,
remains air tight, like a granite box
with an 8 ton lid.

Pried loose, hissing sigh
es sence we already knew
it is not good
for mankind
to be without knowledge,

in its most indigenous cognosis form, spirit shapened

the at to which your attention ties

your time investment, panning placer gold,
to feed the idea money is,

as a lovable thing, personified as Mammon,
shapeless as a wild ebullience emerging
from the mire
of lonesome disbelief,

walking while using herbs and spices,
breathe, breathing pollen and dust and smoke
- drift at cross purposes
- realized in times past

be slow to say I know
I know where this path leads, outward north

from Chaco,
maybe, but

put distance outside, put curiosity, the knack,
pastless points essential for mind travel
old ones
with sidereal recollections, point
to point, with earnest effort put
into praying
on earth as it is, even as we prayed,
we were children, we must believe

effectual, fervent prayers
of a right used, mind
made up art
form, idea modeled
on imaginable ideals, minds

in the winds,
in the inexplicable,
ration, measure
of good sense discernible

by you, dear, rare,
really weform informed
reader ready
to right think the reasons wars use
novice evangelists, and
experienced bishops and such,
strictly holy god business, no lie…
the proof of the pudding,
is in the fat folk who love it…
sweet American as apple pi

hero with the digital pen,
wirelessly offering up peace,
to happen
by chance
at touch
we let be
in us while we relax, let loose, unwind

of thought first formed
from twisted cotton,
gently tugged, tightly held
pulled from a hand made chenille bedspread,

to be a twirling string I waved in a sunbeam,
I think I was three, using the life anchors
we all attached to during alone times,
less rare in the MAGA olden days,

latch key kids had plenty of time to read…

napping me, in a house I turned upside down,
in my mind, and imagined the fun of war games
with the ceiling for the floor,

transoms, windows above hallway doors,
for circulation in feng shui science useful

for creating flow
from first breath
through last
I imagine, I believe, I think I know, meaning
dhe, put here, as weform I, we think middleway
meeting where we each feel the other's knowing,
we understand the peak signal sensed as knowledge

to loose complexity, unravel the rug we pray on
without perceiving the patterns life makes
with no sense but beauty made with effort

to catch the spirit of sublime state past simple living…

Seeing the threads
in his trousers, during recollection
needed to write a record of the experience,

Aldous Huxley, public intellect
of whose work
most know some,
and many know much,
few even now experienced his as he wrote
however, The Doors of Perception, passed through,
as we morphed into living words,
pretending to make poetry
what it was, as mind numbing fun
San Pedro suffered from the frost, so we

made tea…
as we are the first
to have been granted highbrow access
to lectures and performances of orchestrations

before the age
of information, heralded
by the late
to be ortho-canonized redacted works

of Daniel, the Babylonian bureau of internal affairs
chief, during the days of a king so deep in the orders
of esoteric missing weeks and elongating days,

as we pay creative attention, make worth
waiting for it, eh, the juice we use to anticipate

great reward, eh, Daniel,

he of lion's den and missing week fame, also spake
of the events alluded
to in Revelation 1… if symbols make us think,
might interpretations of symbols make us doubt…
rhetorically, while running
with the horsemen,

we eat what we brung.

Both vate and bard, hesitate,
has my return
on your invested a
t tension

lost meaning, morphed
into midbrow psychedelia

just looking, nothing
to buy, no clerk offering specials.

Today, the artist who works
in winds, awakes
in us,
we who happened
to share this view, Ajo, squeel

soar, look up
and see how far we are
from when this mind we used

to think ourselves wise…
once, upon a wild time…

in referential comprehension
of gaseous weformations,

clouds of unknowing, fogs
of loosed conceptions,

persistant insistance
on gravity defying perpendicularity,

at Pisa, there were Pepitons,
on Sicily, as well

to tell the truth, as far as names hold status,

to gens, patrimony
for the surnamed son
of my post adulting phase, so strange

- vain means many things beauty cannot.

every first phase boomer cohort, clusters
of children born
into the post fortis reality,

as the explosion in the emptiness

through which we ride the gentled bull,
and watch.
What time is worth while imagining a new reader, never read
the initial point made to stretch to here, where if it is fun to write,
it might be fun to read, and fun does good things to reading earthians.

— The End —