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We'd found an old Boche dug-out, and he knew,
And gave us hell, for shell on frantic shell
Hammered on top, but never quite burst through.
Rain, guttering down in waterfalls of slime,
Kept slush waist-high and rising hour by hour,
And choked the steps too thick with clay to climb.
What murk of air remained stank old, and sour
With fumes of whizz-bangs, and the smell of men
Who'd lived there years, and left their curse in the den,
If not their corpses...

                                    There we herded from the blast
Of whizz-bangs, but one found our door at last,
Buffeting eyes and breath, snuffing the candles,
And thud! flump! thud! down the steep steps came thumping
And sploshing in the flood, deluging muck -
The sentry's body; then his rifle, handles
Of old Boche bombs, and mud in ruck on ruck.
We dredged him up, for killed, until he whined
'O sir, my eyes - I'm blind, - I'm blind, I'm blind!'
Coaxing, I held a flame against his lids
And said if he could see the least blurred light
He was not blind; in time he'd get all right.
'I can't' he sobbed. Eyeballs, huge-bulged like squids',
Watch my dreams still; but I forgot him there
In posting Next for duty, and sending a scout
To beg a stretcher somewhere, and flound'ring about
To other posts under the shrieking air.

Those other wretches, how they bled and spewed,
And one who would have drowned himself for good, -
I try not to remember these things now.
Let dread hark back for one word only: how
Half-listening to that sentry's moans and jumps,
And the wild chattering of his broken teeth,
Renewed most horribly whenever crumps
Pummelled the roof and slogged the air beneath, -
Through the dense din, I say, we heard him shout
'I see your lights!' But ours had long died out.
(C) Wilfred Owen
Sam Hawkins Jun 2017
With lift-off intention I jumped to fly.
I was something like root grounded tree.

Taking flight was so absolutely hard,
though my guru counseled me.

With acquired and studied implements
I tried to cut each holding.

My intellect in truth was rather dull,
though Spirit bolding.

In hieroglyphic's manual page 222
I intuited hints, incantations true.

Here for scheming:
Fly-O  Fly-O  Fly Fly-O!

I recited that fortissimo for a week
in lucid dreaming.

Then my weighed body, my un-weighed soul
together I suppose remembered it simply,
that God had intimated flight for me
(gratuitously gave).

In classical mind's eye I spied
Icarus sploshing in a wave.

Entered in-- Ab-or-ig-inal Self.
Whoa, I said, hello!
shocked at that showing.

I know... I know... I know...
with ease -- be natural, just be still.

Unequivocally state
(this way make your start)
I need help.

so I believed it
I spoke it

and then I sailed and sailed away
with freedom, my heart.
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Bubbles, bubbles in a bath,
Splashing child, melodic laugh,
Fishy, fishy with sploshing tail,
Brings a giggle without fail.

Water, water everywhere,
Brings a tear when poured on hair,
Soapy, soapy on the belly,
Leaving infant with fruity smelly.

"Me out, me out" it's time to go,
Watery footprints on the floor,
Squashy, squashy, towelling dry,
A clean little monkey, with gleam in eye.*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
Children, bath, splashing, water
Swathi eruvaram Aug 2015
No waves
No shore
Not deep
Not sandy
Perfect tempature
Perfect size
Cross legged inside a bucket of water
My little prince looks cuter
You don't have to be under the sun
Splish sploshing indoors is also fun
Ernest Goh Aug 2010
He strode out into the rain
Smiling subtly
There was a controlled ecstasy
To his movements
Like a subdued explosion
Like meeting an old friend
Peter, cascades
Patcher, plummets
To the beat of
Tip tap slippers
Sploshing in unison
To the tune of the falling rain
Arms outspread
He was as they say
A walking cliche
Darren Scanlon Jul 2015
Memories of old,
flooding fast through my mind,
some tinged with sadness
and some, sweet sublime.

A fireside reverie shared
with eyes so bright,
an audience of innocence
and excited delight.

The crackling logs  
on the fires of time,
the little rapt faces as
you feed them a line.

Of thunder, lightning,
and rain as we run!
Football, toy-fighting,
such laughter and fun.

Flying a kite that
you made on your own
out of bin bags and tape
and canes tied and bowed.

A dam in the brook,
fighting flowing water
with rocks, wood
and uncontrolled laughter.

Till finally plugged,
the waters rise
deeper and wider
before delighted eyes.

Then comes the challenge,
“Who can burst the dam?”
No touching allowed,
just throw what you can.

Bricks and sticks
and boulders and all,
sploshing and splashing
they uselessly fall.

But the water's still rising
and there's panic in our eyes,
it'll soon reach the road,
“Better run for our lives!”

But wait, what’s this,
could this do the trick?
As long as a gate post
and three times as thick.

We wrestle and heave
and drag it uphill,
pushing and pulling
and testing our will.

Till finally atop and
we let out a sigh,
this might just work,
“We'll give it a try”.

Straining and grunting
and chuckling with glee
as we swing it between us,

With a whoosh and a crack
our dam is no more
as the post breaks its back
and we’re laughing on the floor.

Such innocent times,
that can still make me grin,
they live in the mind
of the sweet child within.

Written by Darren Scanlon, March 2011.
This revised version written, 17th July 2015.
©2015 Darren Scanlon. All rights reserved.
KajaDigk Apr 2015
Fiery broth and witch's brew
Foamy froth and riches blue
Fume and spume and spoondrift spray
Fizzle swizzle shout hooray
Watch it sloshing, swashing, sploshing
Hear it hissing, squishing, spissing
Grandma better start to pray.
By Roald Dahl
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
Which way is up
raise me high above these embittered troughs
let not my feet, or toes be dipped in its slop.
Like pigs-starved-I watch their thickened tongues
lick and slurp the trash thrown down before them.
Laugh I would but the scene is just to dire
instead i let a salted tear expire,
and as it rolls and drops from my darkened cheek
I watch it wasted away.
Don't let me fall, but hold my numbed hands firm.
Pay no attention to the omen clouds or gales
keep our fingers steadfastly intertwined.
Eyes turned upward watching sky
watching you watch me with saintly eyes
watching you out pour from wing outstretched
the light of His divine holiness.

As higher up we fly
though my arms are tired and worn
and my eyes badly stung
my heart is filled until its sploshing
joy that others wish to taste twice over.
Under many spectrum s of light
we melt effortlessly through.
Safe you guide me to that overlook.
did you always know even through my darkened times
that this journey here would end sublime?

"Which way is up" I asked when first you came
I watched the animals watch as i was raised
they tried to lift their necks bowed low in vain.
From pure gales He cleaned my soul anew
you must have known how this would end
each day that passed your smile did only expand.
so here we are, and from that dark-wooded hold
we stand before His golden gates-Behold!
Rosemary spotted a big rat in the water
Her Momma wasn't particularly impressed with her finding
Rain drops hung on their waxy, pink skin
In the rain they looked like two rain-hammered flowers

All around them was muck

The boy came sploshing through the floody water
The scrawny thing was shivering and he-
Embraced her Momma
Her Momma let him join her under the umbrella
(And there was on her Momma lips a big Momma smile)
Rosemary was quick-she saw that he'd bent his head
And was burrowing... burrowing between her Momma's legs
He pulled down his shorts; his little bums were saggy
Rosemary hated her Momma for standing dumb and dumbly gasping
She hit the boy on the back of his kitten head
And clawed off a slice of his peachy ***
(Still he clung to her Momma, like a half-shaved dog)
And then she said:
'I know your parents. I'm gonna tell'em'
That drained all glee from his fiendish mien
He stood there for a moment before he pulled his tee over head
And when he was gone, Rosemary let her *** pass down her legs
(As she often did in the rain)
Donall Dempsey May 2018

( for Ita, Danny, Junie and Brian )

the angel rests her head
against mine

uses my tears
to cry

for marble is unable
to bear such human pain

the sorrow within..welling
overwhelming the eyes

here lies buried all
I hold most dear

I weep for myself
that I

am left behind
this sadness

this greif
bereft of mind

and only now
can the angel cry

great big fat tears
of rain

sploshing upon my eyes
shut tight

yet still seeing
her soft shy carved smile

marble and human both
cry in vain

the heavens open
I drenched to the skin

Heaven refusing
to let me in
18 minutes agoDetails
Rosemary spotted a big rat in the water
Her Momma wasn't particularly impressed with her finding
Rain drops hung on their waxy, pink skin
In the rain they looked like two rain-hammered flowers

All around them was muck

The boy came sploshing through the floody water
The scrawny thing was shivering and he-
Embraced her Momma
Her Momma let him join her under the umbrella
(And there was on her Momma lips a big Momma smile)
Rosemary was quick-she saw that he'd bent his head
And was burrowing... burrowing between her Momma's legs
He pulled down his shorts; his little bums were saggy
Rosemary hated her Momma for standing dumb and dumbly gasping
She hit the boy on the back of his kitten head
And clawed off a slice of his peachy ***
(Still he clung to her Momma, like a half-shaved dog)
And then she said:
'I know your parents. I'm gonna tell'em'
That drained all glee from his fiendish mien
He stood there for a moment before he pulled his tee over head
And when he was gone, Rosemary let her *** pass down her legs
(As she often did in the rain)
Jill Tait Oct 2020
Twas just another ordinary day down on the farm when Clarence cockerel “****-a-doodle-dood” his daybreak Pingo pigeon picked from tiny little crumbs of corn amidst the shed loft and his partner Sonia sat in the hay stack that was warm and soft..

Yes it was an Autumnal morning just like any other as Farmer Ted Brown worked in the dairy along with Molly his Mother, milking the Friesian cattle all in a row as the udders filled the pipes with such a creamy milk flow..And  Daisy the cow being the oldest of the lot would “Moo” and “Moo” as Harry horse did trot..”Quack” “Quack” “Quack” went Daddy Donald duck as he splashed and swam in the farmyard pond quite covered in muck.. with his partner Michelle a very fine Muscovy Mother as her ten tiny ducklings, nine sisters and a brother.. splishing and sploshing muddy water with their wings, squibbling and squabbling the noisy little things..

Of course this Monday morning at the crack of dawn didn’t rouse the Farmer’s son Sid as he stretched with a yawn coz he hadn’t went to bed until well after late courtin’ and a’kissin’ his latest date..just a couple of school kids lying canoodling on the hayshed floor as mice and voles ran in and out of that door..But Penelope pony pranced around the paddock as she  strutted and head butted in her frenzied fit so sporadic..The Suffolk sheep “Baa’d” and bleated munching in the meadows all that day in the Farmer’s field not too far away..

So it was indeed just another average ordinary morning on that hillside farm and the sun had risen as the day was dawning.. Everything was normal with nothing untoward as Great Granny Glenda Brown stood pressing her pinafore on the ironing board.. she had the bacon and eggs frying in the pan, ready to enjoy her breakfast with Great Grandad Stan..And how they all adored their countryside affair with the sounds and the smells in that cow dung fresh air..Ted, Winifred his wife and his Mother Molly and Sid her Grandson, lived in the big farmhouse with lots of fun..And Great Granny Glenda and Great Grandad Stan Brown had just moved to a lovely country cottage nextdoor from a flat up the road in the neighbouring town..
thinking it signifies the end of the Summer,
I root out my galoshes, my raincoat
and sou' wester
one time a Beau Geste in the hot sand,
but now best to take a hold of your cool hand
and go splishing and sploshing
and maybe some splashing as well.

Autumn is upon me and
the fall rises before me,
I'm going home for my tea.

— The End —