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Annie Medosch Mar 2015
Tear off pink leaves
Lining silver spears of fruit
That hang to be
Pressed, beaten, ******
Turned Yummy into
Zorb’s first taste of
Magnetic hazy swirls, pulp
Floats to the surface and
Reflecting in the juice,
Contained in the grainy, clear
Plastic cup, is the fluorescent apron
Of his purple hued waitress
DO NOT spill that platter of
Warm Grabtov Cakes
Chef Remi hollers
Sporf Sprinkles, Cremb Crumbs, Pinch of Flour
Sector 02 harvest labor wages inflating
Simultaneously as these stomach do
French pressed black dust
With Tulken cream fresh from the
Open void of Farmer Joe’s glowing lime cloud fields
Stop in
Galactic highway quasar X68G
A diner stop on route to EGS-zs8-1
Spiriling towards vacation,
the silken lava beaches
of blackhole and distant quasar ULAS
Filling the infinite time
With Coffee and Cake
the silliest poem ive ever written
Eve Aug 2018
I once believed
the beauty of the fall
Lies in the purity
The ease and simplicity
of loving the right person
I believed this wholeheartedly
Until I fell
only once
And it broke me
I Fell so hard and deep
For the right person
The most perfect one
Everything was so natural
So beautifully simple
But I fell too fast
I took a leap of faith
I jumped off the edge
Into the terrifying unknown
I was in freefall
As I watched him slip away
Into the blackness
Like a shadow
Without a trace
It was too late
I was already falling
Spiriling so fast
towards nothing
Slamming into the emptiness
Shattering into a million fragments
the fall broke me
it broke my spirits
My idea of love
Theres something about falling
That just doesn’t seem worth it
Umi May 2019
A clear trail left in trance is how I shall form words,
Elegantly, majestically casting them onto a blank paper, focused on creating poetry, a time recording friend has gone missing,
Now the lonely sound of my scratching against the thin paper, lead by transience of its decay is the only sound we can hear.
What once was a world to create fantasy has drowned, black as ink into the darkness of a never ending tale, time and time again,
As if to hold on to embers, scared to lose all light when the last one goes out, for a cold, uninspired, spiriling dark of ones mind,
With the mission to accompany her throughout each and every writing as it unfurls, comes to life and simply blossoms in pride,
As I see a smile cast on her face, the determination to keep going alightens a flame, but unceartenty overcomes my weakened body,
When the trace of my mark begins to fade, I wonder how long it will be, until there is nothing more to say, do or think about,
Even if this dreamlike tale of endless, ongoing poetry were never to end or falter, never to be distorted nor interrupted;
Even if you don't have to die in a dream,
one is bound to wake up sooner or later,
As a tired hand carelessly, roughly, lays me down,
I wonder how many poems one can write,
Before running out of the ink of the mind.

~ Umi
Written from the perspective of my pen.
Tekan Aug 2019
Tip toeing through twisted trails,
Suddenly slipping,
Spiriling slowly
Towards terror,
Feeling flustered from fear
Adrenaline awakes
and all
Emotions escape.
Instintly, igniting instincts
But blackouts being
Disturbingly dark dreams
To the table.

Taking turns to
Relentlessly rip reality,
Rapidly reproducing
Unwanted unknowns - until
Everything explodes!
Ayesha Jul 2020
I don't remember coming in
my cotton armor melts in the corner
I sit, my arms devouring my bent legs.
my knees embracing my cheeks
I stare, drop after drop running over the tiles
I think of bullets, invincibly unstoppable.
I feel, splash after splash stab my back
I think of bombs, hopelessly inescapable.
But it doesn't matter what I think.

My lashes meet the floor of my eyes,
weighted down by the battle in my skull.
Wish I could say I see dark but I only see a void;
colourless, lifeless clouds over a barren soil-
a few glimpses of my energetic blood vessels.
My shaking fingers curl under my palms,
skin imblankets my jagged nails
I imagine my back splitting asunder,
the blushing water vanishing down the drain
I imagine the cage of my ribs tearing up
with the strain of my sqeezing lungs-
heart leaping out, swriling and whirling with the streams
spiriling down a tight eternal abyss-

I don't remember giving in.
my light dreams wash away with the dandelions
I sit, my naked shivering, trembling body
under a thousand layers of clothes
I stare, day after day running away
I think of incinerating masses of uncountable bodies
I feel, thought after thought piling up
I think of graves feeding in on bygone beings.
But it doesn't matter what I think.

My skin gets clumsy and tired,
The bullets get cold and slow, giving in
Wish I could say I get up, dress up & walk out
this prizon shell that I now call my home-
holding me in, it reads my brain, suffocates my lungs
like a vulture it guards the small of my self.
I sit, I stare at my closed lids, I hear the water
the breathing of something alive and still.
I bolt all my muscles shut, tie up my nerves
-Not a hair dares stir, not a vein speaks
not a tear makes out alive, not a whimper lives.

I don't remember going out,
a part of me turns off the shower,
soaks up the towel, puts on a skin
and walks out the door, breathing.

I part of me never does.

— The End —