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Leila Valencia Dec 2016
I'm a poet in my prime
Spiffing up my rhymes

I'm a legend can't you see
Only my words feel they spew to you and me

I'm a master at this connection!!!

My wonderful phrases
Creep into your heart
They pierce through like a dart
Shattering, mattering, caving a meaning
Keepin ya dreaming... beliving, comforting the soul!

Theese word like a bowl -- fill you up: with love, desire, the power to ignite!

I can only imagine what the rhymes in a singy-songy fashion
With fervor, power, and a burst of flaming passion turn up on paper

How they are presented by the maker

The writer, poet, artist of words - flowing, stringing tieing in the clarity with blurs

Creating a canvas that paints a moment through the feeling of words cascading by feeling, not structure

That sounds absurd, but these moments are momentous, in a passion of flury strung up in a phrase that summons the whole day

And the day has gone by, so has the year -- but I must keep rapping through poetry lyrics

I might not be as quick, fast, slick, or hip as some
With funky names, large persona, or partrying till we see the sun

I am a rapper of the moment in its purest sense -- of human nature and its surroundings through my philosophy, wisdom, passion, and emotions

I hope this year 2017, will acommadate this year's fast run
Rapping for 2017
I don't think I want to know no more
I've had enough of knowing stuff that filled my brain with grains of this and strands of that,stats and rats that chew the fur on ***** cats and bats no *****,Niagara falls and if it does why did it fell?,Tenses, tense that make me sick,Michael Miles and 'take your pick'
I can,not tin but aloo mini im or if you're Yankee alloo minum,oh what fun.I'm going round the twist,just spiraling not really ****** and reading down the list I see,
Her Majesty is having tea or as we say,a spot of tiffin,jolly good and splendid,spiffing,what a beezer that geezer is,Philip I mean and not the Queen,she's a lass I think and don't want to think no more.
Mr Bigglesworth Oct 2014
I was late for school but it was cool, my chauffeur took the wrap
I even blamed the butler for the absence of my cap
My cravat was always crease-less and my slacks were really snappy
My shoes were always shiny, which made my pappy happy

Lesson one was cookery, but not for me today
So I sent our chef, an hour ahead, to make a nice soufflé
He usually does a marvelous job or when his mood permits
For Daddy signed him on a whim, after dining at the Ritz

Lesson two was Polo or Gymkhana if you must
So I chose fresh clothes and donned my hose as Polo’s upper crust
Oh I wish I’d brought my pony for the school ones just won’t do
They are barely fit for peasants, they are barely fit for glue

Morning break was late to take and the Polo match was drawn
But if you pleased, they’d bring cream teas to be taken on the lawn
I really didn't fancy Maths, so I stayed and sipped my char
For who could bear, and hour with Blair and his dreadful algebra

Lesson four was falconry with Mr Preston Love
His birds were plump but deadly and so quick off the glove
I loved to watch them soar and dive, a spiffing show for all
Reminds me of my gap year, hunting foxes in Nepal  

Lesson five was cancelled as Mummsy wrote a letter
She felt that English won’t suffice and elocution’s better
So Wilson rolled up in the Rolls and whisked me off to class
I hope tomorrow’s much improved, for today was oh so crass
Joseph Bazalgette knew
about things people did,
like pooh
and to that very end
he built the great sewer
which apart from moving the pooh also
alleviated London from the stink
of the rich as well as the poor.

On the engineers seat
in the House on Greek street
he drew up his plans to
do away with bed pans as he
laboured alone in the night.

Thomas Crapper came to fame and
hardly because of his laughable name,
but his name became his fortune
and in the music halls of London town
people were soon to put a penny down
to spend a penny in the lavvy,
a savvy lad was Tom.

And they made old Joe a knight
funneling waste out of Londoner's sight,
they even had street lights that ran on
the gas
that floated down tunnels through
which the
waste had to pass
on its way to the sea.

It was a jolly good show
and a spiffing great plan
carried out quite imaginatively,
I can imagine the man
and his men way back then were
flushed to be
a part of
A bit of fun, bang goes my CBE.
Tryst Jul 2019
John Keats
Didn’t write any Tweets
Nor ever undertook
To post on Facebook

Percy B. Shelley
Sailed the Don Juan to sea
Where a monstrous storm seen rarely
Robbed Frankenstein’s Mary

His friend, Lord Byron,
Watched the beach with his pyre on
And then, on a whim,
He went for a swim

William Shakespeare
Loved his wife so sincere
That he willed her when dead
His second best bed

Sir Wilfred Owen
Wrote a **** spiffing poem
And he might well have wrote more
Had he outlived the war

Robert Frost
Got hopelessly lost
When for giggles and a laugh
He took the wrong path

Emily Dickinson
Needed hope to cling on,
So for lack of lucky heather
She clutched an old feather

William Blake
Saw the tiger, too late,
And he felt a cold shiver
As it ate his liver
Exhaustion brings forth emotional happiness,
Ephemeral drug-induced exhaustion gives time enough to recall what is lost
during the noisy turmoil of cobwebby mind.
Silent is the room, a round robust room,
safely peregrinated around by Ferdinand Magellan.
I imagine how impaccably resilient is the barrier – a bony barrier of body contains an intermittent ruction,
the turbulence of nothingness.
Then comes a thin cutaneous membrane all over the body, potent to conceal an absolute abyss.
Envy does not provide with comfort.
A spiffing news spreads faster than rumour. Here I sit, sleepy and carefree, to imbue my vein with your pleasure. The pleasure of the universe attacks and multiplies like a contagious disease; An opaque streak of burnt hope appears, disappears,
disappears and appears in the guise of pleasure, whom we craved.
It's nothing more than a deceptive premonition of healing.
Let him convalesce who is meek and naive. These be my final words before another fit of unknown trepidation begins.

– Sarban Bhattacharya
PenSlinger Oct 2020
I'm new here in HePo; the question on what the most accurate emotion i should be surrounding my dome in is baffling me.

It feels relieving (or mayhaps that feeling you get when you first step on a room full of new faces and the thought that maybe, just maybe you belong here darts in your head) to see many spiffing wordsmiths who're just as vulnerable as i always supposed myself to be but at the same time I feel helpless for maybe if i were a little more confident, i would give feed backs, try to talk to and send virtual hugs and comfort to people who're hurting and are low in spirits, such as me.

It's all too much.

But as a simple reminder for everyone who sees this, not to mention myself, here is a beautiful quote i stumbled upon in a blog many moons ago.

"It may get worse before it gets better but it will get better."

Be patient. Be heedful.

Try--try to not give up.
Travis Green Aug 2022
Enfolded in his steely strong sculpted arms
Makes me feel the sweetest and most vividly pleasurable sensations
I take pleasure in his closeness
Feeling his tender comfort and hotness
Sinking into the incandescence of his heavenly passionate galaxy

He is so unbelievably rhythmic and thrilling
Seductive muscle-flexing delectableness
Enthrallingly gaudilicous bearded machoness
Saucalicious pink rose lips
Riveting peach iced tea eyes
Every eclectic edible sector of him entrances my emotions

I scroll through the amorous scintillating pages
Of his captivating groundbreaking tastiness
Pure poetic prepossessingness
Silky mystical heavy hitter
He unravels my thoughts and feelings
Delves in my consumable creamy confection

So rich, romantic, and intoxicating
So fresh, velvety, and extra exotic
Swirling smooth sumptuousness
An enjoyable blissful beauty to see
Honeylicious hot boy, take me inside every dimension
Of his wildly gratifying dreams
At the entrance of treasured pearly passion

Feel the mesmerizingly delicious slickness
Of his hardness against my hands
His lush, expressive, and manly center
Enormous arousing girth between his tight, taut thighs
Press my hungry hot mouth on his ****-smelling piece
Lick it, wet it, relish the *******

Create a magical dancing wave
Of essential undiminished sensuousness
Feel me reach beyond the barriers of time
In his unconscious mind, acquiring my prize
I devour his mightily mind-blowing magic wand
Spit on it, slurp on it, work my hands up and down
****** with his full, fun-fulled *******

Get lost in his slithery spiffing succulency
Feel it all over my mouth
The essence of  transcendentally poetical ecstasy
Tasty oval-shaped crown
I savor its lickable ***** length
How my tongue creeps all around its astoundingness
How it navigates to my throat
I am so sexed up, stranded in his sexaliciousness
The way he sticks your astonishing pocket rocket
In and out of my mouth

Leave me in an immaculate crashing path
Of breathless, irrepressible, and poetic rapture
Endless sweet and heady fragrance
How it screams around me
He plays with my hoppingly ****** hemispheres
Pull on my proud pebbled points
While I give him ultimate satisfaction
Kiss his ***** hair, admire your smoking macholicious abs

Explore his extraordinarily capital allure
Mister feelable freaky finesser
**** my mouth remorselessly
Spread my world apart
Grip my aromatic aristocratic neck
Talk desirable foul language to me
Plant long and ardent kisses all over my face
****** me, bright and revitalizing smoothie

Let me feel the compellingly wicked weight  of his captivatingness
So delectably exhilarating
How he reaches a deep, covetous crescendo
And pump out foamy white pudding
On my keen fine-featured face
Travis Green Dec 2022
Hold me down
Confound my grand gay town
Drive your long, unconquered pipe
In my glowing and mind-blowing delights
Feel the ceaselessly catchy
And creative rhythm of my sweetness

Move me like blazes
Gaze into the colorful and verdant
Gateway of my gayness
Amaze me throughout the day and night
Rare, stark, and faultless marvel

Transport me to another level
Where your ***** rugged thugness
Gives me a heady ****** buzz
Let feel your blissful and magical masculinity
Fly away in the perfect and singular waves
Of your artful and imperishable greatness

You got me caught up in your rapturous rarity
Drunk on your fresh, exceptional delectableness
The way you penetrate my innerness
Makes me fantasize about you for hours on end
Take me into your custody

Rupture my luminous, compelling structure
Make my emotions explode
Fill me up with your ardent piping-hot machoness
Let me groove on your badass banging body
Relish your flexing majestic measurements

How you hold my throat
Kiss me steamily
Engage my attention
With your smoking poetry in motion
Such essence of effervescence
Unprecedented reverent chemistry

I am so exhilarated when you shove
Your large and heavy love muscle
Further in my desirable flowery warehouse
So hard-hitting and electrifying
Got all the fire that I desire

My crash-hot chocolate heart-throb
You are the only bold stone-cold Romeo
That I will love for a lifetime
That keeps me hanging
In the bright, cloud-flecked sky
So hypnotized by your sizzling hot spiffing slickness

I wanna feel your freakiness
Hear the exalted ****** sounds
Of your thickness driving
Into my aphrodisiacal palace
Knock me for a loop
Give me your brutal rude boy juice

Push harder into my creamy-filled guts
Render me lovestruck
Hooked on how you hold me
In your dominant stalwart arms

Kiss my bare dazzling shoulder as I moan heavily
Let you raze my gayness to the ground
Shoot your sweet luscious **** butter
In my soft, delicious, and saucy socket

— The End —