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vinny Apr 2016
the sun came out today
Old mister screach-ee
he burned my brain
same lesson he always
teach me
I hate him most
For that one decade
I lived 100 miles south of LA
And never went to the beach
Carlsbad Village
East Pointe Ave
Dana and *****
best neighbors I
ever had
Now I have new freaks
And i fit right in
Now when Mr Screach's
Rays are far-reaching
He always finds
my skin
i don't miss you
Honest John waits In his car.
peaks through his rear view mirror at the glass door. watching.
The engine is off.
cold air nips at his nose and ears.
ice caps cover grass.
the night pitch black
No moon in the sky.
few stars due to the city smog.

A Dim glow from inside the restaurant
Casts shadows in the parking lot.
She hides in them.

Rolling carts march uniform right on schedule
hauling trash to dumpsters just outside.
Honest john watches her slip on a Latex Glove.
*** a cigarette.
She doesn't want honest john to smell the cigarette on her hands.
He doesn't know.

Honest John's Phone buzzes.
He answers.
Told that "work is going late."
She "won't need a ride tonight."
"Won't be home tonight."
Honest John asks where she's going.

"oh, out with my lady friend.
Sarah, haven't seen her since high-school"

"Alright." Says Honest John.
"Have fun." He bit his tongue for the sake of not seeming Crazy again.
It wasn't very honest of him.

She climbs up into red Truck with
The man.
smoke billows out the windows as they screach off howling in the rearview mirror.

Honest John has always hated her lying.

John Loves Crying.
It's honest.
Not just his own tears.
Being the shoulder to cry on is johns momment of ecstasy.
Tears are Beautiful on everybody.
Nobody cries without a reason.

Alone John Smokes Djarum Blacks.

They're the most honest of cigarettes.
Don't paint themselves White
Try passing as innocent or pure.
Just Blatantly say
"Hey, we're way worse for you then a normal cigarette.
"This is slowly killing you"
John appreciates that
even though they're slowly killing him,
At least they are honest about it.

John speaks his mind.
Just as he beleives it.
won't risk leaving words
unsaid again.
but there is one word
he's troubled being Honest about.


Everytime he doesn't say it.
It kills him slowly.
which would be fine,
if love didn't lie.
R Guildenstern Jan 2013
There once lived a hare
on the edge of a square
in the woods near a river
but you wouldn't care

most particularly tho
if you saw you'd say so

that you've never laid eyes
on a hare fit to size

with a three piece armani
and ears to the sky

would be smoking a pipe
and checking the time

i'm not fit to be tied
nor need medical eyes

the hare was aware
that when smoking time flies

late for a drink of both gins and some rye
the pipe laid out gently between his two eyes

a cry nor a screach
any deliverance of speach
was said from the head
of this fellow in peach

puffing his pipe
just as fast as you'd think
the hare had vanished
like smoke in the mix
Kaylin Martin May 2011
What did the world have to say
On this bright and clear mocking May day?
The day that physically mimicks 9/11.
Do you remember that fateful morning where so many went to heaven?
The plotters death was marked this very day
After it was announced that a group of SEALS took him away.
I'm not sure its a good thing to be happy of his demise.
I've been asking the same question all day...why?
I'll tell you why:

I remeber being a little girl standing by the TV,
Watching the planes and buildings on the screen.
It seems to be some kinda accident..
Its a terrorist attack, isn't it?
I saw that 747 bank left and drive hard
Into the side of that building that blew out tiny shards
Of glass and fire raining from above,
Along with the paperwork and the terrorists love.
Shocked cries from the street and gasps filled the air
Manhattan was on display and the whole world stared.
Then awhile later at 9:03 a.m.,
The shock and horrid pictures were played over again.
As another Boeing flew through the side.
We were all wondering.."How many have died?"
Cries filled the air as one building
To the ground.
And the screach of hot metal was the only sound
Ashes and smoke hung over the city like plague,
Not letting us in on how many lives it had claimed.
I vividly remember watching people fall through the sky.
Not taking death by fire but instead...


Then we watched as another fell story by story.
And when the air finally cleared, there was nothing more to see.

T           L E             U B           T H            D E            Y B            A D
  H      I      S       R        B      E      A       A      E       R      O      S
     E P          O F              B L           T M            V E            D Y

Soon unearthed a cross and an American Flag.
This country became stronger with every tear that fell from her eye.
We soon set off into the hills of the desert with one mission: Osama dies
It may have taken 10 years but we found you hiding like a coward.
I hope you got the death you so rightly deserved.
Just remember: America is not perfect at all.
But we stood as one nation under god on that day in the fall.
This whole country rejoiced when the news was said,
Obama came on the screen and said "Osama is dead"

If you hit us first, we'll hit you harder.
We won't stop until we've finished what you've started.
ManVsYard Oct 2014
When life, seems like a nightmare
from which there is  no  escape,
no one to pinch
no way to wake
no pills to take,
to make, the stench smell rosey,
to drain the dread
out of my heart
no fence to scale, no screach-ing, rusty, gate,

When, words of fear are spinning
like a gyre inside my guesthost, skull,
a whirling top
wobbling non-stop
a pin-point brain mop
circles in crops in mindfields, of marigolds
plant-ed with love, springfed
but message obsucre - ed
by a small muddy pond, of tears, over full.

When hope, is a four letter word,
black not white lies, abound
clinched, sore teeth
self-sad grief
trapped underneath
relief, is what, tall trees, do year-round.
Rotting roots
long lost un-truths
when I fall, will I make a sound?
Andrew Gelant Jun 2016
Winds so strong and vast
-They're uncountable
Like the many times, for my faults
-I felt accountable

Drops of Flames are burning from the depths of my heart.
Blisters swell to its crest
Each time you'd depart

Be with me
'O see with me
-the greatness of my heart

Eyes so cold and violent like the zealots of the East,
Yet soft, emaculately structured like the
Purest angel's screach

See in me divinity I plead,  don't praise me much
Take my hand and i'll caress you with my momentus touch

Be with me
'O see with me
-the greatness of my heart
Walk with me
To everlasting love and never part
Marius Banik Feb 2020
The time fell off the wall

The time broke
Its dripping
Its dripping through thw floorboards
It holds the smell of corpses
The floorboards scream and bend
The lifeless screach of the doomed
******* burn them already
Im so ******* sorry
Im so sorry

The time still falls of the wall
maninderjeet Jul 2019
As the ocean waves strike at me,
And the sand greets the sea.
As thepassing by seagulls screach,
The gentle wind whistles through the beach.

Emerald hills and turquoise seas
Endless canvas brushed with trees
The waves make the most beautiful sound.
Walking hand in hand and looking around.

The sound of constant waves,
The ocean is seen through a haze.
The sun and sand go hand in hand,
I love the beach and the sand.

The aquamarine waves wash up onto the seashore,
Powerful and strong they breathe and roar.
Along the feathered edge, the red sun sets,
Birds fly back to their homes just like jets.

— The End —