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roger2 Jun 2014
spewing volcanic ash over the


that cheesy bean burrito wasnt a good idea

hot springs
sooth my buttox

so does

there are 17 glorious children
4 old wives
and one balding man

we call





(rap voice)
kody brown is comin to town
wanting to turn his frown
upside down

lookin for da kids
lookin for da girls
lookin for an ice cream truck for da swirl


b a b y l o n

babylon tigger thats where ill always ben

success every plate

my last name was christ

grindin dreams



smoe quest


receeding forehead

meadows of lava spewing fro m my a s s


this is a bit of a different creative style that ive been exploring i really hope you guys enjoy and plzzzz no negative comments only love!!!!!
Marshal Gebbie Oct 2009
In those days of woe with head hung low
In those moments of regret,
When your actions lose momentum
And your heart begins to fret.
When the best of plans do not work out
When your mountain seems too steep
And tractions lost in everything
And losing makes you weep.

Hard grafting wears your bones too thin
Your tomorrows fade to mist,
The splendour of your recent past
Despatched to moments missed.
Frustration that the rainbow plans
Have dwindled in the rain,
That your brilliant expectations
Have expired to things mundane.

Your stature has diminished
In the eyes of those you love,
Your capableness stultified
By the pointing velvet glove.
Self confidence is wilted now
Belief within less sure,
Potentialities diminishing
With every shrunken score.

Dark sombre thoughts receeding
Blue corners fade to gold,
Discontentment ****** asunder
As new amber dreams unfold.
The towering unhappiness
Diffuses to the air
And spirals of positivity
Emerge from here and there.

The path beyond the shadowed lane
Is there for you to tread,
Gird your soul for chance my friend
Discard the shoes of lead.
There must be dreams to savour
There must be goals to meet,
So launch your bold tomorrows
And delight in unknowns sweet.

You’re sailing in fair breezes now
The silver waters flow,
Warm sunshine on your shoulders
Rich contentment’s fine red glow.
For there must be dreams to savour
To hold within your heart,
To engage the thrill of living
And make each day a joy to start.

Mangere Bridge
7 June 2009
Emily Jones Nov 2013
I am young but old
Not chasing the singing dragon out into the night
Dumping the dragging lull of liquor into my being
Like it will fill the cracks in my psyche
Thwart the emerging of my being like some slick spector in the recess of my mind
Gobbling up my intellect one atom at a time

Relevant only to the tantilzing beat of the bass
The ghetto melody making me elated to the fact that
A white hick hippy want-to-be can never be a ****
I am young
With the knowledge that time is in my favor
Wild wanton ways of youth touch my limbs with excitement
Too much drugs and drunkin dancing in the streets of small time city lights

Where I float on the blissful bubbling blunders of slurred words
And harmless touching that we all know means more than the numbing
Fuzzy fingers of inhibitors want us to believe
I am young

But I grow old
With the acheing feel of gritty mornings
Class time drool-drolling onward towards the final accumulation
Of my efforts
How the liberation of my mind feels fresh and shiney
But at once I feel a regress into old thoughts old beliefs and the worn out mentality of those older
I am old

In that my soul longs for the love that it is denied
Beaten down by the distance that holds it hostage
My tendancy to find rust and petinal signs of age beautiful
Long talks with my mother give me joy
I am old
In that I taste the test of time and see wonder in the generations past
Hoping for the sweet lull of a good nights sleep

Feeling and emoting a progressive approach to a dieing dicotomy
   Saddended by things that will never change
I am growing receeding and more importantly changing
Looking to renew the implications of the word normal
But above all the old
The young, fresh and vibrant
I will forever more be
And always be me.
JW Carter Sep 2011
They told me way too long
So I tried to make it short,
I shrank and shrank and shrank
     so very small.

They took away my feet
and then my ankles
then my knees,
Till not very much was left of me
     at all.

They told me take out bulk
That all it was was outside hulk
So I grew thin and frail and slender
   and see-through,

Until I couldn’t see me
without my confidence receeding;
I disappear sideways,
Do I look good enough for you?

They told me take out words
So I took out words and words
And I stole my broken grammar
     hardly sense bones.

They told me too many letters
I wrote to you, too many letters
Letters with only one address:
     living room floor,

But I felt they were at home
replacing ground with styrofoam
that came out of my mouth,
     my hollow core.

So I let them steal my letters
Let them rip and burn my letters
They tore my tiny heart out;
    left askew
They took away those letters
almost every ******* letter,
Until the only thing they left behind
     was U.
Tehreem Dec 2016
I am falling for your lips and they don't know me yet
You layed me down at the sinking edge of receeding night
Sweat washed off the forehead of memory dame
Of reversions divisions revisions of appaling tales
Going under dunes, falling in spin of burning times
Revert on her knees bleed at your glorious feet
In the gaze in the haze of inconsistencies you retreat
Tied in holy suffering of sacred pain my existence crucified
Holding king death in embrace of countless lifetimes
Lingering darkness breathed shadows that flashes on
J Arturo Dec 2017
I am walking on this small and winding path, through a field. We've decided that it's not an important field, it grows nothing. Animals may have eaten here, once, but they aren't right now. And the path seems well travelled. I'm taken back to something, in science class-- maybe. About letting the earth lie fallow, for a season? I'm trying to say that thoughts of tresspassing were furthest from our minds.

Sarah is carying her heavy bag on her back. I've offered to carry it, but Sarah is one of those people who will recognize their own mistakes and deal with them. I am feeling prudent for having brought only my small brown messenger bag. The sun is just setting, we've been walking for most of the day. We are not nature people. There was a lot of time spent in the city, some spent navigating the train network-- the crazy system of connections and missed schedules. Local and express trains, too. I am not one to ever complain. Sarah is content to swim with the current, and I admire her for this.

She asks me, "Do you think we're still going north?"

We are supposed to be somewhere. I would not rather be anywhere than here.

"I am not sure." I say. "I am having a hard time being worried about it."

"Okay.", she says.

The tall plants with purple bells on top are falling apart as we brush past them. It is maybe eight o'clock, but it is summer, and the world smells warm and eager to have us in it. If earth is a mother, she is reading us a bedtime story. I am very sore, conscious of my decision to wear sandals this morning. Sarah is impossible to read, but paint her content. Had a sheep or farmer come up and asked me, I would have said I were falling in love.

Because of this, I want to say something, one of those things that will mean a lot more because it is between the two of us. I am thinking, "There are a lot of stars.", but instead, I say, "Have you wondered why they call it the Test Path?"

"I hadn't really thought much on it. I suppose it could be for a lot of reasons. Or maybe just coincidence? I don't know.", she says.

"I am thinking that it has something to do with cartography.", I say. "Maybe when they were first deciding how the first maps would be put together, they call came out here and mapped this path. Oh! And the Test Creek!"

"What does that have to do with anything?", she asks.

"Well when they had completed it, and all of the backs had been patted, etc, etc, and they'd completed the map of the surrounding area too, perhaps they thought: what will we call that first path and creek? And maybe one of them said, 'It was our first test. Let us just leave it as Test Path and Test Creek'. And so they all exclaimed what a Jolly-Good-Time it was, and went off to do whatever they did in those days, and it's been that way ever since."

"I don't really know what to tell you. I guess it's possible. I wasn't there.", she said.

I am trying to explain myself to the stars, but it's hard to pick just one and stay focused on it. Sarah has light skin. She fits in well amongst the thatched houses and rain. I am darker, and I suspect that people notice it. Hostility has been bred away for generations, here, but I can still feel eyes on me; the outsider. I want to fight these people, each of them, with my fists. I would love the chance to prove myself to them, and be taken into the tribe. Dear watchful ones: I can learn your language, your customs. I am young! Vibrant! Adaptable! But they will hear none of it. Sarah would, I think, fight them too, but she has nothing to prove to them. My attempts to read her leave me thinking she is longing to do something different with herself. She doesn't know what that is. If she did, she might not be here with me. I am both hopeful for her, and wishing she'll fail.

There is supposed to be a monestary around here. We are walking to the left of a deep forest, the creek lies between us. The occasional overturned tree would make a good bridge, but it is dark at this point, and we've decided that the monks would prefer to be left alone. Everything is colorless, but still full of life. At night, in the winter, in the city were we both used to live, everything died. We would sometimes walk along the short paths that lined the escarpment, and I would keep my knife in my hand. I think Sarah understood that it is a dangerous thing to be alive among the dead and dying; one must be careful. She never said anything about it, but Sarah is a poet on occasion, and so I assume she understands most everything. But here, there was noise, life. We come across a patch of ground riddled with holes the size of Coke cans. Deep holes.

"Do you ever wonder what they might be up to down there?", I say.

"I've thought about it, some,", she says, "but I imagine if they did anything really spectacular, we'd have heard about it."

"Did you see that special they aired on one of the science channels? They took some ant colony... in Africa. A certain type of ants. And they flooded the whole underground complex with this watery type of cement--"

"What about the ants? *******."

"Well they all died, I guess. But it's for the sake of science. Anyway. They flooded the whole complex with cement, and it took like... six months to dry. But when it did, they excavated around the whole thing."

"And what was it like?", she says.

"Amazing. I don't remember the statistic. Something like, 'The ants had moved four tons of earth, the eqivalent on a human scale of--' or other. But the point was that these little tiny bugs made this system, hundreds of feet wide and dozens of feet deep. All hidden under a pile of dirt! It was unbelievable!"

"That is pretty cool.", she says.

"Then imagine if these creatures were doing the same thing-- on the same scale. Kilometers of tunnels! Cisterns and cemetaries and maybe even churches, tiny factories, thermonuclear generation stations! All under this field!"

"I think that you give them too much credit. But I don't know. You could be right. Though I think if I were one of those things, I'd be happy just being one of those things, and not get caught up in industrialization and all of that."

And I ask, "Are you happy being one of whatever-you-are?"

We talk like this, for an hour or so. Nothing is really said, but I am secretly hoping that the world is listening to us. There must be sheep here, somewhere, and they will go home and tell their little sheep children about us. I also think about the nature of sound waves. That everything we say is receeding away from us, infinitely, and somewhere out there our words are being rendered into an alien language for a baby's bedtime story. I'm wondering why the greatest thing I hope for in life is to be the words that put someone to sleep.

We stop. It is very late now. The house I'd hoped to get to has not appeared. Though if we ended up going south instead of north, we've only added another day onto our trip. I'm not really concerned though, which is unusual for me. It is warm out, the bugs are singing lullibies. It is dark enough to be private, yet not so dark as to be frightening. We walk off the path, and sit down in the cavity left by the massive root structure of an old-man of a fallen tree. Sarah pulls out her sleeping bag, and I lie down in the grass nearby, and stare up. It is itchy, but I'm oddly not bothered. Not bothered anymore by much. I don't plan to sleep, not for a while. I want to hear Sarah sleeping. I've decided that I want my thoughts to become a bedtime story to her, and I begin to tell them to her, in no real order.

I wanted my words to be a christmas present, boxed and beautiful. Or a chocolate bar. Or something. They come out jambled, as I fall in and out of meter, gesturing at the sky and making grand generalizations. I tell her about my childhood on the farm. About the way my uncle, reaching for a rope in the hay loft, fell and broke his neck three summers back. It was the first time I'd seen a dead body. I tell her about moving to the city. The brick and stone, and my initial fascination at the way things could always be in motion. After a time, she comes to lie next to me, wordlessly, and places her head on my chest.

I am no more now than I have ever been, but I am tied off at the end. I am not in danger of fraying. I won't sleep tonight. I will run through the house, switching off the lights and straightening all of the picture frames, while Sarah is sleeping. This is something I will defend to the death. I will fight off the wolves and gypsies and try my best not to wake her with the slashing motions of my right arm. I am feeling like no one has ever deserved more to rest, and that I will give my life so that she will have it. I kiss, softly, the top of her head. The sheep watch quiety, and hold their children close. This is what it's like to be at rest.
Jan 28, 2009
Melina Gold Feb 2011
Body shaking
ground moving
red green blue
colors receeding
insides on fire
head pulsating
Assume the position
drown in lost ambition
drink it down
throw it up
same old ****
different ******* visions

Swirling fast
losing consciousness
groove is thrown off
now you gotta live with it
all those thoughts pouring out
like Kool-Aid
All those fools pretending
to listen to your tirade
They're not your friend
or your foe
But it's the closest thing to love
and comfort and contact
that you'll ever know
That tempting *****
At once giving and snatching away
All that is known
And all that could be had
She laughs at my pleas
I want it all and she knows this
Mocking and unyielding
She gives me a fleeting taste
Of the joy I have craved for so long
Before again receeding her gift
Like the drawback of a tsunami tide
I am then sinking and breaking
Under the weight of her
And all that she encompasses
And all that she ever could
Our mistress, maiden, mother, crone,
Cruel as the devil
And twice as pretty
Isobel G Nov 2011
He was so many things,
Cut-throat and proud,
Transparent yet covered in shadows,
Like a diamond,
12 faces reflecting inwards,
Bouncing from wall to wall,
Catching light,
In the most breathtaking manor,

He was young and soulful,
With leather skin,
Dripping in sunlight,
Receeding slowly,
Into maturity,

He was old wine,
Suited to his age,
Sweeter with time,
But he faded,

He was so many things,
But mostly he was mine
©Nicola-Isobel H.          15.11.2011
am i ee Oct 2015
riding like the wind
over desert so ancient
full moon above
three eyes on you

stallions Arabian
strong & powerful
thundering along
away from everyone

chatter & lights
receeding into the dark night
never looking back
leaving everyone

wandering in circles
laughing & leaping
eons of being
lapping at thee

night so long
don't let it ever end....
Mark McIntosh Mar 2015
when it hits
when the winding road leads to
a cul de sac
reverse & don’t park

later at night, wines on board
didn’t pay the extra leg charge by
the exit
child whines & grizzles for land

solid foundations covered by
mountains & waters
everthing flows down streams & creeks &
all the rivers join

heart pumps, lungs release, fins stomp
over rocky ground, pillars
hold up the whole, stop the waters
receeding, keep them

propping all up. venice in winter
canons fire, lead ***** explode
around people I love. look in the
mirror, see what stares back

a smear on the face of a guilty reflection.
pool of calm lake
narcissus new zealand. glow & frown
& pull in the fish
from holidays in the Corrimandels, New Zealand.
Lola Lucille Jun 2014
I offer this
Because theres nothing more
Just two feet a heartbeat
And a sample of my soul
I could write your name
On the receeding skyline
As dusk engulfs the sun
We could chase it forever
Fly too close and surely burn
vaporized, reduced to dust
Ashes on a pire of lost entities
forgotten as the night closes in
As if we were never here to begin with
As insignificant as faint embers
Floating into the breeze
Ascending higher
Chasing infinity
One consciousness subjectively
Reaching out to touch
There is a girl
And she looks like me
And she speaks like me
Some would even say
That she hates like me
But she is not me
She is both fire and frostbite
She is carnal destruction
And blizzard wasteland
A receeding tide heralding doom
And the vast desert heat
We call her the nothing
The nothing that was before
And the nothing that will be after
She is the ice and the flame
And the empty, empty dark
I call her mirror
And she is all that is left
My sweetheart you want to deport from place to place
For your sweet and lovely eyes I am ready for the race
Your whispers your gestures and your curves I celebrate
As a last resort hand in hand I let me see you face to face
For your sake I have been disgraced by all and sundry
But being a staunch lover I kept up your honor and grace
I have sacrificed my all luxuries and opted for the torture
Before I leave let me take you in arms for the last embrace
I realized I saw footsteps on sand with receeding waves
I have done my duty by being with you from pace to pace
Mehr will not survive, will surely going to die in disgust
To save you from embarrassment, will not leave any trace

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
lyka Feb 2020
You are the soft sigh of the waves
receeding from the shore
The warm breeze on a slow day
The pink sky before the sun bids goodnight
The first flower that  blooms on May
nico papayiannis Sep 2018
Confused by the creativity
Submersed in its beauty
Choking on its inability
To simply slow, maybe freeze
The words maybe then
Could flow with ease
The reason would have  meaning
It wouldn’t feel like I was screaming
Drowning in the dire
Consumed by my fire

The rapids of the rain forest cut rigid streams into a rapidly receeding recollection
Acid burns as the wheel turns
A slow ebb of translucent trigonometry triggers the incomprehension
It wouldn’t feel like yesterday if tomorrow had gone so well
And if only today had a story to tell
Then the writing on the wall
Would not speak of a down fall

The words they merge
The ideas they purge
The mind you cleanse
Through this shattered lens
And as the end does begin
So my words shall be my sin
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2019
Today I found my happy place
is seeing my head succumbing to pressure,
finding itself displaced
from not the event,
or indeed my need for protection,
but from the simple fact of
continuing to be
before again retreating;
Receeding into peace.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2018
when amnesia charged
against anathema
     and gave birth to a chimera...
   just liked the way it sounded:
far more
appealing than a sheering
   cry of shattered nerves:
in the bowels of an ancient
forest, mid the chattering cold:
and the suddenly breathing
          to have conjured
a throne from a piece of wood,
and having placed
  a stone upon my head:
identifying a crown -
that abstracted piece of
cranium: or a charm against
a receeding hairline.
Inside my body lives a dragon
Nested deep within my chest plate
Watchful gaze that keeps its sacred
Home.. my mortal soul
And head safe...
Rivers of a glacier thaw.
Receeding into streams that run like clouds. Into my headspace...
The land he reigns. Sometimes strange
The evrr changing landscape...
Like shapes in smoke. A  shifting
Scope. Never knowing of a bad day.
Gavin Oliver May 2019
Mother Nature wears her green robe, bedecked with purple red, orange and pink. Winter receeding her frosty grip begins to shrink.

The eternal cycle of life, reborn in forest field and hedgerow. Birds sing joyful celebration as the evenings start to glow.

Gentle life giving rains, warm springtime sunshine encourage budding shooting growth.

Euphoric ! triumphant spring awakening dormant seeds to sprout. What a wonderful sight, the ancient wood echoing with life.  Infused with scent from a million bluebells nodding and swaying in the dappled light.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2022
.                o
               | |
              /   \
              | ? |

What could one do to create
a buffer from the tempests
of tragedy, would staying
In the comfort zone help to
minimise the risk.

I have always confronted
the wind, faced its turmoil,
was blown off course, often
marooned by my alcoholic

I’m back, and on that same island
which ebbed me into a receeding
tide, with little to sustain buoyancy
but my imagination, cast adrift, with
a bottled up message for the world.

Finn. 2nd Jan 2022.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The older woman smiled,
As I was seated at work,
"You remind me of my father,"
"Your receeding hair's beautiful."
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2019
.and i'll begin as i usually begin, with a clarity of intent, namely? the ritual of at least two drinks of whiskey and, now, not as before, with ginger ale... then i'll start by cracking my fingers in numerous ways, before bribing them with some akin to what a fly does when it "washes" itself, that grand anticipatory gesture associated with malicious intent, with a blank ****** expression, eyes focusing on a fixed point, albeit not one that might be receeding, i'll sit down and...

i figured prayer wouldn't do much for me,
this, feeble mantra
                                     of sorts...
        i was taught how to pray,
  but i never learned: how to pray,
          a mere regurgitation is never enough,
no dogmatic god whistle in my ear,
sounding some impeding doom,
        only the little horrors of an everyday
         strapped to the present,
with some expectations of a heroic past,
and an exponentially innovative future...
so if i can't pray...
                      and i won't pray...
will it take this mere soliloquy
                   to satiate my current needs?
well... no...
            i "think" i've come up with something
   that old myth that drinkers drink
infront of the mirror...
                         i hate mirrors...
                 i never understood a barber
shop, to a lesser extent,
    i actually don't understand
          how people can just continually
gaze at themselves when strapped
                                  to a barber's chair...
to me the whole experience
is a worth about as much as a blink of
the eye when the barber has finished.
     today, i'll try something different...
i'll go, buy myself the whiskey,
the ginger ale,
             and hopefully,
                   a candle...
                  or two...
                             or three...
posit them in my room,
   and wait for the menace to appear...
              and then...
   in completely privacy...
                              i'll talk to my shadow,
at least he knows where he's going;
if this "god"
                     made into a noumenon aspect...
grand juror of all things
                 i'll do likewise...
                       believe in him,
  not believe in him, love him, hate him,
   it's really beside the point right now...
   i'll just make sure i conjure up
       my companion and have a wee chat.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
feed me!

           feed me!



  the sound of
a woman has,

    i guess: her image...

imagine my surprise...
she said...
   'you've only
been my second'

she implied ******,
with a frown....

lucky me...
hard for a girl these days
to unearth,
the receeding hariline
equivalent of a an incel...

i either die to beg for you,
or i beg to die without
   which is which?
and the game?

just a matter of spelling...
so is the glitter-bomb
of working in a slaughterhouse...
and all the polaroids...
but i'm your honey
bear cenobite...

               you know
how ugly,
how ugly a drunk's face
looks like...
  when looming
over a basic sarcasm face-
pictoid of attention *******...
it basically looks
   a cat...
   taking a ****...
                 in the desert...
you want more,
mr. sherlock?!
mr. agatha christie?!
trans- enough for you?
what game are
we playing,
my pedantry
of a language that isn't
even my own...
can we please a simple
hide & seek i can
  an elevation from
how many times will
you hear a *******
not perform
the words: 'you're my second'
having just ****** you
with you faking circumcision...
you mean the second
time she experienced an
i must be a politico *****-please...
sort of curiosity...
most of the women in politics...
i'd **** them...
like... average looking,
on the prostitution

want the stab
and the wound to breathe
like opening a bottle
of red wine?

                 no one has ever said
no, to me...
so i'm...
             what any dumb
lumberjack do...
chop chop some more wood...

who needs a "pweety" woman?
i need a jaw,
ergo i need a mandible beauty...
something worth
my lips, my arms,
my torso my legs
to be left, agitated by...
i don't think anything
about trophy wives...
(borrowed term)...

                i need a body
with a ghost...
    i want to **** a shadow...
i want the upper echelon
of ***,
   and less...
of this stereotypical male
***** gadget
ready ***** bunny
tip-off, waiting on the sly...

you want the objectified
well... here's the man,
subjected to objectification...

   no erectile dysfunction with
a one night stand
with a spanish girl
living with gays...
no amount of bath-time...
no amount of drunk fiddling
under bed-sheets...
will ever solve, me...
being unable to seek out love
at a mythical place akin
to Ibiza...

"     ",
                  1st date,
doesn't work,
2nd, 3rd, 4th,
on the 5th you're calling
your uncle about the pros
and cons of ingesting
****** to please...
a hard-on appears...
you're hooked...
a hard-on always appeared
when attempting
to "tease" prostitutes...
so it's not about classical
         not ****-******
literature from the 20th century?
beside that?
type of barrier...
i need the cold...
    i'll sooner be bred free from
existence for any worth
of replica by:
anti-causality of global warming...
than any *******'s worth
of cultural standards and
i need, cold...
if there's another month of
june *** july...
and the same heat?
and how...
i'm... supposed to feed a "happiness"
offered by a sun-tan?!
no... i'll become racially-orientated
             not having any willing
whim worth a person
to live out a life
under palm,
or therefore, reproduce,
to sustain this delusion...
            sorry... no...
         now tell the ******* eskimo...
to live in a mud-hut,
and ****-off with his
sorry... nor niqab enough for you?
the idea of tattooing my entire back
in the tube map of London
came to mind
only moments ago after dreaming up
a host of bodies
semi-naked with other sort of signatures
no inflicted upon
the left-hemisphere of the brain

as such, also pondering the idea of shifting
the view of the world
away from


            W                     E


and as such to not combat the asymmetry
but rather embrace it
two islands of water in my cranium
pushing away at
and exploding grey matter into vacuums

not unlike the carnivorous protein of
                 Alz Heinz
or at least this is me rummaging in Martin's
looking for clues of me
and him in me
or rather nephew now reduced or inflcited
the raise of being simply "friend": kolega -

kolega Alz Heiz
                            kolega Alz Heinz

now i see the world like i see London
to the south of me the great whirl
of Thames - old water old father Thames
with son Charon
                      not admitting me to the Oval
to watch the cricket

punctuated with nervous breaths after a micro-dosage
of the forest
in newspaper talk of a celibate tree
found circa 130 years ago
cloned many times
but not having a mating partner
must **** for a tree... currently standing priestly
in Kew gardens i believe...

the spitfire pilot who dreamed of flying
aged 17
crashes after a stunt gone bad
the Reddit guy with the red lamp
who thought he was actually married to his highschool
who had two kids
and never missed a day of work
living the white picket fence dream O America
instead playing football
hit in the head so bad that the multiverse
manifested itself in his head

some cruel prank best not mention God
and if i do by god
from the age of 21 a bad bad
bad trip that lasted well over ten years
now everyone in the house
is writing

i am writing
my father is writing an invoice
for Knights Asphalt for the work currently
undergone at Victoria
mother is writing a pPełnomocnictwo

                  to ensure care is taken of Martin
that his hard earned money
will be spent on his own care
a cruel joke of early retirement plans
spent 2 years drinking and sitting with
grandmother listening to teenage music
i mean if the brain isn't fried
from inactivity
not even a personal diary or reading a book
where will the mind wander
and how will it recline when looking
at van Gogh's painting of the chair
not a chair but THE cHAIR

                 words so close yet far away
symmetric damage to both
hemispheres as if metaphor
for the growing of horns
and in this happy-state obscene
but certainly drank too much last night
and now have the shakes
oh jeez now the slight paranoia of the receeding
high like i thought it was a good idea
or are my eyes just simply glazed
and am i relaxed is writing appropriate
during the daytime if it's not required

i.e. W. H. Auden wrote that only the Hitlers
of the world write at night
but i wonder whether this is not a tease
now my eyes are not red
but like wax and my mother's interruption
to avert my eyes from the screen

'control control to charlie 10'
'charlie 10 radio check'
'yes yes control, charlie 10 radio check'
'loud and clear charlie 10 over'

the idea being did my mother realise
or not the tear of writing the document
rather than: is her son hurting anyone
by smoking the Amsterdam way
the casual not London way of smoking
i.e. **** is smoked in London
in public and at large events with massive
me and a colleague of mine
agreed that **** is abused like this
and best enjoyed in private
behind closed doors
with music
some whiskey
and enough music to drive a camel bonkers

i mean: she did walk in and asked me
whether the spoke in my wheel was fixed
i went to the bicycle shop last saturday
one ******* spoke
apparently to be finished by thursday
today is monday
a bicycle shop without spokes
plenty of wheels on display
a bicycle repair shop
is more a shop than a workshop
and that's the biggest problem
no supplies of spokes?
what are these, German car parts?
if you can have a supply of rubbers
then surely there aren't that many
wheel sizes which might make you oversupply
on spokes...

but she walks in with £100 and tells me:
you can have it
if you only go to the bicycle shop
now and buy yourself a new bicycle
how much money did dad
give you for your birthday?
   well then... off you go...

          (but i really did start writing this poem
trying to heal
and i'm going to finish it
mind you i still have 2 hours before the shop

obviously i spent £100 on two packets
of Sherbet and that's all the way from America
and i kind of like the idea
of **** coming in packets that resemble
sweets perhaps
this isn't drug abuse on grounds of legality
since bought
     but in terms of how it is used
and what benefits reaped then i imagine, yes:

when i first starting writing and had
the straitjacket of poetry on me
my heart was a mush of nonsense my brain
was a much of nonsense
only now can i see the need for prosaic more
than ever
and no indeed people stopped writing
in the straitjacket of poetry within the confines
of what came to pass in the 19th century
and dissolved by the 20th
and needs a reinvention in the 21st

now a call from Lyndon my company rep
and no i'm in no mood for
conversation that's why i believe my eyes
to be wax and *****
and glazed and not even a glass of whiskey
will make them look sober
this feeling of creativity must pass
as the left hemisphere switches off or rather
concentrates on something immediately
that i know poetry is not written like
one works to grease up and find oneself
a juicy duck
or rather hunt for a juicy duck
with no green overalls
not rifle and no hunting dog
like the ones used at stadiums as sniffers
and the sniffers are gentle dogs
because when the police come with their
German Shepherds then
boy do those dogs talk
less bark more talk
less bark more talk

                and my how restless those dogs
are even the sniffers
are restless dogs
after all these are: dogs at work...



  ­     we have the Germans coming in next week
and i already have my all clear from
the UEFA that i can work the event
so here comes all the pomp and gravitas of
the Champions' League final
            Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund

hmm... etymology of names:

       there-mouth and now i'm thinking it's
a good thing that i didn't go since
this is my day off
but i mean i didn't go to the bicycle shop
because however my mother thinks
it the fact that i started writing again
and i haven't been writing for what seems to be
donkeys' year
since meeting Edie
and in the current variation of me
i'm intellectualizing whatever it might be
in the rubric of relationships
and ***
                            and friendship
and i don't know what else but when i'm also
working on my day off rather
than relaxing with the family might tell you
a lot about me maybe i should have done
something like this tomorrow when
they weren't home
because i feel like i'm going to have to explain

this is like a narrative of a child
or at least i am robbing myself of the biblical
saying in how
it is said of men:

         genesis 2:24

  a man shall leave his father and his mother
and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh

how is that not the case
are we in a shared abode could it be said
that i'm anything more than client at this point
someone who will subsequently cook
and is this not my own free time to enjoy
my own freedom at least my legs
returned to normal after lying in bed
for a little bit longer

and honestly that experience with the Yorkshire
lads yesterday was mind-boggling
and mind-opening and ego-closing
and ego-crashing ego-destruction
how you can just absorb the energy of the crowd
and work it to your favour
and jeez i was never the roaming cleaner
of my place of work
whereby there was no issue with litter
and how often does cordon 7 call in for cleaners
and ******* bags
and i worked that cordon before
and i took my own initiative and sorted out
the bags myself before
but others who worked that area
would waste control room's time by radioing
in this minor issue that could be resolved
with some personal initiative
       i never thought i could write about work
that was the antithesis of Bukowski's approach
to work that work is the drudgery
because honestly i think how the Nazis didn't
think because honestly
Jews were a fertile breed of workers
so making fun of that
  they were making fun of that
because there is no luxury time for the scholars
and i mean the jews are the scholastic
people of the world and some less serious
of them sure
they are not the eclectic sort i imagine in my
dreams of worms and books
and bookworms unlike those sandworms
of Dune and more the reality of the Metal Worms
of London
and me travelling in them like some Jonah
mind you
i always held the oceans with distrust
but even then diving i did see plenty of life...

Anahola Beach.
Cannons Beach.
Hanalei Bay / Pier - Black *** Beach.
Kahili Beach - Rock Quarry.
Kalihiwai Beach.
Lumahai Beach.
Makua Beach - Tunnels.
Secret Beach - Kauapea Beach.

    (yes, that was ctrl+c/p
   (some variation on style
(returned to listening to music
after interruption
(paranoia receded
(started raining
(if i was a child receiving money
i would have jumped
at the opportunity
to go get bicycle
but i went today
and the used road bike that
looked **** nice
was already gone
so buying a new bicycle
seems grotesque at this moment
(anything new for that matter
buying something new
rather than used)
seems like a horrible waste of money)
the idea that used goods)
were aplenty once)
and people fought for them)
and now no one is fighting over money)
each earning it

but at a time there was a time where
people had exclusive rights to money
and others had no access to money
but instead: WIKT I OPIERUNEK
(bed and board)
and would be the workers of the household
of a people who were workers
of the world
and these people did exist
and they had a history and architecture
and since architecture is the best
idea of what history is
and a people become
then yes the revival of the Coliseum
i have witness
and i am but a voice in the wilderness by now
maybe i should have been
getting married to my childhood sweetheart
but what is thinking
i don't know: she's with five children
and an older hubby
while i'm the rigid disciplinarian of grammar
because i didn't love her fully
because of her literacy skills or was that our
shared youth
or anything - just not a waste of this afternoon
given it's raining
and yes if i were a kid and received £200
and say i had my own savings in a jar
of pennies and pounds
i would have jumped at the opportunity to buy
that bicycle and cycle happy-mad in the rain
but i'm not a child anymore and
i can't imagine going back
to somewhere where the brain was
orientating itself having spent so much time
in the dark outside of the dark
of the womb
but not like some fetal narrative is even
possible or even supplanting an ego
into a fetus is
   like putting a scorpion into a shoe
and a sock on one's nose: the general gist of:
(i think jyst should be as relevant as gist
and it even looks better on paper
let alone the similarity of phonemes)

  i.3. jy-          gi-                       -st

not station of saint
although both are used as is also st for street

oh **** oh **** oh **** oh **** oh **** oh ****
カミカゼ ヨ!

                         カミカゼ ヨ!

      I⁴                     and E⁴

since  in the following "magic square"

                             ya yu yo


                  there is no Yadam and Yevie
the other story not told of the genesis of letters
and by Jove the resting place of so many
meanings deposited into Latin script...
unimaginable wonders
and overhearing my Nigeria neighbour
jeez the music is on in my headphones
but this boombox of bellowing
conversations over the phone is unerving
and that time i smoked with him
in the night on the roof outside out
bedroom windows
i thought of Martin
   and his youth living in those communist
    with greenery everywhere
nothing dystopian about it because of the foliage
and popped up ugly hen houses
never mind his youth of spent time
talking with his neighbor out of the window
in the warm summer evenings
sharing stories and smoking cigarettes
the one that lived above him
yes, him, forgot his name and sur
but him i saw him and a few others when
i visited last
and to think they are his peers
and they seemingly congregated to a Wake
but it wasn't a Wake but an Awakening
to see cruel or just fate
have her whims
however to put it fate a cruelty will the justice
or what is a gamble or something

too many avenues it would seem...
gently massaging of the face
everyone at work is happy that my beard is visible
everyone at work is happy that my beard
is visible again
and i'm happy at work because finally my voice
is visible and can be used
without a loudspeaker
and i'm no longer embarrassed that i sometimes
get tongue tied
because maybe it's because i'm a Londoner
no joking
maybe my bilingualism is a phonetic retardation
from time to time
                   (then the music comes off
and there's the hum of conversation
and no t.v. in the background perhaps this too
the unread messages: i count at least 29)

but oh **** oh **** oh ****
what was actually going to see Kamikaze Yo!
oh redemption mother calls and reminds
me to go back and buy the bicycle
and now sobered i will for sure

get some wind in my beard
and in my hair
glide with traffic
but but but

oh **** o help me "god":

confirmed work
7th june
13:30 - 23:15
sign in 12:30

confirmed work
8th june
07:30 - 20:30
sign in 6:30

confirmed work
9th june
london stadium
06:30 - 18:00
sign in 5:30 (or as close
to it as you can)

                   what did i book myself in for?
a 3 day sleeplessness extravaganza?!
   ha ha: Bukowski and work...
            Mathias Eschlert and: arbeit macht frei; haaaaaa.

p.s.  more like


                    n                                        ­            S


my new compass...  i have to see the world
not like presented on weather chanels
because no the north is not up
or the south down
after all what is n.e.w.s. in space
what is the Copernican n.e.w.s.?
                   best to see the world sideways,
for now, at least.

p.p.s. or perhaps this is mother telling
me to show-off my money
if security staff get teased
and abused at events being called
minimum-wagies           etc
if we can get pushed and shoved etc

                        well... sooner rather than later
they'll nickname me: the Negotiator
3 ******* years in this job
and still no physical confrontation ....

              O Leeds O Leeds O Sweet Lords
and Lloyd.

— The End —