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Jonathan Nouse Apr 2018
A wise person once said

Patience is not measured by your ability to wait. But by your actions and your behavior while you wait-

How great is your paitence to wait for the fruit of your tree to become ripe?

In this day and age people say they have patience but cant wait 5 minutes to hear back from someone.

In todays society theres a demand to get everything now but how great is your patience?

Are you willing to wait a year for success? Let alone a few weeks.

And as the quote says above how will you be waiting?

Will you be waiting patiently? Or will the thoughts and fears that poison your mind saying what if it doesnt work out? Will you walk away?

Patience greatest enemy is that cursed two words. "What if".

But "what if things do work out" and everything falls according to plan and the stars align did your patience follow through?

See i can say all i want about patience but the true meaning is no words at all. Just silence. And peace.

How great is your patience.
How great IS your patience?
Picking skin off the dead flesh
bones naked from muscle mass
a bloodied gore infested chest
a vulture feasts upon the distress
paitence nonexistant
a gutless meal persistent without regret
they'll vocally attack your mistake
fueled with dire fret
a wild screech demand
a groundbreaking command
it's claping claws sever
its a vultures life forever
Copyright Christopher Rossi, 2010
Sovit Pokhrel Dec 2018
Feelings, so stern !
Desires, that burn !
Feelings, that haunt !
Desires, that hurt !

All this weight,
While i wait.
Paitently, i linger.
Loosing my paitence,
Confusion & anger.
All this weight,
While i wait.

The wait for someone,
Someone long gone,
Gone so long,
IT's TIME !!!
To move on and to choose.
To let go and to close.
The door, and
The Chapter.
Letting go sometimes can be the best decision......takes time and some effort but it will only do good to you
In times of War,
and in times of Woe,
we stumble cross this world
and down below

And in the deep
where all things sleep
we find vague secrets hurled
guarded by things that creep

When I read a paper, of the News,
I wearily read and yet joyfully snooze
I hear of stories filled with rage
and listen to pages that unto others abuse

and I say...


Human fools, we are pathetic,
give up this world we know,
travel back, through time and space,
to ease the pain we've sworn to sew,

What in paitence lies with pity,
And in lying, animosity,
We cannot trust, or be trusted
And hide in cloaks from dignity

I am I guess a doomsayer,
as I like to say our doom;
It will come, by our wills done
And shall end the cycle of gloom

Even through negativity,
this white sail stand with truth,
We are poor and weak,
and surely deserve to fall from our peak..

And should you wonder why,
or how cruel of me to be?
Then ask yourself, or die,
How can you let THIS be?

When Humans have no love,
no patience for this Earth,
When grace is hunted with glove,
We've lost our lovely mirth..

When Humans care for torture,
***, Money and Power,
There is no greater torture
Then to suffer this hour through hour..

When Wars are fueled by anger,
wrought as steel, long ago,
Should we travel back this Danger,
and send it melting as the snow?

When the Economy is poisoned,
and the flag of Obama is soiled,
The truth in the cotton is marred,
and the Red White and Blue is by rage Boiled..

When Minds are swift as flies,
Yet can be stayed by petty lies,
or When these Lies
Act as flies,
they spread their wings with hate,
all across the state,
so that we may argue,
and that we may toil,
that we may blame for,
or that we may take from
And eventually desecrate

When Words are trusted fasley,
and from it lives took wrongly,
Who can we trust in this void
of life we too must rust?

When light of Moon
and Song of sun,
have in the dark fled far,

Wither we go, all abroad
Peace never shall be far,
Yet ever will be far
In this world we sadly mar.
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
Beauty is my everlasting imperfection,
Imperfection is my omnipresent reflection,
My dear shadow, my belonging.
My Lord given gift,
Fueled by faith and paitence,
And omnipresence is ubiquitous.
I know and I believe,
Omnipresence is perfection.
© RazanRinaldi
Rochelle Garza May 2017
With every sunrise equal to sunset.
Brought forth deliverance.
A once inconceivable notion from another.
A whole life of reverence, a new look on relevance.
Opening eyes with incantations  known to no other.
A flame rekindled, to light the sky
A sense of wholeness, wonder, oneness when looking into a lovers eyes
So take this hand.
Travel all unknowns
For without love hope and paitence a seed never grows
The Lord my God oh hear my prayer for my beloved nation.
for many have said that you are dead and we sit in tribulation.
Let my sword be sharp my rifle be steel and knife be by my side.
For they will come and among someone is bound to take my life.
If my body comes to fall and im among the dead.
Let my mother know i love her and let my wife be newly wed.
Let my soul rest in your spirit for all eternity.
Let them play the song of dixie when in the dirt they lower me.
But if i fight on through and my life i do not lose.
Let me return unto to those i love to praise and worship you.
Let all glory render unto you and all your gracious name.
Let all men bow their knee unto you and all thy loving aim.
Guide us Lord and find us Lord for we are oh so lost.
See us Lord oh greet us Lord for amany lives are cost.
U.S.A. 2 4 1 age has gentley past.
Many a nation have no paitence for our way of pass.
I seen my Father earthly father working in the mill.
His heart is blue his mind is true for i am off to ****.
So Lord oh Lord dont let me die unto my enemys hand.
For i have those that love me so and count on me again.
But wait it's come my time has come i hear the marching bell.
Were off to fight the ****** terroist and send em all to hell.
Now months have passed im battle born i lost amany friends.
I killed a man with my hands i choked him straight to death.
I shot a ghoul he was a tool a towel on his head.
I sit wonder thinking of of her a time when i was led.
But now i see a burning tree lighters fill the fly.
C130s rolling in rangers in the sky.
God he made em just for war, war and nothing else.
Hell its true just ask the stew he brews it all the best.
Said he knew a ****** down in ringo just before he came.
But all the stories made of **** this war will never change.
And you wouldnt believe it unless you seen it.
But theres demons in the trees.
Just ask a copral he will tell you
Burn those ******* things.
And if i told you about the smell that sometimes fills the air.
You would probably say that ive gone insane but man its burning flesh.
Goodnight mary goodnight bobby goodnight dear marine.
Hope your *** dont ******* die somewhere in beetween.
Back Home now things have things my wife turned to a *****.
Mom she got the loss of mind and dad he died before.
Brothers got a nasty cancer only got two months.
my mind it keeps on hurting me i wake up their a bunch.
i put a psitol in my mouth cause **** just stays the same.
once a marine die a marine cause war dont ******* change.

— The End —