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Ayelle Garcia May 2015
If there is any way words can make me fly,
Let my ode venture me to somewhere great;
Or maybe build a celestial bridge to get by,
Vega and Altair be my ship mate.

Everytime I hear of their story,
Yondering am I if it were like of mine;
Oblivious enough, until I found my glory,
Unique however, it's all just fine.

Vega, tell me how you did it,
Entail me to find a way;
Ready to take risks more than bit,
Yet I've to see all reasons to stay.

Make me closer to the doves and stars,
Uniquely be these my blocks to connect;
Chains of flight shall not fail like farce,
Have your way to connect me to my Altair to not expect.

May my magic work right this time
And make me fulfill what I must do,
Rob my soul as I'm at a distance as your rhyme;
K**eep my hopes up cause I love you.
another of my acrostics for a certain person, inspired by a legend. <3
Alicia Strong Aug 2011
Falling down
Again, it seems
Like no one
Listens anymore.
It feels like
No one's there, everyone's just...

Downward spiral leading me to an
Open vein in my life.
Wondering why I could
Never stop sooner.

At last, when all the smoke clears.
Night turns to

Good morning, is
Everything I needed
To hear.
I** start myself over again.
Not going to
Get beaten down so easily anymore, because...

Up there, I know you're watching me, and it's you, who
Pulls me back together when I fall apart.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2024
Noun. sonder (uncountable) (neologism):

The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.

Dear One:
it is one of those days, when everything becomes a poem,
every mundane, brushing my hair  be/is a philo-treatise,
& the errands of the day, starting  at 6:45am with an assessment,
a weighing of oneself on a numerical scale of justice,
requiring one to rethink his moral behaviors of a prior day,
a kind of confessional I guess, for I have never been inside one,
(a confessional and actually confessing) but my hebraic genetics
require Veduei (1),
constant awareness of one’s
everything deeds, making confessing a ongoing process 24/7
process unceasing, onerous and relieving,
by reliving our each~very individual action,
which means that I am in a sensory paradise / hell and
sleep comes in bursts of exhaustion,
as I misplace my compass
daily, and the re-search required to obtain, nay, reGAIN,  
my footing, my true directionS,
and it is worse than never ending, more akin to the
regularity of irregular breathing…

Thank you for “Sonder;”
restoring the awe for not knowing it, and occasionally forgetting, that there are words, ready, willing, and able to become poems, as I exegesis, excise, and exercise their purpose
to better to remember the worth of everyone and every thing within in a too oft / clouded, self centered
“I exist , therefore I am”
very limited filtering device….
so sonder becomes a poem, an essay, un écrivez,
and I study your photograph, and fly away,
I am in a garden,
you may have (no, probably!) planted,
(like the sonder word in my brain)
and the colors, the soils, the colorex (2) variety
teaches me you better than words…
while I am sundering, sondering, you,

and so many others
who give me the great pauses
of my existence,
the purposed understanding
of the arrogance of pre-judgement…

I am breathing salt air, luscious greens, a variegated
bluey (love that show)
and all my voices rise, in a choir of one,
fo forgive me, forgive myself,
for failing not to be bigger than
than the distances
my aging weakening senses
and my low powered sensibilities
physically provide,

I hear you,
I sonder you,
and so many others,
and I
bind and bound myself to you
thus emboldened!

to go forth and walk in unfamiliar gardens,
to read better  and be,
between the lines
y’all provide

here’s where a a modest thanksgiving
is due and herein provided,
and the inspirations keep coming and
coffee need re~reheating, so the brain can
all over again,
just like a (wink)
An American in Paris,
the next poem is aborning,
it’s very own
an embryo,
asking to be

so thank you,
dear one…
(1j Viduei, (our words of confession) has become our sacrifice. Atonement is as far away as your lips. Don't allow your silence condemn you to a prison of guilt
(2j. colorex ~ index of colors visible and even invisible .

Fri Jul 19
two thousand and twenty four
Penelope Winter Apr 2017
I replay it in my head

L osing our temper
O verthinking
V iolent words
E xaggerations

Y ou walked
O ut the door
U ncivilly

S till, I wait
T omorrow you might come back
I leave the door unlocked
L isten to our song
L et it play over and over again

I pour another glass

A llowing myself to
L ose my mind
W ondering
A pologizing to myself
Y our voice in my ears
S uffocating my thoughts

W ould it have ended differently
I f I had let you win
L et go of my pride
L ooks like we'll never know

- p. winter
i ******* up
Ronan Curtin Sep 2011
Hungry for his touch,
Unknowing to him are my feelings,
Gazing intently into his deep blue eyes,
Open to his emotions,
Running scenarios of how our lust will spill into the deep voids of reality,
Offering to take his coat,
Wondering if he feels the same way,
Silence grips the air,
Our eyes meet once more with a long stare,
Moving closer to him I part my lips,
Emotions flourish while I stuff my face with another **cake..
a nuisance
scraping the sallow pavement

is what it was.

P ondering the truth and throttling
A cquiesence like it was a familiar
R use to be outplayed by vision plodding
I rises holding us against the
S ubtle egress of omens.

W arble no longer, paradisiacal birds.
I   gnite no longer, city buoys.
T his is where they come to salvage ire.
H arbingers — dark, something fire

L eaves on damp graves
O ver grasslands lay quiet, felled dew
V ermilion   eye seeing all
E rupt in a flash of a gun.
For Paris.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
I* will sit             here,                                alone,

Wondering how I am going to do this,     but
"I will not bow, I will not break."                       As
Long as I have this life and as
Long as        
I am breathing;         I will fight.             And

Now is the time to help
Others because even if I am in dept
There are other people who have it       *worst.

But I can't help them quite yet as much as I would love too..
Only time can tell, but first I
Will have to help myself;      *No running.        I will be fine.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Inspired by Breaking Benjamin's "I Will Not Bow" and me being in dept and stress out.
Writing is my release.
Jaylyn Jun 2017
G etting used to the fact that no matter how much we try to talk, you aren't really there
O nly way I can cope is by writing this
N ever would have thought that you would be silent
E very time I was under the impression that you were ok
W hen I asked how I could help, I let you work it out
I n a constant loop
T ired of constantly being sad all the time
H esitant about letting you know how much you hurt me
T entative about telling you what I should have told you that day
H onsetly wondering how I haven't cried every night
W ondering what would have happened if we worked it out
I ndecisive about standing up for myself or just giving up
N ever have been this low in my life
D oubt that you made the right decision leaving me

— The End —