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Kunzite Hewitt Aug 2010
First, I would like to introduce Grayasety. She was a young girl, had soft strands of medium-short caramel hair, and she had green-blue eyes that looked like miniature earths. She was indeed a pretty girl and she was of average height, and had a healthy body. She also had a slight southern drawl; her mother was from Texas. She loved going on boat voyages as her father was the captain of a ship named Gray Asety, named after Grayesty, so she was often training to go on voyages.
                  One morning, just like any other ordinary morning, Grayasety left her house for the next-door stable with her baby sitter, Kinberly, which was part of her father’s crew.  Today was the big day, the day when Grayasety was going to go on a voyage with her father as an official crewmember. Today was Grayasety’s 13th birthday; today was the day when she was old enough to work on her father’s ship! Therefore, she gaily whistled and skipped along the road. It had always been her dream to work on her father’s ship, and today, finally, her dream was coming true. When she got to the stable she blew her small, pink whistle that, to human ears would make no sound, and like every morning her best friend, (which had the ability to morph into animals) trotted tiredly out of the stable in the form of a beautiful brown mare. The huge animal yawned and said, “Morning Kin!” And then addressing Grayasety she said, “ Well, well, little missy what do you want me to be today?” Today Grayasety wanted Mila to be a green parrot, Grayasety was obsessed in the color green, and Mila had reluctantly obeyed, the trio set off for the fresh smelling bay.
Kinberly, and Mila worked on the Gray Asety. Mann Forumest, or Captain Daddy as Grayasety called him had met Grayasety’s mom working as a crewmember on the Majesty, a steamboat. Grayasety’s mother, Magnolia Scott Forumest was the assistant cook. They married, but kept their jobs until one day when Grayasety was about five, the Sea Bandits, a notorious group of pretty woman stealers, kidnapped Her mother.
                        While on sea, Grayasety shared a rather large suite in the ship with her father. In the Bedroom were two desks, one big and one small, and in the corner was a bunk bed, the top bunk badly painted in green and the bottom bunk still bearing its natural mahogany color. Grayasety was sitting in her little green desk, scribbling madly in her deep green diary. Grayasety *** a liking of scribbling and those who have know her long enough could read her scribbles like one would writing. She could read and write although she was nowhere near a strait A student.
                   After a while Grayasety decided to bother her father and, forgetting to switch into her lime green boots, shinnyed up the main stairs to the deck in her faded fluffy mint green slippers. Mila, perched comfortably on Grayasety’s shoulder, started telling her that she was wearing her slippers when Grayasety shoved a faded green pacifier in Mila’s mouth; Grayasety often did this to keep Mila quiet.
Mila, not enjoying the dusty, stale taste of the pacifier unhappily decided to keep her mouth shut until Grayasty got in a better mood. In truth Grayasety was in a marvelous mood and rather liked shoving pacifiers in Mila’s mouth. As the girl got closer to the deck, she started to hear chanting from the kind crew. She especially heard Kinberly’s familiar raspy voice chanting,” Laaa dee daaa, the Gray A rolls along,” and as she emerged to the *****, wet deck she noticed that her father was talking to someone else already. “Botherin’ will have to wait some,” she whispered to Mila. Then she took the pacifier out of Mila’s mouth and scolded,” why didn’t you tell me that I was still wearin’ my slippers eh? Wanted to make me look like an idiot?” Mila simply rolled her eyes.
                    Right then, Captain Daddy, apparently finishing his conversation, came over to the pair and said affectionately, “How are my darlings doin’ today?” Mila especially enjoyed this for Captain Daddy always gave a loving stoke on her back and a whole chocolate chip cookie if he had one. Although Grayasety always stole some of the cookie Mila was happy enough with half. Grayasety, on the other hand was happy with a whole cookie so she begged Captain Daddy to give her another one. Captain Daddy gave her another cookie but chided her not to steal any more from Mila.
                    After the lecture on not stealing other people’s food, Grayasety clambered up the crow’s nest and almost knocked over Franz, a tall, but gaunt boy a couple years older then Grayasty getting in. ”Anythin’ unusual yet?” asked Grayasety hopefully. “Nope,” answered the calm boy quietly. ”Hi Franz. Do you have any cookies?” asked Mila mockingly, Franz just laughed and said,” If I had any I would of eaten it by now! Gray, can you get me somethin’ from the kitchen?”.
                   Grayasety got Franz a basket of food and got her self the same amount; Grayasety was basically always hungry, and had a little picnic on the roomy crow’s nest. After they finished their meal Grayasety decided to let Franz rest and did lookout. Franz had a small room to himself, which was about the size of a normal bathroom with all the stuff taken out. In the corner was an old, squeaky army cot and next to it was a rotund desk with a stack of blank paper, a jar of Indian ink, and a fountain pen laid precariously on it.
                    Franz was quite a writer and he spent his free time eating, sleeping, or writing and unlike Grayasety he actually wrote not scribbled. He was working on a story about gargoyles that came to life at night. It was an interesting story, really. He would of loved to stop working on the Gray Asety and go get his books published but he stayed for his family was a poor one and needed his help to make a living and also, Captain Forumest provided free paper. And, his daughter was the first friend he ever had; Franz was convinced that she was the best one.
                   Grayasety enjoyed being on ships. She liked feeling the cold air rush through her hair and she enjoyed the great view of the vast sea that surrounded her. She even liked the feeling of being so small compared to the humpbacks that swam by. She thought that the ship food was good, and she felt that the sea was truly where she belonged. Grayasety was very cranky when she was not at sea, (though she did like their big, ocean green house), so her father tried to include her on as many voyages as he could.
                     Captain Daddy, or Mann as I will call him spent most of day in a booth on the deck. He often worried about his daughter’s mental health (even though it was completely unnecessary). He talked to Grayasety’s doctor about this and Dr.Metalos, Grayasety’s doctor, gave them a list of mental deceases she could have, but none of them seemed like some thing she would have. Mann was sure that his daughter did not have one sickness; Much Too Much Time At The Sea Syndrome. If any one knew where Grayasety belonged it was Mann and he knew perfectly well that his daughter would go insane if she wasn’t at sea for too long. For one thing she preferred to sleep on her uncomfortable bunk at sea rather then on her fluffy green bed as soft as a feather at home.
                        Right then the ship did a tummy- flopping lurch and knocked off the map and compass from Mann’s desk, which interrupted his thoughts for a while. Below deck Franz’s desk toppled over, and Franz accidentally made a long and ugly scribble across his writing and on the crow’s nest Grayasety was having trouble standing up and she almost vomited right onto Kinberly’s hair. This was rare for Grayasety for she lived on the sea and was used to lurches; she had once survived a shipwreck, which explains her golden earring on her right earlobe.
                   That night as Grayasety lay in bed Mann quietly crept out of his bunk and scurried up the stairs to the deck. He wanted some time to himself. Ahead was Cape Horn; a very dangerous place where so many ships had sunk it could fill the biggest port in the world, but more personally, this was near the Sea Bandits main head quarters, 8 years ago the beautiful Magnolia Scott Forumest was captured here. Even though it was impossible in the foggy mist, Mann tried to make out the cave that marked the entrance to the headquarters. Only few people knew this entrance, and publicity stated that it was a “mere mystery” why most captives were capture near Cape Horn. Mann felt a chill run down his spine and then he thought he felt someone’s hand grab his shoulder. He looked down and saw what he dreaded most; a hand tinged with brown firmly held his shoulder.
                      Grayasety woke up feeling wonderful but apparently Mila didn’t. She kept screeching something about Captain Daddy being kidnapped and soon she found that what Mila had just screeched in her ear was true. She stormed into Franz’s cabin and told him what she discovered and they soon agreed to do what no one else wanted them to do; steer the boat right into the Sea Bandits’ headquarters and take back what, and who was theirs no matter how hard it could be.
                      Grayasety had Franz steer the boat and she herself navigated, Kin was lookout and the rest of the crew helped out. Franz dropped the passengers off at Puerto, and Mila morphed back into a human; what she really is, and helped out. Separated from the frenzy, Grayastey was quietly thinking to herself. She wondered why the Sea Bandits captured her father. They were well known for capturing pretty woman but not average looking men. Just then she heard a knock on the door. “Grayasety?” said the raspy voice of Kin. “There ya are. I just thought ya might wanna know why ya daddy was captured.” “Can you please tell me,” asked Grayasety, trying not to sound too eager. “Well rememba when ya daddy would be gone when ya woke up at mid night an’ I told ya that he had gone to the store to get some groceries? Well if you had thought some you woulda noticed that the store was closed.” Grayasety interrupted Kin in mid-sentence and said irritably, “Of course I rememba. Just get to the point Kin!” Kin flinched at Grayasety’s frustration and mumbled,” Well ya daddy was a spy. One of the best ones at that. He did all he could to stop organized crime, an’ he specialized in the Sea Bandit’s. They captured him ‘cause one less police the better for them.” Grayasety sat with her mouth hanging wide open. She never imagined that her father was a spy. But now every thing made sense. “ Sorry I didn’t tell ya before. Ya fatha simply wouldn’t allow it.” Kin apologized. Grayasety managed a squeak and then Kin left her.
                      After she repeated this to Franz and then Mila, Grayasety went down to her bedroom, she hated having to be near Her father’s belongings but she hated having people see her crying much more and cry she did, leaving her father’s mattress a soggy mess. Then she decided to clean that mess up for if they rescued her father she was sure he did not want to sleep in a soggy bed. Noticing it, she picked up her dad’s picture of her dad and mom’s wedding and became suddenly aware of how much she looked like her dad. The hair, the eyes, the quirky grin, every thing. Her mother had soft blonde hair and violet eyes that almost made you smell the pungent smell of lavenders and had a beautiful smile with bright red lips. All in all she was the most beautiful woman Grayasety had ever seen. She almost made Grayasety feel jealous.
                     “Hey! Gray. So are we gonna bring any weapons? Kin was a whole chest full of ‘em!” Said the distinctively low voice of Franz. “Well, I dunno. I suppose we should bring a couple guns. Always nice to be well prepared.” Replied Grayasety.

                     Franz was on lookout when the carrier pigeon came. The note it had on its leg was from Mann. It said:

Dear Grayasety and friends,

Do not come to save me. I’m with my wife in their dungeon but they want you guys to come too. You see, I’m like a bait. You’re the fishies. They want to erase all traces of the Forumest family. That means they have to dispose of those who would remember them. I will manage okay. Kin, Please take Grayasety and Franz home and forget about me for you and the children’s sake. Grayasety, I love you. Dispose all of my belongings and try to tell yourself that Kin is your mother. Believe me. It’s all for the better. Franz, I meant to tell you but your parents caught tuberculosis and died the other day. Your sister committed suicide soon after. Please take care of Grayasety.


                    The trio stood silent for a long moment and then without warning Franz burst into tears, and scrambled to his cabin. Kin and Grayasety looked at each other sadly and went to their cabins themselves. Grayasety tried to sleep that night but images of Mann and her mother strapped up in chains kept her staring into the darkness with wide eyes. She reached over and got her personal music player, trying to distract herself but after a few seconds she turned it off again, for she could not bear listening to the lyrics; “It’s past midnight and something evil’s lurking 'round the dark” of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”.
            The next morning, Mila and Kin steered the boat near the cave that marked the entrance to the Sea Bandits secret headquarters. Mila then morphed into a seagull and flew into the old, damp cave. From a safe distance Grayasety and her crew awaited Mila to return with some news. After swooping into the creepy cave Mila found the opening to the headquarters and perched on a ledge near it. There, she morphed into a rat, and scurried up into the opening.

                 After crawling along several hallways, Mila came across a steel door bolted very firmly marked “CELLS”. Luckily Mila was small enough to crawl under it. Scurrying along the bureau of prisons, Mila finally saw a cell with Mann and a stunningly beautiful woman captured in it. Mila slipped between the bars and trying not to gain the woman’s attention for fear that she would scream, climbed the steep hill of Mann’s arm to try to reach his ear. “Mann?? Don’t make any sound OK?? I’m Mila. I’m the rat on your shoulder. Kin, Grayasety, and Franz say they miss you a lot.” Whispered Mila. Then she saw a humongou
A short story instead of a poem, but I hope you enjoy!
Any corrections, edits, suggestions etc. and greatly aprecciated!
Grim Reaper Sep 2016
Kyun tu acha lagta hai , waqt mila to sochenge

Tujh mein kya kya dekha hai, waqt mila to sochenge

Sara sheher shanasai ka , dawedar to hai lekin

Kon hamara apna hai , waqt mila to sochenge

Hum ne usko likha tha , kuch milne ki tadbeer karo

Us ne likh ker bheja hai , waqt mila to sochenge

Mosam khushbu baad-e-saba chand shafaq aur taron mein

Kon Tumhare jaisa hai ,waqt mila to sochenge

Ya to apne dil ki mano , ya phir duniya walon ki

Mashwara uska acha hai ,waqt mila to sochenge

Kyun tu acha lagta hai , waqt mila to sochenge
Ultimate poetry by Attaullah Khan.  Waqt mila to sochenge..

Video Link:
Yatharth lakhan Feb 2014
Kya kisi itna dard mila he
bas ek yahi usase gila he
achche se kat rahi thi jindagi meri
pyar kiya jab se sirf yado ka hi tohafa mila he
kya farak padta he muzko e duniya badnasib to vo he
jise mere alava or koi mila he
kiya tha pyar mene use dilo jan se
meri chahato ka yahi sila muzko mila he
aaj he vo kahi or me tab chal raha hu
jab se usake shahar ka muze pata mila he..
Ek naadan parinde ka haath aapne thaama,
Apne dil mein diya sabse khubsurat thikana.

Phool ki mehak ko jaata nahi churaya.
Suraj ki kirne ko jaata nahi chupaya.

Khuda ne itna sikhaya hai mujhe,
Aapke liye dua karu khud se pehle.

Mere dil ka dard kisne hai dekha,
Ye dost muskaan ke peeche ki kahani padh leta.

Vaada karte hain ye rishta dil se nibhayenge,
Aapki shiddat mein hadd se guzar jayenge.

Dil se maangi thi dua rabb se,
Qubool hui ibadat mulakaat hui jab aapse.

Duniya ki daulat hey ishwar nahi chahiye mujhe,
Sabse anmol tohfa mila jo jud gaye sanjog unse.

Dadhkano ki dadhakti har awaaz hai sirf unki,
Pyaar mein tabdil ** gayi hamari dosti.

Chand sa hai mukhda,
Mere jigar ka tukda.

Bin tere jiyenge ab hum na ek pal,
Tujhse juda hai aane wala har kal.

Bhut sataya humne aapko aapka jawab dene mein,
Hanji hum bhi chahte hain aapko aapki shiddat se.

Jud gye dil se dil tak,
Mujh par sirf hai aapka hakk.

Rooh se rooh ka rishta hai hamara,
Tujh bin ek pal nahi humein gavara.

Chadha diya hum par rang apna,
Poora hua ek pyaara sa sapna.

Aasman mein jab tak sitaro ka hai basera,
Ek dusre ka hain hum sahara.

Meri zindagi ke saaton janam hai aapke naam,
Aapke hi rahenge hum bheja khuda ko paigaam.

Pyaar mera rago mein lahu ban daude,
Apna sab kuch tum par qurbaan kar de.

Tum saath ** tou zindagi mein hai bahaar,
Tere bina zindagi bhi hai meri bekaar.

Khuda kasam har saans sirf tumhari,
Tumse hi judi hai zindagi hamari.

Rabb jaane kya lekh likhe unhone,
Milaya hai jab aage bhi whi sambhale.

Mai teri ** gayi haa mahiya,
Har kadam saath hain hum saathiya.

Rabb se pehle tumko yaad kiya,
Apna dil tumhe de diya .

Sacchi mohabbat tumse kar baithe,
Pta nahi chala kab hum aapke ** gye.

Zindagi se judi hai hayat aapki,
Aapka pyaar jaise maa ki thapki.

Har mod par saath hai aapke,
Chahe waqt kitni karwat badal le.

Aapki pagli sirf aapki hai yaara,
Tum bin kaun hai hamara.

Intezaar hai besabri se humein us din ka,
Jis din aapke naam se judega naam hamara.

Aapka har dukh hamara hai sajna,
Hamari har khushi par naam hai aapka.

Tumko bhi hai khabar,
Aye mere humsafar.

Maut ki gaud mein sone ke baad bhi,
Alwida nahi hai kehna humein kabhi.

Gujarish hai khuda se ,
Kabhi juda na karna unse.

Ek sang hi mitti ki chadar odh so jayenge,
Sacchi mohabbat dil se nibhayenge.

Mohabbat se kai upar hai mohaabat aapse,
Aisa koi shabd nahi jo ise piro ske.

Chaha tha humesha se humsafar mahadev jaisa,
Qubool hui dua hamari jo mila mahiya aisa.

Dilon ki awaaz mein hai itna asar,
Yaad kare joo ** jaati hai khabar.

Ibadat karne ka wo khubsurat lamha mile,
Tou hum apne humsafar  ke saamne sajda kar le.
coffeemantra Dec 2013
I tried not to fall in love with Mila for she was broke
She who hid her crooked honest smile
Holding her coffee every morning
I said hi, she just never noticed I was the one that cared
Her eyes screamed 'help me'
Help me from myself
But no one could ever understand
She who sat alone in the mornings with her writing pad
She who walked alone staring at objects not eyes
I smiled at her everyday, she never looked up
She who probably cried every night
Everyday day
All the time
One day Mila walked towards me
I sighed in disbelief
She stared at me with her big brown eyes and said 'Keep this for me'
She handed me her writing pad
She walked away soon
I waited till the next morning
She never came.
She with her absence
She with her obscure self
She with her unveiling silence
All she needed was help
I fell in love with Mila
A love that was spurred from afar
For it was no possession
Admiration that was all
She who I could've helped
She who was so beautiful
She who understood how much life was doomed
She who's soul didn't belong here
Mila killed herself, for this was not her place, she went to try another universe
I'll be joining her there.
Shrivastva MK Jun 2015
Kis gunah ki saja tumne mujhe diya...?
Ban ke bewafa tumne pyaar ko badnam kyon kiya....?
Mila tumse mohabbat karne ka sila mujhe,
Jite ji tumne mujhe ye judai ka zahar kyon diya...?

Na karte pyar kabhi bhi tumse agar pta hota mujhe judai ka gam,
Karke mujhe akela, kahan chale gye wo bewafa sanam,
Kya duniya ki yahi reet hain...?
Pyar aur Judai me aksar kyon judai ka hi jeet hain....?
Kis janam ka badla sanam tumne mujhse liya...?
Karke ghayal dil ko, mujhe akela yu chhod diya,

Ab to ye duniya mujhe tane mar rahi,
Kabhi laila majnu to kabhi heer ranjha ki pyar ki kahaniya suna rahi,
Ja bewafa ja khush raho uske sath jise tumne apna bna liya,
Dard dekar mujhe jo mere dil ko
DARD -E- DIL bna diya,
DARD -E- DIL bna diya.....
Leena Apr 2014
Zindagi ke raah mein tanhai maine pa liya
Jiska bhi gham mila apna bana liya
Sunane ko mila na koyi dastane gham
Aina rakha samne aur khud ko suna liya
Aapka saath humein har janam mein mile,
Dua hai hamari aapke jivan mein phul khile.

Sabse khushnaseeb hai hum mere humsafar,
Jo aapka saath hai hamare saath har dagar.

Meri rooh ka rishta hai gehra us rooh se,
Chehra basa hai sirf aapka dil ki tasveer mein.

Sagar ki gehrayi bhi kam hai is mohabbat ke saamne,
Beinteha mohabbat hai tumse kehti hai dadhkane.

Ruke na zindagi me hamare pyaar ki hawa,
Hum tumhare hain tum hamare oo humnawa.

Sukoon milta hai sun khud ka naam aapke saath,
Jaise koi subah judi ** shaam ke saath.

Meri haathon ki lakeere, mehandi sirf aap **,
Har pal aapka hi rehta hai khayal humko.

Qubool ** gayi har dua tumhari,
Jab se mili hain saanse hamari.

Dil ki gehrayi se chand ki roshni se,
Kehna chahte hain hum kuch aapse.

Phulo ke kagaz par likhte hain kuch labz,
Beinteha mohabbat hai har lamha har nabz.

Jaati nahi aankhon se surat aapki,
Aapki zindagi mein rang bharne ki kasam khayi.

Mil gaye humein hamare bholenaath,
Jab se mila is khaas dost ka saath .

Aapko dekhte hi ** jaata hai dil bekaraar,
Aapko mile khushiyan beshumaar.

Jab saath hai aapka dil mein dadhkan ki jagah,
Fir zindagi ko saanso ki jaroorat kahan.

Rabb se yhi ibadat mein karte hain fariyaad,
Ye jodi yu hi banaye rakhna kr tumhe yaad.

Kabhi ruth na jaana humse piya,
Saath rehne ka vaada hai kiya .

Jabse mehsoos kiya is dil ne aapko,
Milne gayi zameen par jannat humko.

Pyaar saccha ** tou waqt bhi Ruk hai jaata,
Is pavitra rishtey ke liye aasman bhi jukh jaata.

Aapse shuru hote hain hum aapke saath hi khatam,
Saath rahenge aapke har janam mere sanam.
judy smith Jul 2016
Meeting a renowned Pinoy designer, Michael Cinco, was the highlight of my nth trip to Dubai last month. He is so unassuming that I almost forgot how famous he is. Some of his A-list Hollywood clientele include Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Kylie Minogue, Mila Kunis, Paris Hilton, Tyra Banks, Rihanna, Toni Braxton, Fergie, Nicole Scherzinger and Christina Aguilera.

Michael’s regular clients are Anne Curtis, Marian Rivera-Dantes, Kathryn

Bernardo, Liza Soberano, Ruffa Gutierrez and Bea Alonzo.

Miriam Quiambao and I immensely enjoyed bonding with Michael. He treated us to an authentic Lebanese dinner at the resto below his plush condominium right across the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa. Kudos to Michael for being the only Filipino designer who was invited to present his collection at the Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week’s “Couturissimo,” held last July 3.

He’s world-class yet down-to-earth. That makes him all the more remarkable. Pinoy Pride is something Michael wears so well. CincOoh la la! (Visit

Here’s my chat (via Facebook) with Michael:

What was the Paris Fashion week experience like?

About 15 years ago I was strolling along the beautiful Jardin des Tuileries. I was so in love with the place that I had a vision and a dream… I said to myself, one of these days I’ll have my show in this stunning garden. So when Asian Couture Federation approached me to have a show in Paris, I immediately begged to hold it in Jardin des Tuileries. Showing my collection in Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week has always been my ultimate dream. Seeing your collection on the runway of your dream garden is one of the greatest achievements in my life.

Among local celebs, who are the five best-dressed on your list?

Marian Rivera, Anne Curtis, Cherie Gil, Kathryn Bernardo and Liza Soberano. They all wore my couture dresses and they all looked amazing.

Any memorable moment with the celebs?

To be honest, I never met any of them. I dressed up some of the most beautiful Filipino Celebrities and Hollywood celebrities wore my clothes on the red carpet and in their music videos. When the producers of the movie “Jupiter Ascending” asked me to go to London to meet Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum, I declined because I was too shy to meet them. The stylist of Jennifer Lopez asked me to meet her backstage. Also, the manager of Kylie Minogue asked me to go to her room for fitting but I just sent my assistant because I was scared and shy.

Who is the easiest celeb to dress up?

Most of them are easy to dress up because they all look fabulous in my couture dresses.

What are your three fashion do’s and don’t’s?

Do’s: Be yourself; create your own style; wear something that will make you feel confident.

Don’t’s: Don’t wear a dress two sizes smaller than your body; don’t follow someone else’s style; don’t try to achieve what you see in glossy magazines—they are all photoshopped!

If you were asked to design an outfit for President Duterte, what would it be like?

A bullet-proof couture barong.

What’s your advice to aspiring designers?

Young designers of today should realize that fashion is not all about glamour. The fashion world is very cruel. You will be judged, criticized and rejected.

It takes hard work, patience and strong determination to achieve your goals. Create clothes that people will wear. If you want to create art on clothes, make sure they will sell.

Lastly, be humble and never give up. Believe that anything in this world is possible. Believe in your dreams and if you have faith and confidence in God, all of your impalpable dreams will come true.Read more at: |
Jeet ka yu koi juluus niklaa hai ,
Dil haarne me hi jaise mazaa **....
Kyaa kare dosto ? Waqt ,waqt ka  ye takazaa hai ,
Jo humare dil ko yuhi jaise tatolta **....
Pyar ne humhey zindagi sey mila diya , ishq aur zindadili ka jaise intezaar **...
Yehi iltajaa hai raab  sey , ki ishq he humari ibadat **....
Ishq he hamari ibadat **....
© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Hindi poem#translates in one phrase to" love is worship "National language of india .
Ankit Dubey May 2019
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai,
na rasta dikh raha hai,
na manjil hi dikh rahi hai,
dikhta nahi najara ,
na hi koi aas dikh rahi hai,
hai jindagi tumhari,
ise apna tum bana lo,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai......
na tum dikh rahi **,
na tumhara aksh dikh raha hai,
besudh hua ja raha hu,
yaad aa rahi hai,
chirag dil ka jala bhi loo to,
ankhen hai nam itni,
k roshni bhi bujh rahi hai,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai.....
na sath chootta hai,
na sabra tootata hai,
na aate ** tum kareeb hi,
na doori hi kargar hai,
na yaad teri jaati,
na bandish hi choot pati,
ab aur na rulao,
k aanso b ro rahe hai,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai....
tera yakeen bhi hai,
fir b hai dard footta ,
tu hi to rahnuma hai,
tujhme hi alam-ae-tasavvur,
na ji sakunga tum bin,
hai kar diya muqarrar,
mere kareeb aao,
dard badhta hi ja raha hai
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai.....
ab mujhme fanaa ** jao,
mera vajood tera ,
tera har wakayah hai mera,
tu hi to ishk-ae-rangat,
hai khuda ki tu inayat,
jo likhi hai usne aayat,
tujhme hai rooh meri ,
meri har aarjoo hai tu hi,
bas karo hajoor mere,
meri saanso ko rok lo tum,
sath chootta hi ja raha hai,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai.....
ab rah gayi na himmat,
k ji sakun tere bina,
aao kareeb aao mujhko tum bacha lo,
mai ** gaya hu farkat,
kisi aur ki wajh se,
na husn ki hai chahat,
na ****-o-sangmarmar se dillagi hai,
tujhme hai rab mera,
bas tujhko hi chahta hu ,
tujhko hi mangta hu,
rooh se rooh tum mila do,
kuj aur na mangunga,
meri jindagi me aao,,
rag rag me sama jao,
tere bin nahi hai jina,
maut kareeb aa rahi hai,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai.....
hai akhiri ibadat,
deedar-ae- rahnuma mai kar loo,
vo usko ek pal k liye chod de,
mai sirf apna bana k bahon me unko bhar loo,
jindagi hui khush,
bas god me aankhen band ** jaye,
saanse bhi ruk jaye,
har pal k liye tere kareeb aa jaun,
bas tujhse lipat jaun,
har pal k liye so jaun,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai....
koi shikwa nahi rahega ,
tera kisi ka hona,
kisi aur ki fitrat,
kisi aur ki amanat,
ab himmat nahi hai mujhme,
k tumhe kisi aur ki banau,
chala jaunga mai ek din,
bas shant jindagi me,
ek nayi hi hogi duniya,
bas tum aur mai honge,
na koi aur hi rahega,
na koi hak kisi ka hoga,
bas mujhme bhi tu hoga,
aur tujhme bhi mai rahunga.......
Geetanjali dogra May 2020
Maa teri meri yadein boht achi thi
Tu jo bhi kehti thi boht sachi thi,

Yaad hai mujhe aaj bhi wo pal maa
Bimaar mai hoti thi taklif tujhe hua karti thi,

Tu kabhi na bhuli mere khane ka samey maa...
Qki maa tu hi toh khane ki plate mere aggey piche ghumaya karti thi,

Wo teri aloo, pyaz wali khaniya maa
Jisko sunn k sach mai maan liya karti thi,

Kya khub sundarta thi tere bhole se chehre pay maa...
Jo meri saheliya bhi gunn tera hi gaya karti thi,
Maa ...qki teri meri yadein boht achi thi
Tu jo bhi kehti thi boht sachi thi,

Jab pehli baar un chote se hathon se chai bnayi thi maine
Yaad hai , tu sab rishtedaro mai yahi gaya karti thi,

Har baat k liye zidd bht ki Maine tujhse
Par aakhir mai meri khushi k liye haa tu hi bharrti thi,

Bht ladai ki sabne mere liye tujhse maa
Lekin har pal sath khadi tu hi mila karti thi,

Maa teri meri yadein boht achi thi
Tu jo bhi kehti thi boht sachi thi,

Bht si horror movies bhi dekhi tere sath maa aur tu kahani ka pehlu phele hi bta diya karti thi,

Bht hase bhi sath mai roye bhi sath mai
Aaj jab dekhti hu toh ansu apne aap nikal k beh jate hai,
Bachpana samjho ya nadaniya samjho
Par tere hi aggey hua karti thi,

Tu Maa thi ya meri dost thi
Qki tu bhi toh bacho jaise harketin kiya karti thi,

Aaj bhi wahi tera chehra dikhta hai mujhe maa , teri wahi awaaz sunayi deti hai,
Lekin bevas tu hai ya mai hu aisa mnn mera kehta hai maa,

Qki maa teri meri yadein bht achi thi
Sach mai Tu jo bhi kehti thi bht sachi thi.

Wapas se wahi samhe jeena chahti hu tere sath maa..
Par sochti hu tu yaha ayegi ya mai waha au maa,

Sach Drr lagta hai duniya se maa ab
Jee paungi ya tut jaungi mai ab,

Kitni bholi thi maa tu humesha se
Qki jhuti ya sachi sab maan liya karti thi,

Yaad hai mujhe aaj bhi jab scooty meri band hoti thi
Toh kick tu hi mara karti thi,

Wah kya paranthe aur rajma banati thi maa tu
Jo saheliya hi sabse phele khaya karti thi,

Itni sachi aur achi maa thi tu
Warna mujh jaise nalayak bache ko tu hi sambhala karti thi,

Maa dubara se wo maa sabd tere aggey tujhe bolna chahti hu fir se
Kya tu dubara janam legi milne k liye mujhse,

Ek baar toh ake gale lga le maa mujhko
Fir se wahi pyara bacha bnke dikhaungi tujhko,

Yaad hai maa mumma's lil girl ka tattoo maine bnwaya tha tere liye
Lekin jab ghar pauchi toh dekhte hi dil baith gya tha mere liye
Maa tu sda zinda rahegi dil mai mere
Qki Sach keh rahi hu mera wajood hi hai tere liye,

Maa bharosa kar mera
bharosa nahi todungi tera
Ab aa hi jana maa bacha hu tera.
Ain Sep 2020

Tu ek khayaal se zyada kuch aur tha bhi nahi...
Bas ek khwaab se zyada tu kuch hua bhi nahi...
Woh ek zakhm jo dil ko kabhi mila hi nahi...
Tu hai woh dard jo mehsus ** saka hi nahi...

Woh lafz the mehez alfaaz sach hue hi nahi....
Na haq vo baaton ke parde kabhi khule hi nahi...
Humare ijz ka un par asar hua hi nahi...
Ki inkisari mein hum ne bhi kuch kaha hi nahi....

Teri ranjish kabhi dil ko hui ata hi nahi...
Mera daaman teri khalish se bhar saka hi nahi...
Woh faasla kabhi jo paar kar sake hi nahi...
Woh raasta ke jin pe paon chal sake hi nahi...

Tu ek yaad hai jise yaad rakh sake hi nahi...
Tu ek saraab hai jise haath dhar sake hi nahi...
Aazmana kisi ko kab yeh achchi aadat hai...
Aazmaish se hum kabhi juda hue hi nahi...

Ke intekhaab jo tera maine kiya tha kabhi...
Munasebat ke daayre se vo juda hi nahi...
Woh ek sada jo kabhi pesh kar saka hi nahi...
Vo ilteja kabhi bhi tu jo sun saka hi nahi...

Meri aankhon ko deed tera ** saka hi nahi...
Teri khushboo se **** mera tar hua hi nahi...
Woh jo qurbat sa kuch mehsus ** raha tha mujhe...
Wasl ka lutf woh mujhe kabhi mila hi nahi...

Kyun jo tu khud parast nahi to dekhta hi nahi...
Kyun nigaah tu meri taraf phira saka hi nahi...
Woh jo sehra tumhe yun sabz nazar aata raha...
Saraab tha kabhi waha yahan hua hi nahi...

Kaha tha us ne ke mujh ko bas ek nida dena...
Ae dil tu maan le tha tu ne yeh suna hi nahi...
Teri nigaah mein umeed ek basi thi jo “Ain”...
Nazar ka dhoka tha ke kuch kabhi basa hi nahi....
Tujhe dekhte hi mein khush hua
Tune mana kiya  ishq ki duniya
toh samundar me doob gaya mein
Log kehte hai...ab tum pagal aashiq **
Meine kaha haan hoon toh hoon..
Ishq toh dariya hai ...
Sacha pyaar aur naseeb...
Hasti lakirein...
Ghoomti pyaar ki botal
Jaam e ishq
Samundar kinare baitha hu...
Jhootha hi sahi haan keh de!
Shofi Ahmed May 2021
Zindagi ki piyala itna borha nahi hai
ki uski andor me lehron ki mujhme
nodia beh sakta hai.
Likhen uski andorme ek bindu
pani bi nahi itna chota
ki isme sagor bon nahi sakta.

Koi yaro achanok milta hai to bolta
kitna chota hai ye donia
Ye mitti andorme bi kya borha?
Khodo to isme kobor bonta hai
Liken agor Mawla chahe to ye
mitti se bi Adam bon sakta hai.

Somundor to somundar
shabnam (dew) bi Subhan Allah!
Aaj kaha aj reh ta hai kal ** jata
Kal ko kisi ko kiya pa tha
Thalu aftab (sunrise) ki canvusme
Ankhi dal kor job sham dol jata hai
Kisi Ko zulf ke saye me bemalum
Kitne ankhi khu ja ta hai
Kis andaar goliche chad aa ta hai
Kiso ki kiya pa tha hai
Liken mera bhi kitna khush naseeb hai
Khali hate aakor bi itni kimti herat angaiz
(amazing) majlish me ek hishya bhi mila.
Mawla karega keyse Aap ka shukrana
Alhamdulillah kiyanat ki Rab taarif Aap ka, Aap ka!
A thought on my birthday perhaps applies to everyone.
WriteMeAD Aug 2016
Ek Baar Suno Kuch Aisa Hua

Wo Mujh Ko Mili Main Us Ko Mila

Izhar Hua Iqraar Hua

Wo Dost Bani Main Yaar Hua

Usey Ishq Bohat Mujhe  Pyaar Bohat

Hum Dono Mein Takraar Bohat

Phir Ek Din Kuch Yun Hua

Wo 6od ke Gayi Main Toot Gaya

Phir Ek Din Hum Kuch Yun Millay

Wo Tanha Thi Main Akela Tha

Bas Hum Do Thay Aur Koi Na Tha

Woo Rone Lagi Main Bebas Raha

Na Pyar Na Hi Izhaar Raha

Bas Farq Sirf Itna Hi Raha

Alon Calinao Dy Mar 2013
I am Alon Dy,
Son of Mila and Tong Dy,
Brother of Kissy and Milton Dy,
Who loves his wife and his family.

I am a nurse
Who touches the hearts and minds of the patients,
Who stands and fights for what is right,
Who knows his limits as a nurse.

I am a dreamer
Who has always option one, two, and three.
I never quit, as it is not in my vocabulary.
Just because others  throw their hands up and cry,
Doesn't mean I'll just leave it high and dry.

I feel bad that some people are ignorant,
Talking **** behind your back like this and that
These people need to realize,
I do not mind and I do not care.

Backbiting, prejudice and hatred,
These are negative attitudes that need to eliminate.
Trust me, people still change and
Do this now while there is time.
So please, it is not too late.

Once again, I am Alon Dy
Who fears no one except God.
I understand I cannot please everybody.
I admit I make mistakes sometimes.
I say sorry, but still,
Need to love each and everyone.

I'm aware I have many friends.
I know I select only few.
I understand, yet wonder why I'm like this.
It's plain and simple,
Few of them are true.
Riya jain Oct 2018
andheri thi jo raat wo,
us raat ki kya baat kahun.
jis raat se wo mila nahin,
us raat ki kya subah kahun.

har raat ki h subah mgr,
us raat ki bhi subah hui.
charcha hui to khabar mili,
us shaqs ki toh maut hui.

shaqs to tha wo dost mera,
us shaqs ki kya baat karun.
ladka tha wo bigda magar,
uske dil ki kya taarief karun.
maut nahi thi tha wo khoon,
un kaatilon ki kya baat karun.
jese tadpaya un sbko,
Isse bhattar maut unko m ada krun.

galti kya thi un maasumo ki,
jo aisi bhynkr maut mili.
khuda tu hi jawab dega,
kynki tune thi wo maut likhi.

sbko jisne khush tha rkha,
uski shanti k m dua krun.
Yaad rkhnge use hmesha,
uski yaadon ki kya baat karun.

Vineeta rai Nov 2018
Humsafar wo hai jo dukh sukh me sath de....
Humsafar wo hai jo har safar me apke sath **...
Humsafar wo hai jo apke sath kadam se kadam mila ke chale...
Humsafar wo hai jo apki khusiyo ko apke takleef ko apna samjhe....
Humsafar wo hai jo apki kamiyo k sath apko accept kre...
Humsafar wo hai jo apse pyar kre..
Humsafar to hum safar hai...thats mean
Hum- mai+tum
To duniya k har raste pr hr situation me sath chalne wala humsafar hai...
My own definition of life partner...
B Woods Jul 2010
I sit here on break at my nine to five,
perusing the depths of word music divine.
Beauty I seek and bliss do I find
from poets unknownst to my imaging eye.
They come from some places so foreign to me.
Yet the freedom we share with our tongues
and our souls, it speaks volumes of strings
that connect us untold. Through the blessings
of two friends with gold in their hearts
I united with one  lamp whom lit up the dark.
This darkness had been shown to me, no not yet;
this lighting of candles conquered the sunset
of a beautiful Spirit who speaks strong to me.
I thank her for the words I look forward to read,
inspiring so, can't wait to join you infinity.
This is for Milushka, a poetess who has moved on. Though I just discovered her work today, I know that her Spirit will live on through her poetry. May she always be remembered.
Jab aap humare ** pass,

Har lamha hai bhut khaas.

Har ehsaas bhi sun leti hain ye dadhkane,

Aap zindagi ** humarai aapke siwa kuch nahi chahiye.

Aap ** tou sab kuch hai humare pass,

Dil se dil ke jude hain gehre ehsaas.

Paaya apne rabb ko aap mein,

Aapko dekar de diya sab kuch us rab ne.

Har dua mein shaamil ** aap,

Rooh ki awaaz ko meelon dur se bhi lete ** bhaap.

Is jahan mein aapke jaisa koi nahi,

Samjh jaate ** wo bhi jo baat ankahi.

Sabse khubsurat tarasha hai aapko us uparwale ne.

Aapke saamne tou wo chaand bhi feeka lage.

Aapke bina soona hai mera jahan jaanu,

Aapke siwa us khuda se mai aur kya mangu.

Zindagi ko zindagi mil gayi,

Chahiye aur kuch bhi nahi.

Is banjaare dil ko us dil ka mila thikana,

Jannat se bhi khubsurat hai aapka aana.

Sir jhuka kar karu mai aapke saamne sajda,

Ibadat ** jayegi qubool aap ** mere khuda.

Meri saadgi, meri khushi,

Zinda hai sirf aapse hi.

Baahon mein chupa le jaana,

Intezaar rhega aap bhi doli leke jald hi aana.

Dulhan bn aapki mil jayegi har khushi,

Aapke angana aaungi chali.

Mehandi wale haathon ki chudi hai aapse,

Saja dena maang humari apne naam ke kumkum se.

Basau mai aapke sang pyaara sa aashiyana,

Hai ek dil ka khubsurat sa sapna.

Meri saanse chalti hain un dadhkano se,

Mera sab kuch hai sirf aapke waaste.

Dil, jaan , rooh sirf aapke naam.

Har janam bs aapki hi banu bheja khuda ko paigaam.
Aye mere humsafar,
Kya aapko hai khabar.

Meri har khushi sirf aap **,
Dil ki dadhkan aur meri sada hai wo.

Meri pehli aur aakhiri mohaabat ** sirf aap,
Milon dur hain fir bhi har takleef lete bhaap.

Chaha hai sirf aapko chahat se badhkar,
Kabhi kahin nahi jayenge aapko chhodhkar.

Har janam sirf aapke hai naam,
Khuda ko bheja hai humne paigaam.

Hamari har saans sirf aapse hai shuru hoti,
Aapko takleef mein nahi dekh sakti.

Aapke har kadam ke neeche ** haath mere,
Zara si aanch tak na aane denge.

Aapse badhkar kisi ko itna na chaha humne,
Sabse anmol tohfa mila humein rabb se.

Khushnaseeb hain jo aapko paaya,
Hamara dil aapki dadhkano mein samaya.

Mere mahadev meri mohaabat ** tum,
Tumhe chhodhkar kha jayenge hum.

Kasam se jab se mile ** tum humko,
Zindagi ki har khushi mil gayi mujhko.

Kuch paane ki tamanna nahi hai meri,
Khushnaseeb hain jo jud gayi mujhse dadhkane teri.

Sachhi mohabbat sirf hai tumse,
Gehre hote hain rishtey jude jo dil se.

Aapke liye tou khuda se lad jayein hum,
Hamari jaan se pyaare ** tum.

Meri duaon mein itna ** asar,
Aapko lage na kabhi kisi ki nazar.

Mehfooz rakhe khuda aapko,
Aur kuch nahi chahiye mujhko.

Duniya ki khushiyan mile aapko saari,
Sacche dil se dua hai hamari.

Aye mere mahiya,
Wo drrrr humne nikal diya.

Aapse gujarish hai hamari,
Hum sirf aur sirf hain aapki.

Aapka saath janmon janmon tak nibhayenge,
Aapke khatir har imtehaan se lad jayenge.

Kisi ki himmat nahi jo juda kar ske,
Humesha sirf aapke hi rahenge.

Kasam se aapse behad pyaar hain karte,
Sabse jyada aapko khone se darte.

Par ab drrrr nahi lagta humein,
Khud se jyada bharosa aap par karte.

Zindagi chahe kitni karwatein badal le,
Aapki mahiya humesha aapki saath rahe.

Vaada hai hamara aapse,
Khuda se badhkar ** aap mere.

Aye mere saathiya,
Aapki hi hai mahiya.
Ashlagh Naighlim Jul 2010
Pe cand noaptea se lasa si nimanui nu-i pasa,
Pe cand ceata-ndeasa si acum far-de-prefata,
Pe cand lumina piere si se lasa cu durere,
Masca eu o pui deoparte si ma definesc aparte.

Caci ma vezi ziua schimbator,pe emotii trecator,mijlocitor
Sad sau merg,vorbesc sau tac,dar sunt tot un...liliac.
Caci doar eu ma inteleg si fluier mut,caut coleg...
Dar de unde sa gasesc,noaptea zbor,ziua zabovesc.

Stau si plang,stele de stele,indurerat,companie-mi tin doar ele.
Luna nu o mai suport,imi strica lumea ce mi-o port...
Indoliat mereu,dar nu se vede,caci doliu-mi tot...cine ma crede?
Nimeni,caci imi scriu doar mie;Sa ma cunosti?!...e Blasfemie.

Hai sa-ncerc sa ma arat...usor,sa nu dau indarat.
Schimbat in singur,deci cu timpu,trecutau anii,schimband grupu,
Cutand mereu fata far-de-zar,siguranta pura,dar e in zadar;
vesnic adaptiv,renuntator,am invatat constant *** e sa mor.

Trecutau anii,evoluand,am luat cu mine tot,furand,culegand.
Tarziu mi-am dat seama *** de izbutesc...In invizibil eu traiesc
Domino eu mesteresc si involuntar,mereu,eu il pornesc;
Toate piesele-mi cad in sac,se evapora...plang si tac
Munca,alinare o secunda,dau masca jos,da sa se-ascunda
Urlu,magai,simt,gandesc si mereu ma pacalesc.

Cautand mereu ambrosie,dar nectaru tot ma chinuie...
Trec prin sange si prin sentiment cu idealu-mi stimulent
Dau de-o ea si dau de mine,dara EA nu da sa vie...

Va ascult *** reprosati,radeti,inghiontiti,bucurosi sau suparati,
Calcati pe voi,calcati pe mine,ignorati si totusi tine...
Gasiti refugiu-n contradictii,fugiti de voi,va luati de dictii
Si astfel tot ma atacati,priviti spre mine indignati...

De ce? eu pur "sange" m-am nascut,fara frica si nu m-a durut
Ati venit,m-ati "educat",fara mila si regret,tot voi m-ati conturat.
Sad in fata voastra-acum,reprosati,ma indemnati pe alt drum.
Ce vina am eu ca v-am ascultat?,fac ce stiu,ce ma-ti invatat.

M-am luptat,m-am ridicat,de unde voi m-ati aruncat,
Si cu aripi noi noute,diferite,...dar dragute...
Am decis sa nu v-ascult,sa fac ce stiu,tot mai mult
Si astfel ne-am departajat,in voi si eu,...TERIFIANT!

V-ati semnat propriu testament,sa va dau iubire vehement,
Va dau tot ce batjocoriti,va dau ce nu vreti pana muriti,
Dar cu timpul s-a schimbat,ati invatat,ati evoluat...
Tot,tot,tot,ce eu am dat,miseilor,ati manipulat...

Am luptat,am incercat,ce simt,pe  voi e insemnat,
Tatuaj fara de voie,nevazut,scris cu lamaie;
Caci il vad,il desclusesc,in oglinda eu privesc
Intorsi pe dos pana la moarte,va citesc ca pe o carte.

Am trecut incet,incet,printre voi,plin de regret...
Sa va iubeasca Dumnezeu,caci in lumea me-as doar eu.
Emotiv,departajat,scriu in stele-ndoliat...
Preamarind singuratatea,cunoscand nici-cand dreptatea!

Greu de inteles,desprins,incalcit parca-n adins.
Zbor acum si scriu departe,bucurand scantei de soapte.
Sad in somn,visez pucioasa,tremur vesnic dupa raza.
Si tipand pe ploaia deasa,ma asez usor,...mi-e greata.
IV4 Oct 2015
A change within yourself.
Another way of saying it?
Growing up.
Our clothes change,
Our bodies change,
Our preferences change,
Things get harder,
And it *****.
Remember playing in the playground?
Now you're probably on Facebook.
Or you might be one of those people who still play Mindcraft.
Change isn't always for the best.
So if you don't like it,
Don't whine.
There's no other thing to do,
But to live with it.
So shut up.
Grow up.
Oo panchhi le jaa meri chitti us jahan mein,

Jaha rakha hai meri maa ko us uparwale ne.

Pahuchana mera ye paigaam un dono khuda ko,

Ek meri maa jo jaan se pyaari hai mujhko.

Aur ek bhagwaan ko jinhone meri jaan apne pass bula li,

Meri maa unke pass hain wo bhi ** gye bhagyashaali.

Shukriya hai maa aapka jo aapne un ishwar se keh ke,

Aapke jaisi parwaah karne wala bhej diya zindagi mein.

Humari zindagi mein aake zindagi bn gye hain wo khuda ka farishta,

Dil se dil ka rooh se rooh ka hai unse ye khubsurat rishta.

Behad khushnaseeb hai aapki beti jo mila aisa jeevan saathi,

Wo mile tou in dadhkano ko jeene ki wajah mili.

Apni rehmat humesha banaye rehna,

Unhe har pal mehfooz rakhna.

Unki khushi se barkaraar hai humari khushi,

Unka mukhda tou hai misaal saadgi ki.

Dil hai unka pavan pavitra jaise ** sacche dil se bhakti,

Unke saamne sajda kar lu tou ** jayegi ibadat -e- bandagi.

Kayenaat bhi feeki lage unki rooh ki khubsurti ke saamne,

Badi hi fursat se tarasha hai unhe us khuda ne.

Wo mil gye sab kuch mil gayaab kuch nahi chahiye,

Oo panchhi udd ja lai jaa meri ye chitthiye.
Arti Sep 2018
Hum jise  sach man rahe the
Wo to  tha  ek vaham
apno ne hi maar Diya Varna
Gairo mein Kya  tha dum
Bhool Hui sabhi ko samaj ke apna
Wo to gulam samajke todte Gaye sapna
Janam le liya Sirf itna tha gunah
Iski saari umra milti rahi saja
Socha tha hai humara hak, hai humara bhi mahatva
Badi der lagi samajne mein nahi humara koi astitva
Yeh aisi duniya jisme prem se bada aham
Saari umra jise sachchai samja wo to nikala bhram
E dile nadaan na karna koi ummeed
Jald hi seekh le  yeh hi hai jag ki reet
Jane kis Kalam se likhi khuda ne hamari kismat
Saari Zindagi pyaar na Mila mili hai sirf nafrat
Than li hai ab khud se muh na modenge
Jo bahar se na Mila use ander hi khojenge
started out talking thought our conversations were temporary, then you sat next to me got me hotter than Mercury. took you to the corner hope your boy ain't seen us, say she love me but she used to curve me like Serena and Venus. didn't even kiss her lips I kissed her neck first, my **** out put it in her mouth felt like I left earth. we made love on the moon and we slept on stars, she slept on me and I slept on her. she begged for my Milky Way with her hot chocolate heavenly body so it's safe to say that I slept on Mars. wake up on the red bed with a red head, go to the kitchen we on the sink and I tell her to bend. I make her scream and the other planets runaway from fear, not only Mila Kunis could make Jupiter ascend. I told her 'I wasn't looking for love but Either ways I found it, let me treat your finger like Saturn put a ring all around it.' Then I asked her 'can I put it in your ****?' she said 'Guy that's disgusting
persefona Feb 2015
mila sedi na wc solji. prebira dlacice po brezuljku. nekako odvratno ali radoznalo trazi one pod zemljom
gusto groblje-guste misli:

dve prodavacice prodaju sok od sargarepe, na smenu- jedan dan jednoj plati jednu cenu drugi dan drugoj drugu. cuti. zakopa to u zeludac. guta vazduh namazan budalom. cuti. plati.  popije samar i sok.
na ulici razmazano oker govno, kao kanapei na srebrnom tanjiru.  
preskace, obilazi ga ona. preskace, obilazi ga i pas. kisa pada, oker krem gubi gustinu, pas nece pod kisobran juri senke i zapisava skupocene alo tepsije onih kojih se i pauk plasi.
zanoktica o vrh narandzastog jezika- rekapitulacija popisanosti i pogresno usmerene finoce. krv stedljivo iz nokta curi natapajuci nepce a mrmlja da sledeci put ce...
ali verovatno nece. jer ne razume tu gadnu nepravicnost. jer to je samo princip. mozda i hoce. jer princip je i sve.
dopire krik playback narodnjaka- komsija stigao sa posla, investitor umesto izloacije sigurno je kupio dzipa.
masina se centrifugom lansira u orbitu svake sekunde- privezala bi se za nju toaltet papirom....

aman, idi uci.
bolje ces se osecati.
kraj prozora cuje se ono dete sto svira trubu.
makar jos ne moras da trazis posao. eto imas vremena da smislis sta zelis da budes.
na kraju krajeva nemas urasle dlake. i da, auto ti je parkiran divlje pokupice ga pauk sigurno. i nemas dozvolu. kese za govna su u gepeku.
trebas psa izvesti.
sutra kupices sok od sargarepe, po ne zna se kojoj ceni.

rekla bi imas princip a i lenja si.
Bleeding Doc May 2018
ishq pyar mohhabat
ye sabd paraye lagte hai,
anjan *** inke mayano se
ek ehsas iss dil me jise me
mohabat samazha karta tha
jisse dard ke siwa kuch na mila

yeh mehsoos bhi nai hua ki
apne he apnon ke  pankh
kat chuke the,
talash thi to bas us kandhe ki thi
jo iss ladkhadate hue ko sahara de sake

fir bhi, dhire dhire iss katon ki
chadar par aage badna hai,
dil yehi kehta rehta hai,
kyunki jhuthi hansi ki kuch
aisi adat si ** gayi hai,
ki ab chahte hue bhi dard
ka ehsas nahin hota hai

naa paresaniya, naa halaat na he koi rog hai
jinhonw hame sataya hai aur koi nahi
wo jhuthe log hai, wo jhuthe log Hai!

jhuthe logon ki duniya me
sachai ki kimat kon jaanega,
toot kar bikhar jayega
jo inse ulajhne ki thanega,
bhalai hai dur rahe aise logon se
jo achai ka naatak karte hai
dhakel denge ye bure daur andhere me
jo girega nikal naa payega!
ishq pyar mohhabat paraye paresaniya rog jhuthe logon ki duniya me
Ankit Dubey May 2019
koi fikar unko nahi meri,
aur na hi mujhko meri kadar rah gayi,
vo ** gaye jis din paraye,
jindagi meri jis din kisi gair ki bahon me aa gayi...
na toofan koi aaya,
na koi hui halchal,
bas raat bhar jaga,
aur subah sab taraf mayusi cha gayi,
vo ** gaye jis din paraye,
meri maut ki tasdeek ** gayi....
koi sitam na kar sake vo mujhpe,
na kabhi ek najar pyar se dekh mujhko,
khud hi khud me nafrat ki,
aur le liya na chahkar badla meri mohabat ka,
ek dam se choda sath mera,
vo kisi aur ki mahbooba ** gayi,
vo ** gaye jis din paraye,
meri saanson se tauba ** gayi....
na manga kabhi koi hak ,
na koi khatir kar saka,
bewajah rota raha,
tadapta raha bas pyaar me,
chah kar bhi kuch na mila ,
bas jindagi tabaah ** gayi,
vo ** gaye jis din paraye,
unki aadat hi bas,
mera ant muqarrar kar gayi.....
Shrivastva MK Apr 2018
Kuchh Zakhm sine me hi dab jate hai,
Tou kuchh aansuo me bah jate hai,
Ye zakhmon ka Silsila kahan thamta hai,
Kuchh Gairo se mila,Kuchh apne hi de jate hai,

Jis jis pr es dil ne bharosha kiya hai,
Aksar usne hi ese zakhmi kar diya hai,
Jiske liye sazaye the sapne humne,
Sirf unhone hi mujhe Judai ka upahar diya hai,

Kabhi aansuo ke sahare us gum ko bhulate hai,
Tou kabhi muskura kr us dard ko chhupate hai,
Zindagi ke roop rang ko smjhna behad mushqil hai,
Kabhi koi paas aata,tou kabhi bin btaye hi ojhal ** jate hai,

Calli Kirra Jul 2014
The kitten went missing
Wide eyed
Pink and sweet
Thinking he means good things for me
Thinking it's real and right to be,
All alone when it's dark
And one less than three
One by one,
Our kittens ran away
I wonder if any ever stay
For baby Mila, RIP.
Chehra tou har koi padh hai sakta,
Aankho mein nami dekh udaas hai kehta.

Koi khaas hi hota jo muskaan ke peeche dard padh leta,
Kitna pareshaan hai sab bta deta.

Rooh se rooh ka rishta jab jud jaata,
Masoomiyat ki khubsurati haii sabse pyari ada.

Izaat shohrat rutba sab ammeri taaqat,
Kisi ke chehre par muskaan lana sabse bdi daulat.

Mere yaar sa khubsurat tou chand bhi nahi,
Chand ne chandani ki kasam kha ye baat kahi.

Unka dil itna khubsurat hai jiski koi nahi misaal,
Unke baare mein kya kahe wo tou hai hi bemisaal.

Surat se acchi seerat honi chahiye,
Unke lafz ki mithaas hanji kahiye.

Log kehte hain zameen par kisi ko khuda nahi milta,
Shayad unhe aap jaisa kabhi koi nahi mila.

Diye tou aandhiyon mein bhi jal jaate,
Phul tou kaaton mein bhi khila karte.

Khushnaseeb hote hain wo log jinhki zindagi,
Mein aap jaise dost hote bn jaati dosti bandagi.
Ankit Dubey May 2019
Tera aks hi kuj is kadar samaya hai meri ankhon me,
K ajnabi bhi milkar tera naam bata dete hai,
Koi kahta hai k ashik hai ye shakhs kisi ka,
Koi kah deta hai k toota hai dil iska,
Shayad nahi janta hai koi,
K ashik to hu mai apni jindagi ka,
par dil abhi tak meri jindagi ne toda nahi hai,
Gam to hai mujhko mohabbat me mila,
Par shayad isliye k mera mahboob abhi tak mere aagosh me har pal k liye aaya nahi hai,
Haan ashik to hu mai uska par usne dil mera abhi tak toda nahi hai,
Vo door bahut hai mujhse,
Par khata uski nahi hai,
Vo bhi utna hi bechain hai mere liye,
Utni hi tadap hai usme bhi mere kareeb aane ki,
Par shayad jindagi dene vale ki jimmedariuon se aabhi vo farig hua nahi hai,
Haan ashik to hu mai us har saans me mujhko yaad karne vale,
Par dil abhi mohabbat me toota nahi hai,
Intjaar karta to bahut hu uska,
Par intjaar abhi poora hua nahi hai,
Kuj der abhi aur baki hai,
Thode se aansoo abhi bahne aur baki hai,
Dil me thodi c chubhan baki hai ,
Baki hai abhi use apna banan,
Aur thoda sa pyar karna aur baki hai,
Haan ashik to jaroor hu mai us mohabbat me tadpane vale ka,
Par sach to ye b hai k mohabbat me dil abhi toota nahi hai.....
John F McCullagh Nov 2011
Imagining the perfect girl
Is a fantasy of mine.
Every feature perfect
in proportion by design.
I’d have to start with
Elizabeth Taylor’s
captivating eyes.
Anne Hathaway has perfect skin
and is the perfect size.
Emmy Rossum’s flowing hair
Attracts some envious eyes
J-Lo is most bootyful.
Sweet Scarlett has nice thighs.
Mila Kunis gams are fab
And she is worldly wise.
To make her warm and welcoming
Add Julia Roberts’ smile

Of course this perfect girl of mine
Would want some change in me..
Six inches taller would be nice,
Then I’d be six foot three..
I’d then be perfect for my weight
The abs would come with time.-
I’m sure they’re somewhere buried
underneath this flab of mine.
I’d have to dye my hair for her,
to hide the tell tale gray.
Some dental work to fix my smile.
And keep bad breathe at bay……

It seems a lot of work to me.
I’d not enjoy the rack.
I’m better off right where I am
than having to deal with that!

— The End —