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El césped. Desde la tribuna es un tapete verde. Liso, regular,
aterciopelado, estimulante. Desde la tribuna quizá crean que,
con semejante alfombra, es imposible errar un gol y mucho menos errar
un pase. Los jugadores corren como sobre patines o como figuras de
ballet. Quien es derrumbado cae seguramente sobre un colchón de
plumas, y si se toma, doliéndose, un tobillo, es porque el gesto
forma parte de una pantomima mayor. Además, cobran mucho dinero
simplemente por divertirse, por abrazarse y treparse unos sobre otros
cuando el que queda bajo ese sudoroso conglomerado hizo el gol
decisivo. O no decisivo, es lo mismo. Lo bueno es treparse unos sobre
otros mientras los rivales regresan a sus puestos, taciturnos, amargos,
cabizbajos, cada uno con su barata soledad a cuestas. Desde la tribuna
es tan disfrutable el racimo humano de los vencedores como el drama
particular de cada vencido. Por supuesto, ciertos avispados
espectadores siempre saben cómo hacer la jugada maestra y no
acaban de explicarse, y sobre todo de explicarlo a sus vecinos, por
qué este o aquel jugador no logra hacerla. Y cuando el
árbitro sanciona el penal, el espectador avispado también
intuye hacia qué lado irá el tiro, y un segundo
después, cuando el balón brinca ya en las redes, no
alcanza a comprender cómo el golero no lo supo. O acaso
sí lo supo y con toda deliberación se arrojó al
otro palo, en un alarde de masoquismo o venalidad o estupidez
congénita. Desde la tribuna es tan fácil. Se conoce la
historia y la prehistoria. O sea que se poseen elementos suficientes
como para comparar la inexpugnable eficacia de aquel zaguero
olímpico con la torpeza del patadura actual, que no acierta
nunca y es esquivado una y mil veces. Recuerdo borroso de una
época en que había un centre-half y un centre-forward,
cada uno bien plantado en su comarca propia y capaz de distribuir el
juego en serio y no jugando a jugar, como ahora, ¿no? El
espectador veterano sabe que cuando el fútbol se
convirtió en balompié y la ball en pelota y el dribbling
en finta y el centre-half en volante y el centre-forward en alma en
pena, todo se vino abajo y ésa es la explicación de que
muchos lleven al estadio sus radios a transistores, ya que al menos
quienes relatan el partido ponen un poco de emoción en las
estupendas jugadas que imaginan. Bueno, para eso les pagan,
¿verdad? Para imaginar estupendas jugadas y está bien.
Por eso, cuando alguien ha hecho un gol y después de los abrazos
y pirámides humanas el juego se reanuda, el locutor
idóneo sigue colgado de la "o" de su gooooooool, que en realidad
es una jugada suya, subjetiva, personal, y no exactamente del delantero
que se limitó a empujar con la frente un centro que, entre todas
las otras, eligió su cabeza. Y cuando el locutor idóneo
llega por fin al desenlace de la "ele" final de su gooooooool privado,
ya el árbitro ha señalado un orsai que favorece,
¿por qué no?, al locatario.

Es bueno contemplar alguna vez la cancha desde aquí, desde lo
alto. Así al menos piensa Benjamín Ferrés,
veintitrés años, digamos delantero de un Club Chico,
alguien últimamente en alza según los cronistas
deportivos más estrictos, y que hoy, después de empatarle
al Club Grande y ducharse y cambiarse, no se fue del estadio con el
resto del equipo y prefirió quedarse a mirar, desde la tribuna
ya vacía (sólo quedan los cafeteros y heladeros y
vendedores de banderitas, que recogen sus bártulos o tal vez
hacen cuentas) aquel campo en el que estuvo corriendo durante noventa
minutos e incluso convirtió uno, el segundo, de los dos goles
que le otorgan al Club Chico eso que suele llamarse un punto de oro.
Sí, desde aquí arriba el césped es una alfombra,
casi un paño verde como el del casino, con la importante
diferencia de que allá los números son fijos,
permanentes, y aquí (él, por ejemplo, es el ocho) cambian
constantemente de lugar y además se repiten. A lo mejor con el
flaco Suárez (que lleva el once prendido en la espalda)
podrían ser una de las parejas negras. O no. Porque de ambos,
sólo el Flaco es oscurito.

Ahora se levanta un viento arisco y las gradas de cemento son
recorridas por vasos de plástico, hojas de diario, talones de
entradas, almohadillas, pelotas de papel. Remolinos casi fantasmales
dan la falsa impresión de que las gradas se mueven, giran,
bailotean, se sacuden por fin el sol de la tarde. Hay papeles que suben
las escaleras y otros que se precipitan al vacío. A
Benjamín (Benja, para la hinchada) le sube una bocanada de
desconsuelo, de extraña ansiedad al enfrentarse, ¿por
primera vez?, con la quimera de cemento en estado de pureza (o de
basura, que es casi lo mismo) y se le ocurre que el estadio
vacío, desolado, es como un esqueleto de multitud, un eco
fantasmal de esa misma muchedumbre cuando ruge o aplaude o insulta o
agita banderas. Se pregunta cómo se habrá visto su gol
desde aquí, desde esta tribuna generalmente ocupada por las
huestes del adversario. Para los de abajo en la tabla, el estadio
siempre es enemigo: miles y miles de voces que los acosan, los
persiguen, los hunden, porque generalmente el que juega aquí, el
permanente locatario, es uno de los Grandes, y los de abajo sólo
van al estadio cuando les toca enfrentarlos, y en esas ocasiones apenas
si acarrean, en el mejor de los casos, algunos cientos de
fanáticos del barrio, que, aunque se desgañitan y agitan
como locos su única y gastada bandera, en realidad no cuentan,
es imposible que tapen, desde su islote de alaridos, el gran rugido de
la hinchada mayor. Desde abajo se sabe que existen, claro, y eso es
bueno, y de vez en cuando, cuando se suspende el juego por
lesión o por cambio de jugadores, los del Club Chico van con la
mirada al encuentro de aquel rinconcito de tribuna donde su bandera
hace guiños en clave, señales secretas como las del
truco. Y ésta es la mejor anfetamina, porque los llena de
saludable euforia y además no aparece en los controles

Hoy empataron, no está mal, se dice Benja, el número
ocho. Y está mejor porque todos sus huesos están enteros,
a pesar de la alevosa zancadilla (esquivada sólo por
intuición) que le dedicaran en el toletole previo al primer gol,
dos segundos antes de que el Colorado empujara nuevamente la globa con
el empeine y la colocara, inalcanzable, junto al poste izquierdo.
Después de todo, la playa es mía. Desde hace quince
años la vengo adquiriendo en pequeñas cuotas. Cuotas de
sol y dunas. Todos esos prójimos, prójimas y projimitos
que se ven tendidos sobre las rocas o bajo las sombrillas o corriendo
tras una pelota de engañapichanga o jugando a la paleta en una
cancha marcada en la arena con líneas que al rato se borran,
todos esos otros, están en la playa gracias a que yo les permito
estar. Porque la playa es mía. Mío el horizonte con
toninas remotas y tres barquitos a vela. Míos los peces que
extraen mis pescadores con mis redes antiguas, remendadas. El aire
salitroso y los castillos de arena y las aguas vivas y las algas que ha
traído la penúltima ola. Todo es mío.
¿Qué sería de mí, el número ocho,
sin estas mañanas en que la playa me convence de que soy libre,
de que puedo abrazar esta roca, que es mi roca mujer o tal vez mi roca
madre, y estirarme sin otros límites que mi propio límite
o hasta que siento las tenazas del cangrejo barcino sobre mi dedo
gordo? Aquí soy número ocho sin llevarlo en la espalda.
Soy número ocho sencillamente porque es mi identidad. Un cura o
un teniente o un payaso no necesitan vestir sotana o uniforme o traje
de colores para ser cura o teniente o payaso. Soy número ocho
aunque no lo lleve dibujado en el lomo y aunque ningún botija se
arrime a pedirme autógrafos, porque sólo se piden
autógrafos a los de los Clubes Grandes. Y creo que siempre
seré de Club Chico, porque me gusta amargarles la fiesta, no a
los jugadores que después de todo son como nosotros, sólo
que con más suerte y más guita, ni siquiera a la hinchada
grande por más que nos insulte cuando hacemos un fau y festeje
ruidosamente cuando el otro nos propina un hachazo en la canilla. Me
gusta arruinarles la fiesta, sobre todo a los dirigentes, esos
industriales bien instalados en su cochazo, en su piso de la Rambla y
en su mondongo, señores cuya gimnasia sabatina o dominical
consiste en sentarse muy orondos, arriba en el palco oficial, y desde
ahí ver cómo allá abajo nos reventamos, nos
odiamos, nos derretimos en sudores, y cuando sus jugadores ganan,
condescienden a llegar al vestuario y a darles una palmadita en el
hombro, disimulando apenas el asco que les provoca aquella piel
todavía sudada, y en cambio, cuando sus jugadores pierden, se
van entonces directamente a su casa, esta vez por supuesto sin ocultar
el asco. En verdad, en verdad os digo que yo ignoro si hacen eso, pero
me lo imagino. Es decir, tengo que imaginarlo así, porque una
cosa son las instrucciones del entrenador, que por supuesto trato de
cumplir si no son demasiado absurdas, y otra cosa son las instrucciones
que yo me doy, verbigracia vamo vamo número ocho hay que aguarle
la fiesta a ese presidente cogotudo, jactancioso y mezquino, que viene
al estadio con sus tres o cuatro nenes que desde ya tienen caritas de
futuros presidentes cogotudos. Bueno, no sé ni siquiera si tiene
hijos, pero tengo que imaginarlo así porque soy el número
ocho, insustituible titular de un Club Chico y, ya que cobro poco,
tengo que inventarme recompensas compensatorias y de esas recompensas
inventadas la mejor es la posibilidad de aguarle la fiesta al cogotudo
presidente del Grande, a fin de que el lunes, cuando concurra a su
Banco o a su banca, pase también su vergüenza rica, su
vergüenza suntuosa, así como nosotros, los que andamos en
la segunda mitad de la tabla, sufrimos, cuando perdemos, nuestra
vergüenza pobre. Pero, claro, no es lo mismo, porque los Grandes
siempre tienen la obligación de ganar, y los Chicos, en cambio,
sólo tenemos la obligación de perder lo menos posible. Y
cuando no ganamos y volvemos al barrio, la gente no nos mira con
menosprecio sino con tristeza solidaria, en tanto que al presidente
cogotudo, cuando vuelve el lunes a su Banco o a su banca, la gente, si
bien a veces se atreve a decirle qué barbaridad doctor porque
ustedes merecieron ganar y además por varios goles, en realidad
está pensando te jodieron doctor qué salsa les dieron
esos petizos. Por eso a mí no me importa ser número ocho
titular y que no me pidan autógrafos aquí en la playa ni
en el cine ni en Dieciocho. Los partidos no se ganan con
autógrafos. Se ganan con goles y ésos los sé
hacer. Por ahora al menos. También es un consuelo que la playa
sea mía, y como mía pueda recorrerla descalzo, casi
desnudo, sintiendo el sol en la espalda y la brisa en los ojos, o
tendiéndome en las rocas pero de cara al mar, consciente de que
atrás dejo la ciudad que me espía o me protege,
según las horas y según mi ánimo, y adelante
está esa llanura líquida, infinita, que me lame, me
salpica, a veces me da vértigo y otras veces me brinda una
insólita paz, un extraño sosiego, tan extraño que
a veces me hace olvidar que soy número ocho.
Alejandra. Lo extraño había sido que Benja conociera sus
manos antes que su rostro, o mejor aún, que se enamorara de sus
manos antes que de su rostro. Él regresaba de San Pablo en un
vuelo de Pluna. El equipo se había trasladado para jugar dos
amistosos fuera de temporada, pero Benja sólo había
participado en el primero porque en una jugada tonta había
caído mal y el desgarramiento iba a necesitar por lo menos cinco
días de cuidado, así que el preparador físico
decidió mandarlo a Montevideo para que allí lo atendieran
mejor. De modo que volvía solo. A la media hora de vuelo se
levantó para ir al baño y cuando regresaba a su sitio
tuvo la impresión de ser mirado pero él no miró.
Simplemente se sentó y reinició la lectura de Agatha
Christie, que le proponía un enigma afilado, bienhumorado y
sutil como todos los suyos.

De pronto percibió que algo singular estaba ocurriendo. En el
respaldo que estaba frente a él apareció una mano de
mujer. Era una mano delgada, de dedos largos y finos, con uñas
cuidadas pero sin color. Una mano expresiva, o quizá que
expresaba algo, pero qué. A los dos o tres minutos hizo
irrupción la otra mano, que era complementaria pero no igual.
Cada mano tenía su carácter, aunque sin duda
compartían una inquietante identidad. Benja no pudo continuar su
lectura. Adiós enigma y adiós Agatha. Las manos se
movían con sobriedad, se rozaban a veces. Él
imaginó que lo llamaban sin llamarlo, que le contaban una
historia, que le ofrecían respuestas a interrogantes que
aún no había formulado; en fin, que querían ser
asidas. Y lo más preocupante era que él también
quería asirlas, con todos los riesgos que un acto así
podía implicar, verbigracia que la dueña de aquellas
manos llamara inmediatamente a la azafata, o se levantara, enfrentada a
su descaro, y le propinara una espléndida bofetada, con toda la
vergüenza, adicional y pública, que semejante castigo
podía provocar. Hasta llegó a concebir, como un destello,
un título, a sólo dos columnas (porque era número
ocho, pero sólo de un Club Chico): conocido futbolista uruguayo
abofeteado en pleno vuelo por dama que se defiende de agresión

Y sin embargo las manos hablaban. Sutiles, seductoras,
finísimas, dialogaban uña a uña, yema a yema, como
creando una espera, construyendo una expectativa. Y cuando fue ordenado
el ajuste de los cinturones de seguridad, desaparecieron para cumplir
la orden, pero de inmediato volvieron a poblar el respaldo y con ello a
convocar la ansiedad del número ocho, que por fin decidió
jugarse el todo por el todo y asumir el riesgo del ridículo, el
escándalo y el titular a dos columnas que acabaran con su
carrera deportiva. De modo que, tomada la difícil
decisión y tras ajustarse también él el
cinturón, avanzó su propia mano hacia los dedos
cautivantes, que en aquel preciso momento estaban juntos. Notó
un leve temblor, pero las manos no se replegaron. La suya
prolongó aquel extraño contacto por unos segundos, luego
se retiró. Sólo entonces las otras manos desaparecieron,
pero no pasó nada. No hubo llamada a la azafata ni bofetada.
Él respiró y quedó a la espera. Cuando el
avión comenzaba el descenso, una de las manos apareció de
nuevo y traía un papel, más bien un papelito, doblado en
dos. Benja lo recogió y lo abrió lentamente. Conteniendo
la respiración, leyó: 912437.

Se sintió eufórico, casi como cuando hacía un gol
sobre la hora y la hinchada del barrio vitoreaba su nombre y él
alzaba discretamente un brazo, nada más que para comunicar que
recibía y apreciaba aquel apoyo colectivo, aquel afecto, pero
los compañeros sabían que a él no le gustaba toda
esa parafernalia de abrazos, besos y palmaditas en el trasero, algo que
se había vuelto habitual en todas las canchas del mundo.
Así que cuando metía un gol sólo le tocaban un
brazo o le hacían desde lejos un gesto solidario. Pero ahora,
con aquel prometedor 912437 en el bolsillo, descendió del
avión como de un podio olímpico y diez minutos
después pudo mirar discretamente hacia la dueña de las
manos, que en ese instante abría su valija frente al funcionario
aduanero, y Benja comprobó que el rostro no desmerecía la
belleza y la seducción de las manos que lo habían enamorado.
Benja y Martín se encontraron como siempre en la pizzería
del sordo Bellini. Desde que ambos integraran el cuadrito juvenil de La
Estrella habían cultivado una amistad a prueba de balas y
también de codazos y zancadillas. Benja jugaba entonces de
zaguero y sin embargo había terminado en número ocho.
Martín, que en la adolescencia fuera puntero derecho, más
tarde (a raíz de una sustitución de emergencia, tras
lesiones sucesivas y en el mismo partido del golero titular y del
suplente) se había afincado y afirmado en el arco y hoy era uno
de los guardametas más cotizados y confiables de Primera A.

El sordo Bellini disfrutaba plenamente con la presencia de los dos
futbolistas. Él, que normalmente no atendía las mesas
sino que se instalaba en la caja con su gorra de capitán de
barco, cuando Martín y Benja aparecían, solos o
acompañados, de inmediato se arrimaba solícito a dejarles
el menú, a recoger los pedidos, a recomendarles tal o cual plato
y sobre todo a comentar las jugadas más notables o más
polémicas del último domingo.

Era algo así como el fan particular de Benja y Martín y
su caballito de batalla era hacerles bromas c
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011

Stand still great adobe home stretch higher stacked high and long oh cliff dwelling ancient ones you
Passed as shadows you practiced the arts and religions of your people the Anasazi in my mind of all

Peoples you saw true visions of heaven and your building in the sides of cliffs are evidence of this nothing
Else that I know of captures the imagination and gives the look and feeling of heaven the only place that

Outweighs the southwest for mystery is the Sahara with the Southwest and its Mesas canyons plateaus
Then to have a people carve out homes and live in cliffs at night talk about a city of light built on a hill

Some are eight thousand feet straight up what a night spectacle reaching for miles the one in New
Mexico is in close proximity to the Cimarron and the Pecos rivers you can feel the sand stone on your

Hands and fingers feel it under your feet feel the baskets they made the pottery black and gray or white
These are small treasures even today their culture is amazing spellbinding at election they trot out the

Map part is red part is blue well the red of native Americans still reaches from coast to coast just
Reduced to pockets and sadly those are stories of overriding sadness that’s because we pigeon hole them if

they are given honor and recognition for their feats and exploits everyone would be better off
There isn’t any person that can’t teach others fine and grand things about life unless you are desert

People that have sold out your soul bought into garbage that a few are trying to enslave you by their
Twisting truth only to their advantage while you must lie at their feet and be their dogs that kind of

Thinking is best saved for fertilizer let your mind follow the eagle across the desert sky push beyond
Limitations turn defeat and obstacles that block you into new paths of opportunity the Anasazi survived

In a hostile environment of hot temperature low amounts of rainfall what did they do wisely they
Changed the course of small streams that were manageable for irrigation they didn’t defeat them selves

By trying it with rivers that were too big and they used their greatest available asset the winter snow
Some was natural run off that gathered into springs in other cases they manipulated nature for the

Benefit of everyone if you’re in harsh conditions and things are bleak he makes ways where there are no
Ways if you keep getting a beating instead of being loved and receiving a blessing there is an ancient

Cure that goes back farther than the Anasazi his name holds every need you will ever have for now and
always God bless you friend

- Os etês gostam de bunda. Foi o que captei da conversa entre as meninas, enquanto caminhava no calçadão do Liceu.
- Tem caras que não gostam, né; acho que não são chegados; comer um cuzinho será que não faz bem?!
- Cruz credo! Exclamei mentalmente, e segui meu caminho rumo ao Fórum, que fica em frente.
Elas vieram na minha direção, a passos firmes, olhar direto, "você tem fogo...", perguntou a morena pele-de-cuia, "e como tem", observou a loira de olhos azuis, típica europeia, me examinando de cima a baixo, parando os olhos, ostensivamente, na minha barriguilha; "te vejo sempre por aqui", disse a morena, enquanto eu lhe entregava o isqueiro; "é, estou sempre na cantina, tomando café; café de Fórum é choco, frio, fraco, e causa-me asia; então, venho na cantina, às vezes comer alguma coisa", concluí.
- Uma bucetinha, um cuzinho e o que mais? Indagou a loura, acendendo o cigarro.
- Você está sempre cercado de meninas! Não é à toa!! Vai ver é o maior safadão, pica doce.... Completou a morena, sempre combinando seus ataques com a colega.

O Liceu é uma escola destinada à classe média alta, concebida nos tempos do império, onde só entravam filhinhos de papai e seus apadrinhados do aparelho de estado. Mas isso dançou com o advento da república, e hoje, assim como os "Pedro II", recebem qualquer um, desde que aguentem suas provas de avaliação, pois ainda são um padrão de ensino almejado pelas camadas interessadas em ascensão social e tecnica. Seus prédios são construções coloniais, com arquitetura rebuscada, estilosos; janelões de madeira nobre, ainda insensíveis ao cupim. Uma coisa fantástica em termos de concepção, pois possuem salas espaçosas, bem arejadas, lousas imensas, mesas de cedro vernisadas, cheias de gavetas; seus corredores lembram aqueles do filme Harry Potter, sinistros de arrepiar. E no caso do Liceu Nilo Peçanha, de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, tem um sótão, que seguramente foi planejado como adega, pois tem balcãozinho cheio de compartimentos para copos, taças e talheres, à frente de um espelho na parede em moldura de mogno  e uma silhueta vitoriana; além de um velho barril de carvalho, aonde, sem dúvida, Casimiro de Abreu, Fagundes Varela, Lima Barreto e tantas outras celebridades literárias desta terra de orfandades iniciaram-se nos caminhos da radicalidade estética.

- Conhece o sótão do Liceu? Indagou a morena, quase ao pé do meu ouvido.
- É ideal para uma brincadinha... Insinuou ela. Respondi que lá eu já namorei, me embriaguei, estudei e fiz muita reunião do grêmio.
- Então é "liceano... Vamos!" Disseram ambas, quase em uníssono.
No rádio da cantina, exatamente às dez da manhã no meu Rolex, tocava uma canção, cujo trecho diz assim:" Deixa isso pra lá, vem pra cá, venha ver. Eu não tô fazendo nada, nem você também..." e seguia insinuando outras coisas, ditas pela voz de um dos meus tantos ídolos da mpb, Jair Rodrigues.

Bom, pra encurtar o lererê, a morena está aqui em casa há 32 anos. Já somos avós, e, nem os filhos nem os netos jamais saberão das nossas façanhas e quando lhe mostrei o rascunho deste texto, ela fitou-me com seu olhar fogueando e objetou: você não pôr aí os detalhes...
- Claro que não!! São nossas relíquias!

today we visit graveyards
turning over the wormy soil
to uncover the exquisite corpse

though we were told to
let the dead bury the dead

on this day we unbury
the dearly departed

relishing transcendent
embraces and cool
cervezas with jolly
amigos and la
familia who have
gone on before

we wrap ourselves
in graveblankets
to complete warm
circles of love

embracing our
beloved companeros;
gleaning netherworld
heavenly rest wisdom,
sharing the laughter
of trite earthly concerns

we’ll roll speckled tortillas
on smooth tombstone mesas
to feast on Mariachi tacos
brimming with spicy queso,
chased with another cool sip

waltzing with the holy bones
to the candle lit reveries
of this evenings
flowing melodies

Mercedes Sosa & Joan Baez
Gracias a la Vida

Dia De Muertos
Diego Rivera

Robert C Howard Dec 2018
A lost and thirsty wanderer
          sought oasis on a parched and dusty plain
                   where spectral mesas
                merged with pastel stratus clouds -
            quivering in the summer sun.

                    A slender blue ellipse emerged
                            along the horizon's edge,
                          taunting the traveler’s arid throat.

                    Recalling child-day afternoons.
                         splashing in the pond behind the barn,
                              his legs urged toward aquatic deliverance.

                                       But knowledge seized his boots.
                                   Wary of loving a delusion,
                               he chose instead to seek a road or farm
                           or chance upon a horse-backed rancher
                                tracking down an errant calf.

                                       Still he looked back to his phantom pond  –
                                             never to know if an oasis flowed
                                                   less than an hour’s walk away.

                               December, 2018
spysgrandson Apr 2014
that summer, Born to Be Wild
and Mrs. Robinson were on AM,
A & W Drive Inns served frosted mugs    
and Tet’s blood had not long dried black
on Saigon streets

my thumb took me from the green tipped tongue
of western Kentucky across the wide world
to a café in Santa Rosa, where I spent my last
eighty-five cents, on a tuna sandwich
and chips

a bus bench was waiting for me  
when the cafe closed its doors
at 12:10, the old waitress giving me
a generous extra dime of time,
knowing I had to face the night  
and the bench, or the New Mexico road
I chose the latter and headed south  
under coal dark skies    

only eighteen wheelers passed, their screaming lights
robbing me of what quiet vision night’s monotony had granted  
they saw my thumb, but not one stopped; they did not know I had walked
a dozen dark dead miles, and had not closed my eyes in 60 hours  
nor did they care, about me, or my shadow on Highway 54  

I talked to pinyons,  cedars that dotted the mesas
and moved about like mournful buffalo, stirred to life
by a sound or a scent, perhaps my own foul road bouquet,
though they were mute, even when I asked them
if I was seeing god in their measured marching
across my desert dream  

long before
the dawn I begged to come
I saw him, dead center on my highway
so black he was blue, his eyes like two emeralds
hanging in some ethereal space, staring at me, the rest
of the absent world unaware he was there, growling
the rumble so low I tasted it, as he might taste me,
I felt our nostrils flair, as his would when
he devoured me,  I saw the blood feast
through our eyes, the last morsel of me,
a pale art form on an asphalt palette  

as he swallowed the last of his meal
the eighteen wheeler came, its high beams bouncing off him
only long enough for me to see his mouth was dry
and his belly empty, before he vanished
into the blue night
The late great Gabriel Garcia Marquez uses the phrase, "the eyes of a blue dog" to refer to a group of short stories he penned. I have no idea what he meant. This "thumb tale" is one of many I wrote about my time on the road, hitchhiking in my teens. In this story, I had been sleep deprived for nearly 3 days and the dark desert came alive in strange ways.
spysgrandson Jul 2014
as dusk rolled into night,
we watched a gray storm pour off the mesas
you spoke of life, death and what lies in between  
I smelled the rain and watched the lightning dance off
every rock, revealing some sacred secret alchemy in their stony souls  
a molten mix from ancient seas which yet today  
makes a bargain with light brighter than our simple, dying sun  
when your words faded into a sleepy slur, I walked
through the torrents of rain, not shivering
from the dreary drenched burden of the flesh
nor from the earthly winds, but from the vision
of my paw prints disappearing
before they were even made
(Inspired by a fierce lightning storm I had the privilege of seeing/feeling Saturday, July 19th, 2014, in the great American southwest--the only thing I have written in weeks)
Alexander Witte Feb 2014
Old prophets ride on balloons
with their noses above their beards
Poking into and stirring around  affairs
like my stunted grandfather
with his finger in a pine bush
stirring up the bird that nested there.

The moaning of the prophets became
The growling of a caged cheeseburger
Long snouted, glaring up at me
From its jail cell hole in the floor,
Which was the ventilation grate.

My grandfather hunted him
In full John Wayne regalia
Stalking among the mesas and plateau
Of 1970's afghan covered furniture sets
Which were the desert of his crust.

The bedentured coffee cup fell of the shelf
and broke and shattered, from that
The schnoz'd cheeseburger left,
Yes he retreated down the vent.
Which was the liberation of my dreams

Tobacco stuck to grandfather's boots
It was pungent and potent but
also diabetic and diabolic.
Some family thinks it killed him
Which was the excuse behind my punishment

The prophets balloon's
Their threads were cut
and they crashed into a pine bush
stirring up the bird that nested there.
Which was my grandfather's spirit.
Robert Zanfad Jul 2010
Where to put the corruption -
fluid-filled half-lungs
choked on their coughs;
until fatigue made them
tentative motions
lived on knives' edges
slipped to flesh too often;
medications eased our pain,
tubes ******* up questions
we didn't want answered.
there were no more procedures -
clinical masks hiding fears
under dry medical terms
could finally be abandoned,
traded for tears shared with the window

Death waited to steal in the room
when our backs were turned;
we let lights burn in daylight
and night to scare away demons
even for a mind too tired to read.
every word yet put to page
had been made irrelevant -
she read mountains in distance,
climbed apple trees
at home again in Pennsylvania,
savoring redness of skinned knees;
sat on dusty mesas and prayed
for things no men had seen.

The child, still afraid of darkness,
begged "if only you would eat?"
but she smiled weakly,
as if embarrassed her secret
had been discovered
and asked me to flip the switch
so she might sleep;
son, always the obedient one,
turned off the light before he left.
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
Getting it

First this will be short and sweet I feel I have lost the connection. I need to stop read refill the tank or at least purify return intensified
Any way what I get is light I admit I didn’t get the appreciation of light in New Mexico first not being a painter or into photography
Is a hindrance then going to Santa Fe was for me just like the grass hills of California this is different than the desert scene around Taos
When you first enter from Texas on the east its Identical to Colorado I did get the action from the light gliding down the high way at
Different lengths of the sun with classical music that I never otherwise listen to the purple sage is a wonder and the drive to California
Through the southern route it is tremendous it is a Painted Desert mesas red cliffs arroyos adobe architecture the bare and sad housing of
Our first people no manner of light helps all it does is darken your mood and lets anger flare to drop back to the most common light
In the home there again it depends on the amount years ago or at least the houses I lived in didn’t have ceiling lights just lamps in the
Corners even as a kid I knew that was bogus it would been fine in a castle the dark texture and gloom would have set the place off just
Right but in a modern house you felt this darkness fine for barbarians to roar in but was off putting now the light drenches shines on
glass table tops deepens off of black leather gives large black flat screen television a feel of art again never one to be in the market but
I have searched for ever for a painting that would touch me so deeply have an effect that was unforgettable a lot of times I have gotten
Close but not yet I find it in nature and along highways see a farmhouse across the fields in the distance the widows a blaze in sunlight
And then continue another later in evening twilight diffused soft a low glow somehow the soul is engaged like at no other time the soul
Must identify as it works to soften as a filter the harder harsher outside life predicaments you appreciate a fence line especially one let
Go from painted white to weathered gray tuffs of grass protrude the gold and gray complement one another add the splash of proper
Sunlight gorgeous or a painting an aged city with the narrow street a house bathed from its own color by bright sun light have the
Door ajar dark shadows for a short distance show sparse furniture your mind can invent the family show their hard existence
Deepening perfecting the painting the ocean waves the delightful green seen in the curl reaches farther than the shore most days seem common
But then those days not quiet even time but the sun flares it holds a golden flash the green grass every tip fired to perfection trees buildings blazed
In a special glory wonderful undying light divides darkness enhances makes it endearing I get that much and that is enough for now
Until the master of light vanquishes all darkness that is evil then we will finally really see
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011
The Walk

I got red clay and grass on my feet today in the land of the Navaho it seemed I channeled one of their
Braves it seemed my eyes grew stronger the buttes and mesas the southwest had on familiar adoring that
flows with a fluidity in the driest land yet still the streaming it breaks free and flows down to the
Valley then it arrests the high distant peaks like your eyes become the bow shooting at the target straight
And true with speed it passes stationary objects it brings them to intensified life they are passed in a whirl
No longer are they so fixed as they were nothing now they enliven my heart it beats faster with the joy they
Possess magic it lies in depths of tree and scrub it appears as a wild and crazed painter of the caliber of
Van Gogh started at a certain point definitely he favored red as his base color then with differing shades
Of green he cloaked this thermal world it would be uniquely different a somber invitation to a feast at first
Glance seemingly a hard pronounced edge but a people with dark red to brown skin walked into this
World they put the finish to perfect with indigo as their primary color of dress what living moods now
Stand out against the red terrain singularly or as a tribe they clashed with this scenic land earth and sky
Had a joining place among a people that were formable there power they were educated not by
Scholarly universities but by rock streams trees and from creatures that learned to survive in a hostile
Environment it’s interesting to note that one of our most robust presidents an easterner when his wife
And mother died within days of one another Teddy Roosevelt chose the west as the place to seek
Healing for his devastated life the rest of his life is a pretty good testament to this place and it’s curative
Powers not bad for a rocky dry land thought by most to be worthless just an observation of one whom
Walked in the paths of a rich diverse and proud people I think my Cherokee grandmother would be
Proud she always talked about where we would go she took a detour and went to heaven instead in the
Meantime I will do the earth side adventures for the both of us
spysgrandson Oct 2013
12 days in the wilderness    

what solitude hath brought…  
a paltry sum of windy words      
silly abstractions with the scent of turds  

wandering the cedar dotted mesas,  
once a vast and dreamy sea  
inspired nothing in the verbosity of me    

now home from the night walks  
the ghostly winds that had so much to say  
yet if I heard them, the words are hiding  
in some wavy web of cells, firing blanks
when I aim at the blissfully blank page    

who am I
to defile this space,
with puerile pecking  
when the white wisdom of the ages  
eyeless, stares at me  
admonishing me  
that words can  
beguile the shrewdest master  
by convincing him  
they do not exist
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
Hidden Secrets                                                    

With a large handful of dry grass that he made smolder he blew into it the smoke it shot out two feet into the air with that single act he created such an effect of mystery and wonder instantly it produced

the Whole panorama that exist in the southwest’s lore and legend to walk on boulders as large as buildings their Shadows first hold the power of life and death in the deadly heat they are a sanctuary I

Guess when
Your ****** into that proximity of life and death you truly pass through an uncommon door way there is
No way this doesn’t cause a convergence with strange and brooding realities in that brief moment of life

Just as the smoke died it truly joined the other dead ones as spirit and ghost it drifted into hidden corridors that is not restricted or governed by normal circumstances though the smoke now invisible

At a short distance on a slight rise there stood a native spirit and the stranger who appeared had the Dress of the people of ancient Cathay how appropriate that the mysterious orient would solidify an

Alliance with a people as colorful as themselves and who share close similarities one uses fire in a cruder Sense that fits their purposes ideally where the other uses incense to produce a sophisticated smoke the

Flowing silk curtains create mood and it evokes contemplation just as effective as the natural landscape of mesas, buttes, arroyos, stand and gaze into these and other formations and the mind feeds on the

Hidden truths that are brushed into them by the creator with earth tone paints lay aside the ridged and the formable be touched by the motion of the clouds the world is alive you’re not just a spectator you

Are the main participants in the grand mixture of outward beauty that arrests the soul that is uneven and not fully shaped the sweep of vistas that hold deep harsh marvels are not cruel but they are as one

whom works a doe skin to its white perfection it will be your wedding robe when you marry the conscious and the sublime spirit night and day are unique to earth you are honored to coexist

in the terrestrial with a longing that is making you fit for the celestial it comes in many teachable means
as varied and as delightfully sacred as he who with words alone spoke it all into existence all places and

Cultures have this under writing theme some more pronounced than others they are given to thrill and
Intrigue and they show a picturesque puzzle some of it is riveting in other places common this sets it off

The catching of the eye then followed by passion’s swells the speed accelerates then slows all to create a home that is only temporal but love flows through it the same as the rivers deep and wide they give

Cause for celebration another would have figured why go to all the bother when it will all end that Thought is foreign and abhorrent only the best will do we should do the same and give Him our best
Craig Verlin Feb 2013
I've had the same view
here in the city
for awhile now
the banks of the schuylkill
the art museum
rocky balboa himself
its been 6 months
the same window
the same view
so many lights
always on
occasional cars
I can hardly see
last nights snow
littering the ground
7 stories downward
one hell of a fall
the glass is too thick
don't worry
no cleanup today
only me
watching the snow melt
and the cars pass
and the life
of everything
drudging slowly onwards
as it has for six months now
here on the banks
of the schuylkill
the tempo is all off
a terrible pace
in a terrible place
Kerouac did a year
up in New York
6 months more
then maybe I'm out
of here
on the road
to mexico
cheap liquor
and cheaper love
the heart beats
quicker there
stooped up in
some backwards
paying dime a dollar
for another round
then off to san francisco
where the beat stomps
and stutters under that
or maybe the blood red mesas
of el paso
where the young broads
dark as honey
can taste just as sweet
but only just a while
its that thrill
you long to have
one more time
breaking a sweat in
the backyards
sneaking love
under fences
and desert floors
just to be anywhere else
where the beat is quicker
than here
I'm growing deaf to it
here in the doldrums
here in the city
of brotherly love
on the banks of the schuylkill
watching the same view
from the same window
as rocky balboa stands tall
moving faster than me in
that forever celebration
Alex McQuate Apr 2022
The Södenberg sisters sing to me tonight,
Their words sending me far from this slightly cold balcony,
To a realm of asphalt and dusty wind.

For my first 10 years there were no roads,
But a plethora of paths,
Criss crossing,
Winding to and fro,
Foot beaten little things in a great forest,
Filled with trees, creeks, waterfalls, and animals,
Birds singing beautiful songs as they sail through the trees,
Squirrels chattering from their perches amongst the great branches,
Whitetails observing my progress of the child .

As a young boy I'd sprint down these paths,
Unheeding of the odd roots that were placed along the paths,
So happy to just be moving forward,
To see what played around the next bend.

The next 10 years were simple things,
A two lane town road,
Buildings of my hometown on lined either side,
Their facades as they were,
Before the place of my forefathers got too big too fast,
Where all it's citizens knew my parents,
And by extention, me,
The birds and squirrels still there,
Although their number greatly diminished.

My pace was greatly diminished,
No longer some great sprint,
But a gentle jog,
Taking in the familiar sites,
But excited to leave this place,
Impatient for a change of scenery and anticipating some great adventure.

The next 3 were a treacherous yet exciting road,
A winding mountain pass,
Steep sloaped and lined with switchbacks,
Giving beautiful mountain vista views,
But with this new road also came the realization,
That the road could be a dangerous thing,
One slip could give way to a great fall,
The once gentle jog gave way to a cautious walk,
Wary of foot placement and step,
No birds here,
No squirrels,
But instead of the rumble of far off thunder,
And the howling of distant wolves.

Then came the next four,
The thunder no longer far off,
The wolf howls no longer distant,
The asphalt cracked and split,
Closed in on both sides by a thick and menacing wood,
And through the darkness of the nearly moonless night the darting shapes of beasts could be seen.

Rain slashing down,
Galing winds battering me,
My body worn down,
My walk but a limp,
Taking my broken self forward,
One dragging step after another,
A constant struggle to find the energy to make it one step further,
To find reason to keep going.

But like some great magic trick the wooding cleared,
The rain stopped,
And the wolves pulled back.

It was here that I found you next to me.

This new road is a bit cracked,
A bit disused,
The desert beautiful with Mesas to either side,
My pace quickened,
No longer a slogging trudging thing,
But also not a run,
A relaxing stride that feels good and steady,
Churning onward to the mountains in the distance.

I look to you and you smile,
You smile back,
And it is here that I see hawks up above,
A fox to the far right,
Observing these travelers passing through it's lands.

No longer an unlined face,
Bearded and festooned with a smattering of scars,
Earned through foolish fights and terrible tumbles,
But gladly won and worn all the same,
Sun kissed skin taking in the pleasant warm arid air.

I know not where this road leads,
But the excitement returns once more,
And that I no longer need to travel it alone,
That traveling is never meant to be done all on one's own,
That it's the company that makes the trip worth it.

With that the duo's song ends,
And I am transported back to this balcony,
The air still clung to with the slipping grasp of winter's last vestiges,
And it's begrudging release so close at hand,
Bring forward new beginnings,
And new roads to be traversed.
First aid kit-My silver linings
Distancia refugiada sobre tubos de espuma,
sal en rituales olas y órdenes definidos,
y un olor y rumor de buque viejo,
de podridas maderas y hierros averiados,
y fatigadas máquinas que aúllan y lloran
empujando la proa, pateando los costados,
mascando lamentos, tragando y tragando distancias,
haciendo un ruido de agrias aguas sobre las agrias aguas,
moviendo el viejo buque sobre las viejas aguas.

Bodegas interiores túneles crepusculares
que el día intermitente de los puertos visita:
sacos, sacos que un dios sombrío ha acumulado
como animales grises, redondos y sin ojos,
con dulces orejas grises,
y vientres estimables llenos de trigo o copra,
sensitivas barrigas de mujeres encinta,
pobremente vestidas de gris, pacientemente
esperando en la sombra de un doloroso cine.

Las aguas exteriores de repente
se oyen pasar, corriendo como un caballo opaco,
con un ruido de pies de caballo en el agua,
rápidas, sumergiéndose otra vez en las aguas.
Nada más hay entonces que el tiempo en las cabinas:
el tiempo en el desventurado comedor solitario,
inmóvil y visible como una gran desgracia.
Olor de cuero y tela densamente gastados,
y cebollas, y aceite, y aún más,
olor de alguien flotando en los rincones del buque,
olor de alguien sin nombre
que baja como una ola de aire las escalas,
y cruza corredores con su cuerpo ausente,
y observa con sus ojos que la muerte preserva.

Observa con sus ojos sin color, sin mirada,
lento, y pasa temblando, sin presencia ni sombra:
los sonidos lo arrugan, las cosas lo traspasan,
su transparencia hace brillar las sillas sucias.

Quién es ese fantasma sin cuerpo de fantasma,
con sus pasos livianos como harina nocturna
y su voz que sólo las cosas patrocinan?

Los muebles viajan llenos de su ser silencioso
como pequeños barcos dentro del viejo barco,
cargados de su ser desvanecido y vago:
los roperos, las verdes carpetas de las mesas,
el color de las cortinas y del suelo,
todo ha sufrido el lento vacío de sus manos,
y su respiración ha gastado las cosas.

Se desliza y resbala, desciende, transparente,
aire en el aire frío que corre sobre el buque,
con sus manos ocultas se apoya en las barandas
y mira el mar amargo que huye detrás del buque.

Solamente las aguas rechazan su influencia,
su color y su olor de olvidado fantasma,
y frescas y profundas desarrollan su baile
como vidas de fuego, como sangre o perfume,
nuevas y fuertes surgen, unidas y reunidas.

Sin gastarse las aguas, sin costumbre ni tiempo,
verdes de cantidad, eficaces y frías,
tocan el ***** estómago del buque y su materia
lavan, sus costras rotas, sus arrugas de hierro:
roen las aguas vivas la cáscara del buque,
traficando sus largas banderas de espuma
y sus dientes de sal volando en gotas.

Mira el mar el fantasma con su rostro sin ojos:
el círculo del día, la tos del buque, un pájaro
en la ecuación redonda y sola del espacio,
y desciende de nuevo a la vida del buque
cayendo sobre el tiempo muerto y la madera,
resbalando en las negras cocinas y cabinas,
lento de aire y atmósfera, y desolado espacio.
Amo las cosas loca,
Me gustan las tenazas,
las tijeras,
las tazas,
las argollas,
las soperas,
sin hablar, por supuesto,
del sombrero.

todas las cosas,
no sólo
las supremas,
el dedal,
las espuelas,
los platos,
los floreros.

Ay, alma mía,
es el planeta,
de pipas
por la mano
en el humo,
de llaves,
de saleros,
en fin,
lo que se hizo
por la mano del hombre, toda cosa;
las curvas del zapato,
el tejido,
el nuevo nacimiento
del oro
sin la sangre,
los anteojos,
los clavos,
las escobas,
los relojes, las brújulas,
las monedas, la suave
suavidad de las sillas.

Ay cuántas
ha construido
el hombre:
de lana,
de madera,
de cristal,
de cordeles,
navíos, escaleras.

las cosas,
un porque sean
o fragantes,
sino porque
no sé,
este océano es el tuyo,
es el mío:
los botones,
las ruedas,
los pequeños
los abanicos en
cuyos plumajes
desvaneció el amor
sus azahares,
las copas, los cuchillos,
las tijeras,
todo tiene
en el mango, en el contorno,
la huella
de unos dedos,
de una remota mano
en lo más olvidado del olvido.

Yo voy por casas,
tocando cosas,
divisando objetos
que en secreto ambiciono:
uno porque repica,
otro porque
es tan suave
como la suavidad de una cadera,
otro por su color de agua profunda,
otro por su espesor de terciopelo.

Oh río
de las cosas,
no se dirá
que sólo
los peces,
o las plantas de selva y de pradera,
que no sólo
lo que salta, sube, sobrevive, suspira.
No es verdad:
muchas cosas
me lo dijeron todo.
No sólo me tocaron
o las tocó mi mano,
sino que acompañaron
de tal modo
mi existencia
que conmigo existieron
y fueron para mí tan existentes
que vivieron conmigo media vida
y morirán conmigo media muerte.
ConnectHook Dec 2016
Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea?
or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?
Have the gates of death been opened unto thee?
Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth?
declare if thou knowest it all.

       Job 38: 16-18

Oh that the desert were my dwelling place,
With only one fair spirit for my minister.
That I might forget the human race,
And hating no one, love her only.

       Lord Byron,Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

I walked alone into the waste
in search of rivers—not a taste
of water could I find
to liquidate my mind.

Under the sun in vanished lakes
alive with scorpions and snakes
I sought within my soul
her limpid watering hole.

The mogollón once hunted here
as piñon pines disclosed the deer
but now not even bones
remained among the stones.

Scattered beads and the odd spearhead
my visionary soul misled;
the moment was my home
and I was free to roam.

Burial caves of ash and silence
spoke in tones of bygone violence—
grinding stones lay broken:
her archeological token.

I found a *** within a niche
still balanced well, despite the pitch
as if the owner’s urn
awaited her return.

Amidst the fragments, free at last
in potsherd patterns of the past
I followed ancient streams
through arid zones and dreams.

Exploring a dry riverbed
unraveling her golden thread
while stepping off a ledge
descending from the edge,

I almost trod upon a snake
and quick adjustment had to make.
Reluctant viper-battler,
I flinched. It was a rattler.

As my right foot continued down
I saw the scales and dusty brown;
Mere inches from its head
the imprint of my tread!

The serpent was too cold and slow
to strike a poisoned morning blow
The sun still in the east—
I swerved and missed the beast.

The desert’s charm advanced from there;
She showed me sights I barely dare
to tell lest I sound singed . . .
My mind she so unhinged.

I stood before the gate of vision
rapt in shadowed indecision
gazing in the maw,
unsure of what I saw:

A ruined mineshaft’s empty grin
that mocked and whispered: “Come within.
The words of Job are here
in wisdom born of fear.”

Necropolis; a gaping  portal…
Feeling less than weakly mortal,
deep I stared inside;
allured yet terrified.

A passage to the depths of dread:
the Book of Job, the sleeping dead.
I barely now recall
yet understood it all…

Still thirsting through her arid land
divining truths in shifting sand
I ventured on in vain,
beseeching God to reign

The javelinas mocked my quest
beguiled me onward, further west
where Dutchmen hide their gold
and Apache tears are sold.

Her rainbow shades and distant mesas
silhouetted, paint her face as
nobly as the lands
her presence still commands.

Her beauty smiled: a virtual face
of glyphic pre-Columbian grace
decentralized desire
in sublimated fire…

She led me to the springs of life
my moonlight maid and desert wife;
my nights upon the mountains
in search of spectral fountains.

Ex-nomad of the mythic west
my unfound treasure now confessed;
her deserts had me smitten…
for her my poem’s written.
ARIZONA ! (put on your rainbow shades...)
Clara Belle Jul 2010
Perched atop my soft granite cloud
I breathe in the apex of the land
the vast miniature world below
awaits the landing of my fingertips

My fingers
wander across the rusty red mesas
slide down between its soft ribbed slopes
caress its contours
feel the sun baked warmth
brushing against their pads

My lips
kiss the lily white clouds
press against the blue glass sky
burn in the flowering sun
nibble on dark rolling mountains
tongue tasting the icy frosted peaks

My toes
test the tiny tepid lakes
chance upon the gritty texture just below
prickle on the rugged treetops
tap the smooth rocky surface retreating from my perch
dancing in time to the pulse of the wind
Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico was my muse for this particular poem.
liz Jul 2018
dicen que las paredes hablan:
cuatro, no del todo blanco
yeso y papel pintado, está enlucido
con conversaciones susurradas
los años pelandose como la pintura
& si estás en silencio como yo,
puedes escuchar el dolor detrás
& las palabras bonitas también.
amantes de hace veinte años-
escucha las flores en sus bocas
pétalos de lujuria contra el grano.
llanto sofocado en la esquina,
ensombrecido aún y polvoriento
con mesas de negligencia.
el pasado aún encuentra sus puntos de apoyo
arrastrándose de vuelta a nuestros hogares
como si nunca nos hubiéramos ido,
y tampoco los otros.
tantas cosas se dicen
en el silencio de cuatro paredes en blanco,
pronto será cubierto por
cosas bonitas que no pueden silenciar
el recuerdo del dolor.
"whispering walls"
26 de julio de 2018
Lydia B Jan 2011
New Mexico stretches her calves against too much sky.
Her mesas are polka dotted and she’s only wearing
Red and green in her hair.
She opens her palms,
Gives us graveyards
And we kiss the dust from her palms.
Larry Schug Sep 2016
Carmelita and Maria
burn with sorrow dressed as anger;
fire in their black-diamond eyes,
hot enough to scald tears
before they roll down
the brown lands of their faces.
Both quiver like chamisa in the dry wind
but the pride of long-suffering roots
will not concede to any withering wind.
Carmelita and Maria
are born of the same stubborn stone
as the ageless mesas around Coyote,
though pain carves arroyos in their souls.
As even the desert Rio Chama overflows
when the thirsty earth
cannot drink the rainstorm fast enough
and brings flowers in sand,
Carmelita and Maria will not admit it,
not to one another or to themselves,
but both long for the desert inside them
to blossom after the winter,
to be the sun,
each to the flower that is the other.
Sobre las mesas, botellas decapitadas de "champagne" con corbatas blancas de payaso, baldes de níquel que trasuntan enflaquecidos brazos y espaldas de "cocottes".

El bandoneón canta con esperezos de gusano baboso, contradice el pelo rojo de la alfombra, imanta los pezones, los ***** y la ***** de los zapatos.

Machos que se quiebran en un corte ritual, la cabeza hundida entre los hombros, la jeta hinchada de palabras soeces.

Hembras con las ancas nerviosas, un poquitito de espuma en las axilas, y los ojos demasiado aceitados.

De pronto se oye un fracaso de cristales. Las mesas dan un corcovo y pegan cuatro patadas en el aire. Un enorme espejo se derrumba con las columnas y la gente que tenía dentro; mientras entre un oleaje de brazos y de espaldas estallan las trompadas, como una rueda de cohetes de bengala.

Junto con el vigilante, entra la aurora vestida de violeta.
El peñón enarca
su espinazo de tigre
que espera dar un zarpazo
en el canal.

Agarradas a la única calle,
como a una amarra,
las casas hacen equilibrio
para no caerse al mar,
donde los malecones
arrullan entre sus brazos
a los buques de guerra,
que tienen epidermis y letargos de cocodrilo.

Las caras idénticas
a esas esculturas
que los presidiarios tallan
en un carozo de aceituna,
los indios venden
marfiles de tibias de mamut,
sedas auténticas de Munich,
juegos de te,
que las señoras ocultan bajo sus faldas,
con objeto de abanicar su azoramiento
al cruzar la frontera.

Hartos de tierra firme,
las marineros
se embarcan en los cafés,
hasta que el mareo los zambulle
bajo las mesas,
o tocan a rebato
con las campanas de sus pantalones
para que las niñeras
acudan a agravar
sus nostalgias, de países lejanos,
con que las pipas inciensan
las veredas de la ciudad.
Lucas Mock Jan 2016
Ancient secrets in dark, dry, caves
filled with airs of eldritch winds
suffocated of life and it's needs
solemn graveyard to the nonexistent

Biting brown of antiquated dunes
dead fire of fossil sand
burning with the lost rage of lost ages
exterior to great alchemic secrets

Heavens filled with brooding anxiety
pining and craving teem in the atmosphere
desires to combust and crystallize
eroded off by laws of impossible physics

Uncongealed remnants of shells and beasts
bacteria and algae now unearthed to light
testimonial to buried memories
mummified by cadavers of glaciers and mesas

But a glacier for whom?
Can resolution be concluded by the uinverse
that vast cosmic void hanging in oracle's riddles
staring back at the stargazers?

Ancient secrets, eldritch airs,
solemn graveyards, and requiem for what?
CA Guilfoyle Feb 2014
Red table mesas
Whitest clouds dot to dot sky
Healing waters run
Fue la pasada primavera,
hace ahora casi un año,
En un salón del viejo Temple, en Londres,
Con viejos muebles. Las ventanas daban,
Tras edificios viejos, a lo lejos,
Entre la hierba el gris relámpago del río.
Todo era gris y estaba fatigado
Igual que el iris de una perla enferma.

Eran señores viejos, viejas damas,
En los sombreros plumas polvorientas;
Un susurro de voces allá por los rincones,
Junto a mesas con tulipanes amarillos,
Retratos de familia y teteras vacías.
La sombra que caía
Con un olor a gato,
Despertaba ruidos en cocinas.

Un hombre silencioso estaba
Cerca de mí. Veía
La sombra de su largo perfil algunas veces
Asomarse abstraído al borde de la taza,
Con la misma fatiga
Del muerto que volviera
Desde la tumba a una fiesta mundana.

En los labios de alguno,
Allá por los rincones
Donde los viejos juntos susurraban,
Densa como una lágrima cayendo,
Brotó de pronto una palabra: España.
Un cansancio sin nombre
Rodaba en mi cabeza.
Encendieron las luces. Nos marchamos.

Tras largas escaleras casi a oscuras
Me hallé luego en la calle,
Y mi lado, al volverme,
Vi otra vez a aquel hombre silencioso,
Que habló indistinto algo
Con acento extranjero,
Un acento de niño en voz envejecida.

Andando me seguía
Como si fuera solo bajo un peso invisible,
Arrastrando la losa de su tumba;
Mas luego se detuvo.
«¿España?», dijo. «Un nombre.
España ha muerto.» Había
Una súbita esquina en la calleja.
Le vi borrarse entre la sombra húmeda.
Allí están,
allí estaban
las trashumantes nubes,
la fácil desnudez del arroyo,
la voz de la madera,
los trigales ardientes,
la amistad apacible de las piedras.

Allí la sal,
los juncos que se bañan,
el melodioso sueño de los sauces,
el trino de los astros,
de los grillos,
la luna recostada sobre el césped,
el horizonte azul,
¡el horizonte!
con sus briosos tordillos por el aire.

¡Pero no!
Nos sedujo lo infecto,
la opinión clamorosa de las cloacas,
los vibrantes eructos de onda corta,
el pasional engrudo
las circuncisas lenguas de cemento,
los poetas de moco enternecido,
los vocablos,
las sombras sin remedio.

Y aquí estamos:
más pálidos que nunca;
como tibios pescados corrompidos
por tanto mercader y ruido muerto:
como mustias acelgas digeridas
por la preocupación y la dispepsia;
como resumideros ululantes
que toman el tranvía
y bostezan
y sudan
sobre el carbón, la cal, las telarañas;
como erectos ombligos con pelusa
que se rascan las piernas y sonríen,
bajo los cielorrasos
y las mesas de luz
y los felpudos;
llenos de iniquidad y de lagañas,
llenos de hiel y tics a contrapelo,
de histrionismos madeja,
mosca muerta;
con el cráneo repleto de aserrín escupido,
con las venas pobladas de alacranes filtrables,
con los ojos rodeados de pantanosas costas
y paisajes de arena,
nada más que de arena.

Escoria entumecida de enquistados complejos
y cascarrientos labios
que se olvida del **** en todas partes,
que confunde el amor con el masaje,
la poesía con la congoja acidulada,
los misales con los libros de caja.
Desolados engendros del azar y el hastío,
con la carne exprimida
por los bancos de estuco y tripas de oro,
por los dedos cubiertos de insaciables ventosas,
por caducos gargajos de cuello almidonado,
por cuantos mingitorios con trato de excelencia
explotan las tinieblas,
ordeñan las cascadas,
la edulcorada caña,
la sangre oleaginosa de los falsos caballos,
sin orejas,
sin cascos,
ni florecido esfínter de amapola,
que los llevan al hambre,
a empeñar la esperanza,
a vender los ovarios,
a cortar a pedazos sus adoradas madres,
a ingerir los infundios que pregonan las lámparas,
los hilos tartamudos,
los babosos escuerzos que tienen la palabra,
y hablan,
ante las barbas próceres,
o verdes redomones de bronce que no mean,
ante las multitudes
que desde un sexto piso
podrán semejarse a caviar envasado,
aunque de cerca apestan:
a sudor sometido,
a cama trasnochada,
a sacrificio inútil,
a rencor estancado,
a pis en cuarentena,
a rata muerta.
Ashley Mar 2021
I cloud my perception
From the judgement of
The sun

Confluence of love
Is the of sound of two rivers
Thundering on

Meandering across mesas
Veins of the upper crust
Flow through our entangled palms
William A Poppen Nov 2015
Corner curtains close to encircle
souls bearing poems
scratched on manila pads or
formed on computers
to await a reading

amid clangs of ceramic cups
stainless steel utensils
and cream pitchers.
Carlo’s throat cracks while
he recalls running his fingers
over dry scaly skin
tolerating the heat rising in his body
as he befriends  
snakes coexisting in his camp

Mokasiya narrates adventures 

along rock mesas
formed and shaded
red, orange and tan
and how grasses turn brittle and dry
nearly dissapearing
amid enormous grasshopper swarms  .
A young woman sings and plays poetic
lyrics of struggles
lamenting that she should have
given in to the hot rage in her throat
to shoot and **** the *****
who corrupted her father’s marriage

Corner curtains open
as words and phrases
remain to die
among the chairs
mixing with the sawdust
on the hardwood flooring
unlikely to become
reborn, reread or recorded
spysgrandson Nov 2016
sleep deprived five dozen hours  
I am on a desert highway, without a nickel
my thumb begging for a ride which wouldn’t come
until dawn    

but I don’t know all that dark is ahead;
I only know the night is moonless, the cedars
the pinyons on the far mesas are moving like mournful buffalo,
long gone except in my waking dream  

on the road two eyes are all I see
green, sparkling as prisms of light in all that black,  
electrified ***** of mushy matter, glowing in sockets
in a canine skull    

I fear strange dogs
and other fanged beasts--I pray to a god
I do not know is there, imploring empty space
and dark matter for salvation    

it comes when the lights of a diesel  
birth, rear, and shrink the shadow of me  
and allow my vexed eyes to see, an asphalt stream
with nary a scary creature but I
Six miles south of Santa Rosa, New Mexico, August, 1968--based on last night's dream and an experience I had hitchhiking cross country in my youth
Rui Serra May 2014
Sigo pela avenida,
os cafés recolhem
as mesas.
Esplanadas frias,
já sem ninguém,
já sem sentido.
Chuis fazem cumprir a lei
com varinhas de condão.
Na janela,
um rosto
imagem distorcida
Uma carabina
um tiro
no frio da noite uma imagem gélida
Sigo em frente
pela estrada de asfalto
rumo à indiferença.
A L Landers May 2019
My eyes open in the dim light
You are not there
Old engine oil in my ears
and red tape on the walls and the

I am in every cheap hotel across the country
Anything could be outside of my door
I could be in a small town in Idaho
An inlet on the coastal northwestern shore
Minutes from the beach on the southeastern coast
The glorious place where the plains give way to mesas
I am all those places
the ones I've been and will go to someday
Finding my way back to you
Before the diesel fills my mind
And my thoughts leave the rest of me behind
And so at the designated hour
My movement will be swift
My stillness will be complete
Ever prepared
Corset Mar 2016
A Poem by Corset

...and if you could see
how those blooms
hang their heads
after making the move
into empty open spaces

Their bright faces pungently
stretching 'or Mesas
yearning for one
not so tight in after life.

If we could touch the soil
to keep it moist
fears would feed like rain,
crying edible
and they would never die.

Limbs would not crumble
but climb ever high
their backs of bark
carved into
hearts and letters.

Resplendent and warm
the night would know
her poetry.
Rob M Mar 2014
What I want more than anything
is to live Nowhere.
To have no stakes set,
no roots-
just move with the wind
like a pioneer-
follow the sun as it sets,
and even knowing the futility,
try to find it.
I want to be a nomad,
both spiritually and physically.
To be finally and gloriously free
from all the ignoble trappings
of a world obsessed with neon
and gold trimming.

Instead of paintings I would have
the silver-braced sky and cold, green
mountains of Colorado;
instead of statues, the golden-clay
mesas of Arizona;
instead of fine crystal,
the emerald-clear waters of the Keys.
I will befriend every creature
and soak in the beauty of
self-creation that is our earth.

Instead of billionaires, I will count
the dirt-smudged, air burnt faces
of Tibetans as my compatriots;
their hearts are more open.
They are more at peace with
themselves living in huts
than the rich in their enclaves of
steel and stone.
Instead of a church, I will find my
worship in the temples, the
incense scented high-chambered rooms.
The steady sound of om is more
pleasing to the ears than hymns.

I will find joy in drinks and drugs,
in the wide variety of intoxication
provided to us not by chemists,
but by the earth itself.
I will complete that joy by sharing these
mediums with others-
experiencing new reality, new feeling.

And when it comes time to die,
I will rest somewhere open,
with the stars above and the earth below;
I will lay me down,
I will sleep,
untroubled, fulfilled.
Wk kortas Sep 2017

The sky is, as it was the day before and the day before
And countless days before that, impossibly blue,
Wholly unimpeded by the possibility of clouds.
The hiker stops, taking in the moment, the entire tableau:
Clean lines of mesas rising abruptly in the distance,
The tangible, almost corporeal dryness of the air,
A silence so all-encompassing
As to be almost an entity in itself, and he thinks out loud
How the fingerprints of God’s beauty
Are to be found, even on a place like this.  
His guide, who has simply nodded along unconsciously
Like a dog or hula ******* a dashboard to this point,
Hesitates for just  a moment.
Mebbe so, he says with due deliberation,
Although I’d be perfectly content if your God
Was a little more disposed to look favorably upon humidity.


Well of course the beach is pristine, the cabby barks,
It never stops raining long enough for anyone to set foot on it.
He lectures his fare, visiting Thomas’ ugly, lovely city on business,
Almost non-stop the entire trip to the hotel,
A litany of woe  decrying decades
Of rising damp, unconquerable mold,
Picnics scheduled in fits of near-lunatic optimism
Invariably falling victim to drizzle and outright downpour,
And, just before he pulls to a stop,
The driver opines I’ve seen Heaven in my dreams,
And it’s a sandy place with nary a gutter or downspout in sight.


The lake, lovely and Y-shaped
(But deep and silent as death itself,
Holding swimmers and fisherman to its bottom
As closely and tightly as dark secrets)
Is just visible in the distance,
And it is not worth a ****, the glaciers which carved it out
Having left ridges and moraines
Making it impossible to reach with pumps and pipes,
No more useful for irrigation
Than a spigot on the side of a farmhouse,
And so they wait,vacillating between patience and despair
For the rain that will no more come today
Than it has not for near a month now,
A drought that no one
In this part of the Finger Lakes has ever seen,
Even old Jess Bower, who had long since seen ninety come and go
(But he was strangely quiet on the subject, a first as all would attest,
Saying simply Can’t tell ‘bout these things, sometimes)
And most nights the heat of August mocks them,
Stirring with thunder and the occasional bit of dry lightning,
But not a shower, not even a spit to go along with it.


******* Christ, how can you sweat in weather like this,
But he is soaked, layer upon layer, coat to tee shirt,
Having shoveled twelve, maybe sixteen inches of thick, wet flakes
Which have congealed together in great soggy clumps
Like so many forkfuls of badly prepared mashed potatoes,
The kind of snow that clogs streets and causes coronaries
And brings the kids with shovels strutting hopefully door-to-door,
Shovel yer walk for a ten spot, mister.
As he peels down to tightie-whities and turns on the shower,
He thinks to himself, ****, a couple degrees warmer,
This is all rain, and I am on the couch the last coupla hours.


(Back in the farming country, everyone asleep
in spite of the heat and the long dry,
Only a solitary old mutt dozing on the porch steps
Is awakened by the roll of thunder,
The subsequent splatter of huge drops,
Which lead the dog to rise up
And saunter back onto the porch,
The rain upon his fur making him distinctly uncomfortable.)
The timid frozen morning air awakens from sounds of screams and metal car frames...cracking.

The cool lit night star air flashes from the fire burned tires and frigid numbed souls...cursing.

The smoky dust filled air sees tears of hate and bloodied stained floors....of fate.

The cloudy misty saturated air hears bullets striking and lifeless bodies....collapsing.

OH WHERE...have the spirit filled airs, the glittering filled airs, that hozhóogo air gone to?

The green-bluish water feels the sluggish toxic sludge and forgotten people...mitering.

Pure white solid crystals wrap around the intoxicated body, it's courage slowly....mystifying.

The red rock's seeping water blindly poisons the youthful smile and secretly kills...a-mourning.

The raging brown foamed water rushes by the pallet walled hogan and the shivering lil feet...mesmerizing.

OH WHERE...have the dew dressed holy ones, the chanting waters, the life healing and growing waters....gone?

The blowing fine dust creeps through the window seals, witnessing punches to her face and kicks to her chest.

Them dark black coaled rock mesas spot fields below of slow deathed and sugar-filled....people-a-mess.

Round red sun brazen rocks are embraced, by the abandoned lost wondering child...lil-one parentless.

Darkened mountain soil sees the people a-mess, looking up, seeking guidance of hope...restless.

OH WHERE...have the lightning bolted peaks, the strong holy ridges, them keepers of home gone to?

Water drenches the Earth Mother, Winds rage from our Sky Father,
Lights of the Star People shimmer brightly,
Rocky cliff faces begin to shake violently...

"Here We Are!"

The first ones and holy people yell mightingly,


— The End —