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John Marneslow Apr 2018
Colder Still

In my life I have known love, loss, brokenness and betrayal. These things things are but a part of this lively vail. I accepted such things in hopes that I would prevail.
Though I’ve continued wandering through the misty avenues of life..I found only torment hurt and strife. All the while I heard a voice near at hush say...”you’ll grow colder still.”
I stood at many doors, yes doors to other hearts..I continued knocking, only to see them depart. So I stood in grief and began to lose my will...yet I heard the voice louder “you’ll grow colder still.”
As more years passed and people become more vain and conceited, I to my solitude and grief retreated... With my heart and with my will..the voice shouts now in command...”you’ll grow colder still!”
-John Marneslow
John Marneslow Apr 2018
Heart: I have begun to feel a chill, it grows worse every day. I see darkness seeking to overtake me. Friend, what do you make of this? Should  we seek a new warmth to save us?

Mind: You fool! Don't you remember? The last fall you landed so hard, and in so much pain. No! Absolutely not Solitude is the place for us. The abyss of solitude is in and of itself a comfort.

Heart: Oh come now friend, we can work together to find a better source of warmth, a real one this time! I just know it's there! It will warm us for life and not leave us. It's out there...we must try..

Mind: What about the previous fall? Where I had to take the reigns but you still chose the place of which to fall. I see pain has taught you nothing... you refuse to shut me out. Yet, I'm scared to take the reigns too hard. This cursed warmth....what a disaster it can be...false warmth always laughing at our anguish. That is all that exists. I'm sorry friend...I hold no comfort for you...I only bring truth and reality.

Heart:  You are right....I know this. Though I search for hope. Oh and it's a ****** thing... hope toys with me until I am nearly certain of what I seek to grasp then it vanishes as though it was never there. Hope toys with me until I am once again brought back to reality....always on my knees...sobbing and begging for the release of death. What do you see becoming of us? What will be our fate?

Mind: Yes, hope is a concept I created to keep us living but it's an awful creation..a word without form. It taunts and torments. I will forget hope and warm memories. Reality always wins...though you and I go kicking and screaming. You ask me what is to become of us...I see endless lonely days, you and I will drift further apart. We will push away all others who dare intrude in our loneliness. We will watch others continue on in their make believe happiness....and we will grow to despise it. No There isn't hope I'm afraid...Perhaps there never was. Just a meaningless word. Now let us grow silent and walk onward to the abyss that is apathy.
-John Marneslow.
A conversation between a foolish and hurt heart and a broken and sad mind.
John Marneslow Apr 2018

“Friends that fly above so high, I wish I too could touch the sky and gently float unto my end. I’d watch humanity down below continue on in their futile struggle. Yet I’d wander far too low near the gentle and broken soul. And I too would would change in form, once again to the man that I was born.
I see now that I couldn’t join you up in the grief would change my calm and steady nature and so I could never reach your for now I’ll stay down here and perhaps one day I’ll let go my fear...”
-John Marneslow
How I envy clouds
John Marneslow Apr 2018
Merely A Man

Sweet girl, I know I’m not what you’re looking for, I’m not the right guy, this thought… It hurts me no matter how I try.

Sweetheart, you’re looking for more than a man, a hero, soldier… And that’s not what I am. No I’m nothing special, I’m just a man.
You said you wouldn’t leave me, you said you would stay, but now you’re gone and I’m not OK. You had a rare beauty, you had a rare light… how silly of me to think we’d be good for each other and that’d be alright.

Sweetheart I’m no soldier, I’m  merly  a man… Yes I’m so imperfect that some days I can hardly stand. And the days of our laughter it’s as though I could have reached out and touched you but now I can’t, Because you want to be in the arms of another, though it’s hard for me to understand… You want his hand to dry your tears but no not this man, despite how hard I’ve tried. For you it has to be a hero,  or soldier but I’m just a man. I no longer trust you, I no longer car.... your heart isn’t with me, yes, it’s no longer there. My own heart trembles and my thoughts lay in despair. Now that you’re gone...what’s the use in repair?
You aren’t the first to break me, you weren’t the first to destroy. But you were the first in years to bring Hope to my tears. Girls these days Want a hero, a soldier, a god, those things aren’t in’s not what I’ve got. I’m just a broken man with a broken heart. All you are now is just memories to burn, yet deep down for you I still yearn. Sweet girl I loved you but that wasn’t enough, so now I go off into the rough. The lonely days, as old old friends they welcome me back. They ask what was it this time? Were you misunderstood? I reply and say no friends...I was simply no good.
-John Marneslow

— The End —