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Tracie Bulkley Feb 2015
She’s perfect, isn’t she?
That girl in front of you.
Barely finite lines of gold and ochre
Pure as thoughts from her head
Luna-cloaked and markless
Kohl and oak descrying
The haze and high of your waking breaths
Both in substance and in pleasure.
Just what you always wanted.

Not me.
My brief and ebon-neared lines
Murked by impure hazes
Luna-pocked and touched
Kohl and oak, but too-hard trying
A breeze, gentle and cautious to remove the dream
And give truth tangibility.
Much too real for you.

Snow-goddess shoulders covered
Just because you possess them
Luna-soul untouched, unseen,
Just for your security
Empty breathing, nodding crown
Ensynchroned, timed, with yours
Every face, and every line
Unbroken marble replica
Of air

How dare I.
Goddess shoulders bare as when I please
You could not possess them
Luna-soul unsecreted but,
Before you and your battering, unashamed
Swimming, messy, living within my crown,
Out of step and of my mind
Every inch, an inch of mine
How dare I be unbroken art
Unbroken art of Earth

Of air.
Twisting 'round your fingers
Curved into your body and your brain
Bent whichever way you opt to bend her
Over, under, and around.
Into pain and pain-ed pleasure
But always pain in pleasure and pleasure from pain
Both and neither
Either and physical or transcendental
Always and never in your purpose
Rarely and often from your desires.
And she's so willing, the wind.
Servility incarnate
Submissive, crawling, pleasing unto you
Easy girl
But only to your touch
Lest she be a *****.
Formless, unreal shadow,
But somehow air that no one else may breathe.

Of Earth.
I awoke in formless panic in a cold bare room
After heart-pounding, frozen-dreaming
Of how you left me in numberless shades
Of black and blue and gray
I had terrored and cowered
Wondering if my strength would crumble
Ever seeing you on your knees.
Not because I fix on that
Just because I felt afraid.
Because you never laid a finger on me
No, you never had to
The Luna's cloak will mark itself
When the core is hollowed cold.

Yes, so perfect
Is she?
Just the way you like her.
Insubstantial, shapeless
No rigidity or life
Submissive, satisfying
Yes, the daydream on your screen
That you try to say that you don't need
Is everything that your earth desires
For she is air and you are dirt
All that the breeze can give to ground
All that nameless women can give to you.
Elioinai Aug 2017
I laugh at those who are frightened or disgusted
as harmless snakes do slither past
But I have fears of a different kind of serpent
So few in the world suffer snake bites,
even less have injuries that last,
And I count myself in the number markless
But still I shuddered as curved shadows cast,
a spell of paralyzing fear,
As harmless humans did walk past

it's words I feared the most
though perhaps I'd rather face beration
than the teeth of hungry dogs
When dogs bark, I calmly bark them back
But with humans I'd sooner run away

I'm learning to not fear
as confidence builds
And I see my power crystal clear
Some say when you hold back your words you hold back your power, and that's what makes you sick. I think it's a little more than that, it's being unsatisfied with holding back your words, and letting the stress make you sick.
I'm realizing my own power, and I am learning to speak and be satisfied when I have not spoken.
Willow Dec 2024
Starlight courses through her veins,
She was born from dust and darkness.
It swirls through her veins, through blood and bone,
Her skin is clear and markless.
It glows with power, radiance shines,
But this does not mean she's heartless.

Her soul, it shines, made of light itself,
And her smile, that smile, makes it known,
The way her heart, in her chest sits heavy,
Every day compassion grows.
She longs for change, for a stable world,
Kindness without loan.

"Why can't people just be good?"
The girl of galaxies pleads.
She hopes to spread the peace of planets,
That our planet so desperately needs,
The moon, it joins the righteous fight,
To help it's kin with ease.

She'd come from her home years ago,
Come to explore our lands.
She was shocked by the disorder and chaos,
Yearned to lend a helping hand.
She campaigns to bring a brighter world,
Petitions for others to join her plans.

She's done this all before, it's true,
A sojourner through time and space,
Trying to bring other planets her peace,
Leaving glimmering stardust as her only trace.
We're one of the worst she's seen, she frets,
But she will not forget our fragile place.

"All planets!" she cries, expressing her hope,
Resolve strengthening with every word.
"All planets have meaning, have purpose, have place!
Every one of them deserves to be heard"
She links hands with her allies, stands strong in the faith,
That together they can spread the wings of the world.
I'm hoping to make this into a collection :>

— The End —