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Emily Brien Aug 2010
The verbose ramblings of memory’s script,
A loquacious brimming cup to which I bid myself sip,
An evanescent longing to drink deep and ponder,
These dreams of expectation I contemplate no longer.

Time has past from my sinuous youth,
A spiraling existence of loosing tooth after tooth,
From virtuous ****** to gorges of shame,
Extensive transformation allows little to remain.

Musing of tomorrow and what turns it might take,
Thoughts to be built and then several to eradicate,
Perpendicular arms stretched out skyward,
Ranking arrogance next to coward.

The simple silence of presence’s suspense,
Listening for something lacking in substance,
A quiet moment I accept as does come,
For such a chance as this occurs consequently seldom.
Gosh! I hate this poem! Sometimes it's important to make known the things we dislike most about ourselves.
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2011
Weighing brutality's candour is taxing
Feeling the certainty, heavily dark,
Sonorous mutterings echo in twilight
Whitely, loquaciously, utterly stark.

***** ***** in a temperament simmering
Stalking through rage in a judgemental way,
Lurching for conflict from deep in the mindset
Locked in a skirmish of consequence play.

Searing white pain of brutality's candour
Reeling from obvious lack of control,
Obliquely collapsed beneath blue jackaranda
Flaccidly spent, I surrender my role.

In absentia
7 December 2011
When people say they're tired of a person, often a friend—
Do they mean, exhausted with the idea of submission to their actions
Responding to their preferences
Falling prey to all their ways
Or hearing them drone loquaciously
Putting down disagree-ers gratuitously
Speaking of themselves, about very little else
Until all hope and faith in them has deteriorated beyond all mercy?
I am yet to confirm
What is true beyond all else
Gone through the Rubicon,
Universal to all nations
But why must I tolerate a monk
That devoutly praises himself to the depths
Beyond all fierce comprehension,
His devotion remains a quandary
SøułSurvivør Nov 2014

black birds cluster in
barren winter trees like leaves...
... caw loquaciously

lone dove on far branch
shivers in the frigid wind
then she flies away

she goes far beyond
the subtle pink sunrise to
a place of summer

(c) soulsurvivor
All three of these should be
Classic 5/7/5 form.
Please let me know if they are not!
Stanley Wilkin Dec 2016

He leant down
Quietly carving his name into the sand;
The pursuing waves,
Repeatedly rippling forward, with
The force of a motorized modern army
Gunning down civilians,
Dragged it clean.  

Flies loquaciously buzzed around his head,
As, crushing down seaweed,
He carved his name again.


The roots dug deep, pushing against
The soil. The particles spread apart
With sexless ardour. The man,
Of a tolerant disposition, wrenched
The roots free with drenched hands.
Nothing lasted forever.


The yellow and green of the sunrise
Turned swiftly into unpretentious browns
The light changing shape as the
Morning matured and the sun
Rose further in the sky. Pumped up
Clouds rolled sinuously along, combining and separating
Like fantastic amoeba.


And so it continued
Under the burning sun; more spiteful from year to year.
The man said nothing
As he climbed into the salt water,
Gulls circumnavigating above his head,
With nothing to say or remember
Except the lines in the sand.
Lawrence Hall Aug 2017
Uncle Vanya and Lady Godiva

Uncle Vanya came strolling down the road
Wishing he had made something of his life
His young friend Anne loquaciously agreed
And with remarkable vehemence urged him

     to endeavour to remediate his perceived inadequacies in the    
     many precedent matters that burdened him…

Don Quixote suggested that worries were giants
Cassandra said, “There is only one page left”
Nick Adams whispered, “Shh! You’ll scare the fish!”
Ambrose Silk asked the way to the world’s end

And young Lady Godiva, sans chemise
Outsourced her image on souvenir tees
Ken Pepiton Aug 2023
I am boasting of knowing something about Pergamum,
and the altar from there, that is now in Berlin,
and the library that was in that city, where as one
of the cities linked to the Satan of Revelation,...
Inserting myself, the meat minded man, qwerty guy,
I am not alone in thinking these are unprecedented
times to be alive and literally reading defined and
cross translatable buzz words that trigger points,
like bullets, but
itchy, or spark, cringe, sometimes, ew, feel
whose pain? Yeh we know, now, Iyobe, he talked back,
wisdom has no problem with that, ask James, 3:17,

powerful truth, I used to escape an infamous cult,
in the summer of 1985, which happens to be
the last time I saw Wendell Havatone, Sr. alive,
that 4th of July, in 1985.

The part of friends who approach laughing, every time
you remember a friend, that's the spirit, we share.

Just true, no wu wu doctrine ritual walk, you live
long enough, you know.

...I am not defining sorrow,
I am not sorrowful, nor sorry.

I am ordinarily silent,
my fingers speak more e-loquaciously
than my lips, yet saying
thus saith the tyrant in my mind, guy in charge,
boss, saith, accept the cast and acknowledge
reception, then be not deceived, no tool in the bag
is non essential,

to be excited about life, become excited about dying,
right, with chutz pah - ummpapa,

steady increase in the overall confusion, mixing material
substances to invoke reversion to the common thread,

the survivor animus, she prima donna, mother superior, Y-
certainly we understand the taste in the white of the egg,

-wait, I'll check.

Shad-dah' ee, the Almighty, all powerful, all schadenfreudlich
Dada's still art
you are the other people, too.

- laugh after you know, you knew, secrets
- heart felt truths we treasure as children,
- wishing some one really dead, as seen on TV.
- Ow, intended for adult audiences, greasy gopher guts.
- anatomically correct Barbie dolls, mentally challenging.

Salt of the earth, pillars in the house
of my god, who has sons
and daughters, stories abound, certainly -- bound by something,

some herding instinct near the mean path of least resistance.

Armed with 2023 word processing technology,
we confess to stretching the vernacular idiolect past positive
resistance to the polar opposites being the most sublime
iteration of our situation, see,
I am wind, and you are water, and, oh, oh, no,
yeh way cool, heat rises, join me, be yourself, no problem

cloudy skies are good things in July.
After an online tour of the Pergamos Alter, the tool religion is, marvelous,
make us all imagine, somewhere, in all the chaos, order rules, we have the ruins to prove it.
Lawrence Hall Feb 2018
Uncle Vanya and Lady Godiva

Uncle Vanya came strolling down the road
Wishing he had made something of his life
His young friend Anne loquaciously agreed
And with remarkable vehemence urged

him to endeavour to remediate his perceived inadequacies in the many precedent matters that burdened him…

Don Quixote suggested that worries were giants
Cassandra sighed, “There is only one page left”
Nick Adams whispered, “Shh! You’ll scare the  fish!”
Ambrose Silk asked the way to the world’s end

And young Lady Godiva, sans chemise
Outsourced her image on souvenir tees
Grasping figurative literary straws
     poetic theme yielded
     farfetched aggregate
i.e., where each dwelling
     listed as figurative Stormy bedmate,
this nada so eminent (Eminem fan)
     lived since the year MM at:
     1148 greentree lane,

     724 railroad avenue, and
     2 highland manor drive, which
     defy obvious numerical pattern relationship,
     albeit tougher than dismantling
     an atomic bomb
     Fermi (Enrico) to create
least common denominator
     nonetheless, aye delineate

laughably limpid, loquaciously lumped,
     and ludicrously as an Uber Lyft
     (please lemme look foolish)
     evincing desperate clamor
     ring blather already
     prepping myself for fallout after,
     I post very tenuous
     schema attempting to enumerate

loosely linkedin previous
     to present physical addresses
     straining credulity to formulate
formulaic relationship between
     street numbered residential places,
     futile endeavor mathematical
     relationship to generate
readying myself (hatches

     being battened down) against
     first responder, who
     doth dare to humiliate,
this self serving ingrate
gnome hatter hood
     awkwardly entwine goofily integrate
ting (Spike Lee's
     She's Gotta Have It)
     "FAKE" self importance,
     sans presenting schema
     with literary Bo Jangles
     flourishes, that (EGADS) doth jaculate
utter cheek to jowl (consonant
     to vowel) outstanding
     Uttar Pradesh Khanate,
nonetheless strives to

     feign making Genghis
     (alias Matthew Scott)
     Harris heirs legitimate
if necessary calling on
     Trump to mandate
and/or asking supreme
     court to necessitate
putting sanctions against

     quasi (moe toe)
     POTUS oxymorons
     so American totalitarianism
     can freely operate
in tandem with
     Putin to participate!
I heard the splashes spilt sore words in the market of falsehood for personal gains
Let the grabbled grains of your intents germinate in your own life-garden
Let it grow and not wither like a drought resistant crop
I have always known you were never fangless yet I always fall prey to you as a suppose friend
Thanks for the kisses
they were more loquaciously loud than the dark domestic Paraguayan parrot
Now that my ear is dang deaf
let your venom venting mouth continually bite.
Dan Hess Nov 2021
Alliteration is hard

An amusing affectation afforded against all authenticity

Living lies luxuriously, lamenting in my lowly lacking

Leering lackluster; levity lost loquaciously

In interest inimitable, isolated in illusions illustrated incoherent

To take triumph, tackle tumult; tie treaties toward the torment’s trite theatrics

Elevate exposure, even entrenched in evanescence; expectation eventually ends; elation endures

Revitalize, remember; roaming rot relinquished retroactively

Again, an avenue against accustomed aggravation; art alleviates

Traveling to taste time’s tales; a taxing task toppled

Indebted, in individuality’s internment, innovated; inundated in insight

On overarching opportunity’s offerance, one overcomes oblivion

Nothing neglected, new nights near; nidificate nuance, newly niche November

— The End —