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Stephen E Yocum Nov 2013
In ’68 Hutch and me,
Sitting at the bar drinking
Our third cold beer.
In a semi Fern Bar
Laguna or Newport Beach
Which now, I’m not sure.
It was around nine or so,
A week day night,
The place more empty than not.

She came in alone, made
Entry like the dramatic host of
A TV show. As if she were the
Center piece on the nations
Thanksgiving Dinner Table.
Over dressed to the nines,
Lots of color, heavy make up
She didn’t really need.

Her perfume scent hovered
Around her like a cloud of insects  
On a hot summer night in a wet meadow.
Kind of made my eyes water up.

She perched daintily like a dancer,
Upon a bar stool,
Three empty stools down,
Nodded the bartender her regular order.
A martini, a double it was,
With but a dab of vermouth.
One green olive on a stick.
The glass was prechilled as if
It had been waiting only for her.
She pounded that first one down,
As if the stem wear was a shot glass.
Another full stem glass appeared,
That one also quickly consumed
Two bright red lipstick stains all that
Remained in or on the stemmed glass rim.

Her main task accomplished,
She audibly exhaled,
As if tired or relieved.
I couldn't tell which.
Turned around on her stool to face
Hutch sitting closest to her.
“You boys Marines.” She declared,
More than inquired.
The close chopped hair cuts
giving us away.

Hutch just nodded, he never did say much.
A ****** just back from The Nam,
A dark scary guy of few words.

She opened her fur trimmed cloth coat,
exposing two very nice stocking clad legs,
And just a quick flash of red underpants.
Rotating towards us so we got a better shot.

She announced her name,
like as if we should know it.
Our blank stares informed her we didn’t.
Her face was to me, somewhat familiar.  
From movies in the 40s or 50s.
We were early 20 guys, she much older,
Trying hard to look younger, not succeeding.

Soon she was sitting right next to Hutch,
Two more Martini stems had come and gone,
Her lipstick finger prints upon them.
And still Hutch had not spoken more than
Three or four words.

She bought us a pitcher of brew,
Hutch grunted a short bit of gratitude.
We didn't have to say much, she was in charge.
It was all about her, she rambled on and on
Speaking volumes saying not much at all.
Beating back her crushing obscurity,
With flowery reminiscence recall,
Of glory days, long gone away.
Important for the moment, if only to her.
It was all; “me and I, I did this, I was that,
I slept with him,
And him and him”.
How about so and so?  I asked,
“No Darling not him, he was gay!
Still is.”

It was not long and she was touching Hutch.
On the hand, the shoulder, she was working him
With languid hungry looks from her big baby blues,
And the message could not have been plainer,
Had she held up a large hand lettered sign.

I don’t believe she was a “Working Girl”,
Just someone very lonely seeking to find
Herself, and some company for the night,
All to prove that she was still alive.

Looking at her, I could only think,
How sad and pathetic she seemed,
How desperate her plight.
To humble herself so,
In that dingy bar, among strangers
She did not know, Acting yet, still
On the only stage she could find,
Staring in her own bad ‘B’ movie drama.
In that dingy smelly bar.

Hutch and her left after a hour or so,
He never told me much about it.
He was unofficially AWOL for three days.
I covered for him, kept his name off the
Missing Morning Formation Reports
and the Daily Duty Lists.
No one cared to check. Our unit made up
Of mostly guys back from the war,
A pretty loosey-goosey outfit.

Once in a while now I see an old movie,
most are Black and white, Film Noir stuff,
And there she is, a much younger her,
Looking pretty **** good,
Not real big roles they were,
Claimed she was in the chorus
Of "Singing In The Rain" in '52.
To this, I can not attest,
watched that film several times,
But I never saw her there.

Had parts Playing damsels in distress,
A mobster’s gun moll a time or two,
Or unhappy Play Girls on a bar stool.
I guess it was type casting that done her in.
Or maybe she got a little too long in the tooth..
A sad ending to a short B movie career.
Life ain’t easy, even for a so called “movie star”.
Fame is not all it’s cracked up to be.
A smattering of fame, apparently worth,
Nothing at all.
True stuff from an old guys past.
She had called the Company Office
once or twice, looking for Hutch.
He told us to tell her that he had
been Shipped Out, when he actually

She no doubt found someone else to
tell her story to.

I saw that woman the other day on TV,
an old film on Turner Classic Movies
doing her thing. I sort of wonder what
ever  happened to her, but refuse to
Google it to find out.
Some information you don't need
or what to know.
It did inspire this little Poem Noir write.

Got a letter from Hutch in '70, we were
both out of the Corps. He was headed to
the Arabian Desert as a hired gun, to guard
some pipe line operation. Have no idea what
became of him after that. Hutch was a real hard
case, 14 confirmed kills through a ****** sight.
I hope he made it out of the desert all right,
maybe sitting on a beach someplace recalling
his back in the day three nights with a once
upon a time B movie star. Actually I doubt he
recalls her at all.
Brujo Alligatore Jun 2017
You found me right and tight
And then you left me loosey
Zoe Jul 2011
The time will
present itself
when I should want to keep my head.
When my stomach should be calm
instead of gently churning.
When my tongue
should bend and twist and tut
at my command, instead
of swelling uselessly.
When my feet should follow
one before the other
in a seemingly well-rehearsed
line instead of lazily
trudging helter-skelter.
The time will
present itself
when more problems than
solutions fill this wine glass
to the brim, and my mind
will wail for lucidity.

But that sensual time
is not tonight.
Chuck May 2013
There's a Quazooy on the loosey!
In my roomy there is. No fooey.
No fooey a Quazooy, loosey, really?
What's the Quazooy do-y?
Silly Quazooy dancey on deskies.
Dancey, Nancy, fancy pantsies!

Quazooy, want somey Tutti fruity?
Snooty Quazooy no eaty fruity.
What do-y Quazooy wanty?
"No eaty," said droopy Quazooy.
Quazooy sicky? Have the fluy?

"Quazooy no more fancy Dancey.
Quazooey needy tummy rubby."
Awe-y, cutie Quazooy no more dancey,
no eaty fruity, likey tummy rubby.
Now Quazooey tummy grumbly,
Facey lookies redy and crumbly.

Few wee! Quazooey now I knowy!
No more desky fancy dacey,
Not Tutti fruity, 'cause youy
wenty tooty in your pantsies!
Now Quazooy once morey dancey.
Fancy Nacey pantsy dancey.
Luvy Quazooy nowy not ooyie!
This is a children's poem written in Dr. Seuss style. It needs work. Open to suggesties!!!
ERR Dec 2012
Writhing, the screeching leviathan demands
And I cave to save the aching from tricky time slopes
Pained craving
Wavering but
Hit and
It’s all loosey goosey goodness
Sensing silent magma pulse, whoosh the tummy tingles
Droopy ears gape-face giggle no more nowadays
A stern turn in old age the silly phase of
Too bright, neon common numb tongue rambles
Secedes into introspective
Crowded walks, broken talks strung into threats clustered and
Flung like monkey **** at many-stabbed ego, Brutus?
Strangers will eat you
The professor thinks I’m funny because
I know the answers in class
The other day Dingus
And Whoseewhatsee tried to alley mug and hurt and end
And money!
No, rocked nose ran dude! Fine
Trying not to fear the outdoors, though
The arthropods and phantoms tell me ***** jokes
And not to eat my candy

Books melt into soupy mercurial elixir
I slurp them and belch
Educating myself in a barn ******* knowledge
On loud faces; empty meat
Where you can hear the jingly metal
Thing when you shake it, it’s dead no flower
They don’t always like me
I’ve got the jeepers creepers behind my peepers
And a million lightyears to burn
Truth is worth dying
Four **** sow
Izzeny thing these daze
Maybe it was a bust from the start but there’s
Always art
Quieting the plague that revealed
Not so good after all

Tiny thorns and all-consuming
Waves of red-get-out wrenching, gutted like a fish
Overcome, that never went away or found
A place to sit
Memories arthritic grind a grim gray whetting stone
Reduce with juice-cloud, grape teeth cough will never find a home
john p green Oct 2015
Can't wait to get that out!
Understand my meanings?
Just want to start
Yes! Finally over!
Time to turn off
Yeah! That spout!
How would I know?
For I'm a dude
Brent Kincaid Jan 2017
Oopy Doopy, Super Sloopy.
Loopy snoopy, pants apoopy.
Lippy hippy, slippy dippy.
Nasty-nicey, normally snippy.

Loosey goosey, chocolate moussey.
Usually *** goofy as Gary Busey.
Hinky-stinky presidential *****.
Winky-blinky, dangerously stinko.

Hippity hoppy, flippy-floppy
Get a mop, it never stops.
Laughy gaffe-y, riffy-raffy
Face as gross as rotten taffy.

Whammy-bammy, scary scammy
Mammy-jamming Uncle Sammy.
Lumpy-dumpy, far from humpy
******* up future jumpy bumpy.

Glossy boss, a frightful loss
Ungathered moss at twice the cost.
Serious gap while the country naps
****** sap giving us a slap.

Frightening nooses tightening,
Rights denied like summer lightning.
Ignoring Popes and Snopes
Hopeless dopes put us on the ropes.

Immune to our cries, elected guys
Make horrifying decisions most unwise.
Like black magic before all our eyes
We’re leaderless as freedom dies.
Sieve Jan 2014
poetry comes and goes
opens and flows
spills into streams of prose
amidst the musical rows of my thoughts.

forms and rhythms
which melt and morph and sing into being
the abstractions of synaptic connections,
write into existence
the chemical signals of neurotransmitter gossip,
and transfer to the Symbolic
the electrical impulses of the Real

scratch and peel the caulk
from the edges of The Faucet,
turn and wind the wheeled handles open,
open, open.
Past lefty loosey and into
the outpouring of pent up pressure;
raw, and juicy.

Poetry is ***, death and magic.
The art of training the mind's faucets
Brent Kincaid Feb 2015

I am an atypical gay guy
I don’t match any mold.
I am not young any more
But not in any way old.
Too fem to be a he-man
Too butch to be a queen.
I am neither fish nor fowl
Always Mr. In-Between.

I do love my show tunes
And of course Miss Babs
And I do put a bit of product
In my hair, just a few dabs.
I don’t haunt the health clubs
Flexing on the big machines
Trying to bring to vapors
Our local workout queens.

I do like to cook a little bit
But, my house is usually a mess.
I don’t like angora sweaters
And would never wear a dress.
You couldn’t really peg me
By the way I usually walk.
I don’t lisp or squeal, so
It’s a manly way I talk.

I do cruise quite normally
When hot guys walk by me.
But, I try my best to do so
Undetected, and slyly.
My taste in men does not
Run to muscled guys.
When I see someone pass
I first look at his eyes.

It’s hard to get me into bed,
I am really rather choosy.
I don’t do promiscuity,
Not a backdoor loosey-goosey.
So don’t go giving birthday gifts
Of dildoes and leather goods.
You won’t find me in costumes
Like rubber and leather hoods.

I am an atypical gay guy
I don’t match any mold.
I am not young any more
But not in any way old.
Too fem to be a he-man
Too butch to be a queen.
I am neither fish nor fowl
Always Mr. In-Between.

Brent Kincaid
atypical gay male butch manly
Cam Stoker Dec 2015
I am a glimpse just a glimmer of who I once was
See, that shine don't shimmer through already rust
I cut my life open and glisten as sharp as blade saws
Hear me rhyme give listen before I fade to dust

I am a live man yet undermine the ending of life
This is a rough draft demanding a polished ending of time
Taste the blood, sweat, and tears I've poured into my cup
Feel, my gut, wrecked with fears, swore I'd never give up

I have spent too much time neglecting.. scribbling out ****
Save one last cent? Nah.. Spend it on stogies, zips, I'm broke
Why would I spend more of life reflecting sipping some..
Safe with past tense? Nah.. Share it wit chicks clicks and joke

I'm spitting fire on the mic like a Charizard
Metapod ain't got **** on Magikarp, still splash had no effect
the struggle is real and at the end of the match
i go hard i go large
i level up and take charge

if you wanna talk with me
conversation can be cold & chilly
My rhymes are unfair and offensive
JustIce for the presidential election
I'm a rogue with lyrical skills
I'm a guard can't pay the bills
I smoke I feel get real then go heal
people kneel at my feet cause I work deals and feed the weak
welcome to the flames with reality from chameleon cheek
This aint a ******* charity Im a rarity
A master couldn't capture me

I'll try persuasive
Make you rage with
Word course abrasive
Watching windows for the 5-0
Someone shut the ******* door
Been losing keno with the roaches
Ain't no dough from west side casinos

Get it? Good. Lucky like a four leaf clover
Eyes, keep em up... nevermore a pushover
Holding down the spot, grateful for Family

and holla at my friends
keep your chin up til' the end
chosen family was as good as you were getting
til' you met me? letting is a trend I'm setting

Spies, ***** em out... whoever
Holding up the spot, smokin on my ***
If lock up starts a'callin, don't start ballin
wrap it up and clear the hall to heaven

Simplistic living in this ***** hovel talkin 813 crap
Living stupid in this hole they call the ****** trap
Glendale's where I hail from,
AZ's got no compare, duh
There are demons lurking 'neath my hair
to be alive is to be SCARED?

I'm used to gettin *****'s wet, ***** full of honey dough
Talking bout some ditch, not the keeper girl though!
Guess what i've been told? my abdomen'll get tha shiv
no bloodstains on the carpet, thats how im tryna live

Drop and plop to the floor now the spot is hot
whole city in a shady spot and if you stuntin all a robot
snoopin down the block are some spooky piggy cops
truth in all these rhymes aint loosey goosey word slop

head spinnin know ill never win at wife
truth hits yeah it's ruthless call myself a trophy right
bubble butts and puddle ***** that's all the brothaz really want
treat keeper girl with money flow, make lemonade with sour hos

This is song from me, hey dear
You are the reason I give more *****
go ahead put up a listening ear
Yeah, I'm a dog whoofin at the ducks
She said he needs a reason to stay
he just wants her to understand him
Feel right about the past and feelin
what ever is the reason?
Tell me to stick around?
Whenever i do i just feel down and out
But i never forgot who this is all about

im a long ways from home
never pickin up the phone
people keep calling and calling
but i just want to be alone

you're lots stronger than i
you ain't well and healing?
i will surely try
to give you a get well feeling
so i wrote this lullaby
Sky Apr 2018
girl, don't pretend.
all dressed up in your
going Holly in Las Vegas
doing Molly by the Grand

girl, don't pretend.
one day you wake up at Kevin's
the next you wake up at Devin's
you do your make-up for Heaven.

yeah he loves Loosey
'course he do
he loves her
but how about you?

girl, ditch the Gucci
and the *****
and the boujee
folie a you

and don't pretend
to do
the things
that you don't do
lest, I leave you
ya hurd
Brent Kincaid Apr 2018
Loosey goosey, Gary Busey
Makes more sense than you!
What do you see, big kaboosie?
What would Vladdy Putin do?

Fussy wussy, presidential woosy
Tell a whole buncha more lies.
Flappy *****, big **** slappy
The best your money buys.

Choppy woppy, never stoppy
Even when caught on tape.
Shouty, pouty, tough it outy
Completely out of shape.

Fleecer, squeezer, ugely obese
Shadow of your youth
Ripoff, tipoff, always lipoff.
Incapable of truth.

Heapy cheapy, never sleepy
Won’t pay your own bills.
Brainless pain, runaway train,
All your ideas can ****.

Neego, peego, bloated ego
The little kids you scare,
Shard, pard, big tub of lard,
As attractive as your hair.
Heidi Kalloo Aug 2014
To be engulfed by her
in soundless sound
she swallows my all of me
to the point where I stopped
handing out my ***** to strangers
bite me
bite bite bite by bite
so far I am a nothing
in a pile of them
fighting for flecks
the masters sprinkle
so many flakes
too many to little
is it too late?
my thoughts and the
space between them
and the page
draw and
tell the truth
while you are
at it
or don’t bother
eat plenty
of fresh
hearts and minds
when open you can heal
open like newborn flesh
to the blade
mr murukami is
bloodshed an improvement
I think I can
build a good future
don’t control her
pain will follow
I die tonight as
we sleep together
only in a matter of speaking
miles apart
nothing holding us together at all
maybe in soon time the
world will grant me a love
if I keep looking
like ginsberg
If I tell the truth
and keep looking
eternity will unfold
a mouth places wet
kisses on each
skin cell now
wet and pink *****
lips ******
nervous lips
picked raw by a thousand
hundred trillion
searching fingers on one
a mass of them
tickling my brain and
flesh meager flesh
young and lonesome
sometime soon I
grasped the secret
to the universe
but my mouth was young
and starving so I ate it
for breakfast now
skin so dark
sun so hot
nothing for lunch
or dinner
what does she want from
me what does she need
the time I stroked her
head as she clutched
me crying beneath the
lunch table
sobbing into me warm
I thought of nothing
she makes me feel stupid
so I let the lips in
my bedroom’s orifices
in they seep empty on
the inside save
saliva and a
trillion thousand
swirling tongues
and stale air
licking me dry
licking me *****
licking licking
glossy and loosey goosey
when the time
comes I unlock
my mind and turn
the outside
to dry and dry lonely wanton
I die tonight an ***
comb  back
through and
read this that was
to me, hello. pitty the
the poor disillusioned soul
who forgets to forget me.
pretty girls
don’t tell
them they
are beautiful
such a waste
to let them
I hate this one.
Alexander Coy Nov 2016
***** posture,
this lady, hunched
over behind the counter
tapping at buttons,
clicks and whistles,
***** and pistols

we go bang, bang, bang
on, in and around one

and she's there, ringing
up products, pointing
at slideshow menus

which one is
perfect for an Atkins
diet, "The Carb-o-tastic"
she says with a mild grin

she's being sarcastic,
but no one can tell;
these days our eyes hide
behind screens, brightness
on auto-pilot, the human
race pseudo-connected

come one, this table is empty,
come all, i'm free and a loosey

the windows wiped
down, heads turned
at a ninety degree angle

appetites like magnets
directed towards red

this garden of Eden
used to be the refuge
for graceful angels

now it's all in ruins,

uprooted and discarded
like ***** napkins

she coughs and signals
her youngest daughter in

and tells her to mop the floor

some ******* spilled
a full cup of tomato soup

and didn't bother to
clean it up themselves
OnwardFlame Jan 2016
It's past one in the morning
And I would do a lot of things to not care or worry
About where you are or aren't.

Gotten to known the inside of my
Room real well these past 3 days
My lady friends console me my body and mind need the time to process, pause
My face is blotchy and red
I'm not sure why
You don't answer me tonight.

I heard you acted like an immature idiot
On set today
As a male friend tells me he's heard I'm "go with the flow, loosey goosey"
On my sets, "but that's just what he's heard."
Sometimes I absolutely hate everyone.

But I drank a few glasses of wine
Glad to be high
Beyoncé and Coldplay are the latest controversy but I can't get that catchy pretty song out of my head
Or how invested yet numb Chris Martin

Discussing over canned soup
How there's gotta be an expiration date on the two of you
As I hope you are working or asleep
And not neglecting and ignoring me.

But there is something on the brink
On the precipice
My room mate and I discuss
Something really ******* here, in our lives, in our careers
About to take off.

And though I try to bring you along
I try to roll out my magic carpet
Create a seat for you
I see you and I see you
And I watch you get left behind.
Little baby lucky loo
Cute little ***** cat
Used to scratch the legs that fed him
He used to blame dad for the rain
Even if he looks very tamed
But I love lucky loo
Very cute indeed oh yeah
Gray and white with a cute pink nose
He used to eat rockmelon
Which was unusual for a ***** cat
He used to walk around when I sang
We’re going to find a way
I hope you are going my way
Oh yeah I am a ***** cat
And me and you are going cruising together
Little baby lucky loo
Sleeping in the laundry
But when a friend was babysitting
Lucky went to her bed
You see ole lucky loo
Was a sneaky cat
Very cute very weird
And really sneaky
Lucky loosey was a little floosy
But deep down was the cutest cat
And was loved by everyone
Lucky the cat
Was a wonderful wonderful cat
He meows so much
His belly will ache
Just listening to lucky
The wonderful cat
RIP lucky cat
And now you are Daxton butler
Darkside darkside,
Where many souls hide,
To try to cover the collide,
Of souls walking down slides,
No vibrations,
Or tones, just repetitions of the ****,
Or many blunts, to smoke on,
Maggot brain,
Understand ya grain,
You only get one chance, to gain,
The world coated riches
Hope you pick this,
Materialism, spin the ism, plus the capital, of the capitol,
Mechanism, similiar to a guerilla,
Who could come off this ill,
Lab rat, hood pharmacuedical ****,
Peep the glance,
White coats, with blue gloves dance,
To the tunes of poison theory,
Yall dont hear me,
Consciousness grow weary, when i gather real, folks near me,
Rise a nation, without the radio station,
Take this take that, but ill be dammed, if they take my gat,
I stay up to bat,
Switch sides, now peep that hoo ride, see who glide,
Lile Clyde, chillest brother puttin' spit to a St Ides,
Im old school, like Dunkaroos, my millenials aint feelin' you,
These newbies, scared of *******,
Got every body, lookin' loosey,
Men is women, women is men, what the **** is this, type trend,
I back em down with ten,
Shots bet i they all become rock,
Pause that,
Reverse that, foul on play, fifteen yards to give away,
Im like Brady touching Tamba Bay,
So better beware, when these lyrics prey,

— The End —