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LK Mar 2015
Me and the crew riding around in the PT Cruiser.
Soda oozin' out the cup like the one of Biggest Loser.
Don't let the insults be spiky, like the shell of King Koopa.
Goin' back and forth : we in the movie Looper.
Be chill like the Buddha.
Dude, uh, I think you dropped your burger.
Electric surger blew up like the Time Warner merger.
The inside of our place on fire ;
The officer called us liars.
Wanted to throw us in the manor on the Cliff of Briar.
Yeah, it's an American Horror Story.
Being profiled because of ethnicity,
We're Mexican, see,
But we're not gonna steal something worth $3.50.
Looking at us like monsters of Loch Ness.
Yeah, we may come from a pool of cess
But you're simply too incredulous
To think of a time other than 1955.
You can ruin our lives
And throw us in jail in the blink of an eye.
Don't even need to find
A shred of evidence to kick our behind.
You feel like we're behind your back
Cocking our guns with a slight click-clack.
About to shoot them off with a ratatatat
While we're caressing our "gang tats".

But that's not how it is.
You think we all give weapons to kids?

This was my first draft of a poem I had to write for an ethnicity festival at my school. It was meant to be a bit funny (PT Cruiser) and this was one of my very first poems. I ended up borrowing some stuff from this and used it for the final version combined with my partner's poem that we ended up performing.
blekk, this ******* ragoon man
crab paste yuck
my stomach is festering in wounds of American Chinese
they put poison in my foods and I indulge and this is the result
final laid down rest
it feels
the white rice is nice and the lo mein, don't even get me started
                                               i Love it
noodles and rice covered in grease
                                                          ­                                        spied on from a box of spare ribs
they saturate in Sat Fat, check the label                781 SAT FATS PER SERVING  

Looper was good, and I was stuffed through all of it
grease traps, formed from my age of 5, filled to their brim this evening
starting a day with number 10 from Macdoe's: poor choice
smoke some grass and write a bit
that settles the swoosh of pirates fighting in my intestines
i give bloating a 75% definitive yes
                              25% maybe
          reality is
          I poisoned myself

don't do take out
don't eat what is not from its own country                                and made the same way
you know those ******* who make it are not eating the same **** thing
point is, I feel like Wesley Snipes and Sylvester Stallone are DEMOLISHing within.
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Ah, so sad, difficult relationship
seems to be no resolution in sight
two of us loaded, shooting from the hip
always in battle mode, all day and night
maybe of the aul block, I’m just a chip
saying things, one day unable to right
today I’ve had enough of their bad lip
two-faced, sarcastic, smiling false, so bright
just one more row could sink this rocky ship
with their cynical view on life, can’t unite
I bite my tongue, trying not to let rip
were stuck in a rut, sad, pitiful plight
ask anybody but me, she’s super
but I think she’s a functioning looper
Tyler Mar 2022
deceit in
being sold
some love.
broken promises,
fang scars,
and true senses
falsified, all in your lie.
i am no fool.
i am no god.
i am no you.
i am.
as they have been.
as we all will be.
now, we the concious, in our turn of history, do we truely stand by the values
of a good tomorrow, or stick to the best and worst of yesterday?
Paul Hardwick Mar 2017
Now I am old
I Can say
I still can't understand
why people are so keen to hate
not tolerate others
so keen to find violence
in just a comment
and not listening
to the words
or why these words may be true
I know I have my own world
and all true this day
But how can my words be true to you
you have so many more problems
than I have
or so it might appear to you but that may not be true
for I have more problems than you have
and for me that's true
have you even thought about it
and got in this loop

Love from me.
So SO True   P@ul.
Lewis Irwin Feb 2019
i'm struggling to find hope in my humdrum day-to-day,
i'd be lovingly thankful just for this poison to be cast away.
i'm struggling to find light on the darkest of days,
i'd be grateful for a heartily whisper telling me it'll be okay.

i'm struggling today and especially tonight,
it's a looper pedal kicked down as i wonder what happy's like.
i'm struggling in ways i'd never thought were right,
it's a distorted future where I breakdown in mirror fights.

i'm struggling and i really need help,
i just wallow and swallow the pain i keep to myself.
i'm struggling for words to explain my health,
i just endure and lure more demons onto my trophy shelf.

i'm struggling to plan my death;
i'm struggling to find my breath;
i struggled once to end my life;
but now in mortal death...
...i've earned my slice.
Nathan Young Feb 2015
Things aren't the same as they once were.
Perverted, our connection, you and I
due to the nature of an incident I procurred.
I miss the endless adoration once pure,
now muddled with a **** up and a "bottom's up!"
I raised the glasses, the bottles, the steins,
witholding truth, I ended with a bolsterous hiccup.
I laid in bed that night, in a drunken stupor,
covering my cold body with a sheet that lied,
hoping to move past so I shan't become part of a looper.
Alas, all was finally revealed and I to blame.
A fool to follow the masses, I couldn't find my own ground.
I should've fought harder, but now, I only feel shame.
I tried to embrace for that's all I knew what to do,
She shoved me into a wall, tears trickle down her face,
And all those barriers that I once broke down,
are now being rebuilt in what feels like the original place.

I don't know what to do.
I've lost all the trust.
Actions over words, she says.
Hit, Stay, or Bust.
I'm trying, lord knows I'm trying,
but in the dead of night,
when no one can hear,
I sit in the bathroom,
failing at holding back all those tears.
"I'm sorry, babe, I'm sorry."
Those words mean nothing now.
Words. Can't. Fix. Everything!

She loves me, which is why she stayed,
giving me a chance to fix the error of my ways.
She musters a smile, but I know that heart of hers is frayed,
but I'll find a way to prove to her that I am what I say:
The man she fell in love with, built on promises of old,
And if I may be so bold when I say, that I promise
our little sweet peas, will learn from this story and uphold,
the honor I had to fight for, and the lesson I had to be told.
I am truly sorry my love.
Robin Carretti Jul 2018
The smells of lilacs, hyacinths A+ grade
Singing Sade smooth operator
A Bed money growing on the tree
in her shade
Fifty shades darker pick your lover
And know who is the shady mentor

We got enhanced our bodies
like the prancer the globetrotter
Flaming heats he's the romancer

In trance-like money commodities
So hooked on a feeling, her bedroom eyes
The hot velocity eyes set to the sunset
uncontrollably, Colliegable. sometimes
unbearable, you could read her
French Provential
bed of the Constable

His food like rich money for the soul for
his taking she is the loving so able
A-Bed saleable but
very innocently gullible under rulable

Seeing the Oak trees cherry blossoms so feasible
The sponsors  and teachers of the  Princeton University
their beds were racing minds Einstein like Cougars'

The shades of her lips raced his money abed
Like Truman said Romeo and Julliete lovers
You all attend this Gala or the jokes on you Ha Ha
She felt like the Medusa head on the side of her bed
The stars moon Luna Bleu she was the coolest
of them all

Going to the ball what a head start to lie abed
like a loaf of soda bread the fairest of them all
The revolution led to a disaster up ahead
She loves to drink in her ladybug mug abed
He was the slug a dug like two men in a
Volkswagen yellow Bug

New Abode 777 lucky hicks of the road
Sticks and stones won't break her
bed bones
Her money abed Apple I phones
Her spyware secret agent ****** tunes
Became a showroom
New York City hot fun in a bed event
What did Confucius say
The British Colony

Money ABed it wasn't payday
Without the money no company

The Budha insight
After hours all A-Bed hell of a night
Lullaby Lula Belle the dictator came
Seeing Antionette with her tea ***** set
The State trooper the day tripper
Overnight A-Bed traveler looper
What a commutator acts like the
green alligator Grecian times
Chariots and Titans
Purple passion the
liaison his name is Devlon
This wasn't a cosmetic mistake
like Revlon strangers in the bed
Like a head of the lettuce seedy felon
Skin peachy clean like a melon
The Estee Lauder dictator
Attention Riveria head beaded bed
For the Queen of Sicily
Borghese bewildered like a pony
The platter of cheese Gromit

Or going to the Estate sale for all
the Kingsmen **** it
The money jars of Mason
by his water (ABed Bitcoins)
The holy water he got thirsty
Mighty high bed of the mutiny
Humphrey Bogart here's looking
at you kid and well fed
What looms ahead
Those wedding bells
She said I rather stay in my
Feminine Flower
Tulip A-MEN Bed

Her key to the trunk treasure bed
She bunked into God her virginity lifted
the gravity of her sexuality
Her cheeks came alive
like a  plum pie
Money A-Bed to be wed
This is about A-BED what was said the better insight late in your bed your face turned really red all in a rollercoaster ride Coney Island Robins way. Money always talks and rumors spread give me Peanut butter Jelly sandwiches instead
Robin Carretti Jul 2018
My happy shoes shined on him
The ladies "Joy" locked
The grand one
And the only rare one
Orient Express me
diamond locket (Moon Wee)
The constellation all he

Inside escapades
starry eye clues
In the wax of the candle
  Taking a tour
Madame Tussauds
His beat thousand times
of her hourglass
crystalline sand

Stepping up engraved words
"I Love You" grand slam home run
my freedom to love him back
So I will be (Dawn) set me Grand-don't
slam my door the most expensive

You got to be like a quicksand
Like the good-luck
Lotto-La La land
((Cinderella)) her Grand
Godmothers washing her floor
Her Grand finale Bella- Bella
Grand Meatballs vacation

High figuration the divination
The grand valuation of my cash diet?

Aim for the sky awe-inspiring
Cry Baby grand piano lordly concession
That's a riot comedy club of Moms
The milky monumental complexions
Robin flies  the Grand Marnier
we are family all International
Take all my ancestors
and first class kins
wipe my business
shoes give me__?

The whole works
"The Shoe Shiner"

The grandest times of sins
But we tweet in other
languages baronial
The grand thousands of human
mind like snowbirds sensational

Beach-homes waterfronts especial
All in variation harmonious
vacationers with their
Blue sky fancy poodles
Eating like birds chow- fun noodles
The Grand Hotel nest or maybe give
peace a chance John at a glance

We love the Floridian Fort Myers
The birds of 'Paradise"
 The flow of our pulse
lovebirds -R- something else
She thinks she is a step up price
Queen of Gracy Kelly

Oh! the hummingbird made
a grand slam harmonious
Go, Mustang Sally, the grand tally
That Grandeur "Red Riding Hood'
The goods her diction lucky night wolf
..... flight taking off pompadour "Rose"

Stepping up with the computer clicker
My mouse students theology
The goals phycology exceptionally grand
Like the statuettes to be kissed the Godly sand

How do we milk the whole cow?
Everything got sacred somehow
Where is our justice we need it now
Throwing white rice "Carolina" is ever finer
at traditional wedding turns dark matter  
How much more to sacrifice?

Oh! fiddlesticks, Christian Louboutin
Oh! Christ or her Manolo Blahnik
designer shoes she is as grand as a beatnik
((Faith)) taking one step passionately
The two terror twins think divinely
Taking the grand finale spiral staircase

Stepping on someone's toes or the
saying anything goes
Are butterflies they really free?
How much time do we have when
we cannot see any more beauty

Or catching fireflies Queen bees honey
Uncle Sam has our money this is the
'United States'.

Oh! No Webmaster, the romance booster
What a grand resister the greatest temptation the lover.

More hugs I will always love my Mother
she brought me into this world I felt grand
we only get one to observe another gifted hand
To be served engaged with each other
Picturesque goldmine
Valentine the plateau
A+ binge that cute chocolate
brown pups living
in the Chateau
The New Jersey ((Coolest Diners))
White china or Wedgewood or Crystals
Is always a grand invitation
Exchanges superb catnaps
you took a bite poison Apple
Meet the new modern
(Snow White) on the website
could see through her sumptuous clicks
Apple of first-class grandest school books

 She got an F for failure
I rather have the totally cool grand lecture

Stepping on someone's lap-(top) by the nook
What a **** "Hell-(Bottom)" he's super grand
but overcooked did we not see to look?
Having the grand finale snow wonderland
of  penguins
  (The North Pole) her gift that's another story
her nails the grand castle like no heaven
on earth glory

Old Meiser's square dancing pole  
How the world treats us and don't you dare
cross me my journey begins

((It's Totally Grand))
"Thousand Islands" with one step pickup your dog litter!!
The  waves so grand on the shiny white pearl sand
The purple rain Prince your divine love for
Passionate purple Irises tall and lean asters.

Oh! Jack in the slot Vegas box
the Philippine dictators' wife, 3,000
shoes embezzled
Whoa Oh! No 10 billion
the women that live in her shoes.
The *** in the City Carrie designer shoes.
The New York state of mind and Rome
3.5 million what a riot?

Her lips will chew to travel like the looper
So clean as mint lotto gum when the
dictators' wife bought 2,000 chewing gum
That is something to be grand about
(UFO) understatement- frilly- outstanding
in her "RV' Robin vitality stepping on victory
Her home the ATM my lordly place
The galloping gourmet in the
Galley the kitchen
The grand trophy ((Hollywood)) wife loves
chef knives LOL
This is a comedy did you ever accidentally step in **** not realizing it in the grass people need to clean up their act we need to know all the stories so many facts  get your coffee how do you like it hot boiling or scorching like mud stop being so comical Road runner how he shines in his Beamer. That Oh! Sit color hummer lets just get our frustrated our on the New hot drummer with the College girl what a stunner
Robin Carretti May 2018
Feeling the "Earthquake" not really knowing who your lover
really is. All spies like a Jupiter Ascending
love ammunition how it got you there is no pretending

    Boo Botox
     Net Flix
Does the letter
Solve our problems
       On a Fix

My X bigger bridges
Brooklyn hug sorry
(The Braggart)
Mr. Humphrey
Home of Ophrey
Supermarket X-play
Spoiled to
the very flame

life "X"  sport betting
X-Files hurt-playing
The book
**** and Jane
pooping and
cleaning up
Keep talking
to never
shut up

Marks the spot
X-Men cup
Where's your other
X husband?
Did he get bruised
So wounded by
another lover

Tight B-fit
Treasure chest
The pinch cheeker
Tried to heal him
I heartfelt his
Drummer beat
me to it

Computer Bugs
Ladybugs of aids
Teddy hugs maids

Judy red  Grape
ruby slippers
Her Garlands
Singing to the bank
The farmland
Dot .   .   .   .   .
Are you down
on your

She's highlands
Over the rainbow
  Oz only
Spellbound in
your sleep

Z   zzz  Z  zzz

Buzz-zzz Beeee
Mover trucker
Hoarder Fed Ex
So Wed-Dexter
Did you see the
tape of
The French
The *******
Raise her mattress
Don't hock my
X design
She is wanted
Up Up and away
Need an update
Her calender Girls
Bikini X=style cups

Those braggarts
Bring on nuggets
** -
The bragger
The true lover

He darts me
Twin Tigers eye
Lined and framed
Valentines Day xoxo
Laying hearts on
the line
He's playing darts

He circled me
tic tack toe

Zany Zorro
1 0  0 0 $ Extra
  ** The Taxman  
Oh! Why Y Y

down to
Zero Conman
  Singing the blues
Holiday Miss Billie
Let one X be my hero
Just X me 4-A

Of Spies per day
The Wolfine
Another X boyfriend
Time machine

Love conquers all
Another try

The old testament
The new Xtra
To be speared
The spearmint
Jupiter Ascending
in the future

Black magic or the
Told her X its time

Bloodline getting
More enemies
of your rival
The good
versus evil

Halftime marked
No time adjusted
The real-time
everyone's birth
Crying movie
Xtra needing
one bad

Pinch cheek warm
Looper fine Cooper
Spies coming to me
X   X   X   X

The love forever
But not willingly
Oh!   0  0   0

Like you were both
Marked to die

Organic minerals
Meeting X-men
Good time of currency
love potency
Highland to my fancy

The even exchange

He's X I am $

What would you prefer?

More TimeSquare
Love me not

Last City token fare

The math equation
Likewise silver teaspoon

Lovers measurable swoon
X men on the lagoon

Of the lord

The human state
Do you mind

Losing some stripes

Oh! Yikes making amends

People on the inside

Flattered by the energy
    X boast_
Heavenly encounter above
Name of a title 2 for X

Foremost another
Spy of
a toast
((To Be)) the most
Mark me and I promise
You will see
Jupiter Ascending
Her Floppy disk
In Gods love

The future we may never know

But all the love in the world

"Love Is The letter"
If your happy and
you know it
Clap your X- hands
No pretending just
move to
your destination
X marks a lot of loves but we need the movie Xtras
fifth Jun 2018
gliding through
those dangerous yellow lights
stepping outside
the smoke-filled highways
entering into a relapse
hazy chemicals started creeping in
black stairwell standing thin
with a balcony audience; telescopic justice
cctv cameras with red dots flashing
fearful, slugging away the underworld
but ******* those lips were made for
they were made for figuring out
starcharts; territorial exercise
executing movements, kamikaze sake
whirling death
where you'd definitely put it on repeat
looper paradise
steal the narcotic shockers
and donate it to this poor
soul, Pablo Escobar
even if you exit through
the shadows
maybe i'd still find you
biochemical traces
neon-covered faces
in those dangerous yellow lights
Robin Carretti Apr 2018
I need a double ??
Racing like a Viper
Hes cozy in his
Outraced not safe
Double pair++ life

Single* hair pulling wife
Frank (Sin)atra sin-full life?
Count 1-2-3-4-5-
Rodeo Drive
I don't even know
where I live?
Something gotta
Fashion car plate
More vulnerable
___2 survive

TV "Miss Kitty" Cat
from hell cable
Minds likewise soft pillow
therapeutic take the prize
***** double feature
Ms fever so clever
He's in a hurry
The City"Heretics"
Werewolfs Surf me
all over the computer
*****'s turf
Vixens Presidential Nixons
Hazy hands shady

Mr. Watergate crazy
Mrs. Order-Date
"Poison Ivy"
The hell mating
Madame Butterfly

Double talk befriending
Hallucinating double digit
compromising high fly

Time is flying we will all
be dying
Cannot get an ******
Keep trying

Doubling meeting
Please no weak ones
Only strong ones

Healing poem we have
Like a prism true heroism
Your hearing your own
sounds moans
Hell of a work out
more moulah money loans

Megababes "Dells"
Scarlet I dont give a ****
Like hell cyber war
Feeling weaker no stars
and goals

Hes eating your Moms
Pasta with capers
Acting like a ******

Feeling more vulnerable
Way too lovable
Things curative
U-R the native

"New Yorker"

He is the spiritual man
Crooked tax man looper
You are the writer
Photogenic going off
the rocker
Woodstock Joe Cocker
What would you say to me
anyway I will try to sing out a
tune dont walk out today
" Double Wedding"
Her name is (June)
he is (Dune)
Double whamo tune
sensuality in July

Symphony to your words
"The Gods"hot rods
Try a little help from
your friends

Those poem comments
the best remedy
He's tasting your words
Double act comedy
Vulnerable  thing can change to whats  capable make your move
Elpranav Jun 2019
It's nothing but a friendly smile
Then why am I still up at night?
Just her way of being nice and polite
Then why doesn't it leave my mind?
She likely forgot about it a minute later
Why is my mind still buzzing like a pager?
She already has a billion suitors
My presence means little to her
Yet the thought returns like a looper
Whether together we could have a future
She's focused on her work and nothing else
Yet I wonder if her heart could melt
In all honesty, to me, she's just a really pretty face
I'm just projecting my desires on a blank slate
I don't know what she's into or what she loves
I don't know what she hates or what she thinks *****
I don't know what she wants out of life
Only reason for my obsession is that smile
I already have my problems I barely keep at bay
Why do I fixate on something I'll never attain?
Even if she's all I have made her up to be
Am I anywhere close to someone she needs?
I'm certainly not a great catch myself
Ain't got much to display on my shelf
And I'm not the only one lining up
Many others here looking to be the one
Despite my rational mind screaming 'no way'
I'm still up late looking at her photo again
They say a picture's worth a thousand words.
I find the thought to be patently absurd.
To think a million terms could possibly describe.
What my racing heart feels when I see her smile.
About a million watt smile
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Everyday is a different day
Alive and fortune to say
Reason for existence
Never a constant
Situations are divergent
Unconnected contrasting
People are different adaptions
From their own core foundation
Stars form their own constellation
We can only admire their imagination
Only addition is the baggage
We have picked up
Thoughts and Feelings the currency paid
By our Hearts and minds proportional to what they weigh
For the excess baggage they carry
And dumped upon them daily
The word experience comes in handy
Makes us world weary
Ideally should make us lighter
Make the travel easier
From experience comes wisdom
Which makes our lives shine brighter
Misjudged the looper spun by law of nature
Lost the path and going in circles
We are our own architect of all the obstacles
The Universe refreshes itself
When the needles meet at 12
We burden ourselves with 24 more on us

— The End —