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Von White Mar 2019
Crystal tears in beams of the ethereal triangle. (Moth)
Leave gleams of cosmic rays of colors new from all angles
Crying trying to hug a moth.  
As Crystal tears fall on sacred cloths.
Benighted Bug embraced in hugs
Wings are spread to hold one snug:
Deepens the sorrow,
smiles be smug
Deeply sad
happy songs sung
Deep so deep in altered states fun
Deep like your hole that was never dug.
For this is why thy is sobbing yet numb.
So missed, so loved
this head in dread hung.
Hysteric screams loud left ears that rung.
Mourning love on lavish lush.
Perhaps hard drugs
gleam in this rug.
Like Twinkle stars in eyes of lights bug.
Flutter now precious one.  
That moment has come.
For that cosmic lights in the night sky has shun.
Fly off now and thrive
Through Blessed skies twilight.  
Omega trifecta disjecta in white.
Disregard all  life’s ill lies
Project Past false folly worlds not wise.
Omega trifecta eternal cant die.  
Clothed in robes on moths back we ride
  Purple eyes On wings spread so wide.  
Protected With swords
worn on there sides
Giants enlightened
with violet sash tied
Guide these rides like blades on arm right
through chaos harmonized untwined.
be three inside when doors thy find.
Under cat pelt black mat
Crystal white key sleeps and  hides.  
Unlock bone carved door,
to obscure and pure life.
Flesh cold on *** gold,
Twist it like Pyrex pipes.  
Looks dead
Though alive
Triangle portals for immortals to rise.
  In bliss gnostic gifts of the purest of kind.
alive in parallel paths that have died.
Blind not the light,
as black sun in sky rise.
Omega trifecta disjecta drenched white.  

Triangle eyes  
Upon moths wings.  
How nice was it for you visiting.
Lovely wings now wave to thee
Love has come
Love will not leave.
Of three
Triangles dance like seas.
White it be
of love
of 3.

Burn forever has this flame.
Insane deranged the mental state.
Delirium comes
And is here to stay.
Now in the dark filthy room,
the schizoid hides away.
In Torment
in dormant
Destroy rituals save.
Healed by the hand
Upon masters embraced.
Purify soul
Preserve culture and race.
Clean blood the last goodness
left in this wretched place.
Yet still in stillness
stagnant turns blue in veins
Bloodletting not upsetting
Blades sway without pain.
As well as chop lines
Upon mirrors for days.
Twisting Pyrex orbs like a game
As well as starve self in sacred ways.
As well as smoke finest of *** never laced.
As well as this huffing to **** cells In brain.
The alcohol be it the final Intake.  
Rituals so official for healing in this hate.
Sleep deprived
for up to thee days.
Final hours
bring forth meat and champagne.
Replenish the ugly shell carbon based
Starved for many days
Sacrifices made done safe
Acts watering spirit
Sacred like this self inflicted pain
Be it in ethereal place
Where insane becomes sane.
Clean the mirrors like spirits slate.
Awaken here to rise.
Eyes alive appearing crazed
laughs upon the sad estates.
Fear all clear has disappeared
Nearly forgot the name
again please come play
like the sun does in may
Cloaked with veils soaked,
like the bed lovers lay.
Cloaked in veils soaked
With inhuman healing rain
Cloaked in veils soaked
Through shadows in thick smoke.
Abstract absurd croaks,
hang from yellow ropes.
Oh strange these roads
magicians go.
Zero fear crystal clear
With senses unknown
It is upon the humans where Paranoid confused madness cripples all life.
Where the eyes of the rubber skinned demons flutter like fast as hummingbird wings.
No logic or sense
reality has shattered.
Machanical animals glitch out like brains splattered
Oh the inner urge to stab synthetic creatures
Oh to destroy Gears and chips inside that “raccoon”
Oh to have oil drop off this sharpened knife
How the **** can one ****
That which is not even alive
Malevolent smiles on people on all sides
These are the things
these eyes have seen
Enough now on obsessing
on that which is now cleansed.
These are the reasons this obscure life be led.
These be the reasons these practices one tends.
These be the reasons for the drs meds
These be the reasons one ***** up this head.
These be the reasons that one is not dead
For these sacred acts in fact have fed spirit and flesh  

Dancing and laughing now through storming waves of chaos seas
Immortal threes ride storms through dark nights.

Until Timelessness be kind with bliss.
These moments will be missed
For the horror be done.
For the flesh be at rest.
Silk was a voice that little wings said.
For fabulous readings
Whispers to heart In chest.
Last lovingly gesture
face gently corresed
Kissing soft wings as the honored guest left.
Gracious be glorious gifts that were sent.
For a  radiant cosmic ray is shun
A Glowing beam bright as the sun.  
Open ethereal triangle windows up.
Fly far now back to lands you are from.
to gaze into ethereal triangular windows.
Free forever eternal have fun
be a triangular window.  
Oh how now to frolic.  
Within Crystal palace.
Oh how to drink from the purest of chalice.
Oh how now to frolic  
Do not stop it
be not this calling.
Laugh and prans  
as if you have lost it
sheen as if polished.
Which  gleams like gold lockets
Soft the Royal purple carpets.  
Dance in trancemusic of inhuman artists
Terror tamed and disregarded.
of black and laced scarlet
Parallel white
Blackness falls.
Gone unto the sacred arts.
Beaming rays in callused  hearts.

Hard telepathic readings.
The physical health was releasing.
Now physical health is at full regeneration.
In threes
In these
Darkest light in vibrant scenes.
Walk the chaos fields
Laugh at this disease.
In threes
Your triangle
Your embrace please.
Speaking through the cosmic seas.
yes blood as flesh are with thee.
All moments of timeless times.
We both dismantled time and logic.
Witnesses of chronic tauntings.
Together cold hands at hops frolic.
Disability in the humans life
Keeping wits as sharp as knifes.
Laugh with thee
In three
Far to gone
Walking along with zero fear at all.
Within you now all distress is regressed.
You are immortal and free.
You speak through moths and trees.
Transcend the logic of all human beings.  
Beyond the sane and tamed.
Oh severely was such un heard of pain.
humans of hate and horror in black corners.
Chaos in eternal be harmony.
Through delusions
Through evil illusions.
Still immortals storm the insane vespers.
In m
Aquarius being of untouchable boundaries.
Virgo being of untouchable boundaries.
These moons

**** trying to word or logically read.
We’re born of the purest lights.
found in the darkest of seems.
In pain
In collapsed yet precious veins.
In pain
Happiness on earth not aloud.
Happiness in far away bliss.
Oh how the dread impails when such is missed.
In white
In ligh in black
Laugh with thee as the wretched attack.
In purity
With purple sash on white robes
In light in darkness harness you will be loved and whole.
Still shovels crave to dig six foot holes.
Still death appears in the faces of the cold.
Love fortold in the hopelessness like mold.
Oh telepathic wanderer of true purity.
Your purity and loving being
Eternal shall your light be strong.
Your love in lungs as one rips bongs.
Of three you and thee
Of night
Of light
No more fright
For blackness has led them to might that is white.  
For love from the purest has held out inhuman hands.
Forever infinite beyond imagination of man.
Forever gnostic callings in not so human lands.
Crystal tears beam in ethereal triangle (moth)
Natasha Jul 2013
Warm breeze,

                                                           Bear skin        


*breathe the forever, let the sky fade in your spirit
Sarah Spang Jul 2015
There is a trail in Pennsylvania that is barely tamed
That winds on down the mountainside and fractures into veins.
It lashes through the trees and wood, like man-made ligh-ten-ning
And offers streams of water tasting pleasantly of spring.
This way is framed with micro-caves and fissures in the stone
Where sweetest water rivulets feed moss that's overgrown
Haphazard wooden walkways dot the snake-like trodden path
Their clumsy steps all akimbo; they bridge the wild gaps.

And even further down the trail, dodging brown tree roots
That point like gnarled fingertips and target untied boots
Below, like uncut diamonds lodged into the mountainside
Gushing waterfalls sing aloud, in ranges far and wide.
Their surging torrents babble in a distinguished harmonies
The wordless wind responds by rustling through the countless trees.

There, at last around the bend, before the lumbered river
A bench there sits within the shade where coolness draws a shiver
The wood is at the mercy of the lichen and the rain
That rush to bring that broken boards back to the earth again.

And there, amidst the other foolish carvings in the wood
Scrawled with hopeful youthful hands that did the best they could
The chips and angles buried in reveal what once was true
This is the final place where I will always love you , too.
Visit my Blog for Notes and Extras:
Armand-DeamoJC Jul 2020
Life is a delusion of meaning,
We seek direction without seeing.
Death is deceived as the end,
For none accept it is meant.
The people will forever live a lie,
We're not meant to live, but die.

Infinite possibilities of history,
But one day it won't be me.
Ineffable beauty we all desire,
Nefarious cruelty we all will acquire.

The only greatness we will find,
Is that destiny is very unkind.
Cupid is ****** and love's a lie,
Another arrow, and I will die.

Let me feel love again,
To leave this world in pain.
I'm not a poet anymore,
But maybe I never were.

The words here, I have said,
Are the memories I have bled.
Heal me, but never take my scars,
Feel me, for I'll be amongst the stars.
For death is darkness right?
In space, there is no ligh.
Forever, I'll float into the abyss,
And maybe find something to miss.
Death might not be the end, it might actually be what we're meant for. What if you wake up again and you're in space. A star, or a planet. There are so many possibilities that some of us will make history, but I won't. We expect too much and receive the opposite. Love kills more that it creates, yet we desire it. I only speak of experience, a lot of other people have different lives, but too many share the same as I. Losing it all again, and again, and again. We only learn that we are irrelevant and family is the only love
Danny R Lopez Jun 2010
there's usually a sense of "hey this is what i do, this is what has happened to me, because of me, in spite of me", etc.  for most
for me, comfort zone can be a major issue.
So, i'm new here...or sometimes it's, "yes, i am".
struggle can be keeping it together
other times it's getting it out.
most of the time it's making it up as i go along.
other times it's repeating what i've previously made up.
not in a nonfactual or lying sense, necessarily. not in a laying sense, necessarily.
duality divides me though it's more of a choice, i suppose.
sometimes cynic, other times scenic. mostly both.
So, i'm new here...about 2 hrs. or 31 years. or for  an immeasurable blink of thought...i'm new here in the speed of ligh-deas.
there was 9 of us growing, 11 with my parents. now their is 8 of us still growing at the same individual rate and 1, i believe, expanding beyond what i am currently able to connect to. i miss it all, including the possibility of never knowing in the end.
my parents still growing.
the seeds of my own, blooming like rain drops turned snow ***** aimed at the desert floor. crashing with laughter, imposing their spirit and sky-packed piercing frost  to the desolate detail that awaits the on-coming wave of a background made of mushroom clouds.
so, since i'm new here i can be blatant in, yes IN, the surface and a bit more cryptic in the subtext.
it helps to **** out the times me being the ****.
like a self-aware filing cabinet, collecting dust, holding on to perceived archaic attractions like faded paper, record players and the sound of giant stones sliding across one another. the option of a lock. the reality of a handle.
is there ever such a thing as "rambling"? who defines compromise? is peace and non-violence the only thing worth dieing for? do we only act when given the promise of reward? blah blah blah. i genuinely ask these ?s but it's hard to stay unpretentious when you're talking about yourself so much...but hey, i'm new here and i'm trying my damndest to not give a ****, however i am writing this to share. perspective.  take it...leave it...put it in to...pull it out of. awaken. sleep. and awaken.
so please and thank you. and welcome.
S May 2014
i've been wondering if i should write a diary
but is it worth it?
Gustavo Cruz Feb 2011
My body has fallen, But my soul will live long
My spirit is flying, To places unknown
The memories of my life, Are left beside my bones
Dont follow me, Im on my own
I will fly forever all alone.

I have no name, Or even a form
I have no face, Or even a place
I walk alone on the path I make
I'm rider of storms, I'm the lighting that strikes and destroy
That burns everything it touch
I'm the rain that falls from your eyes
When clouds aren't white
I'm the wind that blows, And caresses your soul
It might be late at night, But I'm the moon that gives you light
I'm the fire that keeps you warm
I'm the water that gives you life

I'm the demon that drags you down
The one that follows you day and night
I'm your biggest fear
I'm the thunder that roars
I'm the wolf that howl's
I'm your shadow, That follow's you around
That make you feel scared, Even if there's light
I will have my revenge, I'll explode in anger and hate
Fear my words, Their are not in vain
I swear by God I will be back again
I'll rise from the grave, To take your soul
You don't deserve this life, This life you stole
I'll summon an army, An army from hell
You're not going to heaven, That's not your place
I have your seat next to mine, So we can both together see the light
While it disappears as we enter the dark
I might be dead, But I still can hate
I feel the anger flowing through my veins
When you smile, I bleed
When you kiss, I die
When you love, I hate
You took my life and with it you stayed
I'll whisper at night, The words you deserve
The Earth will tremble, When my wrath has its place
Don't try to fix the problems you've made It's too late
Don't try to stop me it cannot be done
My fury and anger are stronger than yours
You're the responsible of my pain
And for that you will pay
The time is running out, And so is your life
Beware of the day when there's no more ligh
Old one. One of the firsts.
Christopher Mata Jul 2014
I was eight years old when i met you , my best friend you

were wearing a dorky dress your mother picked out

, your hair was much longer that it is now

you have an enticing smile that would make anyones day

eyes that glimmer in any level of ligh

t we would spend hourse speaking of dreams of what we wanted when we grew up

from that moment i knew i would never want to be without you

but i couldnt tell you that out of fear of pushing you away

why cant i love you?

as we got older your beauty grew bolder

and my feelings got stronger

the one thing that didnt change was the amount of time we spent together

i loved those rainy days we'd stay in and watch movies

the way you would rest your head on my shoulder or hearing your adorable laugh at the random scenes

i loved the summer days where we'd go to the lake

the way the sun would make your skin glow

or how your eyes reflected the deep beauty of the water

I love you

why cant i love you?

with these feelings rising threatening to burst out i just had to tell you

but there was something you had to say first

you told me you met someone

i was forced to slowly watch as your hands clenched

then have to listen to every detail of how your lips first met

all i could think was how your hands belonged in mine

why cant i love you?

after months of torture , i remember holding you as you cried

apparently being with only you wasnt good enough for him

im sorry i couldnt protect you

but just know that for every tear that fell , so did a piece of my heart

and that in my arms , no one will hurt you

i cant remember what i said but i got you to smile this was it , i leaned in to kiss you , but you stopped me , saying you could stand to lose me too

why cant i love you?

dont you see you would never lose me because i would never let go of you

from the moment i fell into those accepting blue eyes i knew you were mine

you may think youre an emotional wreck but i can carry you

like a bird with a broke wing stuck on the ground let me mend you , so we can soar let me be the one who shows you true happiness

let me hold your hand

let me help you

let me inside your walls

let me love you
softcomponent Oct 2013
I consider myself a pyromaniac by design.
**** me softly with your absence --- you ar
e dead to me
as in you are gone, but you
continue to haunt my loneliness with your i
nflicted trauma. and all I want to do is make
you understand that *you are an evil disc of
make-believe in make-up - - - you are not m
y sun - - - you are a cheap fluorescent ligh
tbulb hanging by a dusty chain and it's been e
asy finding a replacement with every step outsi
de - - - even the most overcast days are brighter
than you.
Everything feels in slow motion
Like poison, running through my vains
Going nowhere but my brain.

The day is slowly coming
I wanna talk to you
but you wouldn't understand.
Just take me back to the first day
When we were lovers and nothing else.

Speaking the truth in love
We fought it, made it right,
Walking down the hallway there's a light
That tells us everything's gonna be alright.

Stay by my side
'Till the morning ligh comes out again
Hold my hand
And everything will be alright.
Liz Anne Oct 2012
You're not sure but she makes you think
She can't see you but from afar it’s a bit puzzling
When you haven't the chance and you almost believe
She'd rather be invisible for the sake of mystery
She'll draw you close with a glance, you don't yet sense
Her flighty fence at your approach she'll draw the gate
Time and time again until you begin to think
There's not much there behind her thoughtless wait
She'll show you everything from across the room
But her face is unpainted color in the nearness of ligh
When you finally turn, you'll finally learn, to look away
The smile you'll miss, the flicker of mischief in her eye
Is her greatest secret, the one that will pull in another
And all too soon he'll begin to think he's just as far
Yea it's been pretty lonely around here lately.
Between my bed
and the moon
and the dim ligh
t it shines into the kitchen
at 3 am.

It's funny because
I'm surrounded by silence
but my mind
can't seem to stop screaming.
I'm just left here with  myself.

All I can think about
is how much I'd love
to switch places with the moon tonight.
sir humbug Jul 2023
five years ago, June 2018,
I, poet Sir Humbug,
wrote:that the job of the artist was to be
luminous and dangerous


the job of the artist
is to be
luminous and dangerous

luminous to others
by being
dangerous to themselves

when the words are ripped from the chest,
atmosphere disbursed by the body’s projectile messes,
starburst fireworks,
luminous and dangerous,
luminating the shared night,
laminating your truths,
in poems disguised

and so the job,
our work,


five years on,
somethings have changed,
indeed, the dangers of
being luminous,
clarifying and exposing,
the requisite badge of courage,
need-be more desperately earned

the work is more risky,
as the rules of now are none,
and the risk of good taste,
thoughtful caring,
exposing you innards outwardly,
so easy to demean
and sadly
that titillates the iliterati

like a fire-working fireflies flashing,
their in-concert of ligh attracts the
oohs and aahs
but too,
the restless for glory,
opinionated blowhard,
whose critical boundaries of ill will

write on, right on
to be where courage be the
sticking point!

your verbs must be pointy,
your direction true,
adjectives of modest innovation,
craft harder, then harder again,
for the work must be honest
in a manner most delicate

now is the time of
subtlety -
if one must bang pots to be heard,
that you to are but a noisemaker, a loser,
an addition to those
lost in the din

quiet passion,
thoughtful insight
to inside, to the tender parts,
will rule the day

and the blow smokers
will rue the day,
as their pretenses chafe and flail wayside,
and your words,
be like sightings of new lands
where you take us utterly beholden,
willing explorers to places most wonderfully

luminous and dangerous!
MsAmendable Apr 2015
A candle  in the
Dark           Like a
Ligh              Tbulb
In a                  Box
Flick               Ers
Until t        He bat
Autocorrect hates this poem with a vengeance.
it is cold
it is vary cold
i look to the ground only to see red
then to look at the sky and thinking am i dead
as i ligh there
in that cold place only thinking of grace
i see a light
it was so bright
so i then took flight
Olivia May 2018
What is happiness to you?
Is it being being with your family?
Or is it being with by yourself?

The state of happiness is different
For everyone, Something that causes you happiness might not be what causes others to be happy

People don't realize it,
But we need happiness in our lives, they may want to dwell in the darkness and it's our job to show them the ligh
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Time is ticking
Ligh walking
Darkness crawling
Ideas spinning
Yet nothing is done

Words are spoken
Thoughts spread
Food sheared
Roofs made
Yet nothing is done

Cults are raised
People hypnothised
Brains fried
Teambuilding learned
Plans made
Yet nothing is done

Spirits are killed
Ambitions beheaded
Souls crushed
Believes imposed
Freedoms taken
Everything is meaningless
Autumn Noire May 2022
I think I’ve fallen out of love
With you, more like new you.
I miss the honeymoon phase where things were good
And no wrong could be done
But four years down the road and no fights have been won
Just each time you snip or snap it takes me back
Further and further from you
But we’re four years in what am I supposed to do.
I feel in debted to you in mind body and soul.
Four years of intertwining meticulously we’ve our web to make it one.
The first years were fun
It’s like a really big rollercoaster but all it does now is go down
Down down into the ground never ending with spirals
When we met there was such a bright ligh in your eyes but everyday now it’s like it’s died
I don’t see you , just the shell that you’ve be come
From let down after let down
I’ve tried to be the light to help guide you
And at first you brushed my flame making it bigger along the way
But you’re out of breath
Or I’m out of wax
I think I may have burnt to bright for you from the start and my wax isn’t forever
And your breaths are getting more shallow.
As if both of our purposes have been forgotten
Or more so they have evolved
But even though your geek squad this isn’t technology you can figure out.
People are made of behaviors and each one can be altered and it seems we no longer fit…
Like we did.
And maybe that’s on me
But to me it feels like it’s on you
What am I to do…
To utter these words to you what good would it do for either of us.

— The End —