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They'll call me crazy
I have no care for this realm
I'll find you on the other side with open arms
Cracking smiles
Tiny waterfalls from your eyes
I can sleep forever knowing that I'll find you in my dreams
They'll call me crazy for not being able to let you go
But I know where my happiness lies
I've promised to visit you every night
Now I'm promising to stay
I hate to see you're face turn with emptiness when I awake
I've made my decision

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Tears are reflections of an act
Test this with passion
Losing everything before your eyes
Tears are emotions
Finding reasons to feel
No subject
Not subjected
A killing desire to find a way to
Act upon what will come true

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Night wrapped in night
came to take me
my bones shattered
my vessel was cast away
Day wrapped in day
Awakened me
I've became whole
A new breath
A new beginning
New opportunities

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Thoughts are scattered
Words are lost
I rely on your existence
keep me at peace
My heart heavy
My body weightless
I only smile within your presence
My cup runneth over
My stomach full
Surely I have a vision to share with you
Darling with the sweetest heart

By: Leory Santana Dawn
They say be happy about the days God give you to live to experience another breath and all the humanly things that makes a person human. But I can't stress it enough on how ungreatful I am to even be alive and go through the things that makes me think. On a daily note I wake up with my own germs and the thought of aging simply for nothing. I once thought as you age things will get better though there would be minor setbacks; however life has taught me well to never underestimate. In my dreams I see my death as beautiful as ever some in which I'm hanging from the rope tied to the ceiling of my fan and some where I'm walking upstairs in my apartment to make it to the top of the world falling from the edge. When I awake I'm left to feel misery of another day. I've met God and the devil... They look like me just on the flip side they have power over what's to come in my unneeded life

By: Leory Santana dawn
To give or take is an act of creation beyond the simple measures of life itself
Beauty is not in the world
but in thy eyes
We create an images of the world
making life beautiful
But if we open our eyes more
The truth is exposed

Beauty is only an illusion

By: Leory Santana Dawn
My world spins within your twilight
Morning falling behind the sun couldn't possibly be any more beautiful without you.
Blooming with the desert I grew from the ground like a cactus taking me away within your thoughts, heart, and desires.
From birth things were already written that I'll become one with my other world that's instilled in you

By: leory Santana dawn
Do I give you the sweetest
oxygen to inhale
In exchange for you love
Your cravings are too much
You're carving yourself into wood pieces
Don't light your torch too fast as rain may come
I'll follow the ends of your mud prints

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Hold me hostage within your misery
I'll gain the walks in your path
Push me furthest away
Please don't lose your way out of the darkness
The light from your eyes will fade away
I'll be your eyes when you lose your guard
Shall your rope be thin
I'll become the extra layers
You're reason to love
And be in love
Those two are always different
Do know this to be fact
I'll help you find your reason to wake

By: Leory Santana Dawn
she slips away like fine thread
Between my fingers she falls
I still manage to pull her back
After all these years of searching in the wrong places
She kisses me
Every kiss freshened

By:  Leory Santana Dawn
Scorpio Love
Her touches are like night reaching towards the light
Lips are her pilot reaching towards mine, I can only indulge in the art of us being united as one.

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Dear leory
The day you walked into my life you changed everything.i should not love the way you sneak up behind me and steal a kiss but i do.we should not be alone but we you look at me i know whats on your mind.everytime you touch me it ends up in our cloths scatter every were.i love the way you run hands up and down my bring out the woman in me all the time.just to feel our bodise swaying together brings a pleasure words can't you kiss my neck i close my eyes and get lost in the moment.leroy you make me want so much one night is never enough.your not just my best friend or my lover.everynight i thank god that he sent you my beautiful husbend called leroy.
From your loving wife
A lie  was told
It's free for them
Others spend years paying
To breath cost a lot just as well as sleeping
A lie that was told
We die as they strive to live forever robbing from the innocent, the poor, and the dead

They ****
They take
They lie
They destroy

While we're in ******* for such crimes
A free country
If only my laughter was heard
Where is this free country?

Our rules were founded by criminals
That's even more hilarious
We beg
Give our lives
Make many more sacrifices

They smile
It's a joke to them
A sick joke

A free country for them
We dwell in it

By: Leory Santana Dawn
I stare at the layers of your lips wanting them to brush against my skin like peddles dancing in the wind when it's spring;
feeling the fine print of your hands well defined by your touches  
like no other has ever touched me

As I watch you leave the front door exiting our palace; I beg for God's mercy to bring you back safely as you came that fist day we've met on the ocean side in the late spring
I count 23 days with the celebration of having you in my life plus the months

You say worry no more but I can't help but realize how much you mean to me and how much I want to make this small beginning a forever...
How much do you love me?
You ask so boldly
Little do you know I love you with everything that makes me who I am with my flaws and perfections
I love you like everyday is the last day to tell you that I love you

I love you that much to tell you ahead of time that I'm in love you

By: Leory Santana Dawn
She's cries under the pressure of finding love
She turns her back on what lies above her wanting nothing more than to be wanted and accepted
She walks in the path that screams save me from myself with threads of emotions attached to her
Her body aging from what was once new to what is now older with an imagination so vivid that it causes her salted wounds to raise above what nobody else sees
Somewhere in her heaven there's peace like no other
A journey to find the smallest faith in the world that takes away her reason to breathe; her reason for finding out who she is
She counts her days in seconds and her breath in hours like a discombobulated  calender
What she hoped for was simply the lost part of her; Her heart to be completed not by those who she consider family or friends but by the one that will save her from despair
Only a woman now that was once upon a time a little girl
She cries with her body more than she displays tears
A piece of hope in the world of the
She walks that path

By: Leory Santana Dawn
How do you fill the hole in a heart
When the body is a hole itself?
Electrocute my soul to wake me up
Wake me up from my emptiness and I'll find that there's more emotiness while awake.

I'm convicted
Convicted of living the life that I don't desire but the life that was given in misery

I'm accompanied by false happiness
Given by the skeleton hands itself
With roses of death and pain

Empty my body where it stands from the morning until night because I can't find my breath
I can't breathe anymore but yet I'm alive within myself while my body moves

Capture me before I fall because grace hasn't found me

Interlaced with her existence
I'm defined by a new found love that sweeps me off the heavy grounds of life to only be lifted 50 feet higher from the surface.
There's more beauty in the world than I've actually expected; there's so much more through you than I've expected... I only want to wake up beside you when this year is over; when this year has closer to enter the next I'll be with you forever as I've promised myself.

Pardon my soul for I've came to realize that I'm entirely yours and yet a lone I'm still of lost world.

By: Leory Dawn
Where your soul is dismissed
You rely on the truth for finding a reason
To exist, love, hate, and perish

Bones to ashes we become
magnify on the time of losts and gain
How can we live when we're all struggling to breathe?

Truths become lies
Beauty becomes a phase
An illusion to find a reason to smile
And ask ourselves what made us happy while we lived

My understanding of how such a ****** up illusion can be so ugly that it becomes beautiful to indulge in the act of of finding who you are

What's a day when it's always night?
Ask yourself away

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Filled with light
Full of life
Her voice should be heard

She doesn't need pity
Only open ears
She needs to held

She stands in depression
I empathize
She soaks herself in the rain
camouflaging her tears
I take her
I take her inside

She has a voice that's needs to be heard
Behind her words
The loniness is displayed
Behind her tears
there's chaos

Her mind is beautiful
But troubled
I understand her meaning
I'm her open ears

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Years of regrets
Drowning me in my sleep
Preventing me from moving
I'm missing something that'll never be rightfully mine.
Years of self torture
Self pity
Now I awake with carvings of my holy death set me free
Set me free for all the hours it'll take to rid this lost
Rid me of my desires
I find my lost in others but it's never the same
Jolly faces happy to see me at ease from labor
All the days and nights blink at me in my face
She's not here
She won't be here
I find her often but she's not mine
I worry her no more  
I'm consumed by emptiness  
Rid me of the memories of her
Set me a new life so I can make it better next time around

By: Leory Santana Dawn
I'm tired of the emptiness I can feel myself getting closer and closer to finding my own solution
Force my hands back in my pocket
As much as I wanna touch you
I'll take the tears of happiness back to replace them with the things that I couldn't grow.
Give me my soul of heart
Give me my soul of faith
I'll be on my way
Finding another walkway
I'm wanted somewhere else
Not you

By: Leory Santana Dawn
The garden stays green with with my vains. My heart turned into a ruby; blood stone of love. I've seen the beauty within you while i was sleeping next to shaded moon and my tears swept the night by fast with your luck, love, and sympathy. I've sprung from the roots of creation just to be with you and yet you didn't know my attentions. Fantasy became you while soft tunes played in my head over and over again. When my lips pressed against yours time became limited and ceased within your control for that I knew my heaven was here and didn't wanna wake up so I decided to stay still with waters as they remained heavenly blue with your smile aside.

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Postitioned in my sight of mind
I do liveth with the art of heart
Kissing in the mourning of brightness; the nightfall becomes the sweetest ever.

Guiding me by my wrist towards
Holding me so tightly with slight to be my piece of peace

I couldn't dare imagine such moments without thou near my right side. You'll only leave when time is broken, when the darkness in the day becomes forever

Eternal love
Eternal peace
Eternal youth
In this same time frame

Time on top of time I'll be sure to be with you

By: Leory Santana Dawn
May I stare at you until dawn breaks?
I'm not talking about my name
I'm already broken
May I cherish you like God cherishes his creation?
I can't promise you that I'll love you like God but I'll come close enough
May I be the brightest star in sky that you've been looking at since you were a little girl and now you're grown?
I'll shine brighter than anything you've ever seen but I can't say that I'll be here forever as much as I would love to
May I perform Clark Gables famous kiss with you?
I can kiss in a style that you'll never forget
You'll forever feel my lips; wherever you go
May I walk with you  down the alley?
No I'm not talking about any alley but the alley where you'll walk with me as my wife

By: Leory Santana Dawn
They ate of my flesh while I stared in their eyes that cried for a brief moment. Their tears were of happiness; nothing more than my defeat. They flossed their teeth with my fragile bones feeling a thirst for my blood.
I've begged them to allow me to rest
They continued to rip me in pieces and put me back together to do it all over again and again.
They grinned and danced in my pain
God didn't come
God didn't see
They knew God wouldn't look too far right or left to find me in the scattered limbs

By: Leory Santana Dawn
I'm not finish
Don't go creeping in the Devils nest
I'll warn you now
I'll warn after
Don't glare in the Devils eyes; he'll tarnish you
Seeking the truth  
You are?

Forget it

He'll make his lies reality

By: Leory Santana Dawn
In the night we lied beside each other
Kisses were sterling silver and time was no more just as space.
You took me all in space with your gentle hands that brushed upon my naked body. I inhaled the sweetness and sour sweat with a passion knowing that it was only right that I was beside you. I've came to realize my desire was you all along and I've tried to escape my fear; my fear that I was falling too fast for you. Like potion in the nightfall you swept me was only beauty that blinded me not love

By: Leory Santana Dawn
You're a starlight in the making
You shine
You shine so bright
If anybody doesn't notice you
I do

You move so swiftly
All my attention on you
Nothing else matters
Nobody can  come as close to having much meaning

You're a new definition
A living proof

By: Leory Santana Dawn
How can white supremacist protest about making America a better place by concentrating on hating people because of differences? Something that's dates back further than Europeans and Spaniards settlement in this beautiful country. Have these people of today's world forgotten where they've came from as far as their ancestry and about the people whom they've slaughtered were in fact the Natives. They forced people to fall under their religions as far as Christianity and so on. African american women and men know that they're African decedents; but they know nothing about what was taken from them and we overlook it.

People that are apart of the LGBT community finally have the freedom to do as they wish with whomever and these white supremacist want to take that away from them again.

KKK's are against interracial relationships and yet some of their people within their bloodline ***** a lot people; let us not forget according to history the first interracial relationship in America dates back to April 5, 1614
Pocahontas and John Rolfe.

Jews were tortured by Nazis from 1933 to 1945.

Hispanics escape their originally places of birth to come to a country that gives people the right to make a better life for themselves and decisions just as well as everybody else.

People are so busy minding everybody else's business but their own

History creeps up on the current.

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Will I become the pages in your diary?
A breath taker created in the form of words,
a title to tell a story of a prince fighting his way to you, an idea of creativity and distraction
Will you rip me from your diary if I only brought to you sorrow
a flow of words that others won't comprehend other than yourself.
How many endings will you make of me until everything falls into place?
Will I become your final sonnet ?
Continue giving breath to your diary filled with words

By: Leory Santana Dawn
The broken is only fixed by those who are fixed

By: Leory Santana Dawn

Can't grasp perfection
It's like grabbing air

By: Leory Santana Dawn

To be continued
Falling in the depths of projected storylines; it all seemed too beautiful to comprehend.

My tongue was enslaved by butterflies and my lips were sealed by sap.

I didn't give it any thought while wondering on the rocky sphere chasing after the moon and the Sun as they took turns winning 24 hour races.

I've chanted the words that gave me a chance to look behind the illusions that blinded everybody else.

Our lives have became novels, our lives have been in shame far too long; we go so far in history just to be remembered for the beautiful things that were carried out in life.

I only ask that I'll be remembered for my soul wanting to love everybody.

My path is loaded with encounters... There's nothing that I can do.

By: Leory Sanatana Dawn
Will never count all of the ways that I love thee for that words could never put forth as much effort as action.
By: Leory Santana Dawn
We loved each other more through our mistakes

(To be continued)

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Light years; I've told myself that I'll find my way to you
I won't lose you
I'll keep you
I'll keep you forever

Centuries; I've told myself that I'll turn reality into a fairytale
cast a spell to be away with you
Away we shall go
Don't let the time slip away from us sweetheart
Don't let the clock beat you

Decades; I've told myself that I'll keep you close
Vain to vain as one
Our blood as one
I'll keep you close
I'll struggle with you through age

Years; I've told myself I should plan ahead of myself to make you mine
I'm still working on the beginnging
A love story in the making

Weeks; I've stayed up bringing life to my promises
I won't lie to you nor myself
I'll keep you

Days; I've counted the hours preparing myself to be your light in the dark
Guiding you towards something beautiful...

A possible chance of ( US )

By:Leory Santana Dawn
The creases of your lips sinking into my skin
Each kiss flowing down my spine tickling my soul out of it's shell
I pursue my thoughts and desires
A sense of faith that this will never end
I want a tale within a tale
That I'll limp in pain in my feet to just to see what will happen as God will throw me me in your arms reach

By: Leory Santana Dawn
He became the very breath that she couldn't chase after as for her... she became the the tale of a lost woman
Together they were bonded

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Loving you with all the doubts that I wouldn't be able to see your empowering love and yet I'm left in this silence to soak. I've only dreamed of the remaining days to escape this casket world in hope that I'll make forth your happiness and desires. I'm now under the passing grey clouds. Taking my breath away for Gods sake you've done well; my heart is puncture by all the tiny things that are actually big now. I've only seen the the brightness in you that caused me to only hold memories of every shared experience in your light while I stayed awake in dark. My mind is poisoned by your willingness to despair, to escape, to challenge love, and to not form our our reality together. I'm too insane to actually consider that I wasn't sane in your bubbled world; where time appeared in your favor to break me in the half's that couldn't be seen by the naked eyes. You've pulled me away from death to make me live once more; the scenes that were repeated in my world kept me uplifted to a better thought that I'll approach my wish to be loved once in my life. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was captured by your faded personality; smiles that that cried sadness and pain, touches from you that felt like somebody needed to be touched with love, eye's that showed a soul escaping from it's flesh, and ears that needed to hear these words; " I love you ". Your blessing birth and existence I couldn't have been more happy to have met in the ages of darkness in my life. These approaching mornings I'll wake-up not aside you but in the emptiness of space where I'll picture your frame as if it was traced with burning charcoal. The timing on life is too hard to keep up with knowing that I'll be left in the middle of a blackhole only wanting to go back in time to relive those moments with you, those moments I've left my world to enter yours to be apart of you. My steps have became silent. I'm walking in the fog in prayer that I'll find my way back to you, I'm stumbling with glass shardes in my feet. My blood becoming thin as my heart give out to pump recycled blood with imprinted words; " I don't want to give up on you". Don't see me out the door. If all was done over again I'll only want you to open the door to allow me to step foot in your heart resumbling how things were before the bulb lost it's light. Age will beat me without hesitation and love will have it's calendar being missed. My soul will grow weak towards it's inevitable path. The winter breeze upon my heart will **** me off before my due date, a day and a date that I'll tell you; "I miss you, I miss your light in my life". I'm bottled by the shouting emptiness I'm bottled by the feeling of love I'm bottled by you.

By: Leory Santana Dawn
I'm not what you need
only what you can use
Long conversations within the night
Touches with passionate kisses
Acceptive of your differences
Playing innocent
The easiest for you
I'm not what you what you want
Only what you're borrowing from the next
Pieces of lost happiness channeling your mind
Tight hugs that tell you a story of what shouldn't be lost
Long walks on the beach to make time go by quicker
I'm never going to be what you need
No sense in lying within a bed of lies to wake up
Convincing yourself that just maybe...ONE DAY....
He can be the one to fill the empty space
I'm not what you're seeking or speaking of
I'll play dumb for myself not you

By: Leory Santana Dawn
The leaves may take season
while I grow in this hole wanting this to end
     A raining day may appear at any moment while I sit here wondering where did I go wrong
     The earth may rotate nonstop while I lose myself consistently to the things that I cannot control
God may look down upon me; crying as he did for all his other children... I will find myself apologizing for the hollow shell I've became
  When did I stop living ?

By: leory Santana Dawn
Surrender your heart like an offering to God
Touch me like you're  reaching for furthest star that caught your attention; better yet a piece of glass that you're gluing back into your life
Chase after me as if it's a rainy day and you just decided to play in the rain combining your tears and emotions all into one source of happiness and desire of new found fate
Follow me like you follow your dreams folding within each other
Love me as if I'm going to die at any moment making each
breath apart of your memory
Love me in the hopes of never seeing a
ending so heartbreaking

By: Leory Santana Dawn

— The End —