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Chinny Maia Mar 2018
U gat me thinking all *****
U gat my mind all flirty.. Or is it filthy..Hehhe
Mehn.. U gat me saying.. Yes papi

Wind on me baby
The way u move ur spine is alarming
U gat me blood all hot.. I'm screaming
Don't let go baby

Bring that body my way
U knw u ain't goin no where
Once I have got my way
U know u wld want to stay

Can't get u off my brain
Thought of u flooding my viens
Drooling over u...
I gat to have u

**** u gat me thinking *****
U make me want to be so naughty
Bring ur body this way
I have got plans.. That wld make u scream hey!!

O my.. Naughty naughty
U really gat me all hot n sweaty
I ain't leaving here alone
Come on..i knw u want more

Yes u are my Naughty lil secret
The one I cant regret
The one that i hv bn looking for
The one that always has me wanting more

My naughty naughty..
Harley Hucof Jun 2017
(S)weet smile and bright eyes
(W)e said we'll wait but that was a lie
(A)nother night by my side and u crave it
(L)ets get naked i knw u wnt to taste it
(L)ife is short so is my patience
(O)nce i've said it it became my obssesion
(W)ill you be my wife?

(I) love you so much
(T)ime to admit what a mistake that was

Words Of Harfouchism.
Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
About 2 watch a m0vie
I'll b seeing it Through my eyes
I hope its ur face I find

Its been so long
Since I felt ths way
Dnt knw wht 2 say

Thrs no sense of direction
No commitment
Nothing tht wud make me run away

Not once did u judge me
On how I am
Nor hav u tried 2 change me

U r fine with wh0 I am!

U knw I can not love u
N0t tht I dnt want 2
But nxt 2 me u stand

Ur da only 1 thts different
Da way u stood tall 4 me
And defended me
No1 has eva done tht 4 me!

I knw ths 4 a fact
U & I will walk 2getha
Quite a distance

I'll be seeing you in my movie
I'll be waiting at da bar

Thr I will thank you
4 being da best I'v had s0 far
im calling 4 yu,if its the last thing that i do......
never let the devil interfere with me...and i knw ...
that i wont be yelling help me from the
top of mi lungs..i dont knw where i am...nor what i did
wrong...the devil is tryna *** to slowly letting
it in and thatz what i shouldnt me,help me,please
rescue me from all alone,cuz all i hear is complete
silence...never the less god is near...i knw he listened when
i called upon him loud and clear........
Ashmita Agrahari Oct 2012
As soon as i get a new way..
An obstacle comes around to sway..
Theres no way around to get through it..
But to sit back and wait for it..
The beauty of anxiety became endless
As m goin restless
Here i remember d warrior in me..
Who could get through n come out as a survivor for me..
I don't knw whats the meaning of real pain..
But for me this time is  goin insane..
Wheres my angel wheres my saviour
M insearch f my happy near..
Akash mazumdar Mar 2014
Wer is d love wer is d felling??
It's only alone dat m living,
no one bothers wat i do,
dey r simply ignoring me cuz dey wanna never knw wat i am going through,
and they push me to the fire as that's there only work and,
is the 1 of d worse thing the usualy do,
i cried soo much but the pain still is alive wid in me,
i want some 1 to free frome these,
hell life just a simple thing i want,
dat i wanna b happy and scrolled,
to nearby every person whom i think dat he/she,
can understand me and be,
help to make me upcome from m goin through,
but dey pushed me away as m a garbage and proved,
that they r heartless and make me cry again and again,
but still i find the person who bothers wat i feel,
and wat i have 2 do for my well fare and to increase the yield,
of happiest smiles but i still dont knw y i cry dat my eyes got red,
and all peoples aroun me see me as m a stupid and aprrox dead,
Person who iszz alway sad,
but m not a bad,
person as i knw and i always wanna keep others happy,
And this is my part work and my ways,
of making my life bettr,
but it's unhappy feels as i look my 2 sides of my arms and i think what i need 2 b is more samrter,
but in worlds way smarter person can also b able 2 cheat,
And knows how 2 defeat, innocent peoples those r in his way,
but i cant do this bcz i dont wanna hurt any 1 and bcm a stray,
dog for dem whom they always wanna beat and through stones on him,
but i must i knw dat it's a world of devils and they swim,
in a fire of hatered which they feel for d helpless peoples and,
kick dem away so dat dey can enjoy there felling but a band,
of word death dey forgot about,
that a god is still here 2 see dem and will give there punishment they deserve and will drown,
in  the fire of hell,
but dey still do wat they always do but i still tell,
them it's bad 2 left alone some 1.....
Najim sohal Feb 2014
i dnt knw
whether i would be able to bear the knowledge or not
but i want to know it all....  
everything u knew
n everything u thought
let me know it..
through the channels of ur heart
Narayan Mar 2013
I sleep on the green grass watchin the blue sky..
So wen i fall asleep i can dream that i can fly..
they say we see wots there in our field of vision..
but i believe we can see beyond that in our field of dream..

i wonder where do the stars go during the day..
They go to sleep when the sun is all gay..
N guard us all through the night..
So we can sleep tight without fright..

in one lost morning i woke up with caress of sunray..
silehoutted by the fragrance of morning far from reach of day..
I felt lighter free from sorrow..
I wished if there were no tomorrow..

i stretched my arms wide to draw the morning air into my sleeping lungs..
Surprised by the white feathers flying around me as they show in the songs..
calling me to chase them in the wind n collect them inside my books..
But that night i dun remember dreaming eagles n hawks..

i tried to walk but i felt as if i'm floating..
Am i sleep-walking or jus pretending as boating..
I looked back n almost had a heart attack when i see i had two big wings..
Am i superhero or the sultan of swings?

i ran and ran so no1 cud see me in these forms..
i knw they hav just watched x-men returns..
I climbed up the cliff all day and night as they do in lord of the rings until they die..
I am at the top, is it where the body catches a body coming thru the rye?

i cud see the ocean falling in love with deep blue sky..
Is it the place where the pink floyd first learnt to fly..
Is it the neverland to where jhonny took kate's children?..
Is it the new matrix sati made for neo for his return..

i decided to fly so i jumped off the cliff..
it felt as if i m moving through great barrier reef..
Windswept fields n ever-flowing rivers..
No navigation but i followed the migrating seabirds..

above was the albatross below everything was submarine..
tides jumped high to touch n pull me in..
The echoes of tides made me feel the beaches were not yet encroached..
The silent love between land and water was not yet reproached..

After the sea i flew over the cities..
suspended animation what they call it is..
wondered how big buildings look like small boxes of dough..
Learnt, everything seems small if u rise above enough..

then i cud see black rings of smoke..
Somewhere below river was black as coke..
I cud see people gathered in dark houses planning wars..
People restricted from their happiness behind the bars..

i thought i wil b the guardian angel to save the world..
What should i do? Whom should i say? Should i carry a sword?..
No i wudnt i always hated violence..
I wud rather fly back to the cliffs for peace n silence..

then i took the u-turn n flew as fast as i cud to never return..
How long shud i run away from the place i was born?..
Went back to the cliff i started to scream..
After u dream of waking up, u never know u r still in a dream!
gunika bhayana Jan 2015
being attached to you
i don't knw where m i going
i jsst want to leave
bt i can't
everything u do makes me luv u more
m falling for u
m changing a bit
m giving myself a chance
m i gud for u
do i deserve u
it's being critical whether u luv me or not
bt all i knw is i do
u don't understand it.. u don't mean ur words
whatever u utter makes me more weak
m falling for u
i know u won't
i want you to be with me
all the tym what i think is "U"
everytym i see u i act wierd
i loose my mind
u r special
i can never explain it
neither i want to
i want u to realize it
although i knw u won't
ur smile makes me happy too
i can spend hours alone thinking about u
m jsst giving myself a chance
although i know i won't get it
bt still m trying bending my knees
bcz I LOVE U :
#everyone needs a chance #every one deserves it :)
Tunselous Jan 2014
many years ago in the tower of tunselous a man named tunselous was born
he gave birth to androsss ****** parents then he made his way to
rosswell new mexico to see if the ufo was still there and it wasnt
at tall tis but a forrest and a spot were a ufo used to be there was no
ufo so he traveled upwards to find one but instead found thee icy tower
of agnatohniousisoy he wnet on the great ice towar run where he found several dragons but not a single ufo
a man of tis a warden eve e preson seed no matter how hard you look
the ufos will cloak like ice dragons among there once was a man named turok
who find a ufo when looking add that man was me that man was a dino slayer
a king of eriched oreo bread if you know what i mean the point of the matter is
turok did not **** tunselouses parent for no reason then tunselous
said wait turok killed my pairents the warden said yes that is waht he
told me on the nyght we had tea on the icy roads of ufo city
tunselous said wait theres a hole cit7y of ufos the warden said yes
there is tunselous said do you have any left over tea from that night
the warden said no tea for thee then cast tunselous out of window
tunselous falled for inches into a pool of cat eyed johns fisherer
for impaired divers tunselous said wait if i eat theese pills they
will surely give me magic powers tunselous ate the pills and they did
nothing but give him magic powers he used the magic powers for nothing
they were not the ones he were searching many kingdoms ago a man once
said with great tun comes great selous and that man was trokie asked tunselous
if he wanted a robodog and tunselous said yes many kingdoms later tunselous find
the most magic thing that thing was a cat not any cat you see many kingdoms ago
cats were magic he would eat the flesh of cats and gain what litle magic was left in them
he latter went to calling himself tunsalous then he went back to
calling himeself tunselous and on that day he ate many a cat
and i mean many not the many you see on tv but the many catwhips you see for sale at sean johns
apple sale he has evrey year to get rid of his crapy apple computers
many years after sean john would meet on the very spot of the battle
feild where they fought and feasted on goatwich anvicos the goatwich
waS A POWERFUL king a king of druidness and fareness and evilness and
and gun shots in the leg and fair treatment of tunselous and kettlecorn
a bag of human limbs and markers and grocers and ****** enounters
and farawayland and great houses and ufos tunselous relized that
thee king was king of ufos and wnet to asked him for a ufo
and he gave him one and tunsalous studyed how it flyed
for many kingdoms later he discoverd powerfull magic within the the great temples walls of icelion
yes temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples
temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples
temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples and small children small children were used
for many thing like eating but the story tunselous was not over intell many kingdoms later when a man asked
tunselous if he was a puppet tunselous said tunselous snear and left for a day and came back
to his homeland of akaria where the hut he was born in was the hut tunselous was born in was a small hut cald
tunselous prisom the prisom was a place to eat anything you felt like at anytime you felt like
and i mean anytime
tunselous traveled to double check on the ice roads but they melted in the sun tunselous drunk
thee blood
they were made of and walked into a stadium and stole mines and huts like the one he was born in like it but
not it like the time he went to the carnavile with ser topemhat (ser topemhat:hey tunselous got a nickle for a ride tunselous: no)
many times of ages ago tunselous traveled to a hut then left to find gold in a mine that did not exist he knw it did
not exist but he wnet anywhy for kingdom is power and power kingdom is the power to control what we belive are granerys
the long celebrated granery special was rice and pancake with a glass olive oil only men of magic get milk and
grand wizards get tea and some hard boiled plates the plate were not to eatbut to eat off of
for many kingdoms and men who day thing of kingdoms would be cast down a sean shower a sean shower was a shower where shawns lived
and bathed and ate the flesh of wales and and somtimes a shawn would *** to tunselous house and they would have *** all day day than he
relized the shawn name was andross and you know who andross was but they did it anyway back to the main topic a house on top of a hill
on top a of a mountain on top of and iceberg on top of a gateway to the best place ever there was only only one way to the best place ever
that is if you were tunselous
evrey day on that day evryone would eat anything they could eat that is how tunselous day started the day that is evreyday the
reason people eat what they want evreyday and not tea or olive oil or milk or rice or pancake or plates or cats or small children
in the words tunselous:
shal not eat u
eat blood of nurses
hav the most *** with any cat you see on the street
use the most elctro sappers in one go
have and eat local small children
do it with a orc
eat u up eat up so good
use magic *****


if you see any dragon contact tunselous NOW

the details of the next story are witness accounts of what tunselous did to find the lost yew crossbow of agroness

two days ago tunselous was thinking about crossbows when he thought what if there were a crossbow no one could
find what if i found it i would be rich and famous so tunselous went on the internet and typed in lost crossbows
and he saw a crossbow for sale instead of buying it he tracked down the person who owned it and asked him for it he said no tunselous killed him
on the spot and took the crossbow from him and sold it to himself for 800$ but surprise for him he was not rich and famous at least not yet he took the crossbow and
kept selling it too himself so he kept making money soon tunselous made 800$ and spent it on a used crossbow this crossbow
the crossbow he brought was not any crossbow but the crossbow of agroness he took the crossbow and shot it at a wall a few times then he put it in a box
and til this day it is gathering dust.

Softly spoken Oct 2011
the definiton of a non ******* factor is you
something or someone that doesnt matter and i wont give my energy to
a selfless or worthless human being
who is miserable unhappy and on pity and drama they feed
i dont give a **** about you your feelings or thought
all in my business you seem to care alot
non factor *** *****
save yaself the embarrassment when you see me dont say ****
no snares, conversation, or smart comments
there are alot of things in this world that dont matter
and one of those things are ppl like you non ******* factors
when your name pops up these things come to mind
valueless,cheap,shoddy,useless,ineffective,and not worth time
along with fruitless,unavailing,pointless, oh and good for nothing slim
now since i knw your slow go to a dictionary to define
you are a disaster created by a ****** tragic mistake
something your mother didnt want but having an abortion became a option to late
**** more like dirt under my shoe
aww look at the non ******* factor get mad just look at you
go ahead run ya mouth let ya teeth chatter
who the hell is going to listen to a non ******* factor......
Forgotten Heart Jun 2014
I could feel you
right in my dream
I could feel you
right in my heart
Does that mean
I still love you?
Nandini Apr 2014
Sometimes I wonder what went wrong
The pain of being alone keeps haunting
Was it destiny that created the crater in my life ?
People call it choices I guess ...
People write about ...
Being unwanted
But I Knw I'm a lost cause gasping on mortality ...
Signing off .... Ciao
do yu knw...that dark reflection of you that moves whereva you move....
and knws you very well...cuz it be's around you everii 247.......................
do yu knw that your shadow is apart of who you are....and realli dnt.....
let yu go verii is apart of me...thtz why its not tht easy to .....see..
cuz mi shadow is me....sumtimes mii shadow is actualli sometimes trueli
happier than me.....
sultan aadil haq May 2012
From the abyss of despair,disdain and desertion
           My angel ,my harbinger my reason to blosssom and bloom
           you hatched my abeynce and gloom...
           Now tht i can see the verdant and braeth the ambience
           i can barely be thankful enough to the cryptic  zephyr

           The rapunzel who led me down her long dark ravishing locks
           to the respite of the embittered recluse ....
           You r my guiding redolent mermaid who
           help me conquer the vast cerulean deep oceans of grief...
          Without your love my life is just like a tree without leaves
          my heart without beats,ohh my dear i don't knw whr it is,
          in my auricle or ventricle but i know it is within my heart and will be forevr for u
          which rythyms my soul by giving energy to confront this curious world
          I can get the vistage of love from your comely eyes but how simply
          you just deny by phoxy lines from your red luscious lips.......
          please,please don't play with my emotions it just kills me day and night in motion

          My eyes are wet,lips are dried heart is broken, dreams are scattered but still
          there is a hope that you will give me another scope.........
          and i promise i will not let my love for you go in vain untill the last drop of blood flows in my vein.........
Beauty36 Feb 2015
I played myself yet again lending out a heart that I wasn't ready to lose. I allowed you to come in when I knw that the feelings I had were premature but I let you in anyway.. your body, your smile, your smell they all had me mesmerized with pure lust.. your tall stature was so alluring that it had me completely gone in the head.. the way you looked at me made me melt on the inside and when I rubbed you.. I quivered with much excitement. I got the man of my dreams the man that all women seek.. look at me.. but dnt envy me was the ego I had.. to only get knocked off the high horse I was on by the man whom I felt so deeply for that had my ego so swollen.. You played me, you used me and toyed with my heart knwing all I've been thru way before you.. I trusted you.. I believed in you.. I even asked you to marry me.. and got your name tattooed in my heart.. Oh how this is such a nightmare I want to awaken from.. but I knw this isn't a dream.. I still pinch myself cause I'll rather bruise myself than to have another take that part.My only question is what exactly did I do to deserve this pain and the way you have now began to ignore me.. Why hurt the one who loves you, but chase the one who abuse you.. I've yet to feel the love of a man so geniune so pure.. only the fake love from an imposter who only takes.. My world has turned upside dwn and it's all because of you.. my nights grow long with memories of you.. my days become faded from wanting you and my mind is going crazy cause I can't seem to forget you. Why does a heart hold on to such pain when the person who has done the hurting is happy and long gone living their life.. ****!!Smfh.. this love life of mine is tragic.. I give up due to being a hopeless, loveless romantic.
Just a poem I wrote.. I enjoy writing poems about love, relationship and also I've written poems about past experiences... Writing is a passion.. I dnt write and post them for the likes, but I do it just to share things I normally keep inside.
Jamie Matthews Feb 2015
w0t3va mum
lyk srsly
g3t 0utta my hair

i h8 it
whn u d0 dat
u tke ma fone
fgs mum

u knw w0t
im gunna tweet bout u
u str355 m3 0ut
mum u knw w0t
F U.
Am that gal tht brightens yo day
Ever th bubbly, mercurial lass tht feels no pain
You say, i am always happy
Tht am gud at it
But wat u will never realise is that am a dam gud actress!
Reality is too painful to face
My bubble myt be a fantasy bt atlst safe
I knw wat its lyk to walk down an empty street
Listening to my demons torment me
Asking whr r u running to child?
Dnt u knw we r home
Beauty36 Aug 2014
(Man meets woman, Woman meets man)
       Man: How are you beautiful?
   Woman: I'm blessed handsome!
     Man: Wondering if I could get to know you?
Woman: Of course
           (Beginning Of Relationship)
Woman: I've been hurt before so I'm very guarded of my heart and feelings.
Man: I'll never hurt you baby, I'll cherish and love you like the angel you are!!
Woman: I hope so!!
Man: Dnt hope baby believe it
Woman: Ok baby
Man: I got you boo!
                      (Months Later)
Woman: Baby you seem distant is everything ok?
Man: I'm good
Woman: You sure?.. Is there anything you wanna talk about?
Man: Nah I'm str8
Woman: Ok boo (Sighing)
                   (Same Night)
Woman: Hey babe where you at?
Man: With my *****
Woman: Okay boo can't wait for you to get home, got a surprise for you!!
Man: Aight
Woman: (Sighing)& (Thinking)
                    (Early Morning)
Woman: Bae we need to talk
Man: Bout what?
Woman: About us boo
Man: What about us?!
Woman: Things dnt seem the same. You really acting different.
Man: It's all in your head.. I love you gurl (Kiss her forehead)
Woman: Ok boo (Blushing)
                    (Week Later)
Man: Bout to roll over to my ***** house.
Woman: How long you gonna be gone boo?
Man: Bruh I dnt knw what's up?!
Woman: Dang I just asked cause I wanted us to go out and have fun.
Man: I'll be busy handling some business mane!!
Woman: Okay boo maybe some other time. (Thinking)
Man: Aight bruh
                       (Hours Later)
Woman: Hey boo what's up, what you doing? (CALM)
Man: Bruh told you I'm kicking it with my *****.
Woman: Which one?
Man: Tony bruh.. Why? What's up?!
Woman: LOL
Man: What's so **** funny mane?!
Woman: LOL... Hold on.. Hold that thought. (CALM)
Man: H..E..L..L...O
Tony: Hey bruh where you at??? Thought your az was at home I came thru
Man: D..A..M..N!!!!!!
Woman: LOL.... BUSTED BRUH!!!!! COME GET YOUR ****!!!!..LOL
Man: (**** faced)!!!
How Men truly get caught up

If you missed my calls, I'm definitely sure you wouldn't miss my text. Baby you got the healing & you knw that I need it. Baby let's not act like fool.  A jewel is sold to he who valued it. Baby. You're such a Pearl I can't afford to let go, I'd rather stay go with the desire of mine heart!
Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
I dnt believe in makin wrong decissions
nor mistakes ~
I believe, wht eva da choice might have been ~
it was da right one
@ da time of making it!

n0 matter what da outc0me ~
it was RIGHT!

There's n0 such thing as  a mistake /
or wr0ng choices..!

But wht if~
wht if~
You juSt dnt knw..?

Do u jst g0 wif wht eva fl0?
or d0 u
turn ar0und
& walk away..??
Yvonne Maynard Mar 2013
Man i miss my bro.... I remeber wen we was kids and all the crazy **** did. we kept secrets from momma ..kept each other from gettn whoopns and much more drama. and nw u in jail and i know i sho miss u like i miss ur crazy sayns like (dis shxt is a terrible discrimination). bt hey u give me the motovation to stay here wit momma and nt make so much truma. and to go to school so i can get my diploma.. man bro i need u out here.. life is crazy and im holdn bac my tears.. tryn to stay strong and keep myself from doin wrong.. even doe i feel im alone in this piece.. momma might have cancer and i know my heart is decease. my eyes burn everyday so i try to turn to God and pray.. i feel like he nt hearn me becz stuff is nt cumn to me so easily... i mean i dnt thnk life jus *** so brezzy bt its like things nt gettn bettr bt turn for the worst.. wen i think of strong people u *** up first.. i miss u bro and love u.. and momma the only one who stepps above u.. u nt far behind. u r really next on my heart line. i wish i can show u that me and momma nt blind and we knw u care and love for us to... its a little hard to show it from you.. ha u know dats true.. :) lil Sis
Drishty Chopra Apr 2014
They say You are my world..
They say You meant a lot..
But when some hurdles are thrown on them..
Their whole Love is gone..

So, this time when u say u love me..
Unturn urself and then behold me..
Set your priorities first and then fix me on them..
Bcoz I don't think I m the one on top ten..

I don't want your time, nethier want your calls..
I want U to share things, when something falls..
I know U are busy..I know someone is around..
But I want to care, as I knw smething is pushing u down..

Set your priorities first and then fix me on them..
Bcoz I don't think I m the one on top ten..
Beauty36 Nov 2014
For as far as I can remember I've been going thru so much hurt, so much pain... That only a night filled with a soaked pillow from which my eyes filled with tears that flowed dwn the cheeks of a woman who has a inner demon that's ready to unleash and punish all whom have caused her pain.. Ppl tell me things but yet their actions don't compare.. I look at them with anger but keep a silent tongue, cause if they knew the words I wanted to say.. they wouldn't be able to handle the raft of my rage.. I've been hurt in so many ways that the soft spoken person, caring person that I once was is now gone and sleeping within me that I dnt knw what or how I can awaken her.. maybe I need that one person to come and make her magically appear, or maybe it's gonna take some deep meditation on my own to bring her forth. But I'm afraid that this person I've become is holding my inner beauty hostage and is not willing to allow her to come forth ever again. I've been waiting for so long to be loved that it has now just become a laughing matter that my evil side just smirk and grin upon saying.. **** love it'll never come so just let it be.. I still have moments when the beauty inside me voices out but is still trapped to where she can't come out. So she sleeps now within me while the other person lingers on.. Who has the heart or the strength to awaken my sleeping beauty.. for I have grown weak and can no longer fight.. the other person I have become!
Drama, stress and heartache can damage ones inner beauty...
SmArTy Jan 2018
Hiiiii....u knw what aaj ky hai....
aaj bhot special prsn ka bday hai...
meli bestieee.... kaaa
paglu ka
bhot special tu duffr mere lyee...
chalo kuch meethi meethi yaade yaad dilata hu...
yaaad hai jab humari fst tym baaat hui thi....wo cmnt k rply me
ladai se hui thi startng
ki pata tha itne impo ** jaynge ek dusre k lye
fr wo humara din bhar choti choti si baat pr ladna
fr draaame dikhana ki tu lunch ni kalega to b ni kalungi....
tu gannna ...tu gannniii
bhot misss krta hu m bo ladaiyaaa
punishment b inni pyali ki galti krne ka man kre
school se aate hi beg rakhne se on krna...
net on hone se phle whatsappp pr msz type krna....
agr ek mint b reply late hua to bawal ,machana...
fr shaq wali nigaaho se dekhnaaa.....
hihihi binna galti k es masssom bacheee se solly bulbana.....
pure pure din baat krke b pet ni bharta tha
deere deere baat krte krte special one bn gyi merelyee....
fr kisi se b baat ni kalta tha m
muujhe aaj b yaad hai wo din
8/4/1999 mela bday gifttt
maine tainu 1st tym dekha tha...
apni yaari ese hi bni rahe hamesha....
bs yadi pray krni hai... mainu...rab se.....
i love u my....bestieee...... happy bday tooo.....uuuuuuuu...
ab bta babu ky gift chaahiye teko.
Friendship memo..
Josiah kiprop Sep 2015
Do you think i will forget you easyly you knox yourself thats impossible darling you always in my mind you soft lips ur curveceous body  ur smile ur thigh oh i cant i cant it will be a true lie if i tell you just go coz i will never think of knw what every microsecond you smile ur cute eyes comes to my thoughts and i cant deny these feeling am feeling inside I LOVE YOU owkay just knw that darling no one can ever take you place and space love you
Love humbles a man
Max Hale Feb 2010
Such delight as a txt arrives
Tinkling phne and bzzing
Unable 2 wait 2 press the buttons
Simply lovely 2 hear from u

Miss u whilst u are @ wrk
……Hoping 4 a txt soon :-)
No 1 knows how much it means
Tht lttle mssge of love

A link 2 r hearts
Nice 2 knw ur thinking of me
As we go thru the day
Thse few words, so spcial & tndr
Thank u babe, love u 2, 4 ever :-)
Am supposd to b rytn abt hm.
Wat i wnt hm to do to me
Do for me......
Bt the moment ths pen reachs th paper she comes out
Her tht little scared gal
She wnts hr pain bared to u
Shz troubld
Inside hr heart
She hates every1, mst especially hrself
Shz manipulative, shz th mothr of pain
Tormentd little brat
Not all wounds heal
Shz damagd, u cnt help hr, i wnt let u
You see shz th main personality n am hr strongest outer ego
Th othrz r weak
Am in charge, she creatd me to protect hr
Am doin js tht. U wnt her.
Yes i knw such a pretty gal n yet such an ugly soul
I went to bed whit intentions of sleeping…
I knew i wasn’t sleepy at all…
2hours went by but i was stil wide awake…

i played music, but it was annoying me…
I logged on mxit but couldn’t chat, nobody was online…
I tried to think but my mind was all negative to a point were i even thought of goin 2 watch tv…
I went through my phone book but couldn’t call anybody…
I askd my self questions and eventually answered my self…

As i answered my self more and more questions came to my mind…
I took time to pray and it helped to calm down…
I tried sleeping again but the same thing happened, i couldn’t sleep…

I was wondering if i had problems but couldn’t agree whit the truth…
I was in denial…

I smiled but deep inside i laughed sarcastically towards my self…
I started to have a headache…
Then i accepted im not happy …

I was wondering why…
I ignored the real answer …

Eventualy i took a decision of going to the kitchen to drink water so that the headache could be minimised…
It never worked…
I tried to update my facebook status but my mind went blank….

I listend 2 Larry Head my mind came at ease…
Simply bbecause i realised that my problem was not my problem…
It was ssomeone else problem but just bbecause i care and i tried to figure it out to see a smile on your face again…

Remember 4 u 2 find de cure u must knw de cause!
The is nothing wrong with caring for your loved ones

Dont let your worries become stress
Life its self is a gift from God

When you are stressing you ain’t really living…
Sumeria Apr 2019
If i die dont come to me as a peace offering crying over my body i dead in a better place away frm you. Please speak for the time will come when you see me again and i ask you wat have you done my love to be in my presence then i will ask you did you love the ones was less fortunate then you did you show your love in a way to get my attention. Then you will say i havent did none of wat u ask me then i will say depart frm me i dnt knw you and never once gave me a chance to show your my blessing i had for my children so now im here u ****. My body but not my soul i am tht i am and tou will suffer all the day tht will come til you understand tht power lies with no man on this plane just . Me your ppl makes me sick just to knw you contradicting my words and twist it around for your favor i will say my words is the only thing tht i show as a Covenant between man and me. You let these false teaching lead you and your loved one to doomed.  The only way to turn is question every teaching tht come toward you and trust your heart for i live in the temple and not the church. For ppl speak so high of the church. Is noting more. A sinners playground i tell u the truth turn away at once thus say the lord
Sorry guys if i mispell words. Im using my cells and things come. Out wrong at times
Chetna May 2016
Little as a girl
All that she knew
The warm wind that blew
And the arms of her daddy
Wrapped her in
From fields of paddy
There came a breeze
Made everything to seize
There came a little boy
Took his sister, wished her happiness
And gifted the toy.
With memories of love
She stepped into the youth
Flying like a dove
Like any other girl
Prince charming ruled her dreams…..
Wearing a silk of sheen
Wanted to b his angel…
She dressed at her best….
And this is the rest….
Handsome lad came by..
Saw the girl, mesmerized.
But was too shy
Girl saw the prince, dazzled..
Eyes got shimmered……
He held her hand....
Pulled her close
And these words he chose..
“You are my angel, you are the one;
You are my love and the only one;
Accept my heart, be with me;
I’ll be the reason for your joy,  as much I could be
I love you, I adore you…. You are special…
You are my angel, be with me….”
tears from eye,
Rolled through her white cheeks…
Boy catches the pearl and speaks
“ I wuld never let you weep….
That your tears make me weak.
I see a family in you
That I never had…
Take me I beg you
I promise you all my love”
Girl, into his charm…
Thought it as a dream
Pinched the arm…
Came a joyful scream..
“You are my prince…. You are the one..
I was afraid…
I was sad….
To knw all the bad
That existed in this world
They said true love is no more….
No one would ever love you from core…
But you made my heart pound…..
Oh I love I too…..”
And there came the sound…..
She continued……..
“my dad has given me all the joy….
My brother has bring me pride…
I love them more and I love them first…….
I am my dad’s doll….
My brother’s princess….
Can you give me all that love????”
Boy held her face in his hands…….
“ doll for your dad you are……
Princess for your brother you are
I’ll make you queen of my heart……
You are my angel, you are the one…..
You are my love, you are the only one…..”
Girl fell in his arms……
Stars seemed bright….
Wind tangled her hair light,
She accepted his heart….
And this is they got a start……..
Next day,
Girl went to the church…..
Thanked the god through and through
That god has made her wish come true……
Every girl has a wish…..
Not the diamonds ….
Not the palace……
But a loving heart……
Absence of her dad
Doesn’t make her mad
She feels protected and safe…..
That beautiful sage….
Luckiest was the girl…..
She truly found that pearl
That kept shining
Seeing her smiling….
He kept his promise……
Never did he let her cry
And always stood by
She was his queen,
She was his angel……
She was the one…
She was his love……..
And the only one………………
Sugandha Verma Sep 2012
no its not black
it cudn't be white
grey hz been the line fr me to stay!
i ain't no fun
i ain't no bore
judgement z what i make neway!
not a coward
neither do i fight
somehw i knw hw to survive!
no sort f genious
definitely not dumb
but what's important z that i hv a say!
i don't hate
i can't love
calculated its been what i ever felt!
rich is minus me
poor i dun include
either way fr me is rude!
not f sins
no way a saint
to get away wid extremities, i wzn't meant!
nice doesn't appeal to me
being crass certainly is insensitive
IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE probably, i shud live!
ani Mar 2012
A silent love song from you to me
A silent love song realy how soft can my love be
When I wake in the mrw its u I want to see
And before the night comes m reminded of how u won't be next to me

Oh how buttrflies flutter and my heart skips a beat
Oh how silky lips may kiss and mislead
And all over me feelings of lust with great greed
How air escapes my lungs and my mind finally admits defeat
From the heart,
But we will always stand worlds apart
Regardless of how right it may feel
I have already played my cards and received my deal
A decision for life
And  everything u want at this price.
A silent love song that will never be known,
owned or stand selected upon anyone's throne
Not your nor mine or our cause there will never be "us"

Nw I knw how forever it will prevail
And hope it will never grow pale
A silent love song oh so true
A silent love song forever, from me to you
Akash mazumdar Apr 2014
I dont wanna cry dont wanna loose u,
i love ur each sentence u,
tell about me,
so never let me free,
from ur love,
cuz it's my peace and all above,
is upto u that how u'll treat me,
but i'll luv u till my last breathe,
u made d best lines possibles 2 take it out from my lips,
i just wanna hug u kep closer 2 me and dont wanna kiss,
i'll never let u go cuz my herat is stolen by ur name,
plss love me by heart nvr play the game,
and lie me and make me a fool,
cuz i love u more then any 1 else in world and univerese's pool.
Of luv and hatered,
we knw that 1 we'll become dead,
but till m alive d best person
was u,is u and will b u
and i always saying d same that i love u....:*
@ akash mazumdar
Learn to spell and use correct grammar ***.
adele horn Mar 2010

inbetween the mirrors of reality,
my sanity slips beyond my reach,
and I fall -
tumble headlong into theories of death,
unexpected glimpses of mortality.
and I saw -
my existance as a spidersweb,
people clinging like morningdew.
And I know -
if not today then tomorrow
and tomorrow and tomorrow.
I will be omnipotent
I will travel in light
I will knw God
and I will revel in the knowledge of forever.
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014
 someone can be anyone...
Someone who vl love you as u are
someone who vl care fr you
someone who vl hold you while you fall
someone who vl make feel better wen ur sad.
someone who vl just sit next to you wen when u hv nthng to say..
Someone who vl make you smile wen you cry..
 Someone who vl just smile seeing you smile..
Someone who vl just hold ur hand wen othr point fingers towards u..
Someone who vl understnd wen ur angry..
Someone who vl appretiate your love..
Someone positive someone beautiful at heart
someone other than family
someone special
someone awsome just like angel...
   We all need or expect and are in search of "that" SOMEONE who u want to be
in ur life forevr..
  Not evryone is so lucky,
so , just be that someone , to someone , who is in search of such a someone..and
You vl nvr knw,Wen tat someone vl become your someone....
Neil Waldron Aug 2010
Baby you will always be in my heart.
i will never let you go.
it may not sound smart.
but i will never let you knw.
i still love you!
that you will never be told.
everything i sat is 100% true.
if u find out i will fold.
baby cant you see ur in my heart forever!
as an unkown apathy!
i got the idea from a good friend Nikki I gets partial credit for the idea
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Did u knw dat Lyf iz lyk a roll of tissue paper,u nvr realz how mch u've wstd it untl its almst finished!! Take care of uaselvz.
Now u know...

— The End —