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Damaré M Jun 2013
-Mariah: "what makes you different"?
•Johnathan: "I don't want you, I need you"
-Mariah: "what do you need from me"?
•Johnathan: "I need your heart and I need to give you mines"
-Mariah: "What are you gonna do with my heart"?
•Johnathan: "I'm going to cradle it right aside my own, I'm going to compress them together so I won't miss a beat of your life"
-Mariah: "well you already missed every beat up until now. My heart has taken a beaten and I don't think you can heal it"
•Johnathan: "I can't heal it by myself you have to help me"
-Mariah: "If you're good enough of a man then you can do it alone"
•Johnathan: (interrupting) "wrong"
-Mariah: "I need a man to be able to carry the load. I'm right I don't think that you can do it, and if you can't do it by yourself you can't do it"
•Johnathan: "So you're telling me that you want a man who put up all the effort to comfort and please you but in return his heart remain empty; what are you gonna do to keep love loving you?"
-Mariah: "I usually make a guy prove to me that he really love me before I can show him my love, I'm worth it. Right?"
•Johnathan: "it's not all about worthiness. Worthiness doesn't always consist of how much value another person place upon you. Especially if a person don't get the results from what they invested all their time and mind in. If the person isn't satisfied themselves, they're only tired, then where's the "worth" in that deal? That's only gambling"
-Mariah: "So you're telling me that I'm not worth it"?
•Johnathan: "Mariah listen do you think I would be here trying to fix something that's broke if it doesn't mean anything?"
-Mariah: "I don't know would you? And how am I suppose to know that you're not just trying to break me more?"
•Johnathan: "because if I was trying to break your more I would tell you that you're only useful for pleasure. Besides if you remember, I said that I wanna give you my heart as well; therefore, I'm putting my feelings on the line too. I can get hurt as well as you could. You do know men can hurt huh?"
-Mariah: "Every man that I came across seem not to care, so from my experience I don't know if men hurt. Men only seem to think and feel with their penises. Look I heard it all and I'm tired of men I don't wanna hear anymore lies"
•Johnathan: "Well have you ever thought that it was just the men that you are attracted to? And have you ever thought that you are attracted to boys and not men? And have you ever considered the fact that boys only do exactly what it is that they think they can do? So mistreating you, lying, and relying solely on ****** relations they thought was well within their rights; moreover, the rights that you granted them".
-Mariah: (She storms off angrily without saying anything)

The truth is blistering to lies told and  lies lived.
Hearing the truth kills all disputes
But if she's scared of the truth then she'll find herself comforted by lies
Men try to be supplementary to souls
And boys deter lives
They chase thrilling moments
And if she run off of fun as well, then let the games begin
But the heart is so dramatic that excitement always ends
Serious men...
Come along and by then pain is plain
She's used to it like a pilot in a plane soaring over terrain
And love is a joystick
She only had a demo
Mistakenly she judges the entire franchise from the games that the rookies played
Discrediting hall of fame names and the ones who has not yet been  inducted
She handed her heart to freshmen and they muffed it
They were too inexperienced to coach her that when she  hear the truth to trust it

Mariah is used to liars
Johnathan is a honest man
Jerry Howarth Jul 2021
Johnathan was a faithful friend to David,
A friendship that never faded.

From the first acquaintance of David and Johnathan,
A love spark penetrated the heart of each one.

Johnathan loved David more than his own soul,
To promote him to the Kingship was his goal.

Johnathan and David made a covenant of friendship;
Jonathan demonstrated his love for King David,

When he removed his princely robe and  his sword and bow,
And gave them all to David that he might defeat every foe.

Johnathan, the son of King Saul,
Saved David from many a fall.

When *King Saul,  in a jealous rage of anger,
Sought to **** *David, because *they were friends no longer,

Johnathan intervened and saved David's life,
Not just once,  but more than twice.

Now Johnathan was a courageous warrior,
And was known everywhere as a vicious fighter.

Twice Johnathan invaded the Philistines camp alone,
And retuned victoriously with out even a broken  bone.

But as death is Divinely appointed unto all,
Johnathan died honorably in a battle against
The Philistines, led by his Father, King Saul.

Johnathan and David are great examples of
Faithful friends.
                          From Jerry Howarth's Book of Poetry
Kenn Rushworth Jul 2016
Nice right foot, Johnathan,

You’ve got the job if you want,

You can be the rabbit for the season,

The southerners need something to hunt.
title is a nickname of a guy I know not a specific reference to a town.
What happened to Johnathan was sad,
But what happen to Sarah was equally as bad
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Living in a world, caught between pain,
The arrogance of my heart, the insecurities in my brain,
A never-ending cycle, of true belief and true doubt
Almost sure I've reached my limit, need to find my way out

Like an inevitable cliché, I reach for comfort in the bottle,
As if an answer sits waiting for me in its hollow,
I've spent so many nights drowning through the years
No longer sure what I'm searching for, no longer sure if I care

Is it time to give up, to give in and move on?
Accept my place in this world and admit I'm not strong,
Or do I keep searching, and pushing for the light
For my piece of freedom to finally sleep through the night

I wish I knew the answer,
I fear I never will.
I hope I'll always care,
I fear I no longer do.

- Johnathan Andrews
Not mine but a friends.
Puck Everlasting Sep 2019
I am the puritan god
That dangles the puritan cross
Above their heads where they stand
At the pulpit of the ******

My brothers mouth gapes open
Chords rumble sweet honey
Shed your fear to dive in
Dawn your habit of sin

O words you have mistaken
Poor words you have forsaken
Clear as day you have created
The hand of an angry god
Anais Vionet May 3
I’m just twirling in the center of my room.
I’ve got way too much to do.
Has that ever happened to you?

I’m assailed, derailed and impaled by indecision.
I can’t find my lucky pencil and I have a final in 90 minutes
I have lab results to qualify and a term paper to finish.
I have two problem-sets due and I must arrange movers.
Despite my burn-out, I should start packing for move-out.
In order to get our reservations and tickets in hand,
we’ve got to finalize our summer plans.
On my theoretical schedule - I’m behind -
oh, and there’s a mountain of laundry to climb.

In finals week everything is ratcheted up.
and there’s the weighty and unavoidable demands of sleep.
I’m just a girl about to pass out in her room, over-caffeineed,
from chugging a large, iced coffee after 3 hours of sleep.
I’ve read that stress can affect valuations.
I think it’s true.
I twirl.

Down In the Seine by The Style Council
I Want You Back by Trijntje Oosterhuis
Make a Rainbow by Benny Sings
Let Her Go Into The Darkness by Johnathan Richman
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Assail:  to challenge, overwhelm, attack or confront
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Johnathan stepped first onto stairs,
Built to lift those below to status above,
Looming over a desperate campaign given form,
From hope shed a chance for more,
Stone sourced from many perils,
Donated in secret from those still leashed to slavery,
It was determined that Rick stand at last back.
To glimpse at tragedy's finale opportune moment.
It was a hastily constructed, mixed kingdom of ragged stone,
Colors arranged without taste or fashion, since neither is practical,
In times of war.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Johnathan detested abject poverty,
While bringing riches to the poor,
They'd drank deep of it before,
However by this time they'd grown emaciated,
Rick remarked how their sisters had been claimed by Toblin,
Trapped by crests of blue held in gold,
We'll free them when the time is right,
I promise you.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Puddles of old raindrops,
Fog nipped at those wettened edges,
Dew collected on their uniforms,
Fitted just for them,
Many times had she resewn them,
Each time cutting fingers,
Opening old wounds that bled,
It wasn't her territory and yet,
She endured for them.
Johnathan remembered telling her no,
I'll do it myself, she smiled and handed his torn clothes,
To nothing more than ten.
I know how bad life is, so I saw  this little  guy driven.

So I ran outside to get a little  high.

But I know that your  not  home and, I know that I've Droven you a little crazy.

Then you went home and  got really really mad.... And I know  that  I'm not the person you  would want, but there's alot  of things that  I've Said sorry  for .

But baby just give me one more  chance, hey hey  ouu hey hey  I mean so much to you.

And I love u , like you love me baby .

I love u alot Johnathan Locke baby
@johnthan Locke
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Kevin stood by Johnathan's right side,
Inches from an axe covered by lambskin,
Dried and made in their old home,
An orchard, orphanage and music school,
All wrapped up in a bow of optimism,
Protected by a single dagger imbued,
With all there is to live for.
He was shown how malicious melodies,
Corrupting sound deviled by malice,
Words stolen from Sharin's lips,
Could be silenced by the real thing,
Etched onto his runed blade,
Written into its steel frame,
Handwritten by Sharin herself.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Johnathan led the group,
Resting his protection upon his right shoulder,
Though his real defense lies behind his throat,
In a small chamber whose power can stop mountains,
From crashing down around them.
Rick held his bowstring taut, at the ready.
A hymn in his head kept it steady.
Loosed with a thought, it would sail rather than fly.
Towards a target of his choosing.
Since days spent practicing beside brothers and sisters,
Granted heavenly gifts and strength fought for,
With Sharin's support he made himself a threat,
To their next meal.
shortweeb Feb 2021
Hi my name is Milly, I am 6 years old and I regret eating cookies when mommy said not too

Hi my name is Johnathan, I am 10 years old and I regret not doing my homework

Hi my name is Rose, I am 14 years old and I regret loving him

Hi my name is Dominic, I am 18 years old and I regret drinking too much at that one party

Hi my name is Lizzie, I am 21 years old and I regret putting those lines on my arms

Hi my name is Lizzie, I am 21 years old and I regret taking those pills

Hi my name is Lizzie, I was 21 years old and I regret committing suicide.
This one I don't even know what to say it just shows how quickly your regrets can change, from the age of 6 to the age of 21.
Jamison Bell Sep 2023
Would you meet me by the Red River?
Robertson County, Tennessee.
Would you find me beside the black oak?
It's there I'll wait for thee.

"Ole Jack Bell" she called him.
Ma heard it and so did Jesse.
But the one who got it worst of all.
Was my lil sister Betsy.

That witch would hit my sister relentlessly.
She would curse her and call her names.
She could barely rest. Let alone do her chores or play some silly games.

The spirit says it's name is Kate.
And she often sings to mother.
She'll stay up late and have conversations with Johnathan my brother.

General Jackson had heard the tales about the witch.
And of course he came a calling.
His horses stopped up on the ridge,
a neighing and a ballin.

He spent the night and met our guest.
She **** near killed one of his men.
And just like other witnesses,
we'll never see them again.

My father he had taken sick just after Betsy left.
Our witch would torment father, she secured him to his bed.
Then returned to laugh and sing when she learned that he was dead.

That is I suppose all you need know of our family's witch.
That retched hag, who put our family through some awful fright
So beware of what you shoot at, lest it be a demon.
Or it could be you who hears the screaming, of a starless winters night.
Hatte Kelley Jun 2019
This is all temporary, we are all temporary, this sun and my voice; they are all only here for the fragile concept of a moment. The only way we know how to defeat mortality is with the echo ringing in the pages of thought we can leave behind. Pieces of ourselves; like seeds.  

Like, we are all fleshy sacks of bones on a tilted rotating elliptical hunk of rock hurtling in infinite space. Positioned just so that it isn't too hot and it isn't too cold. We're the luckiest children of our common ancestors to stand straight and have humility. The coincidences factoring into this second, here and now, are awesome, and nearly impossible.  

Take a lesson from Medgar Evars wife and realize what she had to the hard way. Hate only hurts yourself, and that your enemies deserve the opposite of love: apathy.  

Take a lesson from Johnathan Larson, the playwright of Rent, and know the opposite of war is not peace, but creation. Why do you think children and artists breathe hope into our every breath?

Take a lesson from the comedian Bo Burnham, and consider that maybe God does not believe in you, and that if life on Earth could be Heaven, isn't it worth a try?

I've found divinity in the good words of individuals since grade school. Comedians, writers, activists, victims, wise old cat lady neighbors. Humans all have a story to tell and we're all blessed with the ability to listen. To understand the fellow human is more powerful than the sun that brought us here.  

We're all just a way of the universe to be able to understand itself, and we're all trying to understand our selves. Looks at these stars and see how infinite you are, how much family you have come from. God is inside all of us. Eyes like nebulas, like soul sisters. Brain cells like cathedral windows, we are divine by existence. Why would you ever exclude a single soul? To know all, to see all, God's omnipotence. Isn't that just another word for friendship?

Step back, look at this rock we all share, everything that has ever happened, every embarrassing moment you'll never forget, every first kiss, every marriage and divorce, every love lost and love found, every book and every comic happened right on that speck right there. Take notice, how borders can't be seen from space, how the only colors shining bright enough for space to see are blue and green. We are a family bound by this gravity and we all know how it get's us down.  

We live united under these stars and these clouds. It is every humans responsibility to care for every death and every life and every injustice we face as Earthkind.  

Be kind.

Be love.

Be divine.  

Be poet.  

Be human.
Jerry Howarth Jun 2022
[Read poem first]
As we Americans celebrate Independence day
July 4th, It's worth noting that our for-fathers
believed God created humanity to be free.

The Declaration of Independence states that people
are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights that among those are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

Question?  What exactly is liberty? Liberty is freedom, but freedom from what or from who. In America we pride ourselves on being a free people, and compared to many other nations, we are truly free. We have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms and travel - the big four. Freedoms that very few nations have today or ever have had.

The quest for freedomH*llo Poetry
Jerry Howarth   Poems  
Published149  Drafts77 Hidden42 Deleted6

[Read poem first]
As we Americans celebrate Independence day
July 4th, It's worth noting that our for-fathers
believed God created humanity to be free.

The Declaration of Independence states that people
are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights that among those are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

Question?  What exactly is liberty? Liberty is freedom, but freedom from what or from who. In America we pride ourselves on being a free people, and compared to many other nations, we are truly free. We have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms and travel - the big four. Freedoms that very few nations have today or ever have had.

The quest for freedom is a theme found throughout the Bible, from Gen. to Revelation. Just three chapters into the account of God's creation, humanity forfeited it's freedom by rebelling against the liberty God gave them, and from that time until today mankind has been enslaved both physical and, more importantly, spiritually ever since.

In old Test.  physical freedom was usually tied in with spiritual disobedience, of worshipping false gods. After a time crying and boo-hooing, God would deliver them from enslavement, usually from Egypt, some commenter suggested it for-shadowed the coming of Jesus to free mankind from the enslavement of sin
which is death. The "wages of sin is death", so Jesus received our wages and died in our place, that we might be free from the enslavement of sin, which besides everlasting burning in Hell, freed us from such emotional and mental enslavement of fear, anger, depression, anxiety, and any other such enslavement of which we are all subject.

But Brother Jerry, even though I am saved, I still have those things
you mentioned, anger, depression and so forth. If sin shall not have dominion over me, why do I have such problems?

I don't know; ask John he has the PHD. I have the same problem
and for me it's because of a lack of total submission to Christ and
His Word, especially His written Word .The important thing is to claim lst Jn.1:9

May 10The Wanderer

May 9

May 4
My Friend, My Wife, My Love

May 2
Ezekiel, son of man

Apr 30

Apr 24

Apr Hs Name Is JAXSON

Apr 7

Mar 13

Mar 6

Mar 1Untitled

Feb 25Untitle

Feb 16Untitled

Feb 13

Jan 19Untitled

Jan 17Untitled

Jan 16

Jan 4

Jan 2Untitled

Dec 2021

Dec 2021

Dec 2021
It' Starting All Over Again


Dec 2021

Nov 2021

Nov 2021The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Nov 2021The Biblical Truth of Speaking in Tongues

Oct 2021The Wonderful Grace of God

Oct 2021
Gen. 4:16 "And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord".

Oct 2021God Knows

Oct 2021The 83 yr. Old Fighter

Oct 2021Jesus Cast Out a Legion of Demons

Sep 2021Noah, God's man of the Hour

Sep 2021Golden Years?

Aug 2021It is appointed

Aug 2021
My Best Friend

Aug 2021I'm Greatly Honored

Aug 2021The Bumble B ee

Jul 2021
Johnathan, Friend of King David

Jul 2021Two Men of Great Faith

Jul 2021Untitled
— The End — is a theme found throughout the Bible, from Gen. to Revelation. Just three chapters into the account of God's creation, humanity forfeited it's freedom by rebelling against the liberty God gave them, and from that time until today mankind has been enslaved both physical and, more importantly, spiritually ever since.

In old Test.  physical freedom was usually tied in with spiritual disobedience, of worshipping false gods. After a time crying and boo-hooing, God would deliver them from enslavement, usually from Egypt, some commenter suggested it for-shadowed the coming of Jesus to free mankind from the enslavement of sin
which is death. The "wages of sin is death", so Jesus received our wages and died in our place, that we might be free from the enslavement of sin, which besides everlasting burning in Hell, freed us from such emotional and mental enslavement of fear, anger, depression, anxiety, and any other such enslavement of which we are all subject.

But Brother Jerry, even though I am saved, I still have those things
you mentioned, anger, depression and so forth. If sin shall not have dominion over me, why do I have such problems?

I don't know; ask John he has the PHD. I have the same problem
and for me it's because of a lack of total submission to Christ and
His Word, especially His written Word.
Jerry Howarth Dec 2021

Getting Priorities Right...................................................1
Words of Importance......................................................2­
Israel , God's Special Nation .........................................3
Three Men Crucified.......................................................4­
The parable of the Sower................................................5
The Tempation of Jesus...................................................6
The Man With Super Long Finger Nails......................7
Morning Manna,"CastYourBread..................................8
Heaven o Hell/Heaven Only a Prayer Away...............9
Where Are Thine Accusers? ..........................................10
Kept In His Holy Name..................................................11
In the Beginnng, God Created.......................................12
Four Men and a Blanket..................................................13
Danie­l's Prophecy.........................................................­....14
The Rider On the Black Horse........................................15
Jacob, A Prince With God................................................16
One Man -Rom.5:12-14.....................................................­17
Hosea, The Adultros Prophet..........................................18
Atheism, Agnosticism etc.................................................19
Make New Beginnings......................................................2­0
Love of Money-Root of All Evil.......................................21
Where Are the Nine?.........................................................22
­Father Forgive Them.........................................................23
W­hat Happened In the  Garden......................................24
The beliver's Body, 10 String Ivbnsrtament.......................25
Noah, God's Man of the Hour.....................................,,,,26
Last Words of Deacon Stephen.......................................28
Cain Went Out From the Presence of God....................29
God Knows All..............................................................­....30
Joshua and Caleb............................................................­...31
      What Is Faith?
Abraham and Issac liers....................................................32
Samso­n Oh Samson...........................................................­.34
The World System...........................................................­...35
The Healing of Captain Naaman..................................... 36
The Singing Duet In Prison................................................37
Mary Magdalene Seeking Jesus.........................................38
The Next World Wide Global Event.................................39
Bachler Bo Gets Married.....................................................40
Th­e Night Before Calvary...................................................41
    ­    A Name Known By the Wold
Five Kings Trapped In aCave............................................42
Peter Walking On Water..................................................... 43
      Peter, a Man Who Laughed At Fear
The Prayer Ministry of the Holy Spirit..............................45
When God Laughs...........................................................­.....46
'Faith and Fear.............................................................­..........47
        It Is Appointed
Jesus Casts Out Demon.........................................................48
­Speaking In Tongues..........................................................­...49
Johnathan, Friend of David..................................................50
I Will Guide Thee.............................................................­......51
Jerry Howarth Mar 2022
The Title -Peace Be Still
The Text -Mark 4A:35-41
The Talk -Intro.
A. Background & setting
   1. Jesus preached all was tired.
   2. Sleeping in weakness speaks of
   3. Jesus rebuking the storm, speaks of
      His Deity.
  4. Consider these five truths.
      * The Ferocious Storm.
      * The Fatigued SavHePo
Jerry Howarth   Poems  
Published147  Drafts73 Hidden38 Deleted6

Mar 13

The Title -Peace Be Still
The Text -Mark 4:35-41
The Talk -Intro.
A. Background & setting
   1. Jesus preached all  was tired.
   2. Sleeping in weakness speaks of His
   3. Jesus rebuking the storm, speaks of
      His Deity.
  4. Consider these five truths.
      * The Ferocious Storm.
      * The Fatigued Savior.
      * The Faint-Hearted Saints.
      * The Faithless Saints.
      * The Fantastic Serenity.
    Original outline and message by

Delete this poem

Mar 1

Feb 25Untitle

Feb 16Untitled

UntFeb itled

Feb 4

Jan 29

Jan 26Untitled

Jan 20Untitled

Jan 19Untitled

Jan 17Untitled

Jan 16

Jan 4

Jan 2Untitled

Dec 2021

Dec 2021

Dec 2021
It' Starting All Over Again


Dec 2021

Nov 2021

Nov 2021The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Nov 2021The Biblical Truth of Speaking in Tongues

Nov 2021Untitled

Oct 2021
The Wonderful Grace of God

Oct 2021
Gen. 4:16 "And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord".

Oct 2021God Knows

Oct 2021The 83 yr. Old Fighter

Oct 2021Jesus Cast Out a Legion of Demons

Sep 2021Noah, God's man of the Hour

Sep 2021Golden Years?

Aug 2021It is appointed

Aug 2021
My Best Friend

Aug 2021I'm Greatly Honored

Aug 2021The Bumble B ee

Jul 2021
Johnathan, Friend of King David

Jul 2021Two Men of Great Faith

Jul 2021Untitled
— The End —ior.
      * The Faint-Hearted Saints.
      * The Faithless Saints.
      * The Fantastic Serenity.
    Original outline and message by

— The End —