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Hannah Nov 2014
The stars in the night sky are millions of years old
And it is said that when you gaze into them,
You are looking into the past
Years upon years
Of past lives lived
And stored in those beautiful stars
Concealing all the secrets of people’s existence
I wonder if our futures were written in our pasts
Because stars were created to show us our history
And we were built to glimpse at our futures
Tania Crocker May 2015
Be unstoppable.
Be so good they can't ignore you.
Be a woman on fire with passion that glows in your eye.
Work hard and don't give up.
Be kind and exquisite.
Be anything but, ordinary.
Be goal oriented and know what you want.
Don't let any man validate your existence.
You are beautiful so, feel beautiful.
Don't let anyone get into your head.
You are you.
And no one can ever replace you.
So stay you but, always make time for personal growth.
Cause that's how you grow.
kenz Mar 2021
trying to fix the past is like
rewatching a movie and expecting a diffent ending
focus on the furture cause that new ending will never come
Spike Harper Jan 2016
Let us commerate this tragedy.
Soil our hearts with fascist taunts and pointed fingers.
Let us put our hands together and bow.
Good, everyone is still standing.
Praise be to nothing.
There can only be one.
And none of these heathens shall strip me of what's due.
For having lived a tough life.
Or fallen from loves favor.
Search yourself for justification.
Another excuse.
To make the day go by a little faster.
With a world filled with sinners.

Can one person really do.
Anything at all?

For even the previous days.
Turned a blind eye.
Right when the ground became solid again.
Regret just bellow the aching mealstrom.
Even as we embark on that familiar road.
And then all that's left to do.
Is to look towards the furture.
As we blink for the past.
Sometimes we walk the same road over and over again, but fail to realize that the path extends further than one is willing to go.
darren laird Mar 2010
R Apr 2013
I can't seem to find the words for
When I look into your eyes.
The perfect blue and
Gray blends together,
To form something

I see your wrists
And I smile.
You've been through so
I'm glad to have helped if
I have.
Even though seeing you
Makes me unhappy,
I know that in some way
You've become stronger.
I can see it in the way your
Cuts have healed,
And In the way you

Everything you do shows you've become
Than yesterday.

If I kissed your scars,
Would you turn away?
I want to show you how much I
Care for you,
Even if it's just as a friend.

I love you so much,
And I mean it dear.
I can't be with you but,
Our furture as friends will be eternal.
Sam Oct 2016
Things near and far,
will never change,
the here and now.

Things can  last forever,
or never start,
Nobody can see in the furture.

Things will prospure,
and never lose.
the positives.

Things will end,
and never begin,
the negatives.

Things near and far,
will never change,
the hear and now
Connie Gross Mar 2016
We where born so seperatly,
a distance far between.
Waiting for the stars to aline gradually.
Bringing you to me.
We wouldn't meet for years to come,
that's ok you see.
Growing up so differently and seperatly,
was the way it ought to be.
People we have met,
knew of you and me.
little did we know,
our paths would cross some day.
We began at different schools,
different friends we had.
As we grew, few I knew,
left my school to you.
Stars began aligning,
for it was meant to be.
meeting in our high school.
starting as our enemy,
for reasons I can't recall.
We met so many years ago,
who knew we'd be here?
A friendship unblievable,
a treasure you are to me.
A special bond we have.
A love you are for me.
We started off so casually,
then to be inseperable.
So thick and strong.
though times had passed we did not talk,
our bond is truly remarkable.
time away it did not change,
we always stay the same.
a look with eyes between us two,
speaking not a word,
A conversation we can have,
that only us will know.
We've had our share of ups and downs,
always supporting me.
The laughs we have,
the tears we share,
memories of everthing.
Jess my friend I'm so glad we met,
so many years ago.
Through all the times we've had.
our simple memories.
I'm greatful and excited,
to reminisce and
share these things with you.
I wonder what the furture holds?
From fighting back in high school,
and everything in between,
to becoming family.
I Love you Jess Forever
For all the things you mean to me,
It's hard to find the words.
I prayed for a friend so long ago,
how little did I know,
my sister I would find.
Look what we've become.
I thank you for the years.
I thank you for your time.
I thank you for the love you give.
Your truly someone grand.
A treasure I do hold.
I am looking forward,
to watching you grow old.
Sophie Woods Feb 2014
My name it means nothing, my fortune is less
My furture is shrouded, in dark wilderness.
Sunshine is far away, clouds linger on
everything i posses now it is gone
where can i go to?
and, what can i do?
nothing can please me, my thoughts are of you.
crying and thinking; is all i can do,
memories i have remind me of you...
Which door am I facing
is it the furture or the past?
Whish door am I chasing
is it the next or is it the last?
Which time am I embracing
will it go slow or will it go fast?

Eevee Jan 2018
What will the future bring?
When i am older i will be a teacher.
Teach the young the true meaning of love, and friendship.
To teach them the right way to live.
To care about people and have good character.

But the future is not written,
let me tell you what,
You write you future.
Don't let it be a pipe dream,
where is can not be reached.
Make it come true,
so that dream,
is not so small

Sander S Vatn Aug 2019
The ethernal city have crumbled and risen
Kronos have played his game and beaten all great powers
Their world lost
but their words alive

Its the nature of time that the sun must rise and fall
A fact of life that you one day must fall
That day turn to night
Still we stand strong

Let wisdom flow like a river
may knowlege never run dry
Do your best to shape the furture
What is left when you die
Umi Jan 2020
All I want to see after a hard day of work,
Is your smile, your warm embrace, your gentle touch,
Your tenderness, your determination, are what breezes over this exhaustion and gives me back my will to fight on, for a better furture for the both of us,
Your eyes are what make me shine, even though I am barely a reflection of the light you are giving me,
As the sun shines day by day, let me be your illusiounary moon to brighten up your every night, gently softly like the wind tends to do over your long, beautiful curly hair,
Every word you say, every form of laughter you give me, makes my heart just skip a beat,
So that is why,
That is why I will never suffice in satisfying your every need,
But I am determined too,
Determined to make your every step, every breath you take, easier,
Now come my dear let me take your burdens and bear them myself,
For you, the weight of the whole world isn't enough to stop me
From loving you

Yours truly

Pure Furies

Rachel Gosby Jan 2022
Scared not knowing if I’m going to survive another day.
Not knowing if my health will change my furture.  
Feeling the pain from the tumors growing inside me.
Not knowing if my colon will give me cancer.
Hoping that the doctors won’t find anything else  
Not knowing if family and friends are really there for me.
Crying each end every night due to the pain I feel.
Not knowing if I’m going to see my children grew up.
Sleeping to get away from the pain.
Feeling my nerves and muscles fighting in my body.
Trying to hold things in my hand, but can’t.
My stomach is growing each day.
Being able to work only in my dreams.
Living with multiple illnesses is not easy.
Being able to hug my children is out of the question.
Not knowing which illness will attack me next.
Taking multiple medications is my life.
Feeling week easy and every day.
Getting out the bed is getting harder to do.
Worrying that my illness will take over.

I’m For Ever Scared!!!!!!!!
More than ever.

— The End —