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Karijinbba Jul 2021
Personal REPOST - Not a poem.
My guardian Archangel is Ariel
known as the Goddess of nature
like I am
Ariel Archangel heals
the planet animals responsible for natural elements
Earth, wind, water, and fire.
Ariel's role as an archangel
relates to inspiration.
Aries people treat breaking up like a sport, and they do not want to lose. Aries would rather dump than be dumped, and so if tension has been building, they're likely to be the ones to initiate the split.

Since Arians want to move on faster than their exes, they're often the first to rebound, but they're rarely malicious and will self defend
as last resort!
Aries-born people are favorited
for theirfierce and independent approach to life being attracted
to their uninhibitedness
and a wild personality.
Aries-born people are attracted to the quirkiness and weirdness of
Aquarians and both get along like a house on fire!
Unlike any other zodiac sign,
Aries is more hung up on the memories they created with the ex-partners than their exes themselves
they avoid competition
For Arians, it's not at all about getting back together, but it is all about the nostalgia that ~hits them hard.~
Aries cannot stand people who try to set the tone in their life!
Aries hate ~intrusiveness.~
Do not push Aries or give them ultimatums-they alone will decide when to call and see you!
Aries are quite confident
energetic and a bit of a daredevil
it's no surprise that their biggest fear is the fear of going unnoticed
or being forgotten.
Aries poeople, Arians, want to make a mark on the world, and they like to have many accomplishments
achievements under their belt.
When an Aries is hurt, they will let you know with their blunt and impulsive actions.
Aries' element is fire making them naturally very passionate,
inclined towards exploration,
and a little bit scary
~when set off.~
Don't tell an Aries a greater lover roams your head
spinning your inner thighs
Your Aries will become
a puff of smoke
and be GONE

Aries born women are
fire and ice cold and hot
in your arms
If you are ever kissed
by an Aries
you are truly loved
cherished and adored
but only if,
if, you reciprocate fully
Defined by: Karijinbba
Don't betray Arians

they got powers to END you
or to bless you near or far.
if you attempted against them
everything evil is
returned to you hundred fold

you are already dead
no forgiveness granted
if you do not ask
you'll have to make amends.
if an Aries loved you
you are in luck.
Tiffany Marie Apr 2015
All about who I am

Open book

I am tiffany gold and im proud of who i am and can be
T.G. acrostic poem
Raj Arumugam Jul 2011
You know, you just gotta love
poetry blog sites
Poetry sites make you comfy
You post a poem
and they tell you how
useless your poem is
with various comments and statistics

Like how? Like below…

You posted this poem 36 hours ago.
This poem is public and visible on your profile.
It has been read by 1 other person.
(Actually, was that you using another account?)
It’s been 36 days now since
you posted this poem
and 360 other poems.
You’ve had 1 hit –
****** loser!
It’s all so consistent…  
You’ve had no likes…
You’ve had no recommendations…
No one has favorited you…
Loser! Loser! Loser!
****** loser!
You've no Friends.
You've had no Invitations.
You’re not on the
Most Frequented Poet List.
You’re not on the
Most Commented List.
You’ve had 390 poems
and none has been chosen
to be featured at our site
and none of your poems
ever became Editor’s  pick.
Loser! Loser! Loser!
O, What’s wrong with you?
*Loser! Loser! ****** Loser!
****** humor, that's all...I just hope it's ****** good humor!
Margo May Dec 2015
it’s winter
time to enjoy
the irony of winter

least favorited
longest season
shortest days

many times gloomy, dark, depressing
somehow manages to glisten, sparkle, shine

coldest yet it’s
dangerous yet it’s
colorless yet it’s

choose not to
complain and wish it away

choose to
live in the present and enjoy it while it’s here

summer will come soon enough

for now
it’s winter
time to enjoy
the irony of winter
Fish The Pig Apr 2016
he askin' why I ran out in the rain
can't tell him he made me feel this way again
that boy's goin' to vegas at the years end
I know he likes his thai massage with a happy end
I know if I say my soul all this will end
-- Boy you've got me turning
in circles
crazy like bipolar
red hot then an icy shoulder
lost my composure
walk home rainy night
total     exposure

I see the train coming
what if my shoes moved
I think my favorite-red-dress
would look best on the tracks

I see your past relationships
I'm gettin the scraps
you built an empire outa bricks
I got sticks
wolves come huffin' and puffin'
I let em' in for 120
you got the dough
my wallet empty
treasure the penny
livin off tips
just the tip
for an extra fifty
takeout thrifty
took a showa
I feel filthy

-- he askin' why I ran out in the rain
can't tell him he made me feel this way again
that boy's goin' to vegas at the years end
I know he likes his thai massage with a happy end
I know if I say my soul all this will end
-- Boy you've got me turning
in circles
crazy like bipolar
red hot then an icy shoulder
lost my composure
walk home rainy night
total     exposure

guess I'm looking for a little closure

too much left to interpretation
tryin to be patien
but it's got me down in the pits
these hairy pits itch
but if you need me
call me
what's the sitch
I'll be there on the fly
'cause you my only guy

in my head I'll be asking why--what who when where
but my vocal chords would never dare
afraid one word will end it all
I just want you to give me your all.

he askin' why I ran out in the rain
can't tell him he made me feel this way again
that boy's goin' to vegas at the years end
I know he likes his thai massage with a happy end

He can get whatever whenever
nervous of all the girls passin by
he got his arm around me can't see why
scared I can't match up to the pharo
feelin' like a popper in his maro
windows covered in steam
marry me
make me a queen-

-- Boy you've got me turning
in circles
crazy like bipolar
red hot then an icy shoulder
lost my composure
walk home rainy night
total     exposure

I see the train coming
what if my shoes moved
I think my favorite-red-dress
would look best on the tracks

I see the train coming
what if my shoes moved
I think my favorite-red-dress
would look best on the tracks

I see the train coming
see the train coming
see the train comin
what if my shoes moved
what if my shoes moved
my shoes moved
my favorited red dress
it looks best on the tracks
monster mouse king rat
none is the master of you
Ciera Nicole Oct 2013
What is it?
An affair between two voices.
A war between two body parts.
A battle between two conscious thoughts.

What is it?
For it does not breathe, yet it has a heart.
For it does not make sounds, but the drums hit hard.
For it is not holdable, yet it can easily break.

What is it?
It can not be traced.
It can not be mapped.
It can not be favorited, retweeted, or reblogged.

What is it?
It causes happiness, yet depression.
It causes warmth, yet bitter coldness.
It is a guiding light, yet a grim realization.

What is it? What could it be?

For researchers suggest...
It is love.

It is a dark, mysterious, risky, fragile, delicate, cliche, love between two people followed by an everlasting internal struggle.

It is love.
Shea Eugene Jan 2013
All used cups – 99 cents
and there is one well-used
A bit delicate
A sharp lip
The floral design fading into china white
She drank her coffee black
I conclude with a tipping look
or perhaps a single sugar cube but certainly
this cup lived its life favorited

It has rested beside many morning papers
and accompanied many fresh tea-biscuits
here it is - sad - lonely
its friends saucer and spoon lost
at the bottom of a box in back

All these other stranger cups surrounding
most haven’t a clue how to be a favorite cup
You must meet her lips just so
for what you contain is both
a delight and dangerous

You must shape into her hands lovingly on cold mornings
and balance perfectly from her aging fingers
when her mind is engaged elsewhere
Your morning greetings should be bright and hopeful
reminding her daily of all she is likely to forget
- There is beauty in the world to savor today
- There is goodness in every drop of life
- There is truth to be stirred by even now

It is not an easy thing to be a favorite cup
you must endure many more scrubbings
than the visitors cups
and the thoughtful-gift cups
the ones which say “Worlds Greatest Grandma”
the ones loved but unused
You are far more likely to be dropped and chipped
so you must be stronger than the rest
and more than any other dish in the cupboard
you become part of who she is
until the day she dies
and when
she does
the plates and bowls and holiday mugs
will always find a new home
you never will
Sonya L Aug 2015
cells work from knowin
your words be devotion
hope you're feeling if you're jokin
the hells unspoken
are felt in each motion
giving all you in connotation
while reaching your plan spread open
remember too well
you are your favorited treasured notion
until we are all proper emotion
Harry J Baxter Feb 2014
I used to pray a lot
knees to carpet
elbows on the edge of my bed
hands in the humble position
Dear God,
say hi to Granddad for me,
I hope he’s doing okay up there
waiting for us
I’ve been doing good
but I would really love it
if you could give me super powers -
I swear to use them right -
thanks God

God never favorited any of my tweets
never liked any of my pictures
never poked me back
but that doesn’t mean much
in the ways of existence
I think He just doesn’t like to be bothered
and I never heard back about my Granddad
and I still have no super powers
but I am still here
and the weather outside
is ******* magical
Johnnie Woods Jul 2018
You give my poem a heart.
>I look at your profile
>open "favorites"
>30 K favorited poems
>several dozen poems favorited in less than hour(some of poems quite long)

Are you ******* serious?
I sense so much fakeness.
queen of hearts Sep 2017
we know how to love
we just don't want to
- relax
It's 2017.
We're all capable of feeling
just scared to feel the same thing.
Love is for the weak.
Sins are for the blind.
Tinder matches, face to face
"I'm just here for a good time"
I can read through all your posts
secretly we're lonely
You favorited my tweet
so I guess that means you want me
We've seen it all
it's nothing new
So please hide all your demons
Choose your insta caption wisely
love is not in season
Mims Feb 2019
Suger kisses
Silly crushes
Candy hearts ask
"Will you be mine?"
Wandering eyes
A glance at her thighs
Thorns on the roses in the bouquet you bought yesterday
Two things that can pierce
And in between
Two things that bleed
Heart shaped cardboard boxes
Filled with chocolate
And caramel
Walking through target
Commercialised, consumerisim
And everyone likes talking about how
This holiday is what it is for more sales
Than romance
And its true
Sugar hearts do not equal ancient love
But we love to spend
Money and time
On someone we love
Or someone we are saying sorry to
Maybe its the same one
Humans are so cute
Making cards
Red and pink
And surprising with favorited
Chocolate things
But today is take out
The girl your 'one true' doesn't know about
Or maybe they do
But choose not to mention it
Because maybe they



Lacy black things
Long receipts
Long nights
Not at the office
Where you claim to be
Let me ask you
Were the flowers for her

As large, and as beautiful,

As the flowers for me?
Things I hear about in wine tainted conversations between the wives
It is funny that I am drawn to the photos he Favorited after he is gone
I see his name everywhere Mr deleted
Flickr friend to flickr what?  all the net doors you have shut
I miss your words and commentary..memory will not serve me memory
Mr deleted is the only sentiment left on pages we shared
You deleted yourself how dare you
no comments left just I stare at you
Mr Deleted..your commentary is still needed
Lola Jan 24
My keyboard displays your name whenever I type the first letter
Your city is still in my weather app
My car named your house “home”
My pillow case reeks of your cologne
Our pictures line the walls of my childhood bedroom
Your coffee order still sits favorited in the app
Sometimes when I do the laundry,
and one of my socks goes missing,
yours will show up instead
I have jewelry tucked away,
that occasionally finds its way up to the front
Half of my wardrobe was yours

Maybe if someone warned me,
that I would be haunted by you for the rest of my life,
I would’ve been more careful

— The End —