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Annie Brown May 2010
Oh Farmville, Farmville you fill my day
that otherwise I'd throw away

I'd work I'd wash I'd clean I'd cook
And otherwise be off Facebook

But thanks to all my Farmville friends
I've chicks to feed and fields to tend

Crops to sell and barns to raise
this is now, how i spend my days

Oh look a purple cow!
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I’d heard about social networking,
And how it was the next big thing,
So I just had to take a look,
And ended up on Facebook.

It only took me a little while,
To fill out most of my profile,
But I have spent many a night,
Figuring out the rest of the site.

I never realized I had so many friends,
The friend requests never end,
All the people I can’t stand at work,
And now the biggest high school ****.

I have to admit I’ve learned a bunch,
I know what all my friends eat for lunch,
And it really helps me that I know,
Everyone’s favorite TV show.

The work on Facebook never stops,
I have to water my imaginary crops,
Send get-well wishes to Farmville quick,
My friend’s imaginary cow got sick.

I now realize my chances are dire,
Of ever building a Mafia empire,
And perhaps it is a bit of a shame,
My It Girl will never go on to fame.

My kids' statuses tell me of their life,
At dinner time I get poked by the wife,
I try to keep my friend count nice and fat,
So, I even signed up the dog and cat.

I guess you can say my life’s complete,
I have more friends than I’ll ever meet,
On Facebook I can roam far and wide,
And I never have to go outside.

Admit knew this had to be coming...inspired by a comment by the owner of another site about how she did not understand Facebook because "there is no water cooler, and people just talk about what they had for lunch"...
APari Aug 2015
Siri. Type this:

More memories. Less Facebook moments.

Let’s go back to concerts filled with lighters — warm seas of flame,

instead of stadiums filled with phones and waves of blue light that keeps us from sleeping at night.

Our phones, it looks like we’re all telling one big ghost story around the campfire — our faces lit up from underneath in the dark.

It’s like a part of our bodies, a mollusk’s shell,

That we won’t outgrow until it’s torn from us and we’re eaten, still fresh.

It’s like we call it Facetime because that’s what we need, but don’t have.

Since when is being viral a good thing?

Viral means an infectious disease.

Viral Viral Viral.

I feel like I need a ****** just to surf the web.

I honestly can’t have a conversation with a person

without toying at my phone anymore.

We post our beautiful stories on snapchat,

the colorful blurred days of our lives,

and let it slip away into the ether.

Your stories are still interesting even after 24 hours.

Seeing that red notification, knowing I’m special, I’m wanted, I’m special.

when it turns out to be another Farmville invite.

Talk about crutches. Nitze called religion a crutch but at least religion helps people walk. Phones make people run into things.

I wonder if the New Messiah will have a social media account.

We are so close to just hooking up our phones to traveling robot vehicles and navigating our world from our home.

The future’s hangouts will be phones arranged in a circle

on a table,

all on Facetime,

as we take shots,

in our rooms alone.

Jerry smiles because he isn’t wearing pants

but no one can tell.

Our phones only show what’s on top.

Please share this poem, by the way.

For videos of my reading my poems, visit
Inkyu Kim Dec 2011
The Blue of the Democrats
The Red of the Republicans
Where is the White of The People?

When did We The People become,
We The Separated?

In times like these.
We cannot look to the government.
We The People, must look to ourselves!

United We Stand!
Divided We Fall!

The government was never
fat politicians.
It was We The People

Where is the Red, White, and Blue?

We are the Government.
We don't have the luxury
to blame ourselves.

We The People.
Of the United States of America
must stand against today's problems.

Not debt.
Not war.
Not education.

But laziness,
and hopelessness.

Blaming the government,
is blaming We The People.
Blaming your neighbors.
Blaming your friends.

What happened to Uncle Sam?
He fell and We ignored him.
Our Uncle Sam is still there.
begging for help,
We keep walking.

Now We ask each other.
Where is Uncle Sam?
Where is Patriotism?
Why is our country in disarray?

I say,
look unto yourself
We The People
have become lazy
have become confused
have become weak

The World is turning.
Mother of time is ready
to spit out the old,
and chew,
on the new.

Like Rome.
We seen our final glorious days.
The New World dawns.

But I tell you my friend.
It is not too late.
We have all heard and saw Rome's dismay.
It is not too late.

It is not too late.

We can learn from the Romans.
We can turn from our ways of laziness.
Help Uncle Sam!
Bring a New America.
Out with the Old!
In with the New!

Uncle Sam has a lot on his plate.
The War in Afghanistan,
His debt to China,
and His fading economy.

We can't help him by solving those problems.
But let us,
We The People.
Clean His home.
Sing a song to him.
Our all-american Uncle.
Fix his home.

Let us We The People take the first step,
if you see kids on the streets,
yell at them,
"Did you do your homework?"
"Are you studying for your SATs?"

If We are at work.
Don't play FarmVille.
Work knowing this,
You are fighting for America,
everyday is another dollar off of Uncle Sam's debt.
You are the frontline in this war against time.

If We are at school.
Stop flirting with random girls or boys,
with intent of ***.
Know this, you are next.
We are The People.
Kids build the bullets of Uncle Sam's Gun,
through education.
If Uncle Sam has good bullets, he will win his battle,
If Uncle Sam has bad bullets, he will lose his battle.
When Uncle Sam goes to battle with the other countries,
your bullets will be the difference between America the destroyed,
and America the victorious.

We Are The People.
We Are The Future.
We Are The Government.
Never forget that.

So next time you ask yourself,
how did this happen?
Look at yourself,
remind everybody.
We are The People.

We need to work harder America.
There is no question to that.
That is the Modern Common Sense.
Akshatha Hegde Jun 2014
I texted you,
You Whatsapped back.
I posted on your Wall,
You pinged me on GTalk.
I pinged back on GTalk,
You Vibered me.
I buzzed you on Lync,
You mailed me on Yahoo.
I messaged you on FB,
You shared a post on G+.
I messaged you on Linked In,
You sent a talking parrot on Farmville.

I invited you to an Outlook meeting,
You invited me to your Picasa album.
I pinned an interest,
You YouTubed yours.
I wrote this blog post
while you Tweeted.

It's time to throw away
this smartphone
and call home.
If you don't answer,
I'll see your light on,
cross the street
and knock on your door.
Cunning Linguist Jul 2014
I, fluoride - sanity theft
Winding toy soldiers
to march the path toward furtive glory
While spurting the tune of war
to the end of their very last breaths

Harbinger of certain death
Peek from behind the curtain
Witness the brain mining
From inside your skull
eyeballs explode, deftly blinding
Defining images which pervade
Overwhelming emotions stowed
Once turned to stone
mental harm, tractor combines harvest FarmVille tards by the barnload

The eye of Horus and ISIS see all
scorching and seizing nations, arm in arm
All for one, none for all

Bombarding bravado
Clasp the trap
Lapse in conscious
All tapped out
Drowning in tap water
Until all comes tumbling down like Niagara Falls, dauntless

Like Satan's hands expanding
advance upon the homeland
Then race trickling downward
Total assest forfeiture
(***** buried in sand)
Faces hidden, ashamed

Orchestrate the line in frame
Shape my frame of mind
Until my thoughtscape escapes
To peer through one eye
Met to widespread acclaim

Descending into the mind of Chaos,
His stables gates
burst forth with beasts of fable, insatiable and rampant
Triumphant, turn the tables
Arch-Angels blare your trumpets

Tell Famine get off his high horse
And rear his ugly head
So we can really show that *****
Mother Earth what for;
**** that ***** until nothing's left

Effectively wrecked
From careening trains of wretched gang-bangs
Now she'*****
& the caged bird that longs to be free, is inevitably
**dismembered to pieces by the felines that be
***** to die for
M Clement May 2014
I hate farmville
I don't understand why people put up with shovelware
Pay more money to play our game
Pay us more money to do something monotonous
You grew corn
Way to go.
You're a champion.
Thanks for the $1.99
Fertilizer's great right?
Wouldn't you rather create a fake farm
than make one in real life?
Why use blood, sweat, and tears
when you can pay more money
To play a ****** game for years?
Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook prompts; this one: Farmville.
Miss Clofullia Mar 2017
it was a normal day:
in the metro, a tall guy was giving
oral stress to his girlfriend
for spending too much time on her phone,

angry mothers were killing it at Fruit Ninja,
aiming only for the green items;
all because of some article on vegans
they read on Bored Panda,

students were kicking it on Tinder,
deciding their political views
in the same time,
with simple left & right swipes,

Romanian women were being abused
in Italian FarmVille games,
while the cucumber production
was growing and growing,

it was a bad day for poetry;
all the good words were on strike!
the streets were empty
and all the traffic lights were red.

I was still hoping there was hope in this world.

Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
I really hate facebook
No really, I do
Everyone I ever knew is on there
Sometimes more than once

500 friends and still no one to talk to
Everyone commenting
But no one’s really saying anything

Have I mentioned how much I hate you?
Oh look Farmville... again
Gods help me

Another comment box is coming up
I’m being poked from so many different directions
Does anyone own a phone anymore?

HAHA thought someone might remember my birthday
No that was facebook to
Of course

Poke me again and I swear I’ll strangle you with that mouse cord!
I’ll show you wireless

Family I have never met before wants to add me
Just because we share the same last name
Does not mean I want to know you

I just saw pictures I wish I hadn’t
I think I need to gouge my eyes out
...I’m being poked again

That’s it I’m killing someone!
For the record I told you so
Prepare to die!

p.s I hate you
Sam Greig-Mohns Feb 2014
Whatever happened to those days
when 2 good friends was enough
4 was pushing your ability to see them all in a week
and more then you could count on one hand meant you were that kid with more money then social skills

What happened to picking up the phone
going 24 hours without texting someone
or god forbid
leaving the house without your cellphone, tablet, E-reader... ext... ext

Where did the enthusiastic answer Hell ya! go?
when was is swallowed up by the strange awkward silence usually following the question

Are you busy?

When was it converted into a hesitant and half hearted lie

I'll message you on Facebook...

When did the world start revolving around spray on tans
because no one goes outside anymore

When was LIFE exchanged for online credit
birthday reminders for people you've never met
high scores that wont matter tomorrow, or even 10 seconds from now

Farmville, Mafia wars, Bejeweled

and loneliness...
It be like,
what song are you
****** doo,
Farmville too,
the whole day through.

What the fluck is wrong with you?

Ifya want a friend that goes on to the end
you've got a fiend in
facebook.the home for lost keys,broken hearts,screams and the last refuge of the silently ******,
dontya just love it.
Ra May 2016
Happy birth-mothersday
Throw ya toast out the window
Feed it to the dog
Kiss me with your laughing eyes
Kiss me kindly with your lips
Touch my cheek with your smooth brown hands
Not one more time
But forever more times please Mum
Let's get ***** growing potatoes
Let's get paint on the carpet
Let's write love notes on the walls
Like all normal people do
Tell me to make you a cuppa tea.
(I'm turning into you mum.)
Sing my songs to me mummy
Tell me about Rindacella again
please tell me how she slopped her dripper on the stairs
Can you hear the morepork Mummy? Listen with me
Did you see that shootin' star?
Are you smelling these trees?
Wrap me up in itchy woollen cardies
Put my odd socks on
Puddle jumpin' in my gummies
In a land called Honalee
I'll climb into bed with you tonight
Lace bedspread catching my toes
Curl up in the nest of the crook of your knees
It's cold, sleep back-to-back
Dance in front of my friends if you like
They all think you're cool
Sorry I didn't tell you.
Teenagers ****.
Tell me I'm amazing
Adventurous and strong
Your courageous daughter
Smart and beautiful
Remind me I can sail ships through storms
That God is always close
Pray over me and praise with me
Read the bible again to me
Come play piano with Isobel
Or computer games if you like
I think I've killed your Farmville farm
Sorry .
Chat with me on Facebook
Ocean's teacher likes Donald Trump
Be outraged with me please
Come with me to the school
I'll hide behind your storm
People aren't afraid of my
Gentle, steady rain
I think I hear my babies stirring
They're amazing Mum
You should see the stuff they do and say
You should see how fierce they are
You should. You should. You should.
Be. Here.
They're creeping round the house now
Making my heart laugh
I better open up my bedroom window
Ready for the toast.
Sara Barrett Nov 2024
In the glow of screens,
we gathered,
Farmville requests from aunts,
a world of laughter,
simple joys shared like sunlight,
photos blooming like flowers,
each snapshot a moment held close.
But shadows crept in,
voices grew louder,
arguments ignited in the digital crowd,
once a haven for stories and cheer,
now a battleground,
where fear and anger drown out connection.
Oh, to step back,
to mute the noise,
to cherish the small moments,
to find joy in simplicity.
Can we learn to listen?
To hold our space with care?
To share our truths without fear of judgment?
Imagine a world where we pause,
where empathy reigns and understanding flows.
Let’s reclaim the joy of a simple post,
the warmth of shared memories,
the bonds that matter most.
If we could remember how to talk again—
to share our lives without the weight of expectation,
to celebrate each other’s stories as our own.
Maybe then we can find our way back,
to laughter and support,
to kindness woven through our words.
And maybe one day,
we will step into that light again—
not as warriors in an endless fight,
but as friends seeking connection,
hearts open to the beauty of being together.
This poem, “Rekindling Connection in the Age of Social Media,” reflects on the dual nature of digital communication. It captures the initial joy of shared experiences through social media, contrasting it with the growing discord and disconnection that often arises in online interactions. The poem calls for a return to genuine connection, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding. It invites readers to cherish simple moments and celebrate each other’s stories, ultimately envisioning a world where kindness prevails over conflict. This poignant exploration resonates with anyone navigating relationships in a digitally dominated landscape.
In the aisle for a while

There's no preferential
here on the Central
it's dog eat dog

see a seat
want a seat
get a seat.

This is a treat
for me
immersed in the trappings
of some great abnormality
which some call
and in the fast lane too
heading to god knows who
but where is the greater question.

Singled celled organisms?
the origins are to be found
here on the underground
a seething mass of humanity
who like me
sit silently and pray to
Candy Crush or FarmVille
and YouTube is just one more
tube to train your thoughts

Sounds a bit dismal
which are the only sounds
you hear
down here
that and the occasional snort
when some clever clogsworth
gets caught in the door.

Imagining there was no here
down here and only up there
up there
how could I bear it?
I'd manage.

And now I'm
' off to see the wizard'
well they all think they're wizards
don't they
until they're turned into a frog
to dog eat dog
I never really left.
ymmiJ May 2024
simulated hives
3-D farmville lives
Morpheus cries

— The End —