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Matalie Niller May 2012
****** lands
(except for the natives)
dying to be properly deflowered and nailed and ******* and erroded
to make way for gun forts and gold mines
(they can be built!)
they're called Zale's and they love money
funny, not to all but to enough
call them crazy call them savage
but maybe they just love their homes
and don't own the kinds of weapons that make the loudest noise
but that **** the slowest and with least dignity.
Color-me a Cosmo girl
fit to be cover material, just look at my hair
look at Pocahontas, you know she was bald?
Hideous, un-English in every way
probably because she wasn't
but gotta give credite where credit is rejected, overdrawn
maybe never even earned just splurged and secreted
but wanna hear a secret?
The land belongs to nobody
not a soul not a body not a mind
they knew this but knew others were destroying it
that's why they were mad,
not because they were children who had their toys stolen
but because a living lifeless matter was being assaulted
catapulted into the future of steam engines and fried chicken
feathers blowing in the winds of convertables
they took scalps to maybe open the minds to the error of ways
not that one's head should be disassembled
but one can't seem so oblivious or wide eyed when shown the  facts
of obvious emotional response
but we are young
dinosaurs were old and we have time to forget.
SøułSurvivør Apr 2017
I was once a castaway
Of an unforgiving sea
I made a castle in the sand
To ease the pain in me

I made the ramparts ten feet tall
The walls were four feet thick
I filled the moat with lots of sharks
I built it brick by brick

I walked the walls most every day
No rescuer about
But I did not want folks to come in
I wished to keep them out!

The sand was cast in hate you see
The mortar my foe's blood
I repaired the walls quite often 'coz
My inner tears would flood

Within the walls, a prisoner,
My anger was my meat
My only water my own tears
They washed about my feet

Finally the water rose,
From weeping, o'r my head
Their waves erroded at the walls
And the SEA was fed!

Whilst the walls were quickly shrinking
A tide, like floods, came in!
All the sharks went out to sea,
My destiny was grim!

I made a fine, tall castle, yes,
Of sand & shells & grout
To shelter me within? Oh no!
To keep my loved ones OUT!

And others unforgiven.
And the ones I hated.
And other prejudices, yes,
That went on unabated...

And so I found a Mighty Rock
Upon which I stood.
I finally found life's meaning, YES!
I finally understood!

Forgiveness? A DECISION.
To put pride on the shelf.
And freeing up your fellow man
You  become FREE YOURSELF.

Though for years, I drank my tears,
My thirst was never slaked.
And hatred's fused & melted sand

Does not a DIAMOND MAKE.

(C) 4/3/2017
I've been writing a book about my Scientology experience. And in doing so I found I had a root of bitterness in me. Not only towards Scientologists, but toward a lot of people who have hurt me in my life. It cost me a great deal of mental anguish. I ended up making a decision to forgive again. Throughout my Christian walk I've had to do this. Forgiving others is not an option. In order to be forgiven by God, you must forgive other people. Think of all the ***** rotten stinking things you've done to others I thought to myself. They may not have forgiven you. But you still need to forgive them. And forgive yourself while you're at it! So I asked God again to give me the willingness to forgive. I made the decision to forgive. And I do forgive. Forgiving does not mean forgetting. You don't let people hurt you over and over again. All it means is that you are relinquishing them of the debt that they owe you. And you, in turn, are forgiven of the debts you owe as well.

Unforgiveness is like self-administered poison. It can cause all kinds of diseases. Cancer is caused by stress. Arthritis can be directly attributed to unforgiveness. One of my major problems physically is osteoarthritis. And there is a strong possibility that I may have cancer. I do not wish to have either of these things obviously. So the first medicine I'm going to take is spiritual....

That's why I call myself SOULSURVIVOR.

I'm writing and reading on the internet again, obviously. See you soon!
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

could you say
to someone who
you don't know

from adam?

Not the paltry
i ♡ u
that comes
on a


that some
false christians
"i love you with the
love of the lord"

Lord has an

you might as well


stones are more

at least they
can be
by the


and say

even a
might think
you need to

why do the
big three words
go with the
big four letters


then there's the
big three letter

~~~ $ . € . X ~~~

could you look
the eyes
and say
en flagrente delicto
~ ??? ~



but the
who sleeps with
a different guy
every night
but says she's


with each one


i could go farther
than this

the wife who does
not sleep with her
husband without
a goodie

or the girl who
sleeps with the guy
after two dates
because he's

i have an interesting

go up to a
complete stranger
and say


you wont.
you'd be fitted for


(c) soulsurvivor
I talk about the girls
But the guys are


This poem was suggested
By jeffrey robin

Thank YOU jeffrey

You hate life right now
But not with me around you won't
It sounds self conceited
But who cares
You know what I mean
I'm anything but to demean
My soul has been maturing
As your seems to be alluring
But has fallen into the black
I will paint it a new color
Only if you let me
Don't stay corroded
Don't stay erroded
Help me help you
Another life springing into prosperity
Is good enough for me
It's fantastic actually
This is what I live for
SøułSurvivør Apr 2017
She sits in clouds
of swirling vapor
attached to

No softness of feather
her features erroded
by ages past knowing

She has no heart
the sand
from her hardened
her only

A matron, or patriarch
lies at her feet
she knows
not who

She is uncertain
a carved cairn
who feels no melancholy
hears no marches
as the casket was brought

She sits in the mist
with no memory

mute monolith
who's sight



(C) 4/9/2017
In a very sad place right now.
A friend was hurt tonight.
Nothing life threatening.
A wound of the soul.
You're in trouble
We think its double
And now were going to silently burst the bubble
Were going to reduce your isolation to rubble
I know to some this isn't subtle
But it shouldn't be
No, it shouldn't be
Your life went downhill fast
And you were a victim
I'm so sorry we erroded our common sense and clashed here and there
The fault is mine and for that I'm sorry
I remember the potential you had shown when we were little
Year by year we drifted apart
But I never wanted to see your life fall apart
I haven't treated you the best but I do care
I'm just a ****** sometimes cause I'm mad at myself or something else
No excuses, blame it on me still
Life has stood still
For a few moments
Because we don't know what happened to you
And we're fearing the worst
We hope you didn't do what you think
Please stay strong
You don't deserve any of this
I'm rushed with guilt for the past
But I'm going to make it up now
And were going to get revenge for you somehow
We got your back
This poem is about an old friend of mine that drifted apart as years past but we still talk a little despite the clashing. We've gotten on each other's nerves but both of us have changed and he has shown some remorse before he disappeared and now I feel like I wasn't nice enough to him and that's what I blame myself on. I have no idea what happened to him but I hope he is ok.
Felicia Branch Dec 2018
A star within itself imploded.
Gravity at its end, erroded.

All light ceases to exist.
Disappearing in some deep abyss.

Nothing found and nothing gained.
No relief, no certainty, not even pain.

Forever yearning to explore your depths.
Time is abandoned with nothing left.
espaic09 May 2017
These words hold on
to the last thread
of your existence
in my life

as you persist
in all the planes
of my mind

it is long
almost infinite
dear Elysium
dont forget me

i will strongly grasp
the erroded clasps
of our chain

until roots sprout
from my veins
let us be
soul and air
again and again
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2017
i can't stress it enough,
my memory is the most
worthwhile kind of movie
that i'd come and see
most of the time...
one new year's eve...
      an odd gathering of
people you wouldn't
usually see under one room...
and there's me drinking...
then there's me
holding a child by his
legs, upside-down...
swinging him,
         and him laughing...
then i'm on all my fours,
crawling, and two children
jumping on me,
   and asking me to be a pony...
but dangling that boy
by his legs upside-down...
that stuck with me...
perhaps it was just because
of the laughter.
i feel sorry for people who've had
their memory erroded by
something like pythagoras
and trigonometry...
      to have forgotten one's child,
that is oneself...
     and then to bring up children;
what a sad affair,
        never escaping the educational
cycle of events,
        on a carousel of constant
re-         re-        +        -peat...
still, dangling that boy by
his feet, upside down, and swinging
him, and his laughter...
       well... i also could have been
a father.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
and i listen and i listen and...

this is the current reality?
and, i am not part of it?

where did i go wrong?!

'you're fringe'


                "it wouldn't even

     because if i were
to mind these arguments...
i wouldn't be
the one walking into
an alley
on a Friday night,
when the best of the jovial
come out like
cysts or zombies...

       if the script of humanity,
and books became
akin to bricks...
there wouldn't be
a ******* mud-hut standing
to alleviate
a compensation
for "progress"...

i've been looking for a ****
for two days...
    holy man looking
for ****:
    that's deliberately
a Hindu tabloid headline...
constipated like
a cat...

i am attempting to make
myself care,
and i care: to attempt to make
burden anything that

being explained gender
          not in "biological"
but in terms of physics...
via: what reproduction
scuttle-rope implies
for the... non-Olympic
and how pistons work,
the basics of:
a key and a keyhole...

what banana is to mouth
to chew to being
******* out...
i need, i need to relearn
the basics!
i need: caveman talk!
god, i'm gagging for it...

can anyone tell me
what cis is?
i'm missing that branch
of the benzene ring...
i should know the cis-
prefix antonym...
  (oh look,
no possesive "article"
of an ascriptive 's to be added)...

but i need to
reiterated on the basic
difference of
the pork-eaters united...
the criticism of
Islam against pork-eaters
that does not include
the other champions of
pork, the Xin Ching and Chow
dynasties of Cha-Cha'I'N'AH...

can i be ortho-
or meta-
             on this, grand grand,
ferriswheel of applying
vectors to attatchment groups
on a benzene ring?
     can i be meta-******?

but please explain to me
the working of a key
a door and a keyhole...
i'm sure we can settle for...
touching bums
as the only worthy explanation
for the purpose of doors,
or walls...
or houses...
        emotionally orientated
oh i feel...
          i too feel...
             i feel like...
i've been looking for a ****
for the past two days...
less contemplative
and more... constipated...
and i can't seem to find it!

great terms...
  i noun-dodo...
                    i wet sheep
under a dry umbrella...
and i'll listen,
and i'll listen...
and i will not say much,
eventuality writing
something akin to this...

              i'll want to entertain
myself with...
             watching a pit of maggots
the time i took my pet doberman
for a walk, and he pit into
a pile of ****,
and, unearthed,
was a wriggling
              compound of parasitic
worms inside the ****...
wriggling in ****...

    come to think of it...
the more i remember a past,
the more i strain my faculty
of memory...
   the more i find myself
at odds of being robotic...

             or at least: having been...
but only via the reference
point of memory,
being extracted and posited
on my now, current, self...

and i live in a time
of the architecture of
the faculty of memory being:
         i guess by being mortal,
i have been implanted
with a faulty faculty of
       whereby memory is also
   double erroded by
the rubrics of the education
prior to: world,
made subject to the ambitions
of applying 2 x 2 = 4
in the day-to-day life...

never ******* happens
for serious reasons...

                does it even matter
to have made a point
in the first place?
   it's a blank canvas...
which has to be equivalent
to a punching bag...
so... it requires
   being bashed...
          less by fists
and more by the tips of
               such purpose
and the purpose's coincidence,
timed, to a suitable
               less deus ex machina...
and more:
           **** in machina.

— The End —