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Marian Nov 2012
I love that country lane,
On which it is about to rain.
It is such a beautiful sight,
I love this place with all my might.

Of in the distance I can see,
That sunset so dear to me,
With flowers here and there;
And God's painting in the air.

I see a few cherry petals on the drive,
To really see that place is just an emty strive.
It is alive in the picture I can see,
Yet still it is all the same dear to me!

Slam May 2016
A cloud fail to wake my eyes
I've been dreaming of waterfalls
Pouring the agony of my broken walls
Screaming so loud
In silence of my echoes

Hardly to believe
Better i was decieved
Running up in down in my mind
Like wounds that never turned to scars
In pain i closed the doors

In time i lost you
In an emty heart of jar
Pulling me in so i drown
Not into the deep
But in the darkness i lost the light

Now i suffer in loathing
Out of my blue crystal box
Fragile and broken
I can't seem to put it back together
Before we were lovers
Today we are fighters
But now we are apart
The mad hatter Mar 2011
you bare your heart
you share your soul
you write all day
and it takes its toll
you cant withstand
you cant let go

all your dreams start to die
you want to leave
but only cry
its sad to say
but i cannot lie

youve made you bed
now go to sleep
give up your dreams
but do not weep

although its harsh
you must agree its fair
nothings left but an emty stare

I must warn you
do not cry

go to sleep, its time to die
Kelsie Gibson Aug 2012
Emotions, Emotions
There all the same
No matter which way
You are feeling today
I am here through it all
When ever you need a friend to call
Sad or happy it doesnt matter
Climb apone the emty ladder
Emotions, Emotions
There all the same
No matter which way
You are fealling today
Derick Van Dusen Dec 2010
Forlorn and hating life
The swine that feels the sudden strife
Has come and gone on tomorrows wings
Has fled this place of hopes and dreams

A time thus robbed and cant obtain
A simple freedom to sustain
When this life has payed its final debt
The reaper comes to collect

An eternity  goes by before we notice what is gone
And then we see what we couldnt see
What was there just yesterday is gone for good
A life wasted trying to get back what we never had

A single tear a cascade of weeping uncontrolled
All the past comes rushing back
The memories so hard forgotten a flood of wasted time
Wasted again in this emptiness nothing to cling to

Fear of losing the only grip obtained through constant struggle gained
Fear of dying alone without ever saying goodbye
Fear of fear and all that is misunderstood
Fear of living in this cold lonesome dingy place

A ragged man  pulls himself out of bed
Only to face another day of being alone
Only to be rejected again by those who once knew him
Only to suffer another cold night without comfort

A ragged man tries to find another meal
Only to spit on and beet down and made to go away
Only to try and stave off the pain in his emty stomach
Only to find a meager half eaten burger

A vet who risked his own life
So we could have the things hes trying to get
So we could complain if we dont like it
So we can try and change what doesnt work
Not too be spat on and made to go away

I didnt ask him to do what he did
I never knew him so what difference does it make
Im not the one who spit on him
It wasnt me who beet him down

All those it wasnt me's and I didnt do it
That has all been said before
but how many times have you passed a man on the street holding a sine that reads:    HOMELESS  DISABLED VET
                     PLEASE HELP GOD BLESS
and just passed him by without a second glance or thought of him.
You may as well have spit on him or beet him down or told him to go away.

All the what ifs and if onlys he's already asked himself
So this ragged tired man gets wasted again.
Wow 05 really
yass min Sep 2015
a room , a girl , a laptop , a guitar
i sit alone , in an emty room
i feel at home .
stuck in an endless routine .
sad music , oversized shirts
i'm losing my mind.
no self esteem , no self worth
but still , it's a thousand time better
than fake smiles and fake friends
Zach Merrill Oct 2010
well? was it worth it, the things we used to do and all the memory warm.

as you trembled with a smile, and all the light on earth fill your heart

down at federal jacks tonight.

so confuse me with your smile

keep me warm today, tonight, tomorrow

and you'll sit, and love the life you have, and drink your coffee to

and just write the poetry, that we make

the ballrooms alomost emty the lights are dim,

it's wonderful to be around to champnge dreams

so confuse me with your smile

keep me warm today, tonight, tomorrow

and you'll sit, and love the life you have, and drink your coffee to

and just write the poetry, that we make

and the timeing was always wrong the weathers changed

and the suns not as warm as your voice,

you my sun, you are my muse, you bring out the best in me

so confuse me with your smile

keep me warm today, tonight, tomorrow

and you'll sit, and love the life you have, and drink your coffee to

and just write the poetry, that we make

Pj Jan 2019
I long for love
Like a drowning lung
Longs for air
Longs to breathe

Need someone to
Fill this lonely
Black heart
Call it home

Ignite my dying soul
Spark the fire
That powers our
Endless love

Want a constant
Which never changes
Despite the harsh and cruel
Reality of life

Have to fill this
Undying vacancy within
My emty heart
Give me life
-E Dec 2017
Love isint blind..
Love just ignore the fualts..
Until the faults cover the whole page.

Some will love you for who you were.
Some will believe they can erase the ink.

But most will leave and find a blank page ,rewrite their story.

But no one seems knows they could just turn the page. Because thats just a chapter of their life.

And most pages are emty waiting for you to change the story's end..
Art-Stars Dec 2015
jumbled thoughts
fogged minds
shattered hearts
in emty shells
waiting to be released
in the ethereal numbness
of this world
and if i wanted to feel,would i still be lost?
-E Jan 2018
There i was Drifted away
You standing in front of me
The words I love you, your lips said

I never been happier in my life than i was there, with you in my arms
I woke up and i didin't even cry.

I was just emty ,
I lost my soul
And for the first time I
Looked at that rope and didin't feel any resistance.
I just feel so Lonely.
Sometimes the perfect dream can be the saddest thing

— The End —