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Kevin Eli Dec 2012
I find the tragedies of people so heartbreaking. Addiction is misunderstood, and this has become my understanding.

I realize that this disease is not about drugs. Drugs are only a symptom of addiction or the "ism". Some people do drugs, while others collect things, suffer endlessly in painful relationships, others obsess over things they cannot control.

The real beginnings of many of our problems comes from far back in our lives starting with childhood and upbringing. We are told that we are expected to be a certain way and that we must follow the examples of others. Even though we should believe that adults that abuse us are wrong, we internalize it and find it to be our faults. “What did I do wrong? I shouldn't have done that. I must do better next time.” I have looked inside of myself and translated that this life terrorizing issue is hard to understand, yet simple.

We have a personality we have grown up with and created. An ego represented by coats of armor that we put on. We put on a new layer of armor each time we are hurt or learn a lesson. Eventually these suits of armor start to get so heavy, we cannot move, we cannot breathe. We try to walk around and be true to ourselves but our defenses make it nearly impossible. We only want people to see what we let them to and tell our true nature to shut up. We think our true selves aren't enough to be loved and isn't worth showing people. We become ashamed of what we actually are underneath. Our Egocentricity takes over and creates that facade we want people to see.

There are several walls we must break down in order to free ourselves of the thousands of layers of armor we put on over our lifetimes. We have the first wall: our personality we present to others. We must know it and see ourselves for what we actually are. There is nothing wrong with you. You are a wonderful human being that is deserving of everything life has to offer. The second wall is the big brute who bullies you at any cost to keep himself alive: Self-hate. It is your greatest critic, your manipulator, and your source of evil. You must look at your self-hate as a black dog behind you that is always barking, looking for attention, undisciplined and untrained. Wild, vicious and dangerous, it will do anything to get what it wants from you and does not love you. It will beg and give you those puppy eyes, but it is always lying to get what it wants... In front of you is another dog. Your true self. It is a little puppy that has not been nurtured or given attention in a long time. This puppy does not bark, it does not cry. It just wants your unconditional love as it has for you.

You must not ignore the black dog behind you. It must be stared straight in the face and you must say NO. This is where the last wall and line of defense against your true nature and love for yourself hides: Fear. You are afraid that this desperate black dog will bite you when it doesn't get what it wants. It will bark so loud you cannot hear anything and you are afraid of being ripped apart and die if you do not give it what it needs. Yet, this dog has a hidden chain attached to it you have never seen or knew about before. It cannot get to you if you don't let it near you. You must make the deep and soul searching decision through great fear and with courage to never give this dog what it wants again...
Turn your eyes forward...

See the little puppy in front of you? It looks at you with those big eyes filled with the desire for you to love it and take care of it. That puppy is you... Don’t be afraid of the work it takes to raise that puppy, because it will grow up slowly yet surely and be your undying companion; always guiding you to the happiness you deserve. Give it some water, some food, your love and take it on walks.
This is you. This is your puppy. If you can learn to love this puppy and nurture it, you will have found you love yourself. When you can love yourself, you can then love another...
The suits of armor come off and you can finally move away from that black dog behind you forever. The love you found will flow into you. You will be able to live with freedom, unchained from your self-hate and fears. Nobody can say you are a bad person anymore. You have taken such good care of that puppy that you don’t need anybody's approval. Your own puppy is happy, and he loves you unconditionally. It is unconditional love for yourself.

Everybody has this armor on and everybody has different weights on their shoulders. It is up to you to decide when to break free. I will pray for you all in the mean time. Please pray for yourself and others.
And as you do, remember to love freely.
SG Holter Apr 2014
In memory of, and with respect to the victims of the 2011 terrorist acts in Norway.
As the weather resembles, one remembers...

Perhaps if you went to *my
You'd have gotten beaten up for your egocentricity
Long before it grew to such deranged preportions.

As misplaced as the runes you carved into Glock and rifle;
You'd have been not only estranged, but broken.
Disarmed decades before detonation.

Alas. A distorted berserker you ploughed through
Establishments and hearts; an armed teenager fuelled on
Video games, soft candy and steroids.

Pity the nation that nurses such an unpoetic national enemy.
We forgot your name and face, as you never knew ours.
The symbol we chose was an ocean of roses,

Like torches held to our love unharmed.

Norwegian leap year two-thousand-eleven;
Only twenty-two days in July.
Bombing the Governement's Head Quarters and shooting 69 innocent people (33 under 18) related to the governing party on July 22, 2011, a young man made himself the most hated Norwegian since Quisling.
This is to his perpetual dishonour.
Alfred Vassallo Apr 2013
Luxuria (Lust)

Asmodeus demon of lust
carnal manipulator
****** captor

Castitas (Chastity)

Embracing virtue
honorable wholesomeness
not through one’s weakness

Gula (Gluttony)

The egocentricity
with which the Lord of the flies
upon us relies

Temperantia (Temperance)

practicing restraint
prudence to judge with regard
remaining on guard

Avaritia (Greed)

The Mammon demon
controlling the warmonger
with vows of power.

Caritas (Charity)

Crave unselfishness
give unreserved empathy
love and sympathy

Acedia (Sloth)

Deny grace and God
so evil shall become fact  
when we fail to act

Industria (Diligence)

Fortitude is a must
persistence in conviction
zealous for passion

Ira (Wrath)

In its purest form
presents violence and hate
Satan’s fate

Patientia (Patience)

mercy to haters
receiving the grace to forgive
rewards are massive

Superbia (Pride)

Lucifer’s downfall
for excessive vanity
destroys humility

Humanitas (Kindness)

Sympathy without bias
belief without bitterness
inspire kindness

Invidia (Envy)

resentful passion
an insatiable desire
potent cause of dire

Humilitas (Humility)

think of yourself less
and not think less of yourself
don’t exalt oneself
NOTE:- This is made up of 14 Haikus based on the seven deadly sins as opposed to the seven virtues
Charlie Chirico Oct 2013
A vehement deity,
father of a carpenter,
and proprietor of creationism,
looked down upon his work,
both literally and figuratively.
When an ecosystem falls to the
egocentricity of man, a vessel
will be sought, and contained is
the righteousness of a mortal.

Serenity became inclination, and
with loss of the feminine beauty
came regret. For sin masqueraded
as black clouds, and whether
change occurs, torrential rain begets
growth in an environment. Wash over
the sins of the ******; what is current
can only be exposed as a fallacy when
revelation is prevalent,
and save for the innocent:

Even in Hell a cyprus tree would be
surrounded by wildflowers.
Noah knew not of damnation, and
with calloused hands raised to the sky,
a hammer came crashing down.

Not unlike stone tablets
etched with command,
the world lay on granite,
with a universal epitaph.
For Noah to ignore his destiny
would be blasphemous.
Caren Dec 2017
His ego made him
to the feeling of
you broke my heart, but your confidence made you blind to my pain.
Jasmine Oct 2011
Fall has come and brought with it a sudden change in energy.
The exhaustion of overheated air now calmly cools to a fresh breeze.

The smell of wet fire nights slowly takes place of *** waxed mornings,
As a warm breath makes its way from toasting your skin to soothing your heart.
A state of situational change commences internally as the external world converts the earth.

Gaia is transforming her body as you renovate your soul.
Each day dawns in gold, trimming the rims of wise leaves.
Nature’s acumen is on display.

She is the only being equally as beautiful throughout her entire life.
Time will never age her, for her heart is eternally youthful.

She lives off the love of those who fuel her being and protect her beauty.
Contrary to popular belief, she is not immortal.

Slowly she is poisoned by ignorance and disrespect.
The souls of the wicked eat her light and mask their meal in meaningless schemes and machinery.

She stands no chance in a world of egocentricity.

Her only hope is archaic revival.
dafne Jan 2015
nobody was who they claimed to be anymore
they changed, mostly rotted
everything is rotting and i wanted to run away
i did not want to become expired at this age,
decomposed into an attitude of egocentricity and midnight humor,
i did not want to ridicule those around, spewing venom consistently
making someone feel less and causing them to decay
i wanted to love everybody despite their capacities, their intelligence, their attitude
i did not want the trend of hating the human race
i cannot stand "i hate everyone but myself" anymore
its time to put an end
i refuse to live my life with negative energy hovering around swelling me up into a mound of stress and forehead wrinkles

hear me out
i need to leave
don't rot me too
thanks for twenty two thousand reads, so much love ♡
Only yesterday,  
We lost our beloved ones,
Leaders of yesterday,
And leaders of tomorrow,
And we prayed that it does not happen again,
Not in America,
Not in Afghanistan,  
Not in Africa,
Not anywhere in the world.  

The echoes of our cries still reverberate,
And our wounds still smell,
Our fears were forever awakened,
And our tears are still rolling down our cheeks,
Our deeply broken hearts still ache,
And day in day out we pray,
September 11 must go forever,
And never revisit us.  

Innocent people were blamed,
And innocent people suffered tremendously,
God painfully abandoned the children of Afghanistan,
As some ungodly and heartless forces tortured them,
The unborn, the born and the already dying,
Children of a living God.

And today,  
September 11 is unrespectfully intruding on us,
Like a crazy vampire seeking a ****** revenge,
Shame on the innocent and noble children of Iraq,
Their now cheap-as-a-chick lives are on the block,
As the greedy and insensitive demon prepares a barbaric carnage,
All because of egocentricity and sour power,
All because of a personal vendetta.  

Anytime now,  
The whistle will be blown,
And world peace and stability will be gone,
But who is George Bush in the eyes of God,
Who is brainless terrorist Bush in the eyes of man,
Just another September 11.
Sincerely Gill Oct 2016
You turned away with steely eyes, a man once soft now cold as ice
I begged you to stay, yet you refused to think twice
Merely another moral vice

And it makes me ponder, do you ever even halt to wonder?
About who I am or who I will be?

Perhaps a century passed with persistent pleas for you, from me
All the while you may be found perched upon a stool, cackling like some unconcerned fool
Not stopping to wonder who I will be

Was I a disastrous debacle, a thing full of promise shot down with a bang?
Or excessively erratic, a real toll on your brain?

Aid me in answering a few inquisitions, for placid pensiveness pushes me senseless
A cryptic enigma I'm trying to solve, however I've all but lost my resolve
Won't you answer my inquiries?
Aren't you ready to love?

Millennia drip by like liquid, decaying
I remain inanimate, restless, and waiting
Trying to convey the multitude of things you’re not saying

Daring to hope that you’re off on your own, curiously thinking
About who I will be

With a pliant personality, I wear my heart on my sleeve
With stubborn egocentricity, you wear yours in no place that can be seen

Might this be the reason for our poignant play of events?
No matter the reason, the past has been tinted
Battered and dented, a life with no sense left
Whatsoever things are lovely , think upon these.
Having the mentality to differentiate fully
And having the egocentricity to separate
The wheat from the common chaff
Silicate or sand from a priceless diamond
Or the simplest act of kindness of a Samaritan
Even when all your five senses are tested
Visit that sixth sense , that gut feeling to see.
Each and every element to the smallest atom
Registers on your inbuilt Richter scale

That with good taste and selective education
Having been able to weight up the pros n cons
Intelligence accumulated over a few years or so
Nothing slips through the net.  Or cybernetics
Google will see to that in the blink of an eye.
So whatever things are lovely. Think of those

And go of to sleep at night like an innocent
Reactions not influenced by the course of day
Exercise your brain to think of lovely things.

Lakes of serenely calm waters , sailing craft
Or of a majestic pair of black swans and signets
Velvet cushions housing your beautiful jewels
Every loving keepsake your partner has granted
Lilies of the valley displays upon mothers table
Your grandmothers smile as she reads to you

Things that are lovely, think upon these things
Have not a care for the state of the Nation
It is not in our individual remit to be involved
No only worry about where you have control.
Know that if you have the power to fix it

Usually you fix it , without procrastinating
Procrastination is the thief of time. So act.
On those odd occasions where you fail to act
No points are added it’s a diminishing return

The task is never as tough as you thought
Having opted to think of the beautiful things
Each mindset that you have is sweet smelling
Smelling like a nosegay in an English garden
Excite your mind and think upon these things
So , my friend learn from my humble experience
An exercise in Acrostic Poetry.
Hobbit those characters who lived
within the realm
of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
as far removed as
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
upon squelched cusp of progressivism,
now most likely
experience bitterness at the autocracy
of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Impossible mission to believe
amidst audacity, atrocity, egocentricity,
ferocity, mendacity, rapacity, et cetera
former KGB intelligence officer currently
serving as President of Russia
total mortal kombat of Ukraine did conceive
author of these words doth grieve
needless wanton death and destruction
analogous to volcano that lays waste
to innocent lives indiscriminately
spews forth horror as fiery lava
belches forth instantaneously
devastating explosions heave
leveling great swaths landscape
Gaia retching liquid rock
rendering utter wasteland
entombed survivors cannot leave.

The older generation
most likely experienced taste of democracy
(or the closest approximation thereof)
as I (am American baby boomer)
felt wowed by revolutionary changes,
when Ronald Reagan
occupied the White House.

Permafrost of the cold war thawed
when Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev
(a Russian: born 2 March 1931)
ranked as salutary Soviet statesman.

As eighth leader of Soviet Union,
he rang successful posts as follows:
General Secretary of Communist Party
Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991.

He headed country of sprawling Soviet state
from 1988 until 1991
Chairman of Presidium of Supreme Soviet
from 1988 to 1989,
Chairman of Supreme Soviet from 1989 to 1990,
and President of Soviet Union from 1990 to 1991.

Gorbachev was born in Stavropol Krai
into a peasant Ukrainian–Russian family knoll high
in his teens, operated combine harvesters
on collective farms as strapping guy.

He graduated from Moscow State University
in 1955 with a degree in law.

While at university, he joined Communist Party,
and soon became jaw
burr walk key i.e. very active mouthpiece per se.
In 1970, his near flawless
dossier a boon asper getting appointed
First Party Secretary drawing
salary of Stavropol Regional Committee,
First Secretary as “Chaw”

Bach ca qua Supreme Soviet in 1974,
and appointed as member of Politburo in 1979.

Within three years after death of Soviet leader
Leonid Brezhnev, following brief "interregna"
of Andropov and Chernenko, Gorbachev
elected general secretary chief
by Politburo in 1985.

Before reaching said post,
his bona fides occasioned bill leaf
As top dog name-dropped
in Western newspapers
as a likely next leader and reef
furred as barrier to manage
younger generation at top level.

Gorbachev's policies of glasnost ("openness")
and perestroika ("restructuring") and
his reorientation of Soviet
strategic aims contributed
to end Cold War.

Under a rustling brand
new program, the role
of Communist Party in governing
the state was removed demand
did via the constitution,
which inadvertently led to crisis-level
political instability fanned
surge of regional nationalist
and anti-communist activism
culminating in dissolution hand
of Soviet Union. Gorbachev
later expressed regret
for failure to save USSR, Mother land
though he insisted his policies not failures,
but rather vitally necessary reforms, miss man
aged, sabotaged and exploited by opportunists.

He was awarded the Otto Hahn
Peace Medal in 1989,
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990
and Harvey Prize in 1992, plus un-cease
sing honorary doctorates from various universities.

In September 2008, Gorbachev vis
a vis, and business oligarch Alexander Lebedev
announced formation of Independent
Democratic Party of Russia,
and in May 2009 Gorbachev
announced that launch meant
to be imminent.

This third attempt Gorbachev
sought to establish a political party, rent
asunder from disparate competitors started
Social Democratic Party of Russia in tent
toward legitimacy dated 2001,
and Union of Social Democrats
in 2007 voice of the people to vent.
Dr Peter Lim Aug 2021
Dear Rosie,

It's true a large part of our character is shaped by our genes but we still have a conscious choice to become the person we want to be.

Most creative people tend to be introspective and some are melancholic too.

Love of our self and others makes us lose our egocentricity and we warm up to life's possibilities, beauty and wonders.

Life is never static and at every bend we can carve our own paths to find meaning and work towards self-fulfilment-
we are free agents and we always have choices.

If we have known suffering, heartaches, loneliness and alienation,
we will emerge stronger, kinder, more compassionate and, slowly and patiently, we will mature spiritually and come  fruitfully to our own--
with this self-discovery, we will be reborn and no future adversity can ever perturb our equanimity and tranquillity.

May you find the peace and joy that you so well deserve

from a fellow-writer
callie joseph Jul 2020
accept egocentricity
you will never experience true empathy,
only your own narcissistic consciousness

reject imbalances
there is no such thing as happiness on the edge
the horse is only happy out of his stable under clear skies

write neatly,
you have a beautiful mind but will only be rewarded
for popular views

and **** 12
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2024
who, the, ****, brings, a book, into, a forest?! it's like these people living in the desert forgot, "somehow"... this fertile land of Europe is what? formerly sand dunes and fantasy? you know how much effort it took to uproot these trees and make this land fertile for a harvest?! like... this is a forgetfulness?! because the sands were easy and the mountains that were before them?! you ******* **** ****** ITES... this... this?! was easy?! to turn the forests of Ukraine into the bread basket of the world?!

Uzair! Uzair! you ******* myopia glue
to glass!
Ooh: Zer!
not ******* Za'ir
you ******* plonker...
check your goggles
make sure they're not sunglasses...

for ****'s sake...
that stubble is no beard!

and if i were to give all this
for some cougar ***
on Kauai
with suspicions of psychopathy...

but i did nothing to the girl

there's the labyrinth there's:
Leopold Göth (Amon):
i'm tired of being the "good guy"
in the lexicon of American
English with
equations of winners
and losers

like mortality is this antithesis
of a sickness of this tongue
this scribble...

so i wandered into the forest
no... no psychological parody, please,
i'm into the racist nuggets
and nothing could,
quiet match up to:

you ******* goggle eye my
******* google or GANDU

i took the sin bin approach...
walked into the forest...
found my artifact of antithesis
for which the newly arrived
tribes of polytheism
weren't too, too... sure

beside Amir and Ahmed and

the ******* looking at
me all blank:
you ******* Sudanese donkey
bring sprout:
stop coughing up useless
phlegm at me!
******* Jewing ****!

yeah: constricted language usage:
MAtthew will *******
hear you and pass it onto the STASI

"**** me, like i had some sad
sort of wriggling hand of authority..."

baptism by nettles
pinch puncture: will do...

i feel... alive!
if not mint in my mouth then
nettle teasing on my fingertips
which is not akin
to the Swiney Tricksee Canadian

      oh the *******?!

here you are: castrated and de-bollocked
if you were ever to be asking
but grandma grand hag
i took

my spintzer mah fizzle
you never
know, truly,
how to, dissociate the Germanic
from the Saxon
to the English: ping ping
almost "pre-history":
like Sudanese is the Lingua Franca...

what the **** Uzir...
Uz I Air Ear...
one ******* ear?!
one ******* ear?
i stomached ancient Romans:
oops... long gone...
the Jews are still here:
renegade in genocide...
you people ought be sleeping...
but you're still here...
so let's assume you are the genuises
while i conferred with
St Andrew and came up with:

with all the thyme, oregano...
mint is to the mouth
and lips
what NETTLE is to body...

    if you were me and you see
the compulsion of having children
without having any
subjective attachment
you might know
how to credit
and differentiate and how to:
put the **** to locker by tow
and toughening: a together...

or via: i walked into the forest
and what came missing?
my shoes
my sunglasses...
possibly my ego...
if this was the appropriate time
i applied a deodorant of itch
where mint was missing

itching body itching fingertips!
why i, wasn't allowed to
be an SS-man! why?!
such a ****** affair of...

you call this good existential advertisement?
like some ****** Schmuck
Chopin wannabe
wht ******* concerto: NOCTURNE...

i've been grinding metal like
culminating in paradoxical thing-thinking:
from a diamond
to graphite of scribble...
no itch to etch on stone...
hmm... i do... begin to realize...
the Hebrews should have followed
suite akin to:
the Assyrians becoming: Syrians...
the Romans becoming: Italians...
the Greeks becoming: Russian...
the Raj nee: Raj... whatever...

Matthew Matthew MAtthew...
thank **** i don't use my second name,
no one's seconding...

but i did walk into the forest and played
a very rare instrument of purpose...
dead tree is a guitar...
pillar of giggling when
there is smoke, and fire...
and a wooden stick as bow...
i clamored for the indentation of echo
and hollow...

what did i receive?
i can't remind her, Edie,
of the terrible men in her life...
but i can't suffocate with all this
revival and hope for:
by simply: being: good...

i left the forest having foraged for
baptism in the nettle
like any Roman centurion... good: to: go...
i foraged for feeling
i foraged for music
i foraged for touch
i foraged for aloofness
i foraged for:
and politics...

          turns out the Israel of formerly-known
Hebrew is more alive in north Amjerica
than in Europe:
i'm glad ISlaam came to Europe...
there's nothing to defend
not scripture no nothing...
i welcome Islam within the abode
of threat of the ergonomic
and work:

ha ha: even Socrates didn't invent
a philosophy of work...
Heidegger teased at the idea: prospect...
of people talking metaphysics while
compulsively averting
that not sold mantra of:

oh sure... the universe is a clepsydra
of nuance and parody...

but i did walk into the forest
and scrubbed my body like a baptism
or like any reverent Islamist
before prayer...
i scrubbed by body with nettles...
because i had no mint in my mouth
to give me Pavlovian giggles
of ooch ooch pouch a kangaroo:
the ******* ****-worshipers
want to do with a "decapitation"
of a limp... ****?

it's not that i don't enjoy women
there's enjoying and there's: "enjoying"...
mantra of the polytheistic
and polygamy and the harem!


let me just grinder my reindeer
and army of metal
and we'll be sorted... savvy?!
Yenson Jun 2020
I am big enough to accept my mistakes
we are human and we all err sometimes
I am sensitive and strong enough to care
for caring about others is caring about me
I am humble enough to be penitent when I err
it absolves my soul and nourishes my spirituality
I am intelligent and human enough to make amends
for it furthers my mind teaches me positive socialisation
I am confident enough to own my motives and actions
for I know I do all in considered respect of how they impacts others
I am courageous enough to face my demons
for it is in strength and its challenges that we grow
I am matured enough to know discords can occur
humane enough to claim my share of responsibility
I am balanced enough to avoid egocentricity
for I know its not always about me
I am loving giving and sharing enough
to sustain my belief in the fraternity of mankind
I am affable and engaging enough
to open doors and break bread and share laughter
I am real and genuine enough
to know all I do matters and must hold a positive purpose
I am wise and grown enough to understand
that most are not like me
we are not all alike
No you are not
like me
My eyelids wane like a raging
Sun strewn across
An unexpecting moon’s surface
To be viewed
From the thin slice of this desolate
Bitter blue planet.

Given a phase
By the uncomfortable
So that 28 days were easier understood,
And when eclipses flair,
Screaming across the sky,
We predict
So that schedules are constructed,
Making safe the unstable.

Writing a soft chill
When the dark side
Is the point of complexion shining
And we give labels
And names
To block out our
Primal fear
Of being so far away
And so forgotten to the stars.

The waxing and waning moon
In the sky residing,
Has no phases to itself,
Its rotation is not
But an orbit around our world.
Blame it on the moon,
But the moon never changes
Unlike these eyes
Eclipsed by your arrogance,
And shamed through your labels.

Not everything has to align
To your egocentricity.
Not the labeled one in the sky,
And not these,
Whose iris blocks out the aurora
That rages shallowly behind.
Your view may be true to you,
As the moon is only true to itself,
But the only difference:

One is an opinion
Forged within but a lifetime
As the other has folded upon tens
For a myriad of chances to evolve,
And yet never changed, thus has been
Sewn into fact,
Avoiding your cage,
That, if you only looked closer,
You’d understand
These bars
Wall up only yourself,
And maybe that comforts you.

So build your walls,
Tighten the blurry line,
Make true to life
Your ability to shine
In God’s eyes.
While the outsiders
Free to finally come to accept themselves,
Since you’re barred behind your cage,
While the world presses on,
Without you
And your idealistic crowd.

Falter your steps
To form a line
And march, you saints,
To where the road tapers,
Maybe you too will be left behind
By those you thought
Were on your side,

I wonder if your God
Is more forgiving
Unto those who lived
With an open mind,
Than those of you
Who counted heads,
Locked yourselves away,
And despised.
90 lines, 344 days left.
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2021
It saddens me, deeply so, to observe that hubris is ubiquitous, especially among artists of all genres (writers, composers, singers, actors, painters and the like).

         As a deeply entrenched humanist, I view this as a grievous social malaise.

        These people, among others such as academicians, scientists, business leaders, etc regard themselves as elitists and are contemptuous of others whom they consider as inferior. It would seem to me they are not aware that they suffer from a serious complex, perhaps an inferiority complex, insecurity or a total lack of insight into themselves.  Many no doubt are restless, competitive, stressed and unhappy in their narcissism and egocentricity.

        The hallmark of a great man is their humility and humanity,

their character and not their knowledge, status or success.

        Arrogant people estrange themselves from others, they love to be admired, recognised or praised and if such were not forthcoming would complain and feel hurt.  How puerile and immature! Such people don't make good friends and others are prone to loathing them.  They smell like rotten fish!

          No wonder society is seldom a pleasant or harmonious place with the ubiquity of such people.
Yenson Jan 2024
Their masters planned
that the placements of the abberatting
black pawns into negative prominence
is to elicit a disfavourable or disliked sensitization
which in their banal assumption reinforces a repulsion

Given that such premise
originates from Social engineers
with next to nothing knowledge
of Emotional Intelligence not to mention maturity
its pitifully obvious these are minds rooted in egocentricity

A fool thinks himself
to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to
be a fool, never is an adage so relevant here
does the pawn spewing dressed garbage in nature
know he is merely a garbage-man never an influencer

No, the lesser minds
have no introspection either morally
or even spiritually as semblance is key
sham people sham minds and sham pontifications
without the self respect to know they have no self respect

— The End —