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We wrote our names on the beach in animal bones
as a vivisection, on our love.
there, she’s whispering into shells
into their Fibonaccian, trumpeted, dresses
and full-cheeked into a razor clam flute.
I, too, gave my blood to grease our domestica
and hung names on stars over the nighttime sea
always accompanied as I were
with the shark-eye, death, of her looks.

We dressed up the walls of home in black and pinstripe,
filled the place up with lit and lightless places,
Shadowboxed, shadowfucked, and silently argued.
Spent hours inside, laying floorboards
and then laying on them
to stare at the sodium lights
and discuss the inkblots on our eyes.
We vivisected our lives,
and splashed it on the walls
and carved it into the carpets.

We set alight to christmas trees
when the kids were sleeping upstairs.
We dressed in each-other’s reddening horror
and answered the door.
Valentines day was full of bone bouquets,  
the gripper rods grew through the carpet
so on them we danced.
I prayed for the first time in the first year
and every one hit me subesquently
like I was its anvil.

I should have gone to war.
Because it makes forever shorter
things can only happen right now.

I watched everything in our domestica,
like when the static moved off the television
and played on the window
gutting me of my escape.
The smiles hung on our faces like lupus,
We had people round,
we cooked and coughed and choked
And their faces peeked round from the doorframe
and laughed.

The domestica lives
only to be a bit of fun,
but in the very same span of time
that decided to **** the birds on my windowsill
and my children’s love for me
and my dexterity.
We’ve happened to the whole world too
I promise you, my love,
my little hospice fire,
my flat tire at night at nowhere,
the lie you recognise means it’s over,
A field of a thousand three-leaved clovers,
the brightest night when you’re hiding,
your heart attack on holiday,
your bloodstained bed sheet
And sleep, whilst outside
the sleet and snow makes every emergency
harder to get to, and still the morning
much more beautiful.
I, you, we happened.
In the greater scheme of things we are all just things that happen. Life becomes an event and a performance.
Dave Robertson Oct 2021
hedge haematoma
blue-black against the fading,
once young green,
bruising for sharp winter thoughts,
clean frost lines,
untouched snow-blank focus

but before, to swell and drop
in the last pale suns,
feed the field mouse, rabbit
and endure the muds
Md HUDA Sep 2013
Soon  I will be done with the ledger of my adolescence
The sun is still in his puberty, though older than me
The moon is still in her perfection, a blessed queen
I have bejeweled you with the sweat of my love
And have garlanded your beauty with rubies and pearls….
Today you are the ocean of love,
And I the sunny heat of summer.
You came that day, Expecting for your arrival
Sun poured shower of anguish on my amethyst Panjabi
Out of the blue You appeared like an expected spring
In her colorful curcuma domestica costumes.
Your locks  under the veil of spring’s yellow umbrella
Still counting the days, the nights, the ongoing time,
Sometimes my heart in quest of a Time –machine….
We took  the weight off our feet under a Blessed tree
I touched your hand joining my two palms
The cold current of  spring was soaring  there
My ill-fated heart could not Kiss your "Petals of Blood"
I drowned, I drowned in my own made ocean……..
curcuma domestica - yellow
Judy Ponceby Feb 2012
As the fiery teardrop of evening
Bursts upon the horizon,
I weave my iron hammock,
All eyes glittering in
Ravenous anticipation.
I and the shadows collude darkly--
Awaiting your arrival.

Wending my way
Through fruited garden
In search of treasure
I take without pardon.

To land from aloft
On warm steamy goo
Tasting with delight
This joyous poo.

And once quite sated
I move on
To cooler climes
This garden spawned.

Glinting temptingly,
My steely dinner plate
Stretches limb
To limb.
And soon--
My bulbous stomach
Churns in delight--
It is you that will be
Stretched limb
From limb.

Buzzing about
Out of the Sun,
Feel the foreboding
Dampening my fun.

There's a vibe in the air
That makes me shiver.
Setting my hairs
all quite a-quiver.

For all the eye facets
sitting in my head,
I still miss the trap
set out dead ahead.

I can feel your approach--
A barely discernible thrumming
That agitates the threads of my
My mandibles quiver
And drip
In excitement while
The winds soughs secretively
Through the evening,
Whispering you towards
My gullet.

Evasive maneuvers
They have no effect.
Tangled in this web,
"Oh, What the Heck!"

Wings rasping loudly
Trying to break free,
When suddenly I sense
What could only be...

My enemy most Arch
Evil eyes a-glitter
Racing down wires
Oh, how he skitters.
I laugh inwardly,
As my supercilious stare
Condescends upon you.
The very thought insults me.
Your frantic buzzes,
Imploringly urgent,
Evoke nothing from me.
Implausible and impossible,
Your continued survival is made
Increasingly improbable
As my constraints surround your
Thrashing wings.

How I struggle to be free
As you come quite near
Your fangs how they glitter
How plump is your rear.

Feeling the terror
deep in my being
Wings wrapped fast
In silken sheeting.

Quailing at the certainty
With which you approach.
And yet, a flicker of  hope
When shadows encroach.

An agitation of the wind,
A vibration less susurrous
Than that which the night
Should betray,
Causes me to freeze in
As my struggling supper
Loses even the dregs of my attention,
The faint glow of the night
Is changed--
More swiftly than the
Rasping of leather wings
On a midnight silence
r the warm, mammalian
Bite of all that the
Darkness contains--
To the ubiquitous blackness
Of nonexistence.

As luck would have it
My executioner has failed
To finish me off,
And so I must regale

My frenemies
with a delightful tale
Being saved by fate
In moonlight pale.

Now, if only I were able
To free myself from
This quite dreadful mess
Wound about me ***....

My consciousness
Crushed to
I can't feel my
I hear mumbling
Nature's laugh
In collaboration with Ben Taylor, a fine young word warrior who has many fine writes on Writer's Cafe.
Acora Oct 2020
Today I fill my stomach
With happiness and greed
I use you and you use me
But not just for the means
I’m here because I want to be,
Because you asked me, kind;
I savor your lips on my lips because
you asked if I would mind;
The way the empty cavity
within my chest is now close to bursting,
You destroy me and distract me,
somehow without the pain and hurting.
She teases me but it’s a welcome sensation

Apple blossom, or the flower of fresh joy, optimism, and even new beginnings
Chris Saitta Aug 2019
Love, what have you become?
In broomsticks and cupboards and pantries,
On the dust-covered stairs,
In the breathless rush of faucet water,
On the crumpled lampshade at night,
Love is the summation of an individual’s life alone,
Somehow still expressed by two across the bridge of language failing.
gravelbar Jan 2020
You sip from a bitter cup
Pills crushed up into dreams
The winning team writes history
Genocide viewed indifferently
No sympathy for the weak
If the wind could speak,
it would be screaming
Non random, but (based on my very
     far out, flimsy laughably
     amateurish thinking)
     faux feigned aye
firmly believe, that
     what appears bye and by
as erratic, kinetic,

     pathetic housefly...doth not defy
explanation, when theory linkedin
     with sophisticated espy
craft, and anonymously fyi
confirmed, grounded, touted...
     across world wide web
    of secret agents akin
     to James Bond 007 guy

remotely controlled, via
     artificial intelligence high
lee believable telltale
     (invisible) fingerprints my
counter espionage foot
     soldiers well nigh
came to this
     sticky hunch expertly ply

ying spellbinding twisted
     sinister and sly
and family tombstone,
    where anti-American saboteurs,
     perhaps planned purposely
     left loose ends
     only one practiced
     in surveillance would tie

dangling minuscule threads
     pulled together, how
     indiscriminate fiends
     of American government
     blatantly intrude zooming
     carefree necessitating vie
hubble counter measures
     Accorded unsuspecting

     and surreptitious ploys
CIA and/or FBI Intel recourse
     never need to explain why.
Anyway scrutinizing distraction
     from Insecta nuisance
     found yours truly
     pondering impossible odds
     stacked against this elusive drone

(YES), this supposition
     finds a "NON FAKE" assertion
     Musca domestica
     gets used to hone
in on random (a for instance)
     chosen guys, who share
     the christened name
     this Matthew Scott Harris,

interestingly enough
     tend tubby a lone
ranger clear ring stream
     of consciousness muck
cob bray undertaken
     (with grave solemnity)
     while awaiting for
     divine intervention

     with any luck
     after reciting pater noster,
     while this drake
     didst quack like a duck,
     hoop fully heard
     by cosmic consciousness
     differentiating my unique cluck
among the bajillion

     of other angry bird,
     calls and even accompanied
     by snorting from one buck
     king bronco minister,
     whose birth debut
     occurred, viz astrologic
     Capricorn sign butta no fault
     could hash tag, nor pin

     blame circumstance attributed to
     nobody in particular recognizing
     accounting held for no logical rhyme
     or courtesy of
     posthumously feted author
     Ayn Rand who, birthed
     Genre Objectivism creates novel
     page turner starring John Galt

     him of Atlas Shrugged)
     waiting by Howard Roark
     named Fountain Head
     (with mine pent up insult
ting barrage of
     regular play station
     expletives, and time

     soon to call quits),
     where protracted radar
     enforced grunts to halt
**** sitter hub lee delayed by...
     an unexpected Alien abduction
     (fortunately nsync
     with my gestalt)
this male (terrific, sarcastic fault

less rhapsodic, quixotic,
     poetic, magnetic, exalt
ting kinetic, Italic,
     generic, energetic, dolt
copacetic, atheistic adult

prayed for nothing
     short of being struck
     by a (NON binding mortally
     Wounding) strunken white
     hot lightening bolt.

— The End —