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Jaymisun Kearney Oct 2013
Where green grass
Smokes our
In the crumble of ash that you assured
Could never be lit
In the first place

Where memories run never age
Where we remain in sage
I'll never learn I'm looping ruins
Even when I cross where you strayed
Even as I
Run right through me

Run until you can't breathe
Run until your lungs squeeze
The last gasp ever to spare
Aspirate on time
Breathing in deep
I see Beauty in a *******,
Whose feelings you cannot convolute.
I see a Businesswoman in a *******,
A **** with brains, destitute
she made a business plan.
At least she did business studies and
accounting at school, sells her body to earn,
A living.
I see a princess in a *******,
because no man can resist her.
You know when she starts curling her hair
Even Pastors *******,
then we bring the Saints Holiness into debate.
Have you ever seen a ******* aspirate
"I want you" ?
****! Her voice alone gives ****** healing,
Arouses ****** feelings,
Pumps vessels, frightened by the spark in her
eyes, hormone adrenalin give your heart rate a
fast accelerating beatings.
I see charisma in a *******.
Married men,leave their wives in bed and
creep to the streets corner just to cuddle with
prostitutes, it was I who said, there's beauty in
a *******.
I see Beauty in a *******.
I've seen Loyalty in a *******,
Yes I did. How? What do I mean?
Because she ***** all men in the same manner
and charge them all the identical amount.
That is Loyalty man.
I said, I see Beauty in a ******* and
I wasn't lying.
There is Beauty in a *******,
The Beauty that makes Preachers at church
The Beauty that make married men divorce,
The Beauty that makes Jay Z forget Beyonce,
The Beauty that makes Julius Malema forgets
his political position
The Beauty that makes Jesus Christ want to
come back, to save his descendants from sin.
The Beauty of a *******,
Men have seen it.
Notes (optional)
Jacquelyn Morgan May 2015
I am the pinnacle of controversy
Some say ******-my middle name
And still to others I represent freedom,
I am the pointed pentagram of blame.

Almost mothers spread cold-feet
Where I scrape and claw/vacuum aspirate eat.
From open, porous, space-between-legs
My Gnashing teeth-grind out the would be meat.
I am the noise that is never forgotten
Detaching zygotes from walls of womb
I am the reality of ****** indiscretion- the tomb

I do my job- do I play  “God” ?
For the “******” behind doors
Carrying secrets & dreams of more
They leave one less-plus future full-term
slide up their stockings & hope not to return

I’m the last to see the mothers-to-be
Before they change- rearranged
I see geometrically: each.separate.part:
Chalk eyes never wet just hurt
Lips-lined straight with shame
chins that never wobble- 50/50 tipped to pray
& feet with nowhere to fall, they walk away

I am the pin-cushion point of pain
To what the picketing protesters agenda is aimed
I am where pro-life and pro-choice meet
The executioner of straight to heavens unborn elite
I am the buzzing abortion machine.
I do confess to ****
But I can't not aspirate
There was a girl
who danced in the city that night,
that April 22nd,
all along the Charles River.
It was as if one hundred men were watching
or do I mean the one hundred eyes of God?
The yellow patches in the sycamores
glowed like miniature flashlights.
The shadows, the skin of them
were ice cubes that flashed
from the red dress to the roof.
Mile by mile along the Charles she danced
past the benches of lovers,
past the dogs ******* on the benches.
She had on a red, red dress
and there was a small rain
and she lifted her face to it
and thought it part of the river.
And cars and trucks went by
on Memorial Drive.
And the Harvard students in the brick
hallowed houses studied Sappho in cement rooms.
And this Sappho danced on the grass.
and danced and danced and danced.
It was a death dance.
The Larz Anderson bridge wore its lights
and many cars went by,
and a few students strolling under
their Coop umbrellas.
And a black man who asked this Sappho the time,
the time, as if her watch spoke.
Words were turning into grease,
and she said, "Why do you lie to me?"
And the waters of the Charles were beautiful,
sticking out in many colored tongues
and this strange Sappho knew she would enter the lights
and be lit by them and sink into them.
And how the end would come -
it had been foretold to her -
she would aspirate swallowing a fish,
going down with God's first creature
dancing all the way.
antony glaser Sep 2012
Whilst you daydreamed,
your eyes seemed to lose their sheen
and you'd forget  how to empathise.
You shut the car door hard
as  if someone who wanted
to aspirate closure.
We spent two nights at the Cooden Beach hotel,
so we could hear June Tabor and Oyster band,
proceeding this performance ,
we had our four slices of toast and an Americano.
Your pink canvas bag
and polished  stilettos
underneath the dinner table
hid an issue or two
playing a parallel game.
Jonas Gonçalves Jun 2014
Open the windows of your house
through which the wind would never enter.
And then you'll feel on fire
more than in your own home.

Aspirate the smell of the infinity:
pale sky and blinding lights.
Nothing is so restricted,
except your great lovers.

Paint in red to be able to love me.
Paint in yellow to be able to cheer me.
But don't paint in blue. Blue makes me unhappy,
because it's not lovely (like a learner).

Turn on the fire
able to burn this fiction.
Now happiness, now satisfaction;
everything by which I relief.

Turn off the esteem
unable to have you.
And I'm glad to know
that I still know you.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
thing of beauty must
be deployed
In our blue we have our grey
and these days, we have our nights
we aspirate cyanide to untie the blight of our last glut of sharp knives
you choose cruel lugers from your armory. you leave
your lead in me,
we shoot from the hip or blast mad laughter in caverns of rotten.
I croak a **** of lungs you clot
and never do we charm a lot;
we’d rather our druthers be other words that ****
words that abandon blood troubles for ill will.
our love, hates still.

a thing of beauty must be deployed.

In our blue
we have our days. and that grey, is parched
no matter the threat
of rain.
we last and fade, grasping at straw suns
with moon fingers
as we may.
EP Robles Oct 2018
No longer a thought
within my brain,
the mortician lay me
down to sleep

a scream i refrained
surfaced as white
within my eyes
that none had bought

my vitals he checked
and thumped my nose
as a creep

a bath and massage
no dance but song
two strong hands
then set my face

arterial embalming
then drain/eject
it's all the same
the cavity --
aspirate and concentrate

The humming thrumming
burning desire
escaped as soon as with
a pop I fled my skin
and faced the choice
to do it once again.

:: 10-23-2018 ::
It's October so why not write a poem about the mortician's work?  Wrap it up in the concept of reincarnation.
david badgerow Feb 2022
we used to lie awake at night
in the winter months
i kept a warm water bottle
at my feet like it was the old days on the frontier

we used to bet against freedom
and the people out there
"i bet i never make it out of here alive"
and clock the psych patients pacing
with the shards of
bathroom tiles in their hands

or make promises to it
"i'm gonna drink up all the freedom i can find out there"
"i'll snort all the dirt road dust
that the watermelon bus kicks up"
"i'm gonna mainline it directly into my vein
so much that my head gets heavy
and i swing back
and aspirate my one and only dream
and ******* into my blue jeans"
Keith Thompson May 2019
Drowning in reflecting pool,
I fall as vision blurs
Shroud myself in liquid cool
and aspirate my bitter words

Crickets chirp on summer night
and shadows cling to me
Stomach ties in tiny knots
from what I know's in store for me

I reached out for a star,
I cupped my hand, and took my turn
but didn't ponder consequence
and wound up getting burned

Like a taste of immortality,
then hearing that you're terminal
The crashing of reality
is somewhere south of wonderful

So give a contribution
of the eyes, unto the seas
Build the wall back, good as new
as dignified composure flees

Close my eyes and sigh away
a sliver of that empty ache
That's spreading like a cancer
through my chest

I think I'll chase the summer South,
hear wisdom from another mouth,
admit I'm now a different kind of mess

Like celebrating life and love
by going to a funeral
Feathers shed from wings of doves
lie somewhere south of wonderful
Sparsh Porwal Jun 2019
Here i lay, bound in an adamant vial
An aesthetic fragrance satiating enough
circumscribed by royal attire
Princely walls, buggies and puppets
Longing to aspirate through the vial
To diffuse and be volatile
For obscured will be the royalty
And eternalised exists conscious volatility

Lured was i, the fragrance itself
Encountered when did i her pretty self
Beauty to which holy moon did hail
Graciously humble so sweet a frail
Within the vial i lay enchanted
Simplicity, the world took for granted
Loved her did i deeper than any trench
Thirst of expressing love i was to quench.

Gaining her vicinity meant captivity of mine
Thwart would it my  pious purpose
Of escaping to volatility
Unbound, unearthed, uncapped
From something to nothing
Yet be omnipresent
Be sensed by her as an aroma pure
Caress her with utmost detail
Though i may possess her not
Nor may i keep her bound
Yet closest to her would i be
Expression of true love have i found
Unsolicited, revered, and praised
potential literary fete,
(yes a bit hyperbolic),
sans mine posted poems that perambulate
such feedback, whither donning *******
("FAKE") facade, Oriel sincere

twittering, nonetheless tis great
for an ego striving to maintain
hum bull modesty, yet I hate
to be misperceived as
arrogant, boastful, pretentious,...wait
et cetera, cuz honestly,

these conglomerations create,
themselves, via some inexplicable
literary process which generate
prestidigitation soon after
affixing wired thinking cap,
whereby positioned electrodes exfoliate

on scalp yup thence, off miniature oblate
spheroid (suddenly barren) of golden locks
most soup Priam wantonly depilate
(envision candidate
undergoing biofeedback,
or...captured as bait)

by...yea (of course) alien invaders curious
to experiment, and subject a random pate
with out of this world tests that agitate
most precious anatomical accouterment
'bout size of average poe tate
toe (actually...almost same consistency)

okay...sorry, this chap doth relate
such comparison to
his own cerebral aggregate,
where he starkly realizes
neurological concentrate
takes a permanent vacation

to distant Palatinate
essentially leaving a void, ah...just
perfect for cosmic outliers to allocate
( noninvasive, i.e.)
their laser like gizmos scrutinize how

(albeit unwittingly) to ameliorate
writer's block, thus
glad tubby ("Guinea Pig"),
and let abductors amputate
my killed expense ******* ("FAKE")
noggin pulp struggling to articulate,

(hence quite a relief,
you cannot imagine), dear mate
when fiber optic threads of light
essentially painlessly
(rather ticklishly aspirate)
clump of useless gray matter,
yours truly does implicate

as complicit to cause unnecessary
difficulty to associate
with **** sapiens, an extremely
strenuous task, thence joyful to dedicate
(without being headstrong),
an ***** minimally missed at any rate
long last free to babble poppycock
oblivious as ambitious readers berate!
W H McLellan Aug 2019
;with Breeze (
bend Marshgrass over 4
eucharisted Elder
@ Sabbath’s dusk
sticky with faltered aspirate
, Gator (
of Church Creek
puts on Puppy’s skin
scampers up over Oyster’s blades
select 1 *****
from pack
roll beneath brackish Tide
Fitness guru (grew)
     to an abrupt screeching halt,
     i.e. did dramatically abate,
whence significant block of time,
     I formerly did allocate
(within recent past)
     for physical work out,
      whence crude writing of mine

     didst clamor (and disclaimer)
     for me to ameliorate
said primitive chicken scratch,
     where this aspiring wordsmith
     seriously considered guillotine
     executioner to amputate
my head as a last ditch
     decision to annihilate

every last trace of anonymous
     Norwegian bachelor farmer,
     who stoically didst annunciate
grim fate with bravado
     expedited and antedate
as most acceptable, expedient,
     and honorable deed to antics
feted visit of Matthew Scott Harris

     measure for measure,
cuz yours truly could anticipate,
viz, the lifetime deplorable
     basket case apostate,
sans slacking of
     state mandated regimen decision
     upheld by appellate
(cap'n Kangaroo) court

     unequivocally, reverently,
     and supremely didst approbate
negligence toot hone body electric,
     would warrant appropriate
action far more serious
     all chief (Tour So)
     headless horseman didst articulate
decapitation (while the salacious

     notes re: despacito
     softly filled the air
     tempting one mere Vlad
     to start Putin on the ritz)
     versus eternal damnation, humiliation
     absolute deathly guarantee,
     asper risking tainted hands
     (albeit even gloved one of tormentor)

     with option to (buy
     hack it kit to) asphyxiate
this extreme sanctioned
     modus operandi
     death sentence issuing
     collective crowdsource
     exhalation to aspirate,
which outcome foretold

     irrevocable fate authenticate
ting, how, when, and where
     condemned overly ate,
omitting athletic training,
     which indulgence
     equalled a dead soul
     weigh ting to
     be fed to Cerberus,

where actions evinced
     urgent strategy to authenticate
combating lackadaisical
     indifference toward
     keeping the well taut body
     fit as a fiddle, and
     nip in figurative bud backdate
ting initial accursed onset re:

     spreading epidemic
     (mindset kudzu contagion)
forcing explicit need for panacea
where ostracized people
     (from a former
     declarative simple,

unquestionably more
     lenient administration),
where undeserving
     exclamatory reprobates
solely given compound
     run on sentences
     including a barbiturate.

— The End —