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VibeActivist Oct 2020
I see you in a way most people dream of;
pictures do no justice, words barely scrape the surface
with your eyes that makes me want to sin
undoubtedly beautiful beyond understanding
with smiles and laughs that brightens everyone around you
making it a sight never to be forgotten or unloved
with figures so tempting even the faithfull-ed can't resist
every curves, intersection and archs within you all divine
but mostly i am in love with you,
i am in love with the idea of you i've made of you over time
so i was you ways people dare not, loved you in ways people prayed for
to does who've experience loving an idea of someone you don't see them change but still miss that idea you made up
Meka Boyle Apr 2013
Nobody is in love.

Shoulder to shoulder, flesh spilling over
Flesh: our warm bodies heave
And contort together, leaving no room
For sentiment that goes deeper than
Your off white down comforter.

Nobody is in love.

The harsh sunlight seeps in
Through down turned blinds,
And thin, translucent eyelids,
Both half open, but oblivious to the
Indifferent world. Life is too much with us-
Never leaving us alone to really feel:

The cold, smooth wooden floor pushing up
Against the delicate archs of our sinewy feet,
As they drop down to meet the brisk  morning air,
That seems to coat everything revealed and left vulnerable
By the crumpled up sheets limply collapsed over the headrest,
Or the soft, steady breathing
Of someone left unstirred by the dizzying
Relay of thoughts that dance across my

Foolish mind. No one is in love, here.
The last fragment of hope
Was forgotten underneath mismatched blankets
That bear the faint scent of lavender fabric softener sheets
And something that lingers nameless beneath your presence.
The indented pillow, where you lay your head
Holds fast your hollow shape,
As if to remind us that reality is only as real
As those who are brave enough to feel it.

Time treads on and on,
Leaving us scrambling over coffee tables
And yesterdays newspaper strewn across the bedroom floor,
Blindly groping the abysmal space to find something
That isn't really there. Instead it's nestled between
The tiny slivers of our hearts,
Scattered across neon billboards and thee star hotels,
Pleading with us to acknowledge it's elusive presence
Before the world runs out of excuses,
And we're met with a big boom,

That probably will never even be felt.
"Do you like me" she blushes
all child like, pretending innocence and purity.
"i like u" he says
all wishing she weren't so filled with insecurity.

This is the role you play when you play in love.

Who will be the savior, the peasant and the Dove.

Who will play the child and who will play the son.

Who will play the mother, when her season comes.

"but do you love me" she asks, smiles and childish charm.

"i love you" he says as he holds to her arm.
Realeboga M Nov 2015
Call me antediluvian, 
But I want to hold you by your hand
Kiss you on the cheek
Whisper, I love you
Call me delirious
I'm just in love.

‎It's hard to say,
That your body animates me
It's hard to say, 
That I want you

It's hard to say, 
That I want to caress your every flaw with my tongue 
It's hard to say, 
That I want to make love to you.

It's hard to say
What words cannot do

Like art
I want to draw you
Trace every inch of you with my fingers
Read every bit till your breath hinges
Watch every part till your toes curl.

It's hard to say,
What words cannot do.

Let me taste your thoughts with my tongue
Inhale the sounds you make
Exhale and grunt to the way your back archs

It's hard to say
What words cannot do.

When there's so much to do
That words cannot say
I collaborated with this awesome girl, her name is Esmee and yea I'd love to give her credit for the inspiration.
swe Apr 2021
a double rainbow,
embroidered the sky
reaching its way to the shore
entangling with the foam
on the border of a land and water

i wonder why the first thought
that etches to my mind
is a hue of a ghost, standing by,
shoulder to shoulder
like the double rainbow
we share our archs

our souls bend together,
yet we're so far apart

i wonder what kind of face
you'd make, would you smile
would your eyes gleam,
would they reflect the colors
of the sky?
or swallow it all, the way your being swallowed me?

i wonder do the rainbows, alike
yearn for each other
do they wish to entwine,
do they wish to reach a shared equilbrium?

the rainbows eventually disappear
the rain droplets cease, yet the
shadow of your silhouette remains
in the corners of my mind
ohh i hope someone likes this...
cole Feb 2014
shivers roll over me, like that poem in third grade,
about the noises of the ocean like a dog’s bark

my eyes roll back, like that movie in fifth grade,
about the devil being casted out of that boy

hands gripping, like that documentary in sixth grade,
about the person hanging off a cliff, a foot away from death

body arching, like that class in seventh grade,
about the Roman’s building archs in their empire

sounds being heard, like that music i listened to in eighth grade,
about drugs leading to an escape, alcohol not being poison

if i down a few more, will i be free? like our country says,
in the ancient text written by Mr. Washington? will i be
voided from the pain, like those prescription pills mommy
takes? will there be a new beginning like all those Disney
princesses had? or will i live through all this suffering like
Ghandi? come through a leader? painless and harmless?
or is this all a lie to conceive that thinking equals maturing,
or like blooming, only the beautiful are devine

cole 2/6/14
Francie Lynch Feb 2016
I've a question
Needing resolve;
It's not as big
As the start of the universe;
Or the existence of the netherlands.
It's not a To be or not to be,
Or anything about the Papacy,
Or the question of the Trinity;
Or any other religious decree.
It's not a question of good or bad,
Or why I'm here,
Or why we're sad.
I'm not asking about nucleur waste,
Or our desire to travel outer space.
Those are big ones
I couldn't ask,
I can't answer ones so vast.
No, this itch I have
That needs a scratch,
This ***** of an itch
That archs my back:
What should it be.
What will I make,
A caf or decaf?
My great debate.
Depends on your outlook.
Julianna Apr 2020
you are monotonoous,
but only from afar
you glimmer like a spark
and fall in graceful archs

you coat the logs and leaves
you sprinkle on the eaves
you fall together like a weave.
on my scarf you salt and pepper

you are a cruel predator
blinding confusing, you grab your prey
the maze create is flawless,
you are truly a deadly thing

you are snow.
you are a wolf in sheeps clothing
Joshua Morrison Jun 2019
Cast from the heavens and
Fallen from grace
The angel cries heading to unhallwoed ground
Left to thoughts of how and why
What have i done to be cast from the heavens
The angel cant help but to wonder
As the cold dark ground creeps ever closer
Still lost in lucid thoughts of unknown origin
Tears lifting from cheek as if returning to the gods
She prays that she may be lifted and spared
So she may yet return to grace and sheltered arms
Her tears increase her heart heavy from burden
Still wondering why the reason escape thought
Pushed from the heavens
As if a baby bird pushed from the nest
The hardest lessons cant be explained  
The sudden realization overwhelms her
As a smile washes over her face warm and vivid
The air shimmers with goldy glow so bright
The angel archs and wings sprout forth
She shouts out to the gods i shall rise again
Filled with purpose and fervor a new strength found
She ascends to return home singing praise to the teacher
A lesson she will not soon forget
Even those born without wings can grow and fly
A small push of faith and trust can move mountains
Trust in yourself never give up and rise
Our minds meet our hearts throb.
Giving into desires burning flames
Your hands on my hips your warm
Whisper that Lingers in my ear
I am lost in this forbidden moment
Naked minds our souls entwine
Each touch fills me with euphoria
Drowining in your eyes
you the lick the deepest parts that
You know so well fireworks are
Bursting in my mind my body
Offers its self to you as if you where a
Greek god going with the flow twitching
Hips shaking bodies I can feel it coming
My back archs and I howl to the moon
The moment is gone and I am left wearing
Nothing but the smile you gave me
Adam Lazaro Jan 6
Mind yerself, man of war.
Tis’ bronze and gaudy, them peepers yonder
gainst’ this golden sugar land.

We ain’t safe - nor the stars.
Cause’ we don't explode nor alight no moons
and feed the darkness our’s-

Quit yer mock, man of war.
Yer caint’ listen when yer deafen by pride
and a fat tongued like muzzle

for the best. Best of worst.
Listen well, hitherto and never more:
Feel the white ghosted night burst,

Into flames, with the flames.
Your dearest flames. Gazed upon dawn upon
archs among the darken days.

And those days, I tell ye,
Are comin’ west and east and south and north-
unequiped of arsenals.

I’ve eyed it, and I’ve bled.
It oughta’ have something in between em’?
Face me eyes then, tell me I

Own two moons, two black stars.
Which of this is half of half the other?
It breaks in two. Into fate.

Drop it boy, this no war.
It’s yer rush of blood to the naked heart.
Don’t go fright now- don’t implore.

Look at me, man of war.
Black is black; white is white; there is no gray.
There is no mercy.

— The End —