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Randy Johnson Jun 2015
I'm the Emperor and my face looks like a prune.
I have dark circles around my eyes which also makes me look like a raccoon.
My name is Palpatine but I'm also known as Darth Sidious.
Everybody pukes when they see me because I look hideous.
I was able to trick Anakin Skywalker into turning to the Dark Side.
I actually convinced him that I had the power to save his bride.
I can't believe that I was able to turn him into a Sith Lord as easily as I did.
He actually believed that he could save Padme by killing Separatists and kids.
I thought that my new Death Star was safe from the rebels, I thought that I had won.
But Darth Vader dropped me into the main reactor of the Death Star to save his son.
Luke Skywalker removed Lord Vader's mask and he became Anakin Skywalker again.
I still can't believe that those **** Ewoks were the reason why my Empire didn't win.
This poem is based on the Star Wars movies.
Obi-wan once told Anakin
'This weapon is your life.'

mine isn't nearly as powerful -
a tough blade,
black handle,
a silver glow

yet somehow the quote still applies.
It's the oddest things which give us courage and hope.
Aurora Mar 2011
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars


Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Darth Vader             = Anakin
Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Darth Vader

Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars


Watched this movie about ... 15 times in a week and it still watching it.
jack of spades Feb 2016
you know how the song goes:
a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart.
holding on gets hard when
the light at the end of the tunnel
goes dark.

my friend told me he doesn’t purposely
befriend actively suicidal people anymore.
so when a 14-year old friend
was hospitalized for an attempt,
he was shocked.
I’m not fourteen
and i don’t go to the hospital for anything,
but when i was fifteen i
asked my mom to start taking me to therapy.
she told me,
you can just talk to me about anything.
so i started writing poetry instead.
but poems can’t diagnose me,
poems can’t prescribe me meds to
fix the chemical catastrophe in my head
poems can’t cure me.
but neither can people.

there was a boy that i used to call sunshine,
but he told me that he would
rather be the moon.

i deleted your number from my contacts
once you stopped using mine.
you don’t keep me up at night.
i’ve stopped losing sleep over you.

i haven’t broken the habit of checking
people’s wrists when they move
because of all the girls i knew in grade school.
i have a friend with the first letter of help
permanently scarred on his stomach.
we’ve never talked about it.
i don’t know if either of us know how to,
or if either of us really want to,
or if either of us really need to.

when my brother was 18, he was convinced
that he wanted to go into psychiatry.
i think the closest we’ve ever been
was when i had a mental break over
orange juice at one thirty in the morning,
watching him play GTA on his Xbox 360.
when my brother was 17, he was convinced
that his future was in professional photography.
i’m 17 and i don’t have a ******* clue.
I’m 17 and i don’t think I’ve ever felt so much
like I’m just constantly drowning.

they say a captain goes down with his ship
and I’ve set myself up for losing all my friends.

she’s got year-round summer skin
and winter has never been my friend.

i sleep seven hours a night
and i wake up exhausted.

my cat has all his claws
and when he crashes through my bedroom
when i’m on the brink of extinction
it leaves me haunted, hearing
breathing and footsteps that aren’t really there.
so i’ll put studs in all my jackets
and wrap myself in blankets.

i wish you were here,
i wish i was there.

the first rated R movie
that i saw when i turned 17
was that one that brought back ryan reynolds,
starring a moody teen with
the best superhero name ever,
a CGI man who acted as her mentor,
a pretty girl like a damsel in distress,
and the bad guy called himself ajax
but his real name was francis.
i cried
a lot.
i’m not sure why, really, but when the credits
started rolling and it was everything that i’d
been waiting for in a movie for the anti-hero
that I’ve been in love with since i was 13,
i sat in those velvet seats and started sobbing.

when i was six, my dad took my
9 year old brother and i
to see ‘revenge of the sith’ when it came out
in 2005.
the scene on mustafar, the volcanic planet,
the downfall of anakin skywalker
stuck with me until i was 12 and rewatched
all six of those old movies,
stuck with me until i was 16 and rewatched
all six of those old movies.
when i was a kid those scenes were scary,
now i see a mimic of Shakespearean tragedy.

i pick things apart until i know that they’ll scar,
but scars have always faded for me.
the first mark that ever lasted for
more than a month was when i
burned myself getting a cake out of the oven.
i remember my brother telling me
that he wouldn’t care about the burn
if i ******* up the cake.
we laughed about it because it was a joke.
i still think about it.

i still check to see if you
watch my Snapchat story.

i rip the hems out of all of my clothing
compulsively. I’m sorry.
i’ll pick up all the balled-up threads from
the carpet eventually.

i keep ticket stubs and scraps of notes
hazardously strewn across my bedroom,
because i’m too sentimental for my own good
but organization has never come naturally.

solar systems are borne from my fingertips.
supernovas power my lungs.
stardust glitters in my veins
(i tell myself these things in order to
keep thinking straight)

hey, look at the moon.
see how she reflects the sun for you?
it’s because she’s got nothing
of her own to give away willingly.
i gave you everything willingly
i spent too many nights
shredding notebook paper into pieces
of white birthday party confetti.

i swallowed six painkillers today.
I’m passive like aggressive,
letting my liver slip into uselessness.

it’s really hard to write poetry about bruises.
i am a constant state of decay
Mike Fashé Jul 2014
I've been thinking and reading a lot recently
People who claim to be enlighten
Are not really enlighten because
Enlightenment is about being one with everything
Enlightenment is seen as knowledge & awareness
I guess the “spiritual people” lack an understanding
Of duality
That life is based on good & bad
Enlightenment and being one with everything is accepting
Both the horrors & wonders of Life
Thus creating balance, which is now “being one with everything”
Instead of waving sacred geometry as the all knowing thing
Or bragging about, “I know the Fibonacci sequence & the golden ratio”
Don’t get me wrong! I enjoy reading about spirituality, sacred geometry, and other marvelous topics
Nor am I bashing people’s beliefs
I just see people misinterpreting the message
A great and funny example that had me thinking was what Palpatine/ Darth Sidious from Star Wars Episode III revenge of the Sith said.
“Anakin, if one is to understand “the great mystery” one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi. If you wish to become a complete and wise leader, you must embrace a larger view of the force.”
That principle revolves around the same idea as being enlighten & being one with everything
If someone was to become “enlighten” he or she has to face the trials of learning to love and also embracing that there is a horror that lurks around us that we are oblivious to see.
I think once someone see’s both sides of the picture is when someone becomes “enlighten”  
Because they understand how both sides work
Enlighten --> duality --> balance
This is how I just view the topic of enlightenment
You don’t have to believe what I wrote
I could be wrong
This was merely me ranting and expressing what I feel lol
What do you think? Don't argue, please!! I didn't write this to start BS.
Just needed to write my thoughts somewhere.
daniela Jan 2016
when i was six years old my whole family went to disney world and being the self-respecting born and bred star wars fans we were, my brother and i cajoled our parents into letting us buy pictures of our little faces photoshopped onto the faces of star wars characters.

my brother? anakin skywalker. and me? aayla secura.
who you probably haven't heard of, even if you're a pretty big fan of the series. to get you up to speed, aayla secura was a jedi knight and a general during the clone wars era in the prequel trilogy, which is all suitably ******* badass, but if i remember right she has roughly five minutes of screen time in the movies and even less in lines. and you probably remember her as that one blue chick.

and if i remember right she was also one of about three or four female options for the pictures. sure, there was padme amidala and princess leia, who are badass ladies in their own rights, but see the thing is that no six year old watches starwars and thinks to themselves, "hmm, i want to be a politician!" you think to yourself, "i want to be a jedi." and the only option that was a girl and a jedi was a background character.

but that's the thing isn't it? being a background character, a love interest, a side-kick is something girls grow used to seeing themselves cast as. sure, we're in the movie, but with half the lines and screen time. never the center of the story. never the hero, just the pretty girl with fluttery eyelashes he saves. too often i found myself having to invent my own characters and stories so that i could feel that i was part of a narrative, too.

and suddenly, more than ten years too late for for six year old me but just in time for a whole new generation of little girls, the person in the center of the poster clutching a blue lightsaber like a beacon of the light side was a girl.

so this halloween as i'm handing out candy i will see myself in every little girl with her hair twisted into three buns and light saber in her hand and the galaxy in her eyes. finally, finally the story is about her.
i wrote this in like five minutes after ranting to my mom so y'know i got feelings about representation in the media and sexism and also space
Timothy Brown Aug 2013
We used to say " I love you";
Now we just think it.
The people we became
are an odd fit.
I will admit
I am no longer pleasant
to be around.
Constant scowls and frowns
amidst the silence.
The clicks of keyboards
divide us.
Define us.
Align us.
We used be to analogous
like Bubble gum Princess
and Finn.
Just like them we've become unakin.
Padme & Anakin.
My fear of loosing you has caused me to loose you.
Like an episode of That's So Raven;
attempts at the prevention
of the future
ripped open the sutures
in my heart once again.
Been working full-time plus Saturdays and Sundays and going to school, finally finding time to write.
I use to write to relive myself, now I'm writing to remember.
© August 9th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
Daniel Magner Jul 2013
I've been forced
to swallow my pride
so many times
I'm turning to the Darkside,
coming up quick like that Anakin kid,
except I don't have a son so I won't give a ****
and the little light inside
won't have fuel to ignite
in times of dire strife.
© Daniel Magner 2013
Charlene Tatenda Aug 2013
I want to curl up in warm laundry or in someone’s arms,
I want to travel to far off places with out of date maps
so I can see how much the world has changed.

I want to make up lyrics to classical music,
write letters to dear old friends and
dream up the perfect goodbyes to them.

I never ever want to send those letters.

I want to cry at concerts and not care who sees,
I want to stay up late to watch British period dramas.
I want to fix up old cars and build houses,
I want to fix broken hearts and build bridges.

I want to learn to hope again.

I want to make art; I want to make people uncomfortable.
I want to shatter my soul and give the pieces to each of you to protect.

I want to jump on the couch and blast pop punk until my neighbors hate me.
I want to pig out on all the food they said would prevent me from being “beautiful.”
I want to fall in love with someone who as cynical as me so we can change each other for the better.

I want to be Tom Riddle or Anakin Skywalker who still had a chance to change their fate.
I don’t want to be destined to become Lord Voldemort or Darth Vader.

I want to walk the bottom of the ocean and skim the top of your desires.
I want to live in a house of cards that never falls, a castle of chocolate that never melts.
I want to eat spider webs so even my insides will be a wondrous work of art,
and I want to set fire to the past and blaze a path for the future.

I want to hear you say my name just one last time.
Où es-tu mon amour? Je te veux dans mon cœur.
Michael Marchese Feb 2017
My vision's extreme
In the dreams I discern
From the truths I have seen
Through my passion to learn
Or the levels I turn up
My mind microwaves
In the money I burn
With a sacrilege fervor
In every concern
For a naturalist order
Where I am the hero
On silver surf boards
And webs that I spin
All amounting to zero
For greedy ring lords
My sting will strike down
Their thrones of excess
With my Leninist unrest
And save the world with methods that
Most leaders would detest
Like finding peace in nothing
But the self-destructive ends
To justify the means
Of the passing words with friends
Though the love you share is real
Your lives will move in flashes
I enjoy it while lasts
And then I burn it all to ashes
For I find my warmth in blizzards
Roastin' grand old dragon wizards
As I slither with the lizards
Running shivers down their crooked spines
And sautéing their livers
With some venom as my glass of wine
Droppin' toxin trips divine
Baptized in a river of the finer-sided knife
While I'm gettin' schizophrenic
In the severed ties to life
To empathize with those
Less fortunate than me
By calling it compassion
When I'm just an empty sea
Because I've felt it all before
And died at least a dozen times
But I still search alone for more
Than coloring the lines
With these radical approaches
To slaughtering the infantile
Crawling, begging roaches
By forcing them to stand against
The real exterminators
I'd Dooku them like Anakin
Did in the tusken raiders
Bringing justice to the galaxy
As I become Darth Vader
Still the chosen Jedi knight
Since my Eden is an orchard
In a poison apple bite
Despite my balanced forces
That are rooted in the trees
Making green the autumn leaves again
To plant my lega-seeds
By shedding skins to sin with Eve
In paradises lost
I'd sell my soul to Satan

*No matter what the cost
Lily08 May 2019
Hey, hey
It’s Star Wars day.
Gather around.
The rebellion needs you.
Yoda’s here to teach,
Obi wan, to show the way.
Now it’s Luke, stepping up
What an exciting, adventurous day.
Lightsabers and blasters are good to have,
When the stormtroopers come around.

It’s over Anakin,
I have the higher ground.
May the force be with you.
Mouth Piece Jan 2021
It the competition bro, It’s the competition bro.
Its them against us, it us against them.
Reactions rooted in our brain stem, **** them means win.
We compete against our own human skin,
our own akin, Luke Anakin, I’m your father.
Competition have you Kane and Able, killing your own brother.
Competition is division, submission, inferiority, hierarchy, inequality, habituated, into a sophisticated jungle of pleasure and identity.  
Can’t realize equality within a system grounded in competitive mentalities,
the Olympics, our games, who you rooting for? Lebron James, it’s all the same.
You can stand against hate, you can hate injustice, throw you money and morals, type a tweet and rest on your laurels,
but till competition dies,  it matters not what's spoken oral.
It’s all a power struggle, its us against them, and somehow the ideal is everybody wins?
The hierarchy continues and you are a part of what's condemned. Lets not continue to pretend that its all racial,
competition accommodates all ends.    
This dynamic wont change, don’t hold your breathe, number one death is cardiac arrest.
Fatality by food, that’s fear and survival, too much is never enough….don’t be fooled or get political correct tough, competition is cannibal, makes us remain animals,
breeds one to see threat, to defeat and make victory one’s meat, to compete and civilly eat another person's heart beat.
Tyler Atkinson Oct 2017
I am from the hills
from a place where all you can see and smell are pine trees
I am from nowhere yet somewhere
from the yellow grass that flows with the wind.
I am from the bobcat growls and owl hoots
from deer prancing across the open fields.
I am from scorching summer heat
from the cold winter blizzards
with which I remember the heat of the fire
warding me from the evil chill.

I am from old movies and music
from action figures and Legos.
I am from the nerd brigade
from the straight-A club.
I am from a place where knowledge is power
and power is everything
From deja vu and nightmares
from which my mind is scared and perplexed.

I am from the teachings given by Master Yoda
“Fear is the path to the dark side
fear leads to anger,
anger leads to hate,
hate leads to suffering.”
and the advice given by Mace Windu
“Be mindful of your feelings”
from all those friends who also helped me along

In my room was Star Wars everywhere
With Han Solo on the dresser, away from the Millenium Falcon.
With Yoda on the computer desk, giving wisdom to all who work.
With young Anakin on the bookshelf, dreaming of his future.
I am from those moments
to which I want to forget.
Painful, memories are.
I wrote this for English as an assignment and I was told it was good so I'm putting it here.
Classy J Dec 2019
I used to know a boy who was happy,
I’ve seen a heart broken, and innocence forsaken
I’ve tried to sail the sea’s,
But wasn’t ready to face the kraken.

I used to know a boy who was gentle.
I’ve seen anger take over, leaving everything in his path broken.
I’ve tried to be Qui-Gon,
But ended up like Anakin.

I used to know a boy who was thoughtful.
I’ve seen insecurity slowly destroy him, and jealousy consume him.
I’ve tried to blast off into space,
But wasn’t prepared to defend myself against aliens.

Oh, I used to know,
Oh, I used to know,
I used to know how to laugh.
I used to know how to cry.
Oh, I used to know,
Oh, I used to know.

Going 2 steps forward.
Just to go 2 steps back.
Going in circles,
Longing for a straight path.
A never ending cycle,
A never ending story.
I used to want to get older,
But now I wish I could stay younger.

When I used to know.
Oh, when I used to know.
How to laugh, and to cry.
The more I move forward,
The harder it is to say goodbye.
To who I was before all of this.
To who I was before I got stuck in this mess.
Oh, when I used to think.
When I used to think.
Life was the best.
But know I’m in checkmate,
Never knowing I was in a game of chess.
Big Virge Jun 2021
'Force' ... A Poem written by Big Virge 28/12/2017

Now When It Comes To Writing...
...... “ Poetic Scripts “......

Big Virge Is A Name...
To Be Reckoned With... !!!!

Kinetic Just Like Han Solo’s Ship... !!!
Or EXCITED Kids About To Get A Gift..... !!!!

Because My Force Enlists...
Lyrical TWISTS That Are Better Equipped...
Than Those In Politics Or Life Coaches... !!!!!!!!

To Explain Things Where Forces Live....
And Twist Like Hips On **** Chicks...
When They’re Out Dancing... !!!!!

Now That’s A Force That DRAWS...
***** Men Like... ******... !!!

Whose Force Is BOUGHT... !!!
For These Men To Score...

Of Course I Mean ***...
Cos' THAT Force INJECTS...

Into Their BONES... !!!

Well... Into ZONES...
Where Erections ROAM... !!!

Away From............................ Home...........

Because These Naughty Blokes...
Have A Force... UNKNOWN...
To Girls Who.... SHOW....

... NO Force Beyond.... !!!
G Strings And Thongs... !!!!!

So CAN'T Control Forces That HOLD...
Like Pots of Gold Or... OPEN Holes...

Where They Need NO PASS.....
To Get Past... GO... !!!
Tap That *** And KEEP Their Dough... !!!

But Moving On.............
The Force Is STRONG...
Within Me Like... KONG... !!!

So I DON'T Belong...
Inside A Cage... !!!!!!

I’m More Like LUKE...
When I Start To RAGE...
With PEN And Page...
And FORCEFUL Wordplay...
That’s As Good As ANY...
That’s Heard... TODAY... !!!!!!!


Because My Force DISPLAYS....
An... EXCEPTIONAL Brain... !!!!!!!

No Matter What The HATERS...
...... TRY To SAY... !!!

Because Their Force...
Is... JEALOUS Of Course...
of A Man Whose Force...
STARS Just Like WARS...
That Have A Cause...

To... INFORM Minds...
Who Are Now Inclined...
To Join Front Lines...

Like... Uniformed Guys....
Who Take INNOCENT Lives... !!!!!

So Yup... That’s RIGHT...
I’m A Force For Mankind... !!!!!

That Has NO TIME...
... For Racist Vibes... !!!!!

Be You Black or White...
Or... In Between...
If Your Energy...
Has A Force That...
..... BELIEVES.....

In Truth And Rights...
And.... EQUALITY...

We’re Bound To Meet...
And Find That We AGREE... !!!

On Using Our Force...

That Deals In LOVE...
For... HUMANITY...
From Up Above....
And Within Our CHI... !!!!

You See...
The Force Runs DEEP...
.... Inside of ME.... !!!!!!!!!

Kinda Like GARVEY...

As I Said Before...
I Use My Force...

So It Can Be BLUNT... !!!!!
Like A... Forrest Gump...
Or... President Trump... !!!!!!!!

But Is QUICK To DUMP.... !!!!
The Talk That Runs...
From.... Governments....
Human DEVELOPMENT... !!!!!!!!

It’s DARK Like A SITH...
Or A Young... " Anakin "...

So I Use The Force...
Like... Space Invaders... !!!

Cos' I’m The GOOD FRIAR...
Who RETIRES Empires... !!!!!!

With A Force That FLIES...
Just Like Luke’s Sky... !!!

By This I Imply...
That I’m A Tele-porter...
Just Like..... " Skywalker "......

Except I’m MUCH TALLER...
And A Spoken Word Talker... !!!!!

Whose Words For SURE...
Have A Power That Walks....

With A Strength That’s...
...... ASSURED...... !!!!!!!!!

Because It’s Born....
From A POWERFUL Source... !!!

That Star Wars Hoards...
And Quite A Few More...

Now Call The..................

..... “ FORCE “.....
Yes I'm A Star Wars Fan, which helped me in no small way to write this !
Classy J Sep 2021
Codes bode mechanical roles,
On human souls,
A road that promised rainbows,
And virtues that once showed,
A flow of dough,
That made social control,
More comfortable.
That was until,
Everything fell all to hell.
One by one like dominoes.
Poor little dolls.
Trying for survival.
Yet for yrs yawl been in denial.
So, forgive me if I,
Don’t care about tears from a crocodile.
That transformed beautiful lands,
To wastelands.
That set up rules that put vatos in jail.
Without fair trials.
As the poor become corpse piles.
A vile stench trails.
But will never be inhaled.
By those who prevail.
A statement that is like a nail.
Being put into a coffin.
Isn’t humanity something?
Instead of reflection,
Or reconciliation.
History becomes like young padawans,
Facing off against Anakin.
Where truth becomes fairytales,
From once upon.
A time where superior specimens.
Overcame the savage ones.

Wondering what hill I’ll die on,
Will I end up in hell or in Zion?
Sometimes I feel like a who,
Only heard by Horton.
And I ain’t talking about Tim.
For my people’s lands,
Have been invaded by zim.
Yet we are the ones treated as aliens.
And unlike like a roll up the rim.
There is no please play again.
Never trust a clown,
Especially if they wear a crown,
Why stick with milk,
When you could have the cow.
Why share the land,
When you could steal the oil.
Set the hen house on fire,
And watch as things go afowl.
Wondering who’s next,
Better ask the owl.
As they can see the evil in the eel,
That try to distract people,
With their promises and ideals.
But actually bring woe.
They say you reap what you sow,
So, be careful what you grow.
For bitterness is like a poison pill.
That spoils our fill.
Teach a white man to fish,
And for generations blood will spill.
As a sour sorrow echoes through the ville.
But is quickly dismissed.
That makes one wish,
Our voices could be taken as serious as,
A siege on Capitol Hill.
Big Virge Jul 2021
Some People Have Said...  
That My Poetry Is On The EDGE... !!!

Well I Have To Say...  
That I DON'T Concur... !!!!

My Usage of Words...  
Is... " On The Virge "... !!!  
So Here's A Few...  
To Give You Proof...  
That My Words Share Views...  
That Give You Clues...  
About Issues...  
In The Daily News...  
So Some Are TRUE...  
And Some Are NOT... !!!  
It's Down To You...  
To Connect The Dots...  
I Connect My Prose...  
And Make It Flow...  
And That's The Way My Poems Go...  
Highs And Lows...  
WITHOUT Pound Notes...  
Or ******* Used...  
To FILL My Nose... !!!!!  
So Am I... On The Edge... ?
Or On The... Brink... !?!
Because My Words...  
Make People... THINK... ?  
I'm... ON THE VIRGE... !!!
Do You Get The Link... ???  
I Question Things... ?  
That Take... Leanings...  
To Devising NEEDLESS Killings...  
Or... "Hiding Truth"...  
From Tomorrows' Youth...  
Those Who Choose...  
To Act UNCOUTH... !!!  
Their Cool And Use...  
... " Shady Moves "...  
With ABUSIVE Crews... !!!  
MANY of Them...  
Are ON The Edge...
I Write For Those...  
Whose Minds Are Closed...  
And Have PROBLEMS...
That... STRESS Their Heads... !!!
Those Now STUCK In DUD Systems... !!!
That's My Word...  
And It's... On The Virge... !!!
But NOT THE WAY...  
Some People Say... !!!
My Pen And Page...  
EXPEND My RAGE............ !!!!!  
So... On The EDGE...
… I Think NOT Folks... !!!  
DON'T Be Misled...
My Words Display...  
A LEVEL Head Until UPSET... !!!!  
And Then My Prose...  
Can Be... MOROSE...  
But LISTEN CLOSE... !!!  
And Then You'll KNOW...  
I Never Try To Incite Fights... !!!!!  
I'm Merely Asking...  
Why Man WHY Do We Comply...  
With Those Perpetrating...  
........ EVIL Crimes....... !?!
People SUFFER, Starve And DIE... !!!  
While Money's Spent On SATELLITES... !!?!!  
Don't These Doings Upset You...  
And Leave You RUING Things You Do... ?!?  
My Questions YES...  
... UNSETTLE A Few... !!!!!
In Fact I Think That MANY Conclude...  
"That Big Virge dude, should see a shrink !  
He can't be well ! His words won't sell !  
Maybe one day, he'll **** himself !"  
Well NOT JUST YET My EDGY Friend...  
I'm CLOSE To The Edge...  
But WATCH My Step... !!!!!  
Try Watching YOURS... !!!!!  
And HELP The Cause...  
Before Your Jaws...  
EXPOSE Your Flaws... !!!!!  
My Wordplay SOARS...  
And Sometimes ROARS... !!!  
I'm Looking For ZION...  
And WON'T STOP Trying...  
While MANY Seem FRIGHTENED... !!!!!!  
of Words That I'm Writing...  
And Now.... Reciting....  
So Why Is That... ???  
Do Words I Write...  
Make You Feel Trapped... ?!?  
Well LISTEN UP Man...  
STAY OFF The Crack... !!!!!  
The Deck IS STACKED...  
And I'm The Leader of THIS Pack... !!!!!  
I'm Black Like Jack...  
And Use My *****...  
To DIG UP FACTS And Artefacts....  
Then Use My Pen...  
To Express Via Page...  
Which Helps Me VENT...  
My Days of Pain... !!!
Especially When I Then Display...  
My Rage On Stage In Poetic Ways... !!!  
I Never Really Like To Shout...  
Because My Voice...  
Makes QUITE A NOISE... !!!  
I'd Rather Show POISE...  
And Use The Ploy...  
of... Dulcet Tones...  
To Get Things Home...  
Sometimes That Style...  
STILL RATTLES Bones... ?!?  
But Only Those...  
Whose Minds Are VILE... !!!!!  
And Choose To Hide...  
Behind Their LIES...  
Don't I Have THE RIGHT...  
To..... CRITICISE..... ?!?  
Sometimes I'm WRONG...  
Sometimes I'm RIGHT...  
And Sometimes YES...  
... Am JUSTIFIED... !!!  
I Guess I'm Blessed... ?  
To... Speak My Mind...  
While Some Suggest...  
I'm On THE EDGE... !!!
My Use of WORDS...  
Is.... On The Virge...
So DON'T Be Scared...  
If You Get... "Snared"...  
By Wordplay YES...  
EARLIER Prepared.... !!!!!  
It's Really NOT WAR That I Declare....  
But Simply THIS A... " Savoir Faire "...  
That Proves That I'm...  
NOT ON The Edge... !!!  
But ON POINT Son...  
My Wordplay Runs Like...  
" Dum Diddy' Dum Dum,  
Huh.... Dum Dum..... "  
See Sometimes YES...  
I Can Have FUN... !!!  
Let Me Take A Guess....  
Right Now You're STUNNED... !?!  
Well Now You KNOW...  
Having Read This Prose...  
That BIG VIRGE... IS...  
The CHOSEN ONE... !!!
Like Anakin' I Am Destined...  
To Walk Within This World of SINS....  
Through Use of Scripts...  
And EDGY Words That I Confirm....  
..... " On The Virge "......
As my name is Virge, I had to have some fun with the term ........

— The End —