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Behold the One with the Aries, the Ward of Santa Muerte
Our 16th President voted by 16 million Filipinos this 2016
The 1st President from Mindanao from being Mayor of Davao…Duterte!

He is One with MiJoRdGr (Miriam, Jojo, Rody, Grace)
The 4 Opposition Presidentiables who defeated Mar Roxas
And brought Liberal Party its great disgrace!

The One with the Aries from the Land with War
The Land of Promise – feared by typhoons, but filled with goons
So from her came a Liberator among MiJoRdGr!

That this One should war with our nation’s greatest horrors
-Drug Lords, Liberals, Treasoners, Criminals & Terrorists-
These powerful entities to our history are desecrators!

So by being one with lawmakers, law enforcers & lawful people
By the overwhelming power of the Supermajority
Our country’s greatest terrors…Du30 shall conquer them all!

But first, he must defeat his detractors – Leila, Leni & Trillanes
These triple crooks who want to topple the government
Are also said to be conspiring with EU, UN & US!

Yet with Trump’s triumph, US is no longer an enemy
Our American hatred weakened, our Chinese friendship strengthened
As it established great friendship with Pres. Du30!

Do not emulate the girl power of those Liberal crooks
We got an Olympic medalist Heidilyn & Ms. International 2016
But Leila & Leni?...Can only ruin our country…like blasted nukes!

Do not worry for we have Pacquiao as still winner & role model
Alongwith Gen. Bato, a victim of yellow washing machine
But these Pro-Du30 men…to criminals tough, to innocents gentle!

May God allow this True Change to take place with continuity
Let Pres. Duterte lead us for many more years to come
For the Supermajority, for you & me… for our country!

*Our Golden Times During PDu30
My Poem No. 536
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2015
Sea life


Adventourous indeed

But not only

Lot of hazards are there

Alongwith the greatest

What's that?

Greatest enemy of us

It's none but loneliness

Cruel truth of life

Still seafarers have to survive-Written on 06.09.2012,Thursday
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
Sinking I'm sinking
With the every drop of rain
Falling from the sky
Reminds me again & again
Not off you oufcourse
But,off that time
The time we spent together
Underneath the grapevine
Soft touch of bunch of grapes
And,the valley of flowers
Alongwith the gentle breeze
Touching us like an eternal bliss
How can you forget?
How can I survive?
Without you
My Love
Even for a while!
Sinking I'm sinking
For rest of life
Into the world of dark
Far from divine
Please,be with me!
Or,rescue me at once
Otherwise,I've to bid 'Goodbye"
Sinking I'm sinking
Please,let me alive!!!-Written on 26.09.2012
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
Sea life
Adventourous indeed
But not only
Lot of hazards are there
Alongwith the greatest
What's that?
Greatest enemy of us
It's none but loneliness
Cruel truth of life
Still seafarers have to survive-Written on 06.09.2012,Thursday
When god was impressed with a lad,
booned him the loveliest creation he had.
Someone to dote like a mother,
tease him like a sister and non other.
Someone by his side when in pain,
to enjoy alongwith in the rain.
But he insulted the almighty's trust,
for this was not enough to quench his lust.
Tears flowed off the beautiful eyes,
the petals(lips) turned grey due to the cries.
The bubbly cheeks were now dull,
the baby heart went null.

Still the eternal creation being heartbroken
went on loving the world.

But she will again be bestowed upon someone on this earth,
by the god, to the one who realises her worth.
Raindrops like Tears
I have placed my burning lamp in the the window
Where rain drops are coming down like tears
I have to plce my sheer pain to just in a row to flow
Alongwith all my disappointments and dispairs
My love I do remember when you left me alone
And then never ever looked back to ask about me
On a dark night amidst rain drops in painful tone
I do realise this world is a test and trial and to be
But still I place my lamp in a rain as remebrance
That one day you may come back in a real disgust
Please do not forget that still I have dependence
Iam always in front to confunt my my love in trust
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Aug 2021 Love Remains
Kaumudi Jan 2019
In spring they say
Alongwith flowers, love will bloom
But in my fate it was written
To stay in loneliness and gloom.

I stay day and night
Secluded in my room
Reflecting and crying about
My irreparable doom.

But the thought that my world
has ended, I won't assume
As hope creates the space
For happiness to mushroom.
There are times when the whole atmosphere around you is happy while you try your best to overcome your dark feelings, using hope as a shield to protect yourself from them.
©2019, "Sad In Spring" by Kaumudi.
Ayush Panigrahi Sep 2019
The green grass glazed in sunlight
And the leaves seemed yellowish bright
When the dark clouds began to fight
Raindrops were accompanied by thunder and light

When the Peacock spreads its colourful wings
Then my mood blithes when the cuckoo sings
The rain falls with much many drops
And satisfies a million of hopes

The cold wind just soothed my soul
And forced me on the earth to fall
Then there when i opened my eyes
A beautiful rainbow was in the skies

By that time I was completely wet
And it was the time for the sun to set
All those tiny drops of rain
Had washed away all my sorrows and pain

In the night cold, the nature was alive
And the disturbed bees were buzzing in their hive
The clouds had gone and the moon had come
Alongwith the insects had just started their song

It was so peaceful in the dark to listen 
Still unknown to the words they sing
These all were due to the blessings of nature 
Whose moves gave me intense pleasure
That day was like no day before
What my heart says to pass it once more!
The True Feeling Of a Rainy Day
Crimson Jun 2020
Cut open and see my heart.
It is bruised.
Somewhere deeper, in the veins, you will find a tiny, lingering shred of your memory. Intact.
I keep it hidden. Alongwith my other secrets.
Never will I allow myself to die in this dim zone
Though the snowy night freezes me to the bone
I will not expire this way all alone!

Come with me my selfish & cold community
As I warm your houses alongwith thee
You also deserve to burn alongwith me!

So rise now, oh match girl and show them your wrath
This is the moment to bring this town to its blood bath
Add pain, subtract life, multiply death, divide homes – perfect math!

Oh little matches, let’s begin with this dry barn – our chance
Let us confound these creatures from exit to entrance
Dodge with my army of flames as they try to advance

From house to house as we paint the town red
Like the fires of hell, like the blood of head
Like the wrath of volcano, like roses on bed

Burn! Leave no trace of this rotten civilization
This is the night of its fated extinction
Watch the Revenge of Match Girl in fullest demonstration!

*Opposite Endings Collection
My Poem No. 340
amit chaudhari Oct 2019
The parched earth with wrinkles; its visage in a lorn
A few blades of grass scattered alongwith the thorn

The tiller ploughs you gently with coulter parting your soil
He sows his hopes with the grain and a melancholic toil

You now look at the sky and longingly wish for drops of rain
Expecting them to shower their feelings to assuage your pain

But alas, the clouds take no notice and with dispassion dismiss your plea
Refuse you even the scanty drops that you long for before elsewhere they flee

And as bolt from the blue, it pours when it rains; as they say
The torrents of fury washing all that was in its way

Battling the vagaries, one fine morning a sprout peeked into the world
Bravely raising its delicate stalk and then its green leaf unfurled

Inspired by your valour, did a horde of them grow in the fields
With resolute firmness showing to all the power that unity wields

The farmer was blissful and heartily commended you on your feat
As again since ages, you’ll feed mankind with your rice and your wheat

After the harvest you lay barren, yearning for the apt season
You may now be devoid of crops but surely not of reason

Even when the weather is gloomy and there is no sun to shine
Tread along the untrodden and the victory shall be thine

Toil begets success like sloth begets failure; slowly this truth does seep
It is the same with our actions because as you sow so shall you reap
Taken thee at noon
From a living plant
Ornamental one
With pale green flowers
It’s a “euphorbia”!

A Rehab for Youth
Maybe by lads there
Or an employee
Or social worker

About to enter
Their room for lecture
For orientation
Eleven Twenty
Before the lunch break

On fence of entrance
To the lecture room
Alongwith other
Ornamental plants
It’s in Guimaras

On field trip again
But first time in there
With Crim. 2 students
A new experience
With peculiar pipz!

*My Toladas Collection
My Poem No. 264
My Wards
For so many ears I nurtured you with sweat and blood
I provided you with best food ,livelihood and education
I never demanded anything but rocked every flood
So you have to respect me my valour and my passion
In this state I passed I my life being a traveller alone
Alongwith me your mother have sacrificed all desires
I painted this wonderful picture with my blood as crayon
I kept me passion burning with very many fires
Now I gone old and my body has lost vigor but still
I am working hard to be in service to my sweet blood
But now at times When I am ill I think you want to ****
Me and you are ready to send me back to the mud
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright March 2021 Love Remains
Innocent Desire
I want to play with a butterfly to take all her colours
Alongwith her sweet fragrance and sheer innocence
She being afraid keeps hidden all from the lovers
I am fully intoxicated by my real and wild essence
Run run and run to capture but they are very many
How to select one for my innocent aim I don't know
I will only capture the selected one and not just any
I am in the stream of love with zeal and zest to flow
Then in love pursuit I saw the selected one to capture
She was in my hand to colour it with all her colours
What a state of sheer joy and wonderful love rupture
Is this the state of beloveds in the hands of the lovers
Colonel Muhammad khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
I set aboard across the sea
One morning high to hunt some food
But soon the sky became cloudy
Earlier thought the weather’s good

Then hard zephyr passed over me
While at the middle waters deep
Descend the sail so hastily
Must shore return – row, row, row keep

But miles away the land to see
Flashed lightning, roared thunder, poured rain
On my small boat so heavily
Returning safe seems to be vain

Alongwith me my family
Father, mother and lone sister
We cried for help from somebody
But we alone who are in there

So I invoke the Almighty
To stop the storm once and for all
Great, kind and merciful is Thee
To heed my most desparate call.

My Poem No. 216
Raj Bhandari Jul 2019
I wanna be a free bird, that is my wish,
you fly alongwith me,thats what I wish!
Almighty God Creator
Only You whom we adore
Other gods – there is no more!

When everything was nothing
Already there existing
Beginning of beginning

And when everything was born
Then nothingness Thee adorn
Thy sake was never forlorn

As civilizations thrive
New generations arrive
Alongwith them, Thee survive

While everything continues
Thy omnipresence subdues
All existence it imbues

Thy prowess shall still extend
All faults and flaws, still Ye mend
Until Thy creations end!

*First Incubus Collection
My Poem No. 60
Father God, let Jesus Christ fetch my soul alongwith Your Holy Spirit
Bring me to a place where there’s no more cold and heat
Let them judge me according to what they perceived
But it’s only You who truly knows how I lived
As my mortal body dies, let me say, “God is great!”

-sometime in March, April, May or June 2015
My Poem No. 366

— The End —