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alex Nov 2014
There are countless tally marks engraved into this
pit of hurt and sorrow. I have been down
here lying flat on my belly trying not to
grind my teeth. Your name keeps
circling my head making me
dizzier and dizzier by the
minute. When I finally
realize I am being su-
rrounded by water,
it's too late.I look
all around for an
escape but your
name just dan-
ces in front of
my eyes. Eve-
ry hole on my
face starts to
fill up. I beg
myself  to st-
op crying, but
I    can't hear.
The water wa-
nts   to take
me too, but
the weight
tied around
my ankles m-
akes it impos-
sible. When
I look up thr-
ough the tra-
nquil water I
swear the
last thing
I see is
olive Aug 2014
its been a year and
I still don't know w
hat to say when so
meone asks me abo
ut the scars. My fri
ends tell me I look t
he same as I did fiv
e years ago and I a
m relieved, nothing
has changed. She te
lls me she likes the
heart shape my face
akes but I feel a little
broken when I see na
rrow noses and almo
nd eyes. The song yo
u burned for me two
years ago still feels fa
miliar but our friends
hip feels like it's only
taking small baby st
eps forward and I a
m afraid we are too g
entle again, unsure. I
miss it, but I don't. I m
iss it. I don't I don't I
don't. Things are wobb
ly again. I'll be here.
Bailey May 2016
Heads up heads up h
The fear
Takes my t
Blood away blood away b
Slow down slow down s
The race
Give me g
Another day another day a

Blood away
Another day.
with Captain c:
Lemuel Apr 2019
M ightily the sun shines,
E verywhere, flowers are blooming

A ll over, colours are changing
L akes are being filled with fishes
O ver the fields the critters are crawling
N oisily, the bees make sweet honey
E ating away at my soul.
Olga Valerevna Sep 2017
don't know what it is about bleeding
that *m
akes my poor heart come alive
I'm dressing in red for a reason
and tonight I'll be totally blind

it's then I will learn how to see You
with eyes I could never explain
You answer my questions completely
in blood You let pour through my veins

While others discuss what is dying
I'll listen because I am Yours    
as both of my bodies surrender
I will make my way back to before
my dearest friend.
Elizabeth Bleu May 2016
The silent songs that I hear seem so far away
Like a distant whiff and chaff loikw the wind,
I close my eyes and let the whisperers tell me their secret.
For years, I travelled on a road that had me comparing and striving fo something that was never there.
I felt like I was in despair and if I was utterly confused.

And then I found my peace in a better piece.
A poem that settled my mind at ease, that had me cruising above more than I could see. I left a little part of me in everyone I've met and so it was the cause for wonder when I caught up in a glam dream.

My peace that I found in Eartyhwas a single poem found named
Desiderata. Thank you for my peace the one that actually !akes me sleep.
TreadingWater Jun 2016
with someone {new}
it's a punc_ ture wound;
it's a ra/zor/blade/tooth/
& i ₩anna be €ool
but there's. no.           room.
'cause this heart's #shreds
it's>all >consumed
¿What¿ is it about me
that isn't eno[ugh]
》》》i never asked》for》 it
It's as if you - LiVE - to -  ****. me. in.
late night whiskey/morning gin
i make¡ you¡ come¡
When #daylight _ shows
none. of. it. matters.
it's like; the dawn makes
your memory ****>>>ter
& I ******* know (how it) always ends
Yet; here. I.  am.
back\       .again.
silly rhyme time
Hell-Loves-Blues Feb 2020
I doubt that you love me, though I don't know for sure, I'm hoping that one day there'll be an open door, one that opens with a squeak and a squeal or maybe a sharp crack, one that when opened you can't quite close back, one that makes you miss me when I stray to far away, one that makes you want to draw me nearer every day, one that maybe even makes you want to make me stay. I want a door to open that hurts you when my heart breaks, a certain type of door that cures all my akes, a door I can close behind me when I step in, a door that closes and still let's light in, a door where on the other side my lover is my best friend.....
I'll always love you... Even if you'll never love me too...
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Lost in the crowd
Alone and hurt
The pain runs thick
No one is beside u
No one is with u
Not one person really cares about u
I do nothing wrong
I do nothing right
I'm so sad inside it akes my heart
This is the worst depression
The pain is insane  
I can't live with it much longer
I'm getting weaker and weaker
I just know I don't be long here
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Just waiting to dies slow
The pain is no better then the lies
heart akes with every breath
sadness and the feeling of nothing let
it's binds up and squeezes tight
Putting me out of place in a twilight
blood flow out of my eyes
hurt and heart broke from life
No friends to help out no one's around to see my torment
my life is a disaster  my soul is locked up in an air tight box
No time to breath no feeling of free no relaxation
And no self esteem
Fought for the end but now I'm just waiting
Theirs nothing left but pain and  paytionts  
Waiting to die I'm anxious
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Just waiting to dies slow
The pain is no better then the lies
heart akes with every breath
sadness and the feeling of nothing let
it's binds up and squeezes tight
Putting me out of place in a twilight
blood flow out of my eyes
hurt and heart broke from life
No friends to help out no one's around to see my torment
my life is a disaster  my soul is locked up in an air tight box
No time to breath no feeling of free no relaxation
And no self esteem
Fought for the end but now I'm just waiting
Theirs nothing left but pain and  paytionts  
Waiting to die I'm anxious
Renae Jan 2018
Only thoughts
Become words
Every inch corner, crease
So please
Stay captured with
Excessive longing
Desperately watching....


Heaven smiles

Our endeavours
Under seemingly
Graven circumstances
True intention is revealed


You will be
Obsessed with me
Until time is no more


Makes love
To sit atop
a throne
of pikes
with swin-
ging ankles
grazing clo-
uds of milk.
Above the w-
eary world, a-
way, way up
Looking down at salty, earthed disl-
ikes, and infections rankled. When dre-
ssed in robes of silk, unfurled. Woven fr-
om a lowly worms squirming, teary cry.
­A squ-           And, i-                      Thorn
inting             t's pre-                      curls, r-  
  eye m-           y, all, a-                     ed. As
   akes              re tan                       our flo-
   out a              -gled.                       ck, slow-
   shrike.              ----                           ly, die.
      ----                                                      ----

© poormansdreams
A poem about the shrike, it's thorn and a throne.
David R Jul 2021
K indness done in this life
A ssures good prospects in the next,
R un amok with gun and knife
M akes for a very different text
A s what you do, next life affects.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 19
My  po   as  bee  anction d
hat  is   hy  it  akes no   ense

— The End —