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Dylan Jul 2023
Magenta gown - flares in the stream of a August breeze.
Petals aflow in the grove
that looms on the edge of the seas.
Sweet oleander and the starshine of unease.

Nerium spawn - wade in the flames of afterlight.
Leaves aflow in the grove
where bewitching toxins invite
sweet Pythia and the citadel of night.

Still wandering upon pathways of doom
where the laurel of madness is first to bloom.

Magenta gown - stills in the dark of a dawning sun.
Stamens aflow in the grove
as the shadows of memory are overrun.
Sweet island, the sacred threads are undone.
Anthony McKee Jan 2012
et Sulis Minerva

A warmth cradles me to another world
Of peace, of paradise beyond man
Of innocence, of faith
Of judgement, of wrath.

I hold my limbs up high
As I caress with the rock hard slab
Scrubbing the sin away
The resilient dirt which must part.

The hairs quiver
Under the residue
The slimy depths of disgrace
That I shed; milky, cloudy, impure.

The beast howls within me
Convulsing as the tainted broth
Stains my eyes
Begging mercy, penance aflow.

At last! I am free
From the evils
That plague me all my days
Pray now, I should not return.
kanma Oduwegwu Oct 2015
Lines aflow and about
rushed to welcome thee
and the bundle in thy hand
pushing buttons that said;
Look straight
This poem is unread,
Unrevealed and strange
Hold tight....

Hold tight you did
This mama rare
In tears, pain and joy
you provided and chastened
leaping at the tiniest of successes
pushing boldness forth
caring like we were just one
but as for one, you did for all
with the grace on you
that I desire an inch.

those from that blessed womb
this sojourn is sweeter 'cos of you
#Losechukwu and Uweoma
my CEO's and executive minsters
You sweet-talked me to victory
#Ebubechukwu and Obianinulu
My pretty sisters from one blessed mother
Prof and Wizzy- Brain
being an Oduwegwu born Female would have been Boring without you guys

Friends, sweethearts, mentors, Fathers, Mothers, brothers and sisters. I wonder the turn my life would have taken without you guys.

I mentioned you last, cos I didn't know if the space above would be enough.
My Hero, Mentor, Teacher, Provider
You are many things in one thing
breaking odds and making roads
soothing our pain from afar
Daddy mi
I appreciate you
Having you is more than an inspiration
Words flee for fear
From your personality great
so stop I must against my wish

God has blessed me through you, turning the frightened little girl into a confident woman right under your roof.

Space is pleading
and heed I must
for future chances I crave
and deny it can
but God knows my heart
He's been faithful and true
Giving me new chances
With each dawn of the day
I'm grateful for life
and chances about
Living till this day, is only from Grace

Grandmother divine
Nnemukwu onye efoma
I appreciate you!!!
Sharing this month with you
Is fulfilling and uplifting
You birthed the best and prettiest woman I know # C O Oduwegwu
Moulded her with thy hands
and taught her to groom us
I'm grateful for your birth.
Inspiration and strength
I draw from your life
When the day comes to go
You'll pass with smiles

Finally I stop
but I wish not so
but Gladness overflows
and you I must mention
My Children in DLBC Afia-eze
I love you guys
Your laughter, creativity & high-spirit
Bring strength to my bones.
You are

the sigh in every moment
the wish in every breath
the dream in every gesture
the hope that stills regret.

You fill my days with visions
my nights with thoughts aflow'r
i find myself whisp'ring plans
and counting down the hours.

...but still, through this, i wonder:
what do You see in me...?
i feel as though Your touch amends
my lack of symmetry.
written in 2011
Antonyme Aug 2018
Drifting on the horizon
waiting to pass beyond
into what no one knows,
Anchored to the ground
in search of the clouds so far above,
though, looking past those clear mountains
blue lakes aflow,
I see all to be told
all to be seen
all to be heard,
and I wonder
if one day,
I can best those mountains,
swim in those lakes,
and cross over
the horizon...
look where no one has looked before
though, before doing that,
take a peek into your heart
Vinnie Adams Apr 2018
within moments of pity,
pride, possession, avarice;

and still, moments must resentful,
lustful, arduous, close;

some great current, unmoved
unblunted, unweakened, unswerved,
remains aflow;

for common nearness, a bondless magnetism,  
abounds through within faith-constance,
ever-surmounting that sight or scent
there without.
Butch Decatoria May 2016
I can't believe how much I love him

   don't stop these spells of static stirrings
   won't wash it away, like sleep
   in my succint showers
(rightly, comely in my hand)

And still I absorb
the absolute-arrangements of him,
the bear-bulk hulk of him

still I swoon,
   aroused with naive-named niceties
   ceremonial dreams of touchable torches...
And I am overcome,
by flagrant fuels, aflow
ever the more juvenile
   for who am I / to have
   the grand spectacles of him...?

I can't imagine why I love him so
   can't begin to convince or list it
   don't keep this leaping lush of laden love
   ungoverned / inside...
I won't ignore it
I can not hide
I want to tell him
   like laughter spreads its joy
   he's a riddle to be reveled in,
Want to know the questions
his face the answer I want to see...

It is he that silences
the noise of me,

it is he that revises
the mistakes of me,

it is he that spends
the worth of me,

it is he that lifts up
the truth of me

I can't believe
I can't begin

how much I am
                            in love with
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
"At Last"

At last I see what true love is
As we battled through the years
Not ever once was I alone
You were always standing there!
You've always been so solid
A pillar in life's sand
No matter what the struggles then
You always had a plan!
I know i've let you down sometimes
Not always there to hold
I've seen those times with tears aflow
You still stood strong and bold!
I know you will forgive me
Your love will be no less
I thank My God, He sent you here,
With your love I'm so blessed!
You're quite the best example
What true love's meant to be
I'm sorry dear it took so long
For me finally once to see!
Although in life at times it seems
We'd crumble from the pain
We made it through these storms once more
Just dancing in life's rain
Let's put the hurt behind us now
The struggles from the past
I'll be right here to hold you now
Forever more at last!
Split Nov 2019
When will pulse increase
out of excitement
rather than fear?

regretful hearts
signal a cry.

Tears slip down
onto our heals,
feet no longer
cling to soil.

left the brain
to rot and boil.

have no grit
have no might

do as you're told
don't question molds.

oh how these days of symmetry
lack any sort of tranquility.

for now, our bodies mimic
palpitations of so-called workaholics.

actions contradicting
wishful tendencies

each obedient second
portraying societies' needle.

lackluster blood entering veins
infecting what once kept organs aflow.

in reach of hearts
it may not pump

but within our souls,
we grasp control.
Joseph Flores Mar 2018
A man sits still. Deep and long of ponder.

A long, wispy feather.
Dipped in a pool of ink.
Its veiny hollow filled by liquid draw.

The plume's stalky rootlet.
Is set firm upon a foolscape.
Trawled heavy across the lay.
Spurs a silken slipstream of inelastic indigo.

Sharp. Esteemed.
Bent tipped quill.
Ink aflow.
Records forever.
His thoughts and dreams.
Fears and subtleties.

Words expressed in ink.
For all to see.
What do they really mean?

Words of a popular song.
Vague and drawl.
Words penned for the general view.
Mean absolutely nothing at all.

Words that dare to affect another.
The most intensely personal words ever tendered.
Words mined from the deepest canyons of thought.
Words not written of one another.
But words written of oneself.
These are the words most meaningful to me.

Words that define the mortal poet.
Words that form the evil poem.
Words that swirl subversively poetic.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'd rather know a passionate poem.
Than sing a popular song.

— The End —