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Riot Apr 2014
why can't i just run away
why can't you just stay
why can't you believe me when i say
there is somthing i've never done
i'm not a victim of that way
why can't i just be who i am
just because i'm not famous
and know where i stand
why do you let people
**** there own people
has it really come to that?
having birthdays in hospitals
without their whole family there
because thier country
doesn't know who to fight
why can't we all help them there?
who else knows about the trubles
in syria
killing there owm
who else is acually going to
"save the children"
why can't we give those children
a safe home
save the children
I look in the mirror and I see it in my eyes,

I start to feel it in my heart,

It's all things that can make a man cry,

It is distance that we part

I didnt think it would take much for you to realize,

To read between the lines,

To look deeper inside,

Take the time,

For us to confide

It's love I wish to share,

It's something fragile I need to give,

So please listen, take a chair,

My life...with you, I want to live

One second,one minute,one moment,

I want you to give me,

To show you what Im worth,

To get you to believe

Cupid has lended me a curse,

Of falling in love with the first I see

Im sickened by you, I need a love nurse,

I really think I do, I do

They say that some phenom makes your heart skip a beat,

And I know its because of you

The thought of love, passion, or desire,

I think of it as love's heart burn,

Because my heart finds you hot like fire,

For the love teacher, I have already learned

Now I want to quit wasting time and acually experiance it,

They say choose where your heart takes you,

So I try things a bit,

because your heart is known to seek truth,

And I followed my hearts footsteps

It lead me to where I met you...
Youngsecretpoetry (c() Johnathan Crutchfield
As my love for you seeps away,
As I lie here with nothing to say,
And all this time,it fly's by,
My heart grows smaller,and starts to die,
The vision of you,it starts to loose its touch,
My heart is big for you,
now not so much,I'm loosing love,gaining nothing,
I thought mylove for you,was acually something,
Feeling sorrow, but I cant admit it,
Here in solitude,thinking about it,
I'm not absorbing hate,
But I'm starting to believe somthing called fate.
Even though I just said all this stuff,
Im going to still love you,
but just not as such.
Bad things can happen to great friends,
for a moment their I felt as if my soul had to decend.
Now I'm feeling the letting off of sympathy,
and my soul coming to harmony,
but I still dont know why you were starting to feel,far from me.
Now as I open my eyes,
I see that nothing is intentional,
and how love can seem so non-fictional.
Love really gets to some people,
But to me it seems 2 dimensional,
Like ones real and the other is unbelieviable,
Love can control what we have,
believe it or not its decieviable.
But as I stumble on this path,
I soon began to relize that its always pleadable.
A scar on the heart, a **** on love,
And how it can cross ones heart,
And leave a cruel and happy story of true art,
From people of true parts,
That soon come together,
In the mixed emotions of bad weather.
Youngsecret Poetry © Johnathan Crutchfield!/pages/Poetrywriterspoems-youngsecret-/111156695600866
Devon Sep 2013
I found a poem from you
tucked between two books on my shelf
I don't remember putting it there
but there it was
your penmanship marked the envelope
and it was titled
This Belongs to You
And I smiled as I read it
for how cliche it was
how simple the rhyme scheme
and overused the lines were
at the bottom was a note from you
declaring your never ending love
and how your heart would always be mine
The last thing it said was that
you would never hurt me
and you don't know how much that made me laugh
because you did hurt me
in every intimate way you knew you could
every word you knew never to say to me
you screamed
when I asked you to stop you just kept going
but thats nothing new since you never understood what no meant
you laughed at me when you heard my voice catch
and you said you were happy I was crying
since you could never smile when I did
you called me unstable
and you certainly made me feel it
I nearly killed myself that night
when you said you told him I was a worthless ****
and that he told you he would never go near me again
and that he never acually cared about me
I was within a fraction of death
and the only thing that stopped me
was knowing that it was what you wanted me to do
you made things personal  babe
so let me reiterate the last words I ever said to you
Ana S Aug 2016
With every word is a silent fight.
The fight to **** the demons whom come to play at the break of night.
Dawn covers my screams.
A cut for every crushed dream.
Every meaningless cry.
Nobody sees the pain hidden within my eyes.
Nobody can see my wrists bleeding.
Nobody hears my thoughts screaming.
They see the person I pretend to be.
The perfect girl whom fits in socioty.
Not the one with crippling depression and anxiety.
They are all lies you see.
Absolutely everything.
I tell you I'm okay.
Acually I'm just waiting to say...
Waiting I breath...
One last breath...
Whisper goodbye...
Finally close my eyes....
Finally **** the voices.
Finally free.
The voices never leave
I look in the mirror and I see it in my eyes,

I start to feel it in my heart,

It's all things that can make a man cry,

It is distance that we part

I didnt think it would take much for you to realize,

To read between the lines,

To look deeper inside,

Take the time,

For us to confide

It's love I wish to share,

It's something fragile I need to give,

So please listen, take a chair,

My life...with you, I want to live

One second,one minute,one moment,

I want you to give me,

To show you what Im worth,

To get you to believe

Cupid has lended me a curse,

Of falling in love with the first I see

Im sickened by you, I need a love nurse,

I really think I do, I do

They say that some phenom makes your heart skip a beat,

And I know its because of you

The thought of love, passion, or desire,

I think of it as love's heart burn,

Because my heart finds you hot like fire,

For the love teacher, I have already learned

Now I want to quit wasting time and acually experiance it,

They say choose where your heart takes you,

So I try things a bit,

because your heart is known to seek truth,

And I followed my hearts footsteps

It lead me to where I met you...

Youngsecretpoetry (c) Johnathan Crutchfield
AW May 2018
If I would lose every connection, it would be called dedicated deception.
I'd ask myself this question, am I really in the right session?

I've thought about being tall, but people rather wanted me to stay small.
I've looked helpless for a moment, but when I called for help, I just faced torment.
Whenever I felt down, the people who would have shown, where only those who've thrown.

I just want to dream, and I rather don't want to be seen.
I've got hurt so many times, it felt like being captured in a crime.
Those people who've talked to me about love, acually always were rough.

I have no right to rule or demand, but would have loved it, to take someone's hand.
I just want to be respected, and not neglected by all those ******* crackheads.
But everything that happens to me, will be something I'll make you see,
and then you'll agree, that I was feeling like I had to flee.

I never had expected, that I would be distracted,
but I always did, when u acted, like I was accepted.

I've got used, and never really felt amused,
but does it matter, my mood changes like the weather.

Sometimes I cry so much, that my tears could drown you,
and I show my feelings, infront of you weaklings.
You're feeling strong, but actually are stupid all day long.

I've got beaten down, but I am here, picking up that crown.
Everyone of you always feels so high, but for me it's not even worth to sigh.
It might be sad to hear, but I've got used to my fear.

I am strong enough, to never give up, and I will never change,
I'll be the friend for those who need me, and maybe one day you'll understand and see,
that everyone who's around you,
is nothing but a dedicated deception, and you should ask yourself this question...
do you actually have any meaningful connection?
fux May 2017
I acually don't care anymore,
All I hear is nevermore,
Well if I stay alone, nothing terrifies me more,
I think I love you,
And that's the worst,
But I will try to not focus on the words,
If you can tell you should say,
Let me be or always stay,
I'm shutting down my feelings now,
All I do is grind.
23. March 2017
Tabitha Lee Dec 2021
I can smile but at times i feel like i can't
My prayers get answered with pill that number rises with every year
And a mood stablizier that is there just to be part of the party

I can be your machine lover. Just don't get my hands ***** for you. You say it will be alright but you don't know what is going on in my mind. You say the ******* sun will shine but be in my shoes for a chance.

You know how it feels to be at the end of your rope...
Depression does that.
Depression take a good day and throw that idea out the window.
I would say ***** depression too if i were you.
Don't wish it upon yourself just so you can fit in.
But for me i acually struggle.
So i find a way out...
     A single slice of skin..
           A puff of nicotine...
               A prose of poetry....

Yeah, you make a vice
A vice so you can forget everything
A vice that leaves scars
Because you are trying to find a light

That scares people
You have the ability to harm yourself
Your "temple"
But ****...sometimes to heal you got to hurt!
So let me be
Let me heal

— The End —