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Dear Sun,
 You whipped my brow
 With your lashes of heat
 You made my mood sour
 Your shadow burnt my feet
 So now you owe me
 Good, I'm glad we both agree

 After wearing me out today
 I ask in good faith
 As you go your way
 In your steady gait
 Take this message for me
 To my friend beyond the sea

 Tell him to come back to me
 I miss him so much already
 My smiles have become very few
 And I'm always sad, always blue
 All I have left of him are
 That keep me in constant

 Be kind Sun, be kind to him
 Give him only warmth, don't
 burn his skin
 Don't forget to tell him all I said
 And tomorrow when I get up
 from bed
 I await his reply from you
 And I hope it's favourable too.
I rolled on my back
The room is pitch black
Why can't I sleep?
I know, I really had to ***

I stumbled off the bed
Carrying my heavy head
Dragging my feet
Lazy eyes closed as I ran into a seat

Cold tiles chilling my sole
I couldn't even think clearly
Staying too late was taking its toll
As I reached the toilet missing it barely

A dreary road it was
On my way back to the room
I stubbed my toe but didn't curse
Right before I collided with a broom

Door shut behind me
I go to greet warm sheets
As I melt into the bed beneath
I know I've never felt more sleepy
A meal for one
Is an unhappy meal
For a meal of fun
Two's the deal!
Hold me close, it's so cold
Make the first move, I'm not that bold
This cold weather do I loathe
So with your warm skin clothe
My covering tonight
No honey, let's not fight
Arguments do us no good
Be it about money or food
Hold me tonight
Hold me till the morning light
Eyes heavy
Mind dull
Body weary
Weak sure

Bed comfy
Pillow fluffy
Sleep now
Good... zzzz.
 Nov 2015 William Le
 Nov 2015 William Le
I think I'm better off admiring things & people from a distance.
I always mess things up when I get too close.
 Nov 2015 William Le
that moment I first saw you
I knew I was in trouble
you were too handsome
far too smart and too sweet
I knew I was in denial
you said these words to me
that compelled me to fall for you
lies probably
but I listened anyway
knowing this could be fiction
but hoping it was the truth
ever since you left
I have realized that I miss you
ever since you left
I look for you everywhere I go
and ever since you left
you cannot escape my mind
I was told to stop looking
so I did
then you appeared
and I told myself
that I wasn't looking for you
but maybe I was
and maybe you fooled me
into thinking I was special
rare and wonderful
did you mean that at all
now I don't think so
I am stuck on you
and it scares me intensely
all my options seem wrong
I cannot leave you
but I cannot stay
when you held me that first night
I knew I would never let that feeling go
when you stared into my eyes
and asked me
"what are you thinking about?"
I knew I couldn't tell you
because I would look like a fool to say
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