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julie Mar 2019
you see the climbing rose
on the garden fence?

and the ivy that competes with her?
birds promise springtime
but in me remains
the everlasting winter
julie Feb 2019
take the bottle of wine
light your cigarette
open your heart
and give me your hand
to dance barefoot
with the summer wind
julie Feb 2019
One day I stumbled across a word
I was still small
still  clueless
without the knowledge that
the word
would accompany me
years later,
perhaps even be my constant companion

Years later I met the word again, knowing well what it meant
I have memorized it to this day,
the word
5 letters, only 5
in random order
the possibilities infinite
but the combination
of these 5 letters
julie Feb 2019
green as my living room wall
green as the door of my neighbor's house
green as the shoes of a passer-by
green as the bottle of wine on my desk
green as the ivy towering above my house
green as the chairs of my favorite café
green as my favorite color

and all that reminds me of
the ******* green
of your lying eyes
julie Feb 2019
sing me an aubade
at beginning of aurora
serene and mellifluous
it's like a reverie, a felicity

you soliloquize, so calm
that it could be psithurism
I hear
the beating of your heart,
like the sound of a watch
enwrapped in cotton

a summer's zephyr opens the balcony windows,
so gently
dust particles are dancing
in the morning light
and are slowly falling on the white bedding sheets
do you smell the scent
of our neighbor's citrus trees?
2 hours by car is Venice
and I invite you to stay
in the enchanted and narrow alleys
with me
julie Jan 2019
Bukowski was a genius,
Angelou a writing goddess,
Neruda made people dream,
and Kaur still does

words were their essence of life
a pen their strongest weapon
and their mind
their closest ally
julie Jan 2019
I could swear that I saw you
last night
under the old oak at the pond
closely entwined
in the arms of a man;
you looked up into the dark night sky
and it seemed
as if you were trying
to find an answer to all your questions;
last night,
yes, it was yesterday
I could swear that I saw you.
under the old oak at the pond
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