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julie Jan 2019
I could swear that I saw you
last night
under the old oak at the pond
closely entwined
in the arms of a man;
you looked up into the dark night sky
and it seemed
as if you were trying
to find an answer to all your questions;
last night,
yes, it was yesterday
I could swear that I saw you.
under the old oak at the pond
julie Jan 2019
Tu vois la lune ?
Sa grâce, son élégance.
son allure, aussi vulnérable que celle d'un enfant.
Et pourtant, elle brille et fait briller le monde entier.
Enchanted by the moon
You see the moon?
her grace, her elegance.
her countenance, as vulnerable as that of a child.
And yet she shines and shows her brilliance to the world.
julie Jan 2019
"911, what is your emergency?"
"hard to describe"
"how can we help you"
"I think my heart broke"
"Sorry, we can't help you"
julie Jan 2019
I saw Grim Reaper
standing behind your back
as he slowly tried
to reach for your soul
and I offered him my hand
so that he would take mine
instead of yours;
as obliging as a gentleman
he kissed my hand
and together we danced
the last dance
julie Jan 2019
isn't it weird?
I was never jealous.
of nothing, of nobody.
But today I became aware of;
I'm eternally jealous.
Of the woman
who will be yours
one day
julie Dec 2018
shadows are stretching over the walls,
moonlight brightens my room,
clouds are trying to veil his countenance,
and the church bell rings midnight

milk with honey should take me to sleep,
but adrenaline flows trough my veins,
dark secrets keep me awake
and occupy my head
like a knight the hostile fortress

finding no sleep, no rest
on my balcony I smoke the last cigarette
before the sun rises,
before the morning dawn;
before the magic of the night fades
and the secrets turn into reality
julie Nov 2018
they were taken to the grave a long time ago,
they fought for all those who were worth fighting for.
and now they are forgotten and one with the earth
they once fought for.
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