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Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Your eyes shine with more intensity than the ocean can roar
Their image forever embedded within my mind
Reaching even the deepest crevices
Bringing light tot even the darkest depths
Awakening me from within
They're so easy to get lost in
It's like  I become cloud
Lost in the vast, endlessly beautiful blue sky that is your eyes
Your eyes
You could say I adore them.
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Some people crave
Things that stir them awake
Set ablaze
A fire
That brings light to the dark
Your eyes
Are my fear
My adrenaline
They are scary and exciting
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Your best friend is dear to you
You have some of your fondest memories with them
But what happens when them being your friend isn't enough
You want more of them
But you also don't want to take a chance
Because you might gain
You might lose
It's a game of risks
Gain a love?
Lose a friend?
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Why does life have to be like this?
You search the world over
Looking for the perfect specimen
Someone who you think is worthy of you
Your good, your bad
You're ******* awesome
But it seems like there's none around
But then you look to your side
There's your friend
Your best friend
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
I desire to make love to you
But not just to your body
I want to tantalize
your mind
See if I can stimulate it just a little
Show you a thing or two
I just want.......
I want to make sure that you know there's more than meets the eye
Anyone can pull down their pants
For a little romance
As for me
I prefer a sexier entropy
I want to make love to your mind
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
You think that you know what I want
But in reality you don't
You think that I desire your touch
Your caress
But with these I can only be preoccupied at best
Your presence, your being
I need
Because by you
And by you only
My heart, my soul
Are freed
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
A bird this morning sang upon my window sill
And from this I was made to realize
All that was and was not real
The intensity of your stare
The way it made me feel
Until I finally saw
My fatal flaw
Your heart I was unable to steal
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