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You never seem to want to help
You never seem to care
You never jump to save my heart
You never come when I'm falling
You tell me I'm an emotional girl
I'll tell you that you're a disrespectful dad.
You let her call me names
You let her rattle and toy with my emotions
You let her hurt me in ways you don't understand
And yet you think she's and angle.
The boy I like he's sweet and adorable.
But all you tell me I'm to young
So I'm calling BS  on all your so called "guenuine" feelings
Because this girl is gone!
For those of you who like this please like an comment ! I know it's a little all over the place I'm new with poetry.
When we hugged
I never asked you
To check my back
For stab wounds
But I'm thankful
That you did
And now you've gone
And left me with
The same scars
 May 2014 valkyrieAc3s
Two months ago,
I would have done anything
To make us work.
To make you happy.

Two months ago,
I was yours and you were mine

You want me back.
You want to prove to me
That you've changed,
That you're not the same.

But today,
I think it's too late.
I'm battling between the voice
In my head, and the voice
In my heart.
 May 2014 valkyrieAc3s
AD Sifford
One click was all it took
And I was hooked
Once glance, yeah just one look
And my faith was shook
One sin, my world caved in
Flooding in with water to my chin
And I still can't believe it all came down
With one click

And the devil said to me,
"Boy, you belong to me
And you'll never be free
Your heart is bound to me with

One click" was all it took
And I was hooked
Once glance, yeah just one look
And my faith was shook
One sin, my world caved in
Flooding in with water to my chin
And I still can't believe it all came down
With one click

Now God I'm on my knees
For the millionth time I plead
Do not abandon me
Pour your light down on me

One man is what it took
It's in your book
A lamb who had not sinned
One cross, his blood was lost
But you raised Him up again
One hope is all I have
And I am glad
That You are the God You are
Because I know that by your strength I'll overcome
That once click
|Written 2011|

I thought of myself as a "good" Christian boy. I'd loved God my whole life. Never let a cuss word come to my lips, opposed every kind of evil, and loved for good to triumph in all things. I wanted God's way--his Will to be done.
It all came down with one click of the mouse. MY sense of innocence--along with my misplaced pride--was broken. Instantly I was ensnared by a new beast I never knew or could have imagined lived within me. I became addicted to *******, a slave to all available forms of lust. I was a sinner, fully realized. I tasted death and slept with it. And some point after that breaking point, I finally truly understood the Love of the God who yet pursued me, and offered me freedom, grace, and forgiveness. It was then I learned his love. Then I began to be truly humbled. Then I learned to love others. And then that I realized just what Christ has truly done for me--for you...for us all.
He taught me how to take hold of the freedom from sin, the freedom that He purchased for us by taking our place on the cross. The cross, where horizontal met vertical, heaven met earth, righteousness and sin, God and man collided.

Though scars remain, as do struggles, and temptations, and weakness, healing and growth, maturity and refining do come through Him.

I was freed from a daily, 2+ year addiction, about 3 years ago. Do I still slip up? Yes. Am I perfect? Not even close. But God reminds me of my dependence on Him, shows me his faithfulness through me, grants me more strength as I grow into it and learn, and I become better, slowly, all the time. There are slips and backslides, but where I lose footing once, God brings me a greater number steps forward.
Maturity is a slow thing. Faithfulness is formed through years of fire. But it all works for the better in the end.

And through my experiences, addiction, depression, brokenness, shame, and hopelessness, this heart in me has formed in new ways; I can relate to you, know your struggle, walk you with me back through the processes that bettered me, and healed me, and allowed me to know freedom. I can show you why I have hope, and that God has always been faithful, and how He has. I have love for my enemies, and have compassion for the worst, the most lost, of sinners.  I am a sinner.  But a righteous God knows me. He loves us. All of us. And He grace for every one. We're his children. Nothing can ever change that. Literally, nothing can. He will always forgive the repentance in the heart of one of his broken children, and He understands our weakness better than we even do. And He even felt it as a man, and knows it as God. Trust Him. And He will give you a better life. The one He made you for.

God bless.

- ADSciple // A.D. Sifford,  [May 22, 2014; 18:24]

I've done some songwork with One Click. All that's finished at this time is the vocal melody.

© 2017 A.D. Sifford.
I'm okay with you sharing my poems, but I ask that you show courtesy. Please be honest about the authorship by attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
This world is chaos
This world is full of terribly beautiful things
This world hides it imperfections
This world hide the damage it can cause
This world has volcanos, and earthquakes, hurricanes, etc... Have you ever thought of those things as the world breaking down from all the abuse we cause to it!
Maybe were not the only ones getting hurt
Maybe were the ones hurting the place we love breath and live our lives on
You make me happy
But sad at the same time
You chose me
Yet you haven't
You chose to be nice
And yet you still cause pain
I want to be in your arms
But I'm scared you'll drop me
I guess these are feelings of love
and yet I think I love you...
He drives me insane and I can't get him out of my head... Only if he knew... Only if
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