I love you.
It probably looks odd
but you have a way
of making me stammer.
Stumble over words
my toes got caught under a throw rug
I'm a disaster flick with a grizzly ending,
When it comes to you,
I know up from down
The moon shines brighter
The water I drink tastes more crisp.
I was alive and well before you.
But because of the things you've done as a friend,
I'm living.
I'm free.
I'm getting ahead of myself.
ended like you say
want nights to end.
With you in your bed,
Me on the couch.
From here I can't hear you breath
Feel your warmth,
I can send you my love.
I can still do all the things I would have from my bed.
The only difference is
My heart aches a lot more,
Why wouldn't it?
The woman I love,
The north star in my life
My best friend,
The woman I can laugh with
The woman I can sing for
The woman whom I would die for
The woman i swear I'll protect
The woman who makes my face hurt,
From smiling,
The kindest,
Most honest,
Most loving,
Most caring
Most talented woman I will ever know,
Is laying forty feet away,
Tucked neatly in her blanket
Behind closed eyes and doors.
I love you.
God, I ******* love you.
I'm so in love with you.
I just can't formulate a rhyme
Or a metaphor
Or A simile
To describe it.
Rachel, please
I'm begging you
Let me hold you tonight.